[omaha] FW: Omaha Visit

Burch Kealey bkealey at unomaha.edu
Mon Mar 18 20:13:12 CET 2013

So who would like to handle this?  I am happy to serve as a conduit but given my lurking status I would think someone else is better suited - any volunteers?



From: Matthew Makai [mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:59 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit


Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from you guys then.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

Thanks for the quick response.  We are interested and I sent your response to the mailing list.  Like many groups we don't have a leader but we do have several 'Elder Statesmen' who keep things moving along.  Either I will be back to you or one of them will take over and work out the logistics of the invitation.

Drive safe.

From: Matthew Makai [matthew.makai at gmail.com<mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com>]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:30 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit

Thank you for reaching out to me! It sounds like you have a heck of a lot on your plate as both a professor and running your software company.

It would be great to speak at Omaha Python if you guys are interested. I will be speaking at Memphis Python on March 25 on Github Workflows and at Boston Django in July (topic TBD). What topics are generally of interest to you there? I always prefer to know the audience and talk about something that is specifically relevant in the local community, either Python-specific or otherwise.

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

I am a lurking member of the Omaha Python Users Group.  Today, someone in the group posted the thought that we should hold a special meeting and invite you.  If you are interested I can certainly forward your respone.

However, I am also writing because while I have a day job as a faculty member in accounting at the University of Nebraska at Omaha - my night job is running a 'software' company that is focused on providing the infrastructure for academic and other researchers to collect and normalize data from SEC filings.  We have an application and you can find a limited description of it on our website (www.directedgar.com<http://www.directedgar.com>).  I will be in Omaha while you are here and if you want a perspective on how Python makes the inaccessible accessible for people like me who have no training then respond.   I would be delighted to meet up.  Maybe have you over for dinner at the house so my 8 year old can participate in the discussion.  I am not very involved in the 'startup scene' in Omaha though I know there is a 'thriving' one.  I am usually too busy just trying to keep my head above water.



With regards;

Burch T Kealey, PhD
Associate Professor of Accounting
Director of MAcc Program
Hockett Professor of Accounting
Direct 402-554-3571<tel:402-554-3571>
Assistant (Darryl Burgdorf) 402-554-3650<tel:402-554-3650>

University of Nebraska at Omaha
6708 Pine Street
MH 228-CC
Omaha NE, 68182-0048

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