[omaha] Group Project idea

Brad Siegfreid brad at iridiumdesign.com
Wed Aug 15 12:21:18 CEST 2007

I'm game. Looks like Matplotlib has dependencies on libraries that  
will require some work for those running on Mac OS X but they are  
things that devs will want anyway.


On Aug 15, 2007, at 12:20 AM, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T wrote:

> The list has been kind of quiet lately so I thought that I would liven
> things up a bit.
> The dynamic languages users group has been doing a hypothetical car
> wash problem and that gave me the idea to start a group project where
> we could explore python in a less hypothetical way.
> I almost didn't do this but I read John Udell's blog entry
> "transmission of tacit knowledge",
> http://blog.jonudell.net/2007/08/13/transmission-of-tacit-knowledge- 
> teaching-what-we-dont-know-that-we-know/
> and that spurred me on.  I think all of us have some of the Tacit
> Knowledge that others in the group could benefit from and this kind of
> exercise is a good way of sharing it.
> I was coming up dry thinking about what to use for a project and then
> for some strange reason I thought Biorhythms
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biorhythm)  It's a bit less boring that
> a car wash and gives us a chance to play with pylab/matplotlib which
> is a nice graphing package.
> Project Highlights:
>  * working with lists
>  * calculating sine waves against sets of data
>  * date manipulation and arithmetic
>  * command line processing
>  * pylab/matplotlib - http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/
>  * dataset analysis
>  * code that actually does something non-boring
> While I don't think any one is going to use the pyorhythm code at
> work, the different aspects of it are very applicable to every day
> usage of python on the job.
> I've got a project on google code started, http://code.google.com/p/ 
> pyorhythms/
> It's very rudimentary but should be enough to get everyone started.
> The only 3rd party module is pylab and that is not too difficult to
> get installed.
> The exercise would go like this:
> We, as a group, suggest features, enhancements and vote on the next
> one to work on.  Everyone playing would work on the code and then
> present their diff to the group.  We would talk about interesting
> implementations and vote on the diff to commit.  Then rinse, lather
> and repeat.  We could even log group decisions and interesting code on
> the wiki section of the project.
> A list of possible features/enhancements:
>  * automatically assign different point markers for each person
>  * generate a list of high/low days for an individual or group for the
> date range
>  * allow the user to specify a different date range (currently hard  
> coded to 33)
>  * forecast out the best /worst day (Max and Min) for a date range
>  * option to save graphic to a file or output to stdout for use on  
> a website
>  * different types of charts - or enhance the current one
>  * give it the PEP8 treatment with pylint/pychecker/et al
> ..etc..
> So is anyone up for a little fun and learning?
> -Jeff
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Brad Siegfreid
brad at iridiumdesign.com

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