[Numpy-svn] r8273 - in trunk/numpy/f2py: . tests tests/array_from_pyobj tests/array_from_pyobj/tests tests/c tests/f77 tests/f90 tests/mixed tests/src tests/src/array_from_pyobj tests/src/mixed

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Sat Mar 6 14:10:14 EST 2010

Author: ptvirtan
Date: 2010-03-06 13:10:14 -0600 (Sat, 06 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 8273

ENH: f2py: convert test suite to Nose form

Rewrite F2Py's test suite, so that it is run as a part of Numpy's tests.
These tests require compiling extension modules on-the-fly, so I added
a small helper module for that.

Modified: trunk/numpy/f2py/setup.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/setup.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/setup.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
     config = Configuration('f2py', parent_package, top_path)
+    config.add_data_dir('tests')

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/__init__.py

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/setup.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/setup.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/setup.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import os
-def configuration(parent_name='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('array_from_pyobj',parent_name,top_path)
-    #import numpy.f2py as f2py
-    #f2pydir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f2py.__file__))
-    f2pydir=os.path.join(config.local_path,'..','..')
-    fobjhsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir,'src','fortranobject.h')
-    fobjcsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir,'src','fortranobject.c')
-    config.add_extension('wrap',
-                         sources = ['wrapmodule.c',fobjcsrc],
-                         include_dirs = [os.path.dirname(fobjhsrc)],
-                         depends = [fobjhsrc,fobjcsrc],
-                         define_macros = [('DEBUG_COPY_ND_ARRAY',1),
-                                          #('F2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY',1),
-                                          #('F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT',1)
-                                          ]
-                         )
-    return config
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import sys
-import copy
-from numpy.testing import *
-from numpy import array, alltrue, ndarray, asarray, can_cast,zeros, dtype
-from numpy.core.multiarray import typeinfo
-from array_from_pyobj import wrap
-def flags_info(arr):
-    flags = wrap.array_attrs(arr)[6]
-    return flags2names(flags)
-def flags2names(flags):
-    info = []
-    for flagname in ['CONTIGUOUS','FORTRAN','OWNDATA','ENSURECOPY',
-                     'UPDATEIFCOPY','BEHAVED','BEHAVED_RO',
-                     'CARRAY','FARRAY'
-                     ]:
-        if abs(flags) & getattr(wrap,flagname):
-            info.append(flagname)
-    return info
-class Intent:
-    def __init__(self,intent_list=[]):
-        self.intent_list = intent_list[:]
-        flags = 0
-        for i in intent_list:
-            if i=='optional':
-                flags |= wrap.F2PY_OPTIONAL
-            else:
-                flags |= getattr(wrap,'F2PY_INTENT_'+i.upper())
-        self.flags = flags
-    def __getattr__(self,name):
-        name = name.lower()
-        if name=='in_': name='in'
-        return self.__class__(self.intent_list+[name])
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'intent(%s)' % (','.join(self.intent_list))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Intent(%r)' % (self.intent_list)
-    def is_intent(self,*names):
-        for name in names:
-            if name not in self.intent_list:
-                return False
-        return True
-    def is_intent_exact(self,*names):
-        return len(self.intent_list)==len(names) and self.is_intent(*names)
-intent = Intent()
-class Type(object):
-    _type_names = ['BOOL','BYTE','UBYTE','SHORT','USHORT','INT','UINT',
-                   'LONG','ULONG','LONGLONG','ULONGLONG',
-                   'FLOAT','DOUBLE','LONGDOUBLE','CFLOAT','CDOUBLE',
-                   'CLONGDOUBLE']
-    _type_cache = {}
-    _cast_dict = {'BOOL':['BOOL']}
-    _cast_dict['BYTE'] = _cast_dict['BOOL'] + ['BYTE']
-    _cast_dict['UBYTE'] = _cast_dict['BOOL'] + ['UBYTE']
-    _cast_dict['BYTE'] = ['BYTE']
-    _cast_dict['UBYTE'] = ['UBYTE']
-    _cast_dict['SHORT'] = _cast_dict['BYTE'] + ['UBYTE','SHORT']
-    _cast_dict['USHORT'] = _cast_dict['UBYTE'] + ['BYTE','USHORT']
-    _cast_dict['INT'] = _cast_dict['SHORT'] + ['USHORT','INT']
-    _cast_dict['UINT'] = _cast_dict['USHORT'] + ['SHORT','UINT']
-    _cast_dict['LONG'] = _cast_dict['INT'] + ['LONG']
-    _cast_dict['ULONG'] = _cast_dict['UINT'] + ['ULONG']
-    _cast_dict['LONGLONG'] = _cast_dict['LONG'] + ['LONGLONG']
-    _cast_dict['ULONGLONG'] = _cast_dict['ULONG'] + ['ULONGLONG']
-    _cast_dict['FLOAT'] = _cast_dict['SHORT'] + ['USHORT','FLOAT']
-    _cast_dict['DOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['INT'] + ['UINT','FLOAT','DOUBLE']
-    _cast_dict['LONGDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['LONG'] + ['ULONG','FLOAT','DOUBLE','LONGDOUBLE']
-    _cast_dict['CFLOAT'] = _cast_dict['FLOAT'] + ['CFLOAT']
-    _cast_dict['CDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['DOUBLE'] + ['CFLOAT','CDOUBLE']
-    _cast_dict['CLONGDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['LONGDOUBLE'] + ['CFLOAT','CDOUBLE','CLONGDOUBLE']
-    def __new__(cls,name):
-        if isinstance(name,dtype):
-            dtype0 = name
-            name = None
-            for n,i in typeinfo.items():
-                if isinstance(i,tuple) and dtype0.type is i[-1]:
-                    name = n
-                    break
-        obj = cls._type_cache.get(name.upper(),None)
-        if obj is not None:
-            return obj
-        obj = object.__new__(cls)
-        obj._init(name)
-        cls._type_cache[name.upper()] = obj
-        return obj
-    def _init(self,name):
-        self.NAME = name.upper()
-        self.type_num = getattr(wrap,'PyArray_'+self.NAME)
-        assert_equal(self.type_num,typeinfo[self.NAME][1])
-        self.dtype = typeinfo[self.NAME][-1]
-        self.elsize = typeinfo[self.NAME][2] / 8
-        self.dtypechar = typeinfo[self.NAME][0]
-    def cast_types(self):
-        return map(self.__class__,self._cast_dict[self.NAME])
-    def all_types(self):
-        return map(self.__class__,self._type_names)
-    def smaller_types(self):
-        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
-        types = []
-        for name in self._type_names:
-            if typeinfo[name][3]<bits:
-                types.append(Type(name))
-        return types
-    def equal_types(self):
-        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
-        types = []
-        for name in self._type_names:
-            if name==self.NAME: continue
-            if typeinfo[name][3]==bits:
-                types.append(Type(name))
-        return types
-    def larger_types(self):
-        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
-        types = []
-        for name in self._type_names:
-            if typeinfo[name][3]>bits:
-                types.append(Type(name))
-        return types
-class Array:
-    def __init__(self,typ,dims,intent,obj):
-        self.type = typ
-        self.dims = dims
-        self.intent = intent
-        self.obj_copy = copy.deepcopy(obj)
-        self.obj = obj
-        # arr.dtypechar may be different from typ.dtypechar
-        self.arr = wrap.call(typ.type_num,dims,intent.flags,obj)
-        self.arr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.arr)
-        if len(dims)>1:
-            if self.intent.is_intent('c'):
-                assert intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C
-                assert not self.arr.flags['FORTRAN'],`self.arr.flags,obj.flags`
-                assert self.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-                assert not self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
-            else:
-                assert not intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C
-                assert self.arr.flags['FORTRAN']
-                assert not self.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-                assert self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
-        if obj is None:
-            self.pyarr = None
-            self.pyarr_attr = None
-            return
-        if intent.is_intent('cache'):
-            assert isinstance(obj,ndarray),`type(obj)`
-            self.pyarr = array(obj).reshape(*dims)
-        else:
-            self.pyarr = array(array(obj,
-                                     dtype = typ.dtypechar).reshape(*dims),
-                               fortran=not self.intent.is_intent('c'))
-            assert self.pyarr.dtype.char==typ.dtypechar,\
-                   `self.pyarr.dtype.char,typ.dtypechar`
-        assert self.pyarr.flags['OWNDATA']
-        self.pyarr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.pyarr)
-        if len(dims)>1:
-            if self.intent.is_intent('c'):
-                assert not self.pyarr.flags['FORTRAN']
-                assert self.pyarr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-                assert not self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
-            else:
-                assert self.pyarr.flags['FORTRAN']
-                assert not self.pyarr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-                assert self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
-        assert self.arr_attr[1]==self.pyarr_attr[1] # nd
-        assert self.arr_attr[2]==self.pyarr_attr[2] # dimensions
-        if self.arr_attr[1]<=1:
-            assert self.arr_attr[3]==self.pyarr_attr[3],\
-                   `self.arr_attr[3],self.pyarr_attr[3],self.arr.tostring(),self.pyarr.tostring()` # strides
-        assert self.arr_attr[5][-2:]==self.pyarr_attr[5][-2:],\
-               `self.arr_attr[5],self.pyarr_attr[5]` # descr
-        assert self.arr_attr[6]==self.pyarr_attr[6],\
-               `self.arr_attr[6],self.pyarr_attr[6],flags2names(0*self.arr_attr[6]-self.pyarr_attr[6]),flags2names(self.arr_attr[6]),intent` # flags
-        if intent.is_intent('cache'):
-            assert self.arr_attr[5][3]>=self.type.elsize,\
-                   `self.arr_attr[5][3],self.type.elsize`
-        else:
-            assert self.arr_attr[5][3]==self.type.elsize,\
-                   `self.arr_attr[5][3],self.type.elsize`
-        assert self.arr_equal(self.pyarr,self.arr)
-        if isinstance(self.obj,ndarray):
-            if typ.elsize==Type(obj.dtype).elsize:
-                if not intent.is_intent('copy') and self.arr_attr[1]<=1:
-                    assert self.has_shared_memory()
