[omaha] Fwd: omaha] Anaconda python distribution

Adam Shaver adam.shaver at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 23:58:18 CET 2015

By sandboxed, I mean that the python binaries are located in
~/anaconda/bin/ and the libs are in ~/anaconda/lib/ and the binaries
reference the local libs (rather than OS versions) when possible.
Additionally, when you use ~/anaconda/bin/pip to install something, it gets
put in ~/anaconda/<wherever> rather than into the OS's python package
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam Shaver <adam.shaver at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:09 AM
Subject: omaha] Anaconda python distribution
To: omaha at python.org

Sorry, just joined the thread. Anyway, I've used the anaconda distribution
many times at work. It installs in a sandbox with loads of numerical
libraries and pip. This means you don't affect the base python install
(which can be crucial to various linux distros). Also, getting new things
is trivial:
       ~/anaconda/pip install <package>

It relieves my as a python user the necessity of installing (sometimes
compiling) python Ver X along with whatever compatible libraries I
require.  Of note, I don't think they save off previous versions of Python
(right now on 2.7.8). So if you wanted an older version, you either have to
hunt up archives or you have no such luck.

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