[omaha] FW: Omaha Visit

Joe Gulizia jrguliz at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 21 04:27:59 CEST 2013

Rats....otherwise engaged June 29th through July 6th.

 From: Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu>
To: "omaha at python.org" <omaha at python.org> 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:39 PM
Subject: [omaha] FW: Omaha Visit

The key point is 7/1 and 7/2
From: Matthew Makai [matthew.makai at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit

Hey Burch, got to Des Moines late last night and just catching up with everything now. That's a heck of a long drive from Boulder.

Ok, let's set some dates. How do the 1st and 2nd of July look? Also, any updates from companies doing Python in Omaha?

Sorry to make all of this so complicated. After 22 cities I've gotten terrible with the logistics. I definitely want to come out to Omaha even if it's just to grab lunch or coffee and talk about what's going on there.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Matt I know the group would be interested in anything you have to say and I am working on identifying a start-up or two for you to visit.

The issue is the dates the sooner you can be specific the easier it will be to confirm and make arrangements.


From: Matthew Makai [mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com<mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:29 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: RE: Omaha Visit

Hey Burch,

Yea, sorry about that! I've been awful with my plans lately. Tough being in a city with upcoming plans.

I'm actually going to be in Des Moines and was going to head to Omaha for a day or two the week after next. What do you think we should do? Is there any meetup scheduled currently? Im more than happy to come into town and meet people or give a talk like the one i submitted to DjangoCon if you think people would be interested.

On Jun 18, 2013 6:51 PM, "Burch Kealey" <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

I have not heard from you about the exact dates of your visit.  And so last night someone posted a question as to what was up with your visit and I panicked particularly when I saw from your map that you are supposed to be here tomorrow?  I am sorry I thought I would hear from you.  So - are you arriving tomorrow?

From: Matthew Makai [matthew.makai at gmail.com<mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com>]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 8:01 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Cc: omaha at python.org<mailto:omaha at python.org>
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit
Burch and Omaha Python folks,

No problem! I agree including other groups is a good idea; that's we're doing in Memphis tonight when I speak at MemPy. I can keep the talk about general tools and techniques that are of use to any language instead of being Python specific.

Any connections to the startup scene in Omaha would be greatly appreciated. The main priority of my trip is to write about all the interesting work being done outside Silicon Valley - and get people excited about it. Hopefully I will also have some recommendations for community building by the time I come to Omaha as it will be stop #22 of 30.

I'll get back to you when I confirm the exact dates I will be in Omaha. If there are any dates that work particularly well, let me know about that as well. In the meantime, anyone out at Omaha Python please let me know if there are technical topics you would all favor hearing about when I'm out there.

Thanks everyone!

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

Sorry for the silence on this end.  It looks like I have been elected to coordinate your visit with our group.  It was suggested that we include other groups (there are several dynamic language groups here) and we are going to try to help you make some connections with the pure start-ups also.

I just got this assignment and am getting ready to take my son skiing so I will look into things a bit and keep in touch with you.  I just wanted to drop a line now so you did not think we had fallen off the planet.


From: Matthew Makai [matthew.makai at gmail.com<mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com>]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:58 AM

To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit


Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from you guys then.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

Thanks for the quick response.  We are interested and I sent your response to the mailing list.  Like many groups we don't have a leader but we do have several 'Elder Statesmen' who keep things moving along.  Either I will be back to you or one of them will take over and work out the logistics of the invitation.

Drive safe.

From: Matthew Makai [matthew.makai at gmail.com<mailto:matthew.makai at gmail.com>]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:30 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Re: Omaha Visit

Thank you for reaching out to me! It sounds like you have a heck of a lot on your plate as both a professor and running your software company.

It would be great to speak at Omaha Python if you guys are interested. I will be speaking at Memphis Python on March 25 on Github Workflows and at Boston Django in July (topic TBD). What topics are generally of interest to you there? I always prefer to know the audience and talk about something that is specifically relevant in the local community, either Python-specific or otherwise.

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Burch Kealey <bkealey at unomaha.edu<mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu>> wrote:
Hi Matt

I am a lurking member of the Omaha Python Users Group.  Today, someone in the group posted the thought that we should hold a special meeting and invite you.  If you are interested I can certainly forward your respone.

However, I am also writing because while I have a day job as a faculty member in accounting at the University of Nebraska at Omaha – my night job is running a ‘software’ company that is focused on providing the infrastructure for academic and other researchers to collect and normalize data from SEC filings.  We have an application and you can find a limited description of it on our website (www.directedgar.com<http://www.directedgar.com>).  I will be in Omaha while you are here and if you want a perspective on how Python makes the inaccessible accessible for people like me who have no training then respond.   I would be delighted to meet up.  Maybe have you over for dinner at the house so my 8 year old can participate in the discussion.  I am not very involved in the ‘startup scene’ in Omaha though I know there is a ‘thriving’ one.  I am usually too busy just trying to keep my head above water.



With regards;

Burch T Kealey, PhD
Associate Professor of Accounting
Director of MAcc Program
Hockett Professor of Accounting
Direct 402-554-3571<tel:402-554-3571>
Assistant (Darryl Burgdorf) 402-554-3650<tel:402-554-3650>

University of Nebraska at Omaha
6708 Pine Street
MH 228-CC
Omaha NE, 68182-0048

Omaha Python Users Group mailing list
Omaha at python.org

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