[omaha] Interactive Python shell on Python.org

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 20:05:43 CET 2014

Wes Turner
On Feb 24, 2014 12:43 PM, "Jeff Hinrichs" <jeffh at delasco.com> wrote:
> I belive it is being provided by PythonAnywhere
> http://blog.pythonanywhere.com/
> A very unique service. Too bad they don't offer ipython notebook, yet.

I would assume they're running something like Docker (cgroups) to
bound the resources so that something like 1000000**1000000 doesn't
spike the shared CPU... KeyboardInterrupt

Apparently IPython notebook 3.0 will have some sort of
application-level multi-user support, but IDK how they're going to
handle filesystem permissions.

* http://www.reddit.com/r/IPython/comments/1q3sql/running_a_public_ipython_notebook_service_for/cdds3be
* https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Docker

As far as hosted IPython:

* http://wakari.io/
* https://cloud.sagemath.com/
* https://notebookcloud.appspot.com/docs (IDK anything about this OS


* http://pythontutor.com "Other Variants"
* http://www.brython.info/doc/en/index.html

Wes Turner

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