[Pandas-dev] Unit test reorganization

Jeff Reback jeffreback at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 20:53:51 EST 2016

no idea

> On Jan 8, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Wes McKinney <wesmckinn at gmail.com> wrote:
> + mailing list
> Do the distros run them _after_ installation? I'm talking about
> installing the unit tests during `python setup.py install`, but still
> including them in the tarball.
>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Jeff Reback <jeffreback at gmail.com> wrote:
>> all for reorging into subdirs as these have grown pretty big
>> what's the big deal with shipping the test?
>> I suspect some of the Linux distros do run them
>> and just merged https://github.com/pydata/pandas/pull/11913
>> though we can could configure s subset that ships I suppose
>>> On Jan 8, 2016, at 8:34 PM, Wes McKinney <wesmckinn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi folks,
>>> I have a few questions about the test suite. As context, I note that
>>> test_series.py is now 8200 lines and test_frame.py 17000 lines.
>>> Big #1 question is, how strongly do you feel about *shipping* the test
>>> suite in site-packages? Some other libraries with sprawling and
>>> complex test suites have chosen not to ship them:
>>> https://github.com/zzzeek/sqlalchemy
>>> Independently, I would support and help with starting a judicious
>>> reorganization of the contents of pandas/tests. So I'm thinking like
>>> tests/
>>>   dataframe/
>>>   series/
>>>   algorithms/
>>>   internals/
>>>   tseries/
>>> and so forth.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> - Wes
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