-    def arr_equal(self,arr1,arr2):
-        if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
-            return False
-        s = arr1==arr2
-        return alltrue(s.flatten())
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.arr)
-    def has_shared_memory(self):
-        """Check that created array shares data with input array.
-        """
-        if self.obj is self.arr:
-            return True
-        if not isinstance(self.obj,ndarray):
-            return False
-        obj_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.obj)
-        return obj_attr[0]==self.arr_attr[0]
-class test_intent(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_in_out(self):
-        assert_equal(str(intent.in_.out),'intent(in,out)')
-        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent('c')
-        assert not intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('c')
-        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('c','in')
-        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('in','c')
-        assert not intent.in_.is_intent('c')
-class _test_shared_memory:
-    num2seq = [1,2]
-    num23seq = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
-    def test_in_from_2seq(self):
-        a = self.array([2],intent.in_,self.num2seq)
-        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
-    def test_in_from_2casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.in_,obj)
-            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
-                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`self.type.dtype,t.dtype`
-            else:
-                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_inout_2seq(self):
-        obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
-        a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.inout,obj)
-        assert a.has_shared_memory()
-        try:
-            a = self.array([2],intent.in_.inout,self.num2seq)
-        except TypeError,msg:
-            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(inout|inplace|cache) array'):
-                raise
-        else:
-            raise SystemError,'intent(inout) should have failed on sequence'
-    def test_f_inout_23seq(self):
-        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype,fortran=1)
-        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.inout,obj)
-        assert a.has_shared_memory()
-        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype,fortran=0)
-        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
-        try:
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.inout,obj)
-        except ValueError,msg:
-            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(inout) array'):
-                raise
-        else:
-            raise SystemError,'intent(inout) should have failed on improper array'
-    def test_c_inout_23seq(self):
-        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
-        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.inout,obj)
-        assert a.has_shared_memory()
-    def test_in_copy_from_2casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.in_.copy,obj)
-            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_c_in_from_23seq(self):
-        a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                       intent.in_,self.num23seq)
-        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
-    def test_in_from_23casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                           intent.in_,obj)
-            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_f_in_from_23casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype,fortran=1)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                           intent.in_,obj)
-            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
-                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            else:
-                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_c_in_from_23casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                           intent.in_.c,obj)
-            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
-                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            else:
-                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_f_copy_in_from_23casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype,fortran=1)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                           intent.in_.copy,obj)
-            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_c_copy_in_from_23casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
-                           intent.in_.c.copy,obj)
-            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-    def test_in_cache_from_2casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.all_types():
-            if t.elsize != self.type.elsize:
-                continue
-            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            shape = (len(self.num2seq),)
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.cache,obj)
-            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
-            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype,fortran=1)
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.cache,obj)
-            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
-            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
-            try:
-                a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj[::-1])
-            except ValueError,msg:
-                if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(cache) array'):
-                    raise
-            else:
-                raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on multisegmented array'
-    def test_in_cache_from_2casttype_failure(self):
-        for t in self.type.all_types():
-            if t.elsize >= self.type.elsize:
-                continue
-            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            shape = (len(self.num2seq),)
-            try:
-                a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
-            except ValueError,msg:
-                if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(cache) array'):
-                    raise
-            else:
-                raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on smaller array'
-    def test_cache_hidden(self):
-        shape = (2,)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        shape = (2,3)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        shape = (-1,3)
-        try:
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
-        except ValueError,msg:
-            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array'):
-                raise
-        else:
-            raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on undefined dimensions'
-    def test_hidden(self):
-        shape = (2,)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        shape = (2,3)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        assert a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and not a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-        shape = (2,3)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.c.hide,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        assert not a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-        shape = (-1,3)
-        try:
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
-        except ValueError,msg:
-            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array'):
-                raise
-        else:
-            raise SystemError,'intent(hide) should have failed on undefined dimensions'
-    def test_optional_none(self):
-        shape = (2,)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        shape = (2,3)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        assert a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and not a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-        shape = (2,3)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.c.optional,None)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
-        assert not a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-    def test_optional_from_2seq(self):
-        obj = self.num2seq
-        shape = (len(obj),)
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,obj)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
-    def test_optional_from_23seq(self):
-        obj = self.num23seq
-        shape = (len(obj),len(obj[0]))
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,obj)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional.c,obj)
-        assert a.arr.shape==shape
-        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
-    def test_inplace(self):
-        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
-        assert not obj.flags['FORTRAN'] and obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-        shape = obj.shape
-        a = self.array(shape,intent.inplace,obj)
-        assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2],`obj,a.arr`
-        a.arr[1][2]=54
-        assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2]==array(54,dtype=self.type.dtype),`obj,a.arr`
-        assert a.arr is obj
-        assert obj.flags['FORTRAN'] # obj attributes are changed inplace!
-        assert not obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-    def test_inplace_from_casttype(self):
-        for t in self.type.cast_types():
-            if t is self.type:
-                continue
-            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
-            assert obj.dtype.type==t.dtype
-            assert obj.dtype.type is not self.type.dtype
-            assert not obj.flags['FORTRAN'] and obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-            shape = obj.shape
-            a = self.array(shape,intent.inplace,obj)
-            assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2],`obj,a.arr`
-            a.arr[1][2]=54
-            assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2]==array(54,dtype=self.type.dtype),`obj,a.arr`
-            assert a.arr is obj
-            assert obj.flags['FORTRAN'] # obj attributes are changed inplace!
-            assert not obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
-            assert obj.dtype.type is self.type.dtype # obj type is changed inplace!
-for t in Type._type_names:
-    exec '''\
-class test_%s_gen(unittest.TestCase,
-              _test_shared_memory
-              ):
-    type = Type(%r)
-    array = lambda self,dims,intent,obj: Array(Type(%r),dims,intent,obj)
-''' % (t,t,t)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run_module_suite()

