[omaha] Upcoming meeting...

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Tue Jun 3 03:23:11 CEST 2008

Does anyone have a topic they would like to present for the upcoming meeting?

It would be a good thing(tm) if we could get more people presenting
topics at the meeting.  While there may be some hesitation to speak in
front of the group, I would recommend it.  The people attending are
always appreciative and offer an easy, friendly venue to get some
experience presenting.  The topics don't need to be long and there
isn't a standard speaking format.  Personally, I would like to see a
bunch of shorter talks on a variety of topics -- but if you have got
something big, I'm all ears!  It is a simple as talking for 5 minutes
about a module, library or app that made your life easier, better,
richer and that has something to do with Python.

So if you used Python in the past 30 days, why don't you give a
presentation on what you have been doing, or pick a feature of Python
that you have been exploiting for fun and profit<g>.

Also, we are looking for a Group logo so bring your ideas, inkscape
svg, or doodles on the back of a bar napkin along with you.

I'd be happy to give a beginners talk on easy_install and PyPI.


Jeff Hinrichs
Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
jeffh at dundeemt.com
web: www.dundeemt.com
blog: inre.dundeemt.com

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