[omaha] Possible New meeting location -- Input needed.

Eli Criffield elicriffield at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 16:14:44 CET 2009

I vote yes to F&H food&drink is a plus and its closer to my house. But
it's not that big of a vote yes, staying at UNO would be fine too.

Would we be able to use your projector?


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T
<jeffh at dundeemt.com> wrote:
> Thanks to Charles' efforts, we have the possibility of meeting at the
> Fox & Hound.  They have a private room(s) the smaller of which would
> hold 40.
> Pro:
> ------
>  * Nice location and private room
>  * Food and Drink
> Con:
> ------
>  * No internet
>  * Requires moving the meeting date from Wednesday to Monday.
> Mitigating Factors:
> ------------------------
>  * I can make an EVDO card and router available for connectivity
>  * We have access to a projector
>  * Our meetings tended to be bigger when meeting at Clancy's despite
> being a lousy environment to talk/present.
>  * If we change the meeting night, we could move it to the second
> Monday of the month so we wouldn't be back to back with OLUG
> Unkowns:
> -------------
>  * I have never been in Fox and Hound (F&H) so I am planning on going
> to check it out this week or next.  When I arrange to meet the
> management would anyone like to join me -- and have a mini SIG-BEER
> afterwards while writing up a group report?<g>
> So I would like to know, in general, do your favor the notion of
> moving the meeting location to somewhere food and drink is available?
> Please respond back to the list in the next day or so, so we can take
> your opinions under consideration.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Hinrichs
> Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
> jeffh at dundeemt.com
> 402.218.1473
> web: www.dundeemt.com
> blog: inre.dundeemt.com
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