[omaha] Python Editors (was :Upcoming Meeting Topic ?)

Brad Siegfreid brad at iridiumdesign.com
Tue Nov 10 17:56:48 CET 2009

On Mac I use TextMate for Django work. There are some good plugins for it with short cuts and syntax highlighting. Its not an IDE by any stretch but its a top notch text editor. I'd rather have a great editor than a mediocre IDE any day.

For my day job I use IntelliJ IDEA for Java work and it is a very nice IDE. I haven't tried the latest version or with anything other than Java. Unfortunately working with Python and Django has totally ruined any remain interest in Java.

On Nov 10, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Matthew Nuzum wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Mike Hostetler <mike at hostetlerhome.com> wrote:
>> You mean there is something besides Emacs? j/k
> I have never found an editor that works good at anything out of the
> box. They always need tweaking. And the teaks that make an editor good
> for one task don't always work best for other tasks.
> Since what I do tends to be so varied in recent times I've found that
> an IDE doesn't fit. If I were just doing Java or just PHP or just
> Python then maybe I would switch back to an IDE again.
> I've found the three editors I use the most are vim (for console),
> gedit (when I'm in Ubuntu) and textwrangler (when I'm in Mac OS). They
> need only minor tweaking to be useful for a variety of tasks.
> I have wished I had a django aware code environment so that when
> coding I didn't have to drop to a terminal to launch the dev server or
> run django command line commands. I've also wished for a good debugger
> that integrated right into my editor. PHP is just now getting this
> kind of stuff working nicely which means we may have to wait another 5
> years before it's working right for Django.
> -- 
> Matthew Nuzum
> newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin, identi.ca and twitter
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