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-/* File: wrapmodule.c
- * This file is auto-generated with f2py (version:2_1330).
- * Hand edited by Pearu.
- * f2py is a Fortran to Python Interface Generator (FPIG), Second Edition,
- * written by Pearu Peterson <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>.
- * See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
- * Generation date: Fri Oct 21 22:41:12 2005
- * $Revision:$
- * $Date:$
- * Do not edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!!!
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/*********************** See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: includes ***********************/
-#include "Python.h"
-#include "fortranobject.h"
-#include <math.h>
-static PyObject *wrap_error;
-static PyObject *wrap_module;
-/************************************ call ************************************/
-static char doc_f2py_rout_wrap_call[] = "\
-Function signature:\n\
-  arr = call(type_num,dims,intent,obj)\n\
-Required arguments:\n"
-"  type_num : input int\n"
-"  dims : input int-sequence\n"
-"  intent : input int\n"
-"  obj : input python object\n"
-"Return objects:\n"
-"  arr : array";
-static PyObject *f2py_rout_wrap_call(PyObject *capi_self,
-				     PyObject *capi_args) {
-  PyObject * volatile capi_buildvalue = NULL;
-  int type_num = 0;
-  intp *dims = NULL;
-  PyObject *dims_capi = Py_None;
-  int rank = 0;
-  int intent = 0;
-  PyArrayObject *capi_arr_tmp = NULL;
-  PyObject *arr_capi = Py_None;
-  int i;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(capi_args,"iOiO|:wrap.call",\
-			&type_num,&dims_capi,&intent,&arr_capi))
-    return NULL;
-  rank = PySequence_Length(dims_capi);
-  dims = malloc(rank*sizeof(intp));
-  for (i=0;i<rank;++i)
-    dims[i] = (intp)PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(dims_capi,i));
-  capi_arr_tmp = array_from_pyobj(type_num,dims,rank,intent|F2PY_INTENT_OUT,arr_capi);
-  if (capi_arr_tmp == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  capi_buildvalue = Py_BuildValue("N",capi_arr_tmp);
-  free(dims);
-  return capi_buildvalue;
-static char doc_f2py_rout_wrap_attrs[] = "\
-Function signature:\n\
-  arr = array_attrs(arr)\n\
-Required arguments:\n"
-"  arr : input array object\n"
-"Return objects:\n"
-"  data : data address in hex\n"
-"  nd : int\n"
-"  dimensions : tuple\n"
-"  strides : tuple\n"
-"  base : python object\n"
-"  (kind,type,type_num,elsize,alignment) : 4-tuple\n"
-"  flags : int\n"
-"  itemsize : int\n"
-static PyObject *f2py_rout_wrap_attrs(PyObject *capi_self,
-				      PyObject *capi_args) {
-  PyObject *arr_capi = Py_None;
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL;
-  PyObject *dimensions = NULL;
-  PyObject *strides = NULL;
-  char s[100];
-  int i;
-  memset(s,0,100*sizeof(char));
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(capi_args,"O!|:wrap.attrs",
-			&PyArray_Type,&arr_capi))
-    return NULL;
-  arr = (PyArrayObject *)arr_capi;
-  sprintf(s,"%p",arr->data);
-  dimensions = PyTuple_New(arr->nd);
-  strides = PyTuple_New(arr->nd);
-  for (i=0;i<arr->nd;++i) {
-    PyTuple_SetItem(dimensions,i,PyInt_FromLong(arr->dimensions[i]));
-    PyTuple_SetItem(strides,i,PyInt_FromLong(arr->strides[i]));
-  }
-  return Py_BuildValue("siOOO(cciii)ii",s,arr->nd,
-		       dimensions,strides,
-		       (arr->base==NULL?Py_None:arr->base),
-		       arr->descr->kind,
-		       arr->descr->type,
-		       arr->descr->type_num,
-		       arr->descr->elsize,
-		       arr->descr->alignment,
-		       arr->flags,
-		       PyArray_ITEMSIZE(arr));
-static PyMethodDef f2py_module_methods[] = {
-  {"call",f2py_rout_wrap_call,METH_VARARGS,doc_f2py_rout_wrap_call},
-  {"array_attrs",f2py_rout_wrap_attrs,METH_VARARGS,doc_f2py_rout_wrap_attrs},
-PyMODINIT_FUNC initwrap(void) {
-  PyObject *m,*d, *s;
-  m = wrap_module = Py_InitModule("wrap", f2py_module_methods);
-  PyFortran_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
-  import_array();
-  if (PyErr_Occurred())
-    Py_FatalError("can't initialize module wrap (failed to import numpy)");
-  d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
-  s = PyString_FromString("This module 'wrap' is auto-generated with f2py (version:2_1330).\nFunctions:\n"
-"  arr = call(type_num,dims,intent,obj)\n"
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__doc__", s);
-  wrap_error = PyErr_NewException ("wrap.error", NULL, NULL);
-  Py_DECREF(s);
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_IN", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_IN));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_INOUT", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_INOUT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_OUT", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_OUT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_HIDE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_HIDE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_CACHE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_CACHE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_COPY", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_COPY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_C", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_C));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_OPTIONAL", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_OPTIONAL));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_INPLACE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_INPLACE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_BOOL", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_BOOL));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_BYTE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_BYTE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UBYTE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UBYTE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_SHORT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_SHORT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_USHORT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_USHORT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_INT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_INT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UINT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UINT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_INTP", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_INTP));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UINTP", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UINTP));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONG));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_ULONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_ULONG));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONGLONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONGLONG));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_ULONGLONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_ULONGLONG));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_FLOAT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_FLOAT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_DOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_DOUBLE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONGDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONGDOUBLE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CFLOAT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CFLOAT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CDOUBLE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CLONGDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CLONGDOUBLE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_OBJECT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_OBJECT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_STRING", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_STRING));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UNICODE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UNICODE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_VOID", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_VOID));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_NTYPES", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_NTYPES));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_NOTYPE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_NOTYPE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UDERDEF", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_USERDEF));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CONTIGUOUS", PyInt_FromLong(CONTIGUOUS));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FORTRAN", PyInt_FromLong(FORTRAN));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "OWNDATA", PyInt_FromLong(OWNDATA));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FORCECAST", PyInt_FromLong(FORCECAST));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ENSURECOPY", PyInt_FromLong(ENSURECOPY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ENSUREARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(ENSUREARRAY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ALIGNED", PyInt_FromLong(ALIGNED));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "WRITEABLE", PyInt_FromLong(WRITEABLE));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "UPDATEIFCOPY", PyInt_FromLong(UPDATEIFCOPY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "BEHAVED", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_BEHAVED));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "BEHAVED_NS", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_BEHAVED_NS));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_CARRAY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FARRAY));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CARRAY_RO", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_CARRAY_RO));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FARRAY_RO", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FARRAY_RO));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "DEFAULT", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_DEFAULT));
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "UPDATE_ALL", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_UPDATE_ALL));
-  if (PyErr_Occurred())
-    Py_FatalError("can't initialize module wrap");
-  on_exit(f2py_report_on_exit,(void*)"array_from_pyobj.wrap.call");
-#ifdef __cplusplus

