[omaha] Dev Help

Aj Krell ajkrell at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 21 01:10:56 CET 2014

s All. 
My name
is  Andy and I'm a new developer to Omaha
and the Python community.  I'm also new to this list-serve so apologies if this is a completely inappropriate question for the thread. 
reaching out to see if anyone would be interested in collaborating on a startup
idea.   It's dealing with (in my opinion)
some pretty interesting stuff that I am (in everyone's opinion) very novice
	* Multi-threaded web-scraping  (with Urllib)
	* Natural Language processing (using NLTK)
	* Pattern Recognition / Clustering Algorithms (using  numpy and matplotlib)
	* Google App Engine back end using Web2Py framework (or maybe Django if I continue to struggle)
At this point, I'm prototyping and looking for concept / development help...it is very hard to find.  If
anyone has a good chunk of extra time and a desire to collaborate, I
would love to sit down and talk.
ajkrell at yahoo.com

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