[omaha] Hot Hot Hot

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Mon Jul 9 04:55:02 CEST 2007

With the next meeting rapidly approaching and the weather being as hot
as it is, I'd like to move the meeting to some place that will have
A/C.  Jay is great for letting us use the space at Reboot the User,
but the last couple of meetings have been quite warm.  The current
forecast is 81(F) for Thursday, but it's just as likely to spike.

Also, there have been a couple comments about a more central location.
 I am all for that since I live east of 72nd.

A good location would have A/C, wireless, food and drink available or
possible to bring with us.  Also, enough room and not to loud.  Does
anyone have a suggestion?  We don't even need a meeting room per se,
just the ability to push some tables together.

With Wireless
California Taco's is a contender (3235 California St) but it is on the
east side.  Some place mid-town would be a true winner.

Caffeine Dreams, 4524 Farnam Street -- called and checked that there
wasn't anything (open mic, a band, etc) going on Thursday.  Limited

Without Wireless
Lansky's on 50th & L Street

Godfather's on 7515 Pacific St

All Idea's and help are welcome!  Even If you don't have a suggestion
please feel free to speak up for one of the other suggestions.



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