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/c/return_real.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/c/return_real.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/c/return_real.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_real.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_real.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_real.py --quiet
-import f2py2e
-from Numeric import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import c_ext_return_real
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-python module c_ext_return_real
-usercode \'\'\'
-float t4(float value) { return value; }
-void s4(float *t4, float value) { *t4 = value; }
-double t8(double value) { return value; }
-void s8(double *t8, double value) { *t8 = value; }
-  function t4(value)
-    real*4 intent(c) :: t4,value
-  end
-  function t8(value)
-    real*8 intent(c) :: t8,value
-  end
-  subroutine s4(t4,value)
-    intent(c) s4
-    real*4 intent(out) :: t4
-    real*4 intent(c) :: value
-  end
-  subroutine s8(t8,value)
-    intent(c) s8
-    real*8 intent(out) :: t8
-    real*8 intent(c) :: value
-  end
-end interface
-end python module c_ext_return_real
-    from c_ext_return_real import t4,t8,s4,s8
-    test_functions = [t4,t8,s4,s8]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    import sys
-    if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        err = 1e-5
-    else:
-        err = 0.0
-    assert abs(t(234)-234.0)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t('234')-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(-234)+234)<=err
-    assert abs(t([234])-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'1'))+22)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'s'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-234.)<=err
-        assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err
-    if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        assert t(1e200)==t(1e300) # inf
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([234],'c'))`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10l**400)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    except RuntimeError:
-        r = t(10l**400); assert `r` in ['inf','Infinity'],`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/callback.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/callback.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/callback.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python callback.py [<f2py options>]
-  python callback.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python callback.py --quiet
-import f2py2e
-import math
-import sys
-from Numeric import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_callback
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       subroutine t(fun,a)
-       integer a
-cf2py  intent(out) a
-       external fun
-       call fun(a)
-       end
-       subroutine func(a)
-cf2py  intent(in,out) a
-       integer a
-       a = a + 11
-       end
-       subroutine func0(a)
-cf2py  intent(out) a
-       integer a
-       a = 11
-       end
-       subroutine t2(a)
-cf2py  intent(callback) fun
-       integer a
-cf2py  intent(out) a
-       external fun
-       call fun(a)
-       end
-    from f77_ext_callback import t,t2
-    test_functions = [t,t2]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    r = t(lambda : 4)
-    assert r==4,`r`
-    r = t(lambda a:5,fun_extra_args=(6,))
-    assert r==5,`r`
-    r = t(lambda a:a,fun_extra_args=(6,))
-    assert r==6,`r`
-    r = t(lambda a:5+a,fun_extra_args=(7,))
-    assert r==12,`r`
-    if sys.version[:3]>='2.3':
-        r = t(lambda a:math.degrees(a),fun_extra_args=(math.pi,))
-        assert r==180,`r`
-        r = t(math.degrees,fun_extra_args=(math.pi,))
-        assert r==180,`r`
-    from f77_ext_callback import func,func0
-    r = t(func,fun_extra_args=(6,))
-    assert r==17,`r`
-    r = t(func0)
-    assert r==11,`r`
-    r = t(func0._cpointer)
-    assert r==11,`r`
-    class A:
-        def __call__(self):
-            return 7
-        def mth(self):
-            return 9
-    a = A()
-    r = t(a)
-    assert r==7,`r`
-    r = t(a.mth)
-    assert r==9,`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    status = 1
-    try:
-        repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-        test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-        f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-        print 'ok'
-        status = 0
-    finally:
-        if status:
-            print '*'*20
-            print 'Running f2py2e.diagnose'
-            import f2py2e.diagnose
-            f2py2e.diagnose.run()

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_character.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_character.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_character.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_character.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_character.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_character.py --quiet
-import sys
-import f2py2e
-from Numeric import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_return_character
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       function t0(value)
-         character value
-         character t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       function t1(value)
-         character*1 value
-         character*1 t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       function t5(value)
-         character*5 value
-         character*5 t5
-         t5 = value
-       end
-       function ts(value)
-         character*(*) value
-         character*(*) ts
-         ts = value
-       end
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         character value
-         character t0
-cf2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         character*1 value
-         character*1 t1
-cf2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s5(t5,value)
-         character*5 value
-         character*5 t5
-cf2py    intent(out) t5
-         t5 = value
-       end
-       subroutine ss(ts,value)
-         character*(*) value
-         character*10 ts
-cf2py    intent(out) ts
-         ts = value
-       end
-    from f77_ext_return_character import t0,t1,t5,s0,s1,s5,ss
-    test_functions = [t0,t1,t5,s0,s1,s5,ss]
-    if sys.platform!='win32': # this is acctually compiler dependent case
-        from f77_ext_return_character import ts
-        test_functions.append(ts)
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname in ['t0','t1','s0','s1']:
-        assert t(23)=='2'
-        r = t('ab');assert r=='a',`r`
-        r = t(array('ab'));assert r=='a',`r`
-        r = t(array(77,'1'));assert r=='M',`r`
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([77,87]))`
-        except ValueError: pass
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array(77))`
-        except ValueError: pass
-    elif tname in ['ts','ss']:
-        assert t(23)=='23        ',`t(23)`
-        assert t('123456789abcdef')=='123456789a'
-    elif tname in ['t5','s5']:
-        assert t(23)=='23   ',`t(23)`
-        assert t('ab')=='ab   ',`t('ab')`
-        assert t('123456789abcdef')=='12345'
-    else:
-        raise NotImplementedError
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_complex.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_complex.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_complex.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_complex.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_complex.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_complex.py --quiet
-import f2py2e
-from Numeric import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_return_complex
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       function t0(value)
-         complex value
-         complex t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       function t8(value)
-         complex*8 value
-         complex*8 t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-       function t16(value)
-         complex*16 value
-         complex*16 t16
-         t16 = value
-       end
-       function td(value)
-         double complex value
-         double complex td
-         td = value
-       end
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         complex value
-         complex t0
-cf2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         complex*8 value
-         complex*8 t8
-cf2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s16(t16,value)
-         complex*16 value
-         complex*16 t16
-cf2py    intent(out) t16
-         t16 = value
-       end
-       subroutine sd(td,value)
-         double complex value
-         double complex td
-cf2py    intent(out) td
-         td = value
-       end
-    from f77_ext_return_complex import t0,t8,t16,td,s0,s8,s16,sd
-    test_functions = [t0,t8,t16,td,s0,s8,s16,sd]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname in ['t0','t8','s0','s8']:
-        err = 1e-5
-    else:
-        err = 0.0
-    assert abs(t(234j)-234.0j)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-(234.6+3j))<=err
-    #assert abs(t('234')-234.)<=err
-    #assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(-234)+234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t([234])-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(23+4j,'F'))-(23+4j))<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'1'))+22.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'s'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-(234+3j))<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([234],'c'))`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10l**400)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    except RuntimeError:
-        r = t(10l**400); assert `r` in ['(inf+0j)','(Infinity+0j)'],`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_integer.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_integer.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_integer.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_integer.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_integer.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_integer.py --quiet
-import numpy.f2py as f2py2e
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_return_integer
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       function t0(value)
-         integer value
-         integer t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       function t1(value)
-         integer*1 value
-         integer*1 t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       function t2(value)
-         integer*2 value
-         integer*2 t2
-         t2 = value
-       end
-       function t4(value)
-         integer*4 value
-         integer*4 t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-       function t8(value)
-         integer*8 value
-         integer*8 t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         integer value
-         integer t0
-cf2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         integer*1 value
-         integer*1 t1
-cf2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s2(t2,value)
-         integer*2 value
-         integer*2 t2
-cf2py    intent(out) t2
-         t2 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         integer*4 value
-         integer*4 t4
-cf2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         integer*8 value
-         integer*8 t8
-cf2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-    from f77_ext_return_integer import t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8
-    test_functions = [t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    import sys
-    assert t(123)==123,`t(123)`
-    assert t(123.6)==123
-    assert t(123l)==123
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert t(123.6+3j)==123
-    assert t('123')==123
-    assert t(-123)==-123
-    assert t([123])==123
-    assert t((123,))==123
-    assert t(array(123))==123
-    assert t(array([123]))==123
-    assert t(array([[123]]))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'b'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'h'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'i'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'l'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'B'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'f'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'d'))==123
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert t(array([123+3j],'F'))==123
-        assert t(array([123],'D'))==123
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([123],'c'))`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t8','s8']:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(100000000000000000000000l)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000011111111111111.23)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    else:
-        if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-            try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000000000l)`
-            except OverflowError: pass
-            try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000000.23)`
-            except OverflowError: pass
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    status = 1
-    try:
-        repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-        test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-        f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-        print 'ok'
-        status = 0
-    finally:
-        if status:
-            print '*'*20
-            print 'Running f2py2e.diagnose'
-            import numpy.f2py.diagnose as diagnose
-            #diagnose.run()

