[oscon] OSCON: booth planning

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Tue May 5 22:50:10 CEST 2009

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 15:55, Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> With OSCON in San Jose this year, I'd like to make a Python/PSF booth
> finally happen.  I'm comfortable organizing it, but I have no experience
> procuring booth materials.  Who here can help figure out what we need to
> get and how much it will cost?  What kind of timeline do we need?

I think the first question to answer is: what are the goals of the booth?

* To raise awareness of Python & the PSF.

I think that's a given. But what message do we want to send out? Do we
want pamphlets printed (and if so, what should they say)? Do we want
to give out swag?

* To raise money for the PSF, via donations and/or merchandise sales.

Rather than giving out swag, we could sell it to raise money for the
PSF. Do we want to do that?

Donations can be taken on the website at any time, but many people at
an event would like to handle it personally with cash. We'd need forms
for tax receipts. Kurt Kaiser should be consulted.

* other goal?

The answers will determine what we should buy.

Banners can be made up with a few weeks lead time. Vinyl banners cost
about $100-$150 depending on the size. I imagine that paper banners
would be much cheaper, but disposable. We probably should have a big
"Python" or "Python Software Foundation" banner for the booth.

What is the booth size? What is the deadline for requesting a booth?

PyCon's T-shirt supplier, Elegant Stitches (WearPython), would need at
least 4 weeks lead time to have shirts made up, preferably 6 weeks or
more. Elegant Stitches also had PyCon's banners made in 2008 (and
reused in 2009). T-shirts typically cost $7-$10 each, depending on the

Stickers are a fun give-away. We had stickers for PyCon 2008 which
were very popular. They cost about 35 cents each in volume (5000).
Unfortunately for many people the graphics wore off quickly, maybe due
to abrasive bags. (My sticker is still fine.) We may be able to get
better-quality stickers made, with a clear-coat layer for durability,
but that will probably cost more. We used Minerva Sportswear
(www.minervasportswear.com) for the stickers last year, but we could
use anybody.

Other ideas for swag?

Do you have volunteers to staff the booth?

David Goodger <http://python.net/~goodger>
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