[omaha] with blocks and conditions

Jeff Hinrichs jeffh at delasco.com
Sat Nov 15 05:31:43 CET 2014

does do_stuff() do anything with the file?  or the file contents?  Seems
like things are switch-a-roo'd.
Maybe do_stuff() does too much?

if condition_is true:
  file = blah
  file = None

do_stuff(file=file, ...)

Even that seems ugly.   Can you flesh out a slightly more detailed


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Aaron Keck <keckbug at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've found myself trying to find a cleaner way of doing this:
> if *condition_is_true*:
>     with *file* as *fp:*
> *        do_stuff()*
> else:
> *    do_stuff()*
> Is there a reasonable way to wrap some code using *with* but only in
> certain circumstances? Most of the scenarios I've bumped up against have
> had some sort of alternate solution that works well, but I'm still curious.
> -Aaron
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