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_logical.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_logical.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_logical.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_logical.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_logical.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_logical.py --quiet
-import f2py2e
-from Numeric import array
-try: True
-except NameError:
-    True = 1
-    False = 0
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_return_logical
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       function t0(value)
-         logical value
-         logical t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       function t1(value)
-         logical*1 value
-         logical*1 t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       function t2(value)
-         logical*2 value
-         logical*2 t2
-         t2 = value
-       end
-       function t4(value)
-         logical*4 value
-         logical*4 t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-c       function t8(value)
-c         logical*8 value
-c         logical*8 t8
-c         t8 = value
-c       end
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         logical value
-         logical t0
-cf2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         logical*1 value
-         logical*1 t1
-cf2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s2(t2,value)
-         logical*2 value
-         logical*2 t2
-cf2py    intent(out) t2
-         t2 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         logical*4 value
-         logical*4 t4
-cf2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-c       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-c         logical*8 value
-c         logical*8 t8
-cf2py    intent(out) t8
-c         t8 = value
-c       end
-    #from f77_ext_return_logical import t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8
-    #test_functions = [t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8]
-    from f77_ext_return_logical import t0,t1,t2,t4,s0,s1,s2,s4
-    test_functions = [t0,t1,t2,t4,s0,s1,s2,s4]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    assert t(True)==1,`t(True)`
-    assert t(False)==0,`t(False)`
-    assert t(0)==0
-    assert t(None)==0
-    assert t(0.0)==0
-    assert t(0j)==0
-    assert t(1j)==1
-    assert t(234)==1
-    assert t(234.6)==1
-    assert t(234l)==1
-    assert t(234.6+3j)==1
-    assert t('234')==1
-    assert t('aaa')==1
-    assert t('')==0
-    assert t([])==0
-    assert t(())==0
-    assert t({})==0
-    assert t(t)==1
-    assert t(-234)==1
-    assert t(10l**100)==1
-    assert t([234])==1
-    assert t((234,))==1
-    assert t(array(234))==1
-    assert t(array([234]))==1
-    assert t(array([[234]]))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'1'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'s'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'i'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'l'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'b'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'f'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'d'))==1
-    assert t(array([234+3j],'F'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'D'))==1
-    assert t(array(0))==0
-    assert t(array([0]))==0
-    assert t(array([[0]]))==0
-    assert t(array([0j]))==0
-    assert t(array([1]))==1
-    assert t(array([0,0]))==0
-    assert t(array([0,1]))==1 #XXX: is this expected?
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_real.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_real.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f77/return_real.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_real.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_real.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_real.py --quiet
-import numpy.f2py as f2py2e
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f77_ext_return_real
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py2e.compile('''\
-       function t0(value)
-         real value
-         real t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       function t4(value)
-         real*4 value
-         real*4 t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-       function t8(value)
-         real*8 value
-         real*8 t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-       function td(value)
-         double precision value
-         double precision td
-         td = value
-       end
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         real value
-         real t0
-cf2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         real*4 value
-         real*4 t4
-cf2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         real*8 value
-         real*8 t8
-cf2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end
-       subroutine sd(td,value)
-         double precision value
-         double precision td
-cf2py    intent(out) td
-         td = value
-       end
-    from f77_ext_return_real import t0,t4,t8,td,s0,s4,s8,sd
-    test_functions = [t0,t4,t8,td,s0,s4,s8,sd]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    import sys
-    if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        err = 1e-5
-    else:
-        err = 0.0
-    assert abs(t(234)-234.0)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t('234')-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(-234)+234)<=err
-    assert abs(t([234])-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))+22)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'h'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'B'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<'2.3':
-        assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-234.)<=err
-        assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err
-    if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        assert t(1e200)==t(1e300) # inf
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([234],'c'))`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    try:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10l**400)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    except RuntimeError:
-        r = t(10l**400); assert `r` in ['inf','Infinity'],`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_character.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_character.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_character.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_character.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_character.py --fcompiler=Gnu --no-wrap-functions
-  python return_character.py --quiet
-import numpy.f2py as f2py
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f90_ext_return_character
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py.compile('''\
-module f90_return_char
-  contains
-       function t0(value)
-         character :: value
-         character :: t0
-         t0 = value
-       end function t0
-       function t1(value)
-         character(len=1) :: value
-         character(len=1) :: t1
-         t1 = value
-       end function t1
-       function t5(value)
-         character(len=5) :: value
-         character(len=5) :: t5
-         t5 = value
-       end function t5
-       function ts(value)
-         character(len=*) :: value
-         character(len=10) :: ts
-         ts = value
-       end function ts
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         character :: value
-         character :: t0
-!f2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end subroutine s0
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         character(len=1) :: value
-         character(len=1) :: t1
-!f2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end subroutine s1
-       subroutine s5(t5,value)
-         character(len=5) :: value
-         character(len=5) :: t5
-!f2py    intent(out) t5
-         t5 = value
-       end subroutine s5
-       subroutine ss(ts,value)
-         character(len=*) :: value
-         character(len=10) :: ts
-!f2py    intent(out) ts
-         ts = value
-       end subroutine ss
-end module f90_return_char
-    from f90_ext_return_character import f90_return_char as m
-    test_functions = [m.t0,m.t1,m.t5,m.ts,m.s0,m.s1,m.s5,m.ss]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname in ['t0','t1','s0','s1']:
-        assert t(23)=='2'
-        r = t('ab');assert r=='a',`r`
-        r = t(array('ab'));assert r=='a',`r`
-        r = t(array(77,'l'));assert r=='M',`r`
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([77,87]))`
-        except ValueError: pass
-        except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-        except: print "Wrong Error Type 1"
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array(77))`
-        except ValueError: pass
-        except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-        except: print "Wrong Error Type 2"
-    elif tname in ['ts','ss']:
-        assert t(23)=='23        ',`t(23)`
-        assert t('123456789abcdef')=='123456789a',`t('123456789abcdef')`
-    elif tname in ['t5','s5']:
-        assert t(23)=='23   '
-        assert t('ab')=='ab   '
-        assert t('123456789abcdef')=='12345'
-    else:
-        raise NotImplementedError
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_complex.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_complex.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_complex.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_complex.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_complex.py --quiet
-import numpy.f2py as f2py
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f90_ext_return_complex
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py.compile('''\
-module f90_return_complex
-  contains
-       function t0(value)
-         complex :: value
-         complex :: t0
-         t0 = value
-       end function t0
-       function t8(value)
-         complex(kind=4) :: value
-         complex(kind=4) :: t8
-         t8 = value
-       end function t8
-       function t16(value)
-         complex(kind=8) :: value
-         complex(kind=8) :: t16
-         t16 = value
-       end function t16
-       function td(value)
-         double complex :: value
-         double complex :: td
-         td = value
-       end function td
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         complex :: value
-         complex :: t0
-!f2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end subroutine s0
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         complex(kind=4) :: value
-         complex(kind=4) :: t8
-!f2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end subroutine s8
-       subroutine s16(t16,value)
-         complex(kind=8) :: value
-         complex(kind=8) :: t16
-!f2py    intent(out) t16
-         t16 = value
-       end subroutine s16
-       subroutine sd(td,value)
-         double complex :: value
-         double complex :: td
-!f2py    intent(out) td
-         td = value
-       end subroutine sd
-end module f90_return_complex
-    from f90_ext_return_complex import f90_return_complex as m
-    test_functions = [m.t0,m.t8,m.t16,m.td,m.s0,m.s8,m.s16,m.sd]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname =  t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname in ['t0','t8','s0','s8']:
-        err = 1e-5
-    else:
-        err = 0.0
-    #assert abs(t(234j)-234.0j)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-(234.6+3j))<=err
-    #assert abs(t('234')-234.)<=err
-    #assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(-234)+234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t([234])-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(23+4j,'F'))-(23+4j))<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))+22.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'h'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'q'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-(234+3j))<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([234],'c'))`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 1"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 2"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 3"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 4"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 5"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 6"
-    try:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10l**400)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    except RuntimeError:
-        r = t(10l**400); assert `r` in ['(inf+0j)','(Infinity+0j)'],`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_integer.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_integer.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_integer.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# XXX: investigate cases that are disabled under win32
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_integer.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_integer.py --quiet
-import sys
-import numpy.f2py as f2py
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f90_ext_return_integer
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py.compile('''\
-module f90_return_integer
-  contains
-       function t0(value)
-         integer :: value
-         integer :: t0
-         t0 = value
-       end function t0
-       function t1(value)
-         integer(kind=1) :: value
-         integer(kind=1) :: t1
-         t1 = value
-       end function t1
-       function t2(value)
-         integer(kind=2) :: value
-         integer(kind=2) :: t2
-         t2 = value
-       end function t2
-       function t4(value)
-         integer(kind=4) :: value
-         integer(kind=4) :: t4
-         t4 = value
-       end function t4
-       function t8(value)
-         integer(kind=8) :: value
-         integer(kind=8) :: t8
-         t8 = value
-       end function t8
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         integer :: value
-         integer :: t0
-!f2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end subroutine s0
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         integer(kind=1) :: value
-         integer(kind=1) :: t1
-!f2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end subroutine s1
-       subroutine s2(t2,value)
-         integer(kind=2) :: value
-         integer(kind=2) :: t2
-!f2py    intent(out) t2
-         t2 = value
-       end subroutine s2
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         integer(kind=4) :: value
-         integer(kind=4) :: t4
-!f2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end subroutine s4
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         integer(kind=8) :: value
-         integer(kind=8) :: t8
-!f2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end subroutine s8
-end module f90_return_integer
-    from f90_ext_return_integer import f90_return_integer as m
-    test_functions = [m.t0,m.t1,m.t2,m.t4,m.t8,m.s0,m.s1,m.s2,m.s4,m.s8]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    assert t(123)==123
-    assert t(123.6)==123
-    assert t(123l)==123
-    if sys.version[:3]<='2.2':
-        assert t(123.6+3j)==123
-    assert t('123')==123
-    assert t(-123)==-123
-    assert t([123])==123
-    assert t((123,))==123
-    assert t(array(123))==123
-    assert t(array([123]))==123
-    assert t(array([[123]]))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'b'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'h'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'i'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'l'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'q'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'f'))==123
-    assert t(array([123],'d'))==123
-    if sys.version[:3]<='2.2':
-        assert t(array([123+3j],'F'))==123
-        assert t(array([123],'D'))==123
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([123],'c'))`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 1"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 2"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 3"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 4"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 5"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 6"
-    if tname in ['t8','s8']:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(100000000000000000000000l)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000011111111111111.23)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    else:
-        if sys.version[:3]<='2.2':
-            try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000000000l)`
-            except OverflowError: pass
-            try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10000000000.23)`
-            except OverflowError: pass
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    status = 1
-    try:
-        repeat,f2py_opts = f2py.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-        test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-        f2py.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-        print 'ok'
-        status = 0
-    finally:
-        if status:
-            print '*'*20
-            print 'Running f2py.diagnose'
-            f2py.diagnose.run()

