[omaha] Python Editors (was :Upcoming Meeting Topic ?)

Mike Hostetler mike at hostetlerhome.com
Tue Nov 10 16:52:42 CET 2009

You mean there is something besides Emacs? j/k

I've tried Komando and it's OK -- not worth the money to me although
the integrated source control is nice.  Never tried WingIDE but
have heard it's better.  It seems that most of my Python work now is
in Django and neither of them have fancy-dancy Django modes so I'll stick
with Emacs, thanks.

I spent some time getting BicycleRepairMan[1] working and I'm glad I
did -- makes refactoring methods in classes very easy. Only works on
classes though, so if you work mainly in functions it will do you little
good.  BicycleRepairMan works in Vim as well as Emacs.

With that, it's excellent python-mode, completion and tags (where you
stand on an object, hit Alt-. and then you go to where it was created)
Emacs is hard to beat.

JetBrans just open sourced the core of their most excellent Java IDE
called IntelliJ[2].  IntelliJ already has a killer Ruby and
RoR functionaltiy, so maybe something good for Python will be made
from it soon.


[1] http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net/

[2] http://www.jetbrains.org/display/IJOS/Home

Nate Elmer wrote:

> Hello gang,


> I am a Lincolnite who has yet to make the commute to a meeting in
Omaha, I

> probably won't make it to the next meeting to catch any of the

> presentations

> but I am curious what editor/IDE receives high praises from the


> Personally I find the quest for the perfect Python IDE to be a search

> the

> holy grail, like finding the ultimate GTD tool.


> In my experiences I have found the Wing IDE to be the best all

> The autocomplete, indent-features, debugging and class browser are

> notch. I just balk at

> the price tag for the PRO version since I don't technically make a

> writing Python code. The "Hobbyist" version is nice but no
class browser

> is a real drag.


> Komodo IDE looks nice but even pricier than Wing, better keep


> Eclipse with the pydev extensions in theory would be a good IDE,

> Eclipse is such a

> pain, at least on Linux. To get just the plugins I wanted (and at the

> time) was a real "quest". I just didn't feel so agile
fumbling through

> jars

> and failed installations.


> Which led me to the Netbeans 6.7 beta with python support. It is
nice, has


> for my precious VI keybindings but the class browser and autocomplete

> not up to par with Wing IDE. However Netbeans does hit an excellent

> point, as

> in free.


> So now there is Monodevelop with Python bindings. This looks great in

> handful of reviews I have seen online. But the problem is twofold.
One it

> is

> built on Mono and two the Python support is still in the early

> (unstable). I

> don't think this will really be a good option until it is

> into a

> major distro package, just thinking about it gives me Eclipse

> flashbacks--the

> horror--the horror.


> So that leads me back to Vim, My good trusty friend Vim--at least
until I

> save enough allowance money for the Wing IDE Pro license.


> : )


> Has anyone had better luck in their search for the Holy Python


> p.s. My apologies for the topical deviation, as for web dev, I like

> idea

> of using Web2Py on the back end for Pyjamas or SmartClient Ajax front

> Incorporating SmartClient widgets into Pyjamas would be pretty sweet


> -Nate Elmer




> +++ Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T [08/11/09 22:06 -0600]:



>>CherryPy talk at PyCon 09 - http://blip.tv/file/1957163/  

>>talk by the lead developer)

>>Django tutorial at PyCon 09 - http://blip.tv/file/2083844/


>>Anyone else have cool links?



>>On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
<jeffh at dundeemt.com>

>> wrote:

>>> With the amount of emails about Python web development I
suggest that

>>> we do a python web dev show off at the next meeting.
 Everyone bring a

>>> favored tool and everyone will show off their choice.
 I'm thinking

>>> for each demo:

>>>  - Where to get and how to install

>>>  - Do a Hello World (or similar)

>>>  - a slightly less trivial demo



>>> Comments?


>>> --

>>> Jeff Hinrichs

>>> Dundee Media & Technology, Inc

>>> jeffh at dundeemt.com

>>> 402.218.1473

>>> web: www.dundeemt.com

>>> blog: inre.dundeemt.com






>>Jeff Hinrichs

>>Dundee Media & Technology, Inc

>>jeffh at dundeemt.com


>>web: www.dundeemt.com

>>blog: inre.dundeemt.com


>>Omaha Python Users Group mailing list

>>Omaha at python.org




> --

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