[Pandas-dev] Setuptools detection of host cpuinfo and/or header file availablity

yoval p. yoval at gmx.com
Sat Apr 27 00:16:08 CEST 2013

Hi stephen,

Nothing I know of that you can't google just as well as me or better.
There's PyCPUID, which explicitly reports SSEx support, you could
document it in the README and use it if it's available at build time.

By "including intrinsics" do you mean setting compiler optimization
flags that preclude older cpus from the binary ? or are you planning to
embed asm in the cython files? I wouldn't put it past you.

icc can automatically bloat the binary with parallel paths and choose at
runtime like you describe IIRC.


On 04/27/2013 12:41 AM, Stephen Lin wrote:
> Well, I can do a runtime cpuid check but there's some expense for that
> (not for the check so much, but in making the executable include both
> code paths into the same executable and making it possible to select
> between them at runtime...). Also, that still leaves the header
> availability issue.
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Jeff Reback <jeffreback at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I believe Numexpr does this (not sure it's 'reliable', but it's cross platform)
>> I am think this is runtime - but could also be in setup
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 5:12 PM, Stephen Lin <swlin at post.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Yoval,
>>> I had a question about setuptools that Wes suggested I run by you...do
>>> you know if there's there's a canonical (and, hopefully by extension,
>>> reliable and cross-platform...) way of checking for host cpu
>>> capabilities and header file availability in a python setuptools
>>> script to configure a build?
>>> This is for potentially including code using SSE intrinsics into pandas.
>>> Stephen
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