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_logical.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_logical.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_logical.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_logical.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_logical.py --quiet
-import numpy.f2py as f2py
-from numpy import array
-try: True
-except NameError:
-    True = 1
-    False = 0
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f90_ext_return_logical
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py.compile('''\
-module f90_return_logical
-  contains
-       function t0(value)
-         logical :: value
-         logical :: t0
-         t0 = value
-       end function t0
-       function t1(value)
-         logical(kind=1) :: value
-         logical(kind=1) :: t1
-         t1 = value
-       end function t1
-       function t2(value)
-         logical(kind=2) :: value
-         logical(kind=2) :: t2
-         t2 = value
-       end function t2
-       function t4(value)
-         logical(kind=4) :: value
-         logical(kind=4) :: t4
-         t4 = value
-       end function t4
-       function t8(value)
-         logical(kind=8) :: value
-         logical(kind=8) :: t8
-         t8 = value
-       end function t8
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         logical :: value
-         logical :: t0
-!f2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end subroutine s0
-       subroutine s1(t1,value)
-         logical(kind=1) :: value
-         logical(kind=1) :: t1
-!f2py    intent(out) t1
-         t1 = value
-       end subroutine s1
-       subroutine s2(t2,value)
-         logical(kind=2) :: value
-         logical(kind=2) :: t2
-!f2py    intent(out) t2
-         t2 = value
-       end subroutine s2
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         logical(kind=4) :: value
-         logical(kind=4) :: t4
-!f2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end subroutine s4
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         logical(kind=8) :: value
-         logical(kind=8) :: t8
-!f2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end subroutine s8
-end module f90_return_logical
-    from f90_ext_return_logical import f90_return_logical as m
-    test_functions = [m.t0,m.t1,m.t2,m.t4,m.t8,m.s0,m.s1,m.s2,m.s4,m.s8]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    assert t(True)==1,`t(True)`
-    assert t(False)==0,`t(False)`
-    assert t(0)==0
-    assert t(None)==0
-    assert t(0.0)==0
-    assert t(0j)==0
-    assert t(1j)==1
-    assert t(234)==1
-    assert t(234.6)==1
-    assert t(234l)==1
-    assert t(234.6+3j)==1
-    assert t('234')==1
-    assert t('aaa')==1
-    assert t('')==0
-    assert t([])==0
-    assert t(())==0
-    assert t({})==0
-    assert t(t)==1
-    assert t(-234)==1
-    assert t(10l**100)==1
-    assert t([234])==1
-    assert t((234,))==1
-    assert t(array(234))==1
-    assert t(array([234]))==1
-    assert t(array([[234]]))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'b'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'h'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'i'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'l'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'q'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'f'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'d'))==1
-    assert t(array([234+3j],'F'))==1
-    assert t(array([234],'D'))==1
-    assert t(array(0))==0
-    assert t(array([0]))==0
-    assert t(array([[0]]))==0
-    assert t(array([0j]))==0
-    assert t(array([1]))==1
-    # The call itself raises an error.
-    #assert t(array([0,0])) == 0 # fails
-    #assert t(array([1,1])) == 1 # fails
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_real.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_real.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/f90/return_real.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-__usage__ = """
-  python return_real.py [<f2py options>]
-  python return_real.py --quiet
-import sys
-import numpy.f2py as f2py
-from numpy import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import f90_ext_return_real
-    except ImportError:
-        assert not f2py.compile('''\
-module f90_return_real
-  contains
-       function t0(value)
-         real :: value
-         real :: t0
-         t0 = value
-       end function t0
-       function t4(value)
-         real(kind=4) :: value
-         real(kind=4) :: t4
-         t4 = value
-       end function t4
-       function t8(value)
-         real(kind=8) :: value
-         real(kind=8) :: t8
-         t8 = value
-       end function t8
-       function td(value)
-         double precision :: value
-         double precision :: td
-         td = value
-       end function td
-       subroutine s0(t0,value)
-         real :: value
-         real :: t0
-!f2py    intent(out) t0
-         t0 = value
-       end subroutine s0
-       subroutine s4(t4,value)
-         real(kind=4) :: value
-         real(kind=4) :: t4
-!f2py    intent(out) t4
-         t4 = value
-       end subroutine s4
-       subroutine s8(t8,value)
-         real(kind=8) :: value
-         real(kind=8) :: t8
-!f2py    intent(out) t8
-         t8 = value
-       end subroutine s8
-       subroutine sd(td,value)
-         double precision :: value
-         double precision :: td
-!f2py    intent(out) td
-         td = value
-       end subroutine sd
-end module f90_return_real
-    from f90_ext_return_real import f90_return_real as m
-    test_functions = [m.t0,m.t4,m.t8,m.td,m.s0,m.s4,m.s8,m.sd]
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname =  t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        err = 1e-5
-    else:
-        err = 0.0
-    assert abs(t(234)-234.0)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<='2.2':
-        assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-234.6)<=err,`t(234.6+3j)`
-    assert abs(t('234')-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
-    assert abs(t(-234)+234)<=err
-    assert abs(t([234])-234)<=err
-    assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))+22)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'h'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'q'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
-    assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
-    if sys.version[:3]<='2.2':
-        assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-234.)<=err,`t(array([234+3j],'F'))`
-        assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err,`t(array([234],'D'))`
-    if tname in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
-        assert t(1e200)==t(1e300) # inf
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(array([234],'c'))`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 1"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t('abc')`
-    except ValueError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 2"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t([])`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 3"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(())`
-    except IndexError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 4"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t(t)`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 5"
-    try: raise RuntimeError,`t({})`
-    except TypeError: pass
-    except RuntimeError: print "Failed Error"
-    except: print "Wrong Error Type 6"
-    try:
-        try: raise RuntimeError,`t(10l**400)`
-        except OverflowError: pass
-    except RuntimeError:
-        r = t(10l**400); assert `r` in ['inf','Infinity'],`r`
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    #import libwadpy
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo.f
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo.f	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo.f	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-      subroutine bar11(a)
-cf2py intent(out) a
-      integer a
-      a = 11
-      end

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_fixed.f90
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_fixed.f90	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_fixed.f90	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-      module foo_fixed
-      contains
-        subroutine bar12(a)
-!f2py intent(out) a
-          integer a
-          a = 12
-        end subroutine bar12
-      end module foo_fixed

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_free.f90
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_free.f90	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_free.f90	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module foo_free
-  subroutine bar13(a)
-    !f2py intent(out) a
-    integer a
-    a = 13
-  end subroutine bar13
-end module foo_free

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/run.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/run.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/run.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-__usage__ = """
-  python run.py [<f2py options>]
-  python run.py --quiet
-import os
-import sys
-import f2py2e
-from Numeric import array
-def build(f2py_opts):
-    try:
-        import mixed_f77_f90
-    except:
-        d,b=os.path.split(sys.argv[0])
-        files = ['foo.f','foo_fixed.f90','foo_free.f90']
-        files = [os.path.join(d,f) for f in files]
-        files = ' '.join(files)
-        args = ' -c -m mixed_f77_f90 %s %s'%(files,f2py_opts)
-        c = '%s -c "import f2py2e;f2py2e.main()" %s' %(sys.executable,args)
-        s = os.system(c)
-        assert not s
-    from mixed_f77_f90 import bar11
-    test_functions = [bar11]
-    from mixed_f77_f90 import foo_fixed as m
-    test_functions.append(m.bar12)
-    from mixed_f77_f90 import foo_free as m
-    test_functions.append(m.bar13)
-    return test_functions
-def runtest(t):
-    tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
-    if tname=='bar11':
-        assert t()==11
-    elif tname=='bar12':
-        assert t()==12
-    elif tname=='bar13':
-        assert t()==13
-    else:
-        raise NotImplementedError
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    repeat,f2py_opts = f2py2e.f2py_testing.cmdline()
-    test_functions = build(f2py_opts)
-    f2py2e.f2py_testing.run(runtest,test_functions,repeat)
-    print 'ok'

Deleted: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/run_all.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/run_all.py	2010-03-04 00:45:44 UTC (rev 8272)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/run_all.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,sys
-opts = sys.argv[1:]
-if not opts:
-    opts = ['10','--quiet']
-NUMARRAY = "-DNUMARRAY" in sys.argv
-test_f77_files = [\
-  'f77/return_integer.py',
-  'f77/return_logical.py',
-  'f77/return_real.py',
-  'f77/return_complex.py',
-  'f77/callback.py',
-  ]
-if not NUMARRAY:  # no support for character yet in numarray
-    test_f77_files.append('f77/return_character.py')
-test_f90_files = [\
-  'f90/return_integer.py',
-  'f90/return_logical.py',
-  'f90/return_real.py',
-  'f90/return_complex.py',
-  'f90/return_character.py',
-  'mixed/run.py',
-  ]
-test_files = test_f77_files
-    print >>sys.stderr,"NOTE: f2py for numarray does not support"\
-          " f90 or character arrays."
-    test_files += test_f90_files
-py_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
-if py_path is None:
-    py_path = '.'
-    py_path = os.pathsep.join(['.',py_path])
-os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = py_path
-for f in test_files:
-    print "**********************************************"
-    ff = os.path.join(sys.path[0],f)
-    args = [sys.executable,ff]+opts
-    print "Running",' '.join(args)
-    status = os.spawnve(os.P_WAIT,sys.executable,args,os.environ)
-    if status:
-        print 'TEST FAILURE (status=%s)' % (status)
-        if f=='f90/return_integer.py':
-            sys.exit()

Copied: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c (from rev 8271, trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c)
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/* File: wrapmodule.c
+ * This file is auto-generated with f2py (version:2_1330).
+ * Hand edited by Pearu.
+ * f2py is a Fortran to Python Interface Generator (FPIG), Second Edition,
+ * written by Pearu Peterson <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>.
+ * See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
+ * Generation date: Fri Oct 21 22:41:12 2005
+ * $Revision:$
+ * $Date:$
+ * Do not edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!!!
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*********************** See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: includes ***********************/
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "fortranobject.h"
+#include <math.h>
+static PyObject *wrap_error;
+static PyObject *wrap_module;
+/************************************ call ************************************/
+static char doc_f2py_rout_wrap_call[] = "\
+Function signature:\n\
+  arr = call(type_num,dims,intent,obj)\n\
+Required arguments:\n"
+"  type_num : input int\n"
+"  dims : input int-sequence\n"
+"  intent : input int\n"
+"  obj : input python object\n"
+"Return objects:\n"
+"  arr : array";
+static PyObject *f2py_rout_wrap_call(PyObject *capi_self,
+				     PyObject *capi_args) {
+  PyObject * volatile capi_buildvalue = NULL;
+  int type_num = 0;
+  npy_intp *dims = NULL;
+  PyObject *dims_capi = Py_None;
+  int rank = 0;
+  int intent = 0;
+  PyArrayObject *capi_arr_tmp = NULL;
+  PyObject *arr_capi = Py_None;
+  int i;
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(capi_args,"iOiO|:wrap.call",\
+			&type_num,&dims_capi,&intent,&arr_capi))
+    return NULL;
+  rank = PySequence_Length(dims_capi);
+  dims = malloc(rank*sizeof(npy_intp));
+  for (i=0;i<rank;++i)
+    dims[i] = (npy_intp)PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem(dims_capi,i));
+  capi_arr_tmp = array_from_pyobj(type_num,dims,rank,intent|F2PY_INTENT_OUT,arr_capi);
+  if (capi_arr_tmp == NULL)
+    return NULL;
+  capi_buildvalue = Py_BuildValue("N",capi_arr_tmp);
+  free(dims);
+  return capi_buildvalue;
+static char doc_f2py_rout_wrap_attrs[] = "\
+Function signature:\n\
+  arr = array_attrs(arr)\n\
+Required arguments:\n"
+"  arr : input array object\n"
+"Return objects:\n"
+"  data : data address in hex\n"
+"  nd : int\n"
+"  dimensions : tuple\n"
+"  strides : tuple\n"
+"  base : python object\n"
+"  (kind,type,type_num,elsize,alignment) : 4-tuple\n"
+"  flags : int\n"
+"  itemsize : int\n"
+static PyObject *f2py_rout_wrap_attrs(PyObject *capi_self,
+				      PyObject *capi_args) {
+  PyObject *arr_capi = Py_None;
+  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL;
+  PyObject *dimensions = NULL;
+  PyObject *strides = NULL;
+  char s[100];
+  int i;
+  memset(s,0,100*sizeof(char));
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(capi_args,"O!|:wrap.attrs",
+			&PyArray_Type,&arr_capi))
+    return NULL;
+  arr = (PyArrayObject *)arr_capi;
+  sprintf(s,"%p",arr->data);
+  dimensions = PyTuple_New(arr->nd);
+  strides = PyTuple_New(arr->nd);
+  for (i=0;i<arr->nd;++i) {
+    PyTuple_SetItem(dimensions,i,PyInt_FromLong(arr->dimensions[i]));
+    PyTuple_SetItem(strides,i,PyInt_FromLong(arr->strides[i]));
+  }
+  return Py_BuildValue("siOOO(cciii)ii",s,arr->nd,
+		       dimensions,strides,
+		       (arr->base==NULL?Py_None:arr->base),
+		       arr->descr->kind,
+		       arr->descr->type,
+		       arr->descr->type_num,
+		       arr->descr->elsize,
+		       arr->descr->alignment,
+		       arr->flags,
+		       PyArray_ITEMSIZE(arr));
+static PyMethodDef f2py_module_methods[] = {
+  {"call",f2py_rout_wrap_call,METH_VARARGS,doc_f2py_rout_wrap_call},
+  {"array_attrs",f2py_rout_wrap_attrs,METH_VARARGS,doc_f2py_rout_wrap_attrs},
+PyMODINIT_FUNC inittest_array_from_pyobj_ext(void) {
+  PyObject *m,*d, *s;
+  m = wrap_module = Py_InitModule("test_array_from_pyobj_ext", f2py_module_methods);
+  PyFortran_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+  import_array();
+  if (PyErr_Occurred())
+    Py_FatalError("can't initialize module wrap (failed to import numpy)");
+  d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+  s = PyString_FromString("This module 'wrap' is auto-generated with f2py (version:2_1330).\nFunctions:\n"
+"  arr = call(type_num,dims,intent,obj)\n"
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__doc__", s);
+  wrap_error = PyErr_NewException ("wrap.error", NULL, NULL);
+  Py_DECREF(s);
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_IN", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_IN));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_INOUT", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_INOUT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_OUT", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_OUT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_HIDE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_HIDE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_CACHE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_CACHE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_COPY", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_COPY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_C", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_C));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_OPTIONAL", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_OPTIONAL));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "F2PY_INTENT_INPLACE", PyInt_FromLong(F2PY_INTENT_INPLACE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_BOOL", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_BOOL));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_BYTE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_BYTE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UBYTE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UBYTE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_SHORT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_SHORT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_USHORT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_USHORT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_INT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_INT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UINT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UINT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_INTP", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_INTP));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UINTP", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UINTP));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONG));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_ULONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_ULONG));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONGLONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONGLONG));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_ULONGLONG", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_ULONGLONG));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_FLOAT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_FLOAT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_DOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_DOUBLE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_LONGDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_LONGDOUBLE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CFLOAT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CFLOAT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CDOUBLE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_CLONGDOUBLE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_CLONGDOUBLE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_OBJECT", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_OBJECT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_STRING", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_STRING));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UNICODE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_UNICODE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_VOID", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_VOID));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_NTYPES", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_NTYPES));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_NOTYPE", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_NOTYPE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "PyArray_UDERDEF", PyInt_FromLong(PyArray_USERDEF));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CONTIGUOUS", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_CONTIGUOUS));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FORTRAN", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FORTRAN));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "OWNDATA", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_OWNDATA));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FORCECAST", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FORCECAST));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ENSURECOPY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_ENSURECOPY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ENSUREARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_ENSUREARRAY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "ALIGNED", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_ALIGNED));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "WRITEABLE", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_WRITEABLE));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "UPDATEIFCOPY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "BEHAVED", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_BEHAVED));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "BEHAVED_NS", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_BEHAVED_NS));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_CARRAY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FARRAY", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FARRAY));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "CARRAY_RO", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_CARRAY_RO));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "FARRAY_RO", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_FARRAY_RO));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "DEFAULT", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_DEFAULT));
+  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "UPDATE_ALL", PyInt_FromLong(NPY_UPDATE_ALL));
+  if (PyErr_Occurred())
+    Py_FatalError("can't initialize module wrap");
+  on_exit(f2py_report_on_exit,(void*)"array_from_pyobj.wrap.call");
+#ifdef __cplusplus

Property changes on: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id Author
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo.f (from rev 8271, trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo.f)
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo.f	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo.f	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+      subroutine bar11(a)
+cf2py intent(out) a
+      integer a
+      a = 11
+      end

Copied: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_fixed.f90 (from rev 8271, trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_fixed.f90)
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_fixed.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_fixed.f90	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+      module foo_fixed
+      contains
+        subroutine bar12(a)
+!f2py intent(out) a
+          integer a
+          a = 12
+        end subroutine bar12
+      end module foo_fixed

Copied: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_free.f90 (from rev 8271, trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/mixed/foo_free.f90)
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_free.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/src/mixed/foo_free.f90	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module foo_free
+  subroutine bar13(a)
+    !f2py intent(out) a
+    integer a
+    a = 13
+  end subroutine bar13
+end module foo_free

Copied: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py (from rev 8271, trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/array_from_pyobj/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py)
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array, alltrue, ndarray, asarray, can_cast,zeros, dtype
+from numpy.core.multiarray import typeinfo
+import util
+wrap = None
+def setup():
+    """
+    Build the required testing extension module
+    """
+    global wrap
+    if wrap is None:
+        config_code = """
+        config.add_extension('test_array_from_pyobj_ext',
+                             sources=['wrapmodule.c', 'fortranobject.c'],
+                             define_macros=[])
+        """
+        d = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+        src = [os.path.join(d, 'src', 'array_from_pyobj', 'wrapmodule.c'),
+               os.path.join(d, '..', 'src', 'fortranobject.c'),
+               os.path.join(d, '..', 'src', 'fortranobject.h')]
+        wrap = util.build_module_distutils(src, config_code,
+                                           'test_array_from_pyobj_ext')
+def flags_info(arr):
+    flags = wrap.array_attrs(arr)[6]
+    return flags2names(flags)
+def flags2names(flags):
+    info = []
+    for flagname in ['CONTIGUOUS','FORTRAN','OWNDATA','ENSURECOPY',
+                     'UPDATEIFCOPY','BEHAVED','BEHAVED_RO',
+                     'CARRAY','FARRAY'
+                     ]:
+        if abs(flags) & getattr(wrap,flagname):
+            info.append(flagname)
+    return info
+class Intent:
+    def __init__(self,intent_list=[]):
+        self.intent_list = intent_list[:]
+        flags = 0
+        for i in intent_list:
+            if i=='optional':
+                flags |= wrap.F2PY_OPTIONAL
+            else:
+                flags |= getattr(wrap,'F2PY_INTENT_'+i.upper())
+        self.flags = flags
+    def __getattr__(self,name):
+        name = name.lower()
+        if name=='in_': name='in'
+        return self.__class__(self.intent_list+[name])
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'intent(%s)' % (','.join(self.intent_list))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'Intent(%r)' % (self.intent_list)
+    def is_intent(self,*names):
+        for name in names:
+            if name not in self.intent_list:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def is_intent_exact(self,*names):
+        return len(self.intent_list)==len(names) and self.is_intent(*names)
+intent = Intent()
+class Type(object):
+    _type_names = ['BOOL','BYTE','UBYTE','SHORT','USHORT','INT','UINT',
+                   'LONG','ULONG','LONGLONG','ULONGLONG',
+                   'FLOAT','DOUBLE','LONGDOUBLE','CFLOAT','CDOUBLE',
+                   'CLONGDOUBLE']
+    _type_cache = {}
+    _cast_dict = {'BOOL':['BOOL']}
+    _cast_dict['BYTE'] = _cast_dict['BOOL'] + ['BYTE']
+    _cast_dict['UBYTE'] = _cast_dict['BOOL'] + ['UBYTE']
+    _cast_dict['BYTE'] = ['BYTE']
+    _cast_dict['UBYTE'] = ['UBYTE']
+    _cast_dict['SHORT'] = _cast_dict['BYTE'] + ['UBYTE','SHORT']
+    _cast_dict['USHORT'] = _cast_dict['UBYTE'] + ['BYTE','USHORT']
+    _cast_dict['INT'] = _cast_dict['SHORT'] + ['USHORT','INT']
+    _cast_dict['UINT'] = _cast_dict['USHORT'] + ['SHORT','UINT']
+    _cast_dict['LONG'] = _cast_dict['INT'] + ['LONG']
+    _cast_dict['ULONG'] = _cast_dict['UINT'] + ['ULONG']
+    _cast_dict['LONGLONG'] = _cast_dict['LONG'] + ['LONGLONG']
+    _cast_dict['ULONGLONG'] = _cast_dict['ULONG'] + ['ULONGLONG']
+    _cast_dict['FLOAT'] = _cast_dict['SHORT'] + ['USHORT','FLOAT']
+    _cast_dict['DOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['INT'] + ['UINT','FLOAT','DOUBLE']
+    _cast_dict['LONGDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['LONG'] + ['ULONG','FLOAT','DOUBLE','LONGDOUBLE']
+    _cast_dict['CFLOAT'] = _cast_dict['FLOAT'] + ['CFLOAT']
+    _cast_dict['CDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['DOUBLE'] + ['CFLOAT','CDOUBLE']
+    _cast_dict['CLONGDOUBLE'] = _cast_dict['LONGDOUBLE'] + ['CFLOAT','CDOUBLE','CLONGDOUBLE']
+    def __new__(cls,name):
+        if isinstance(name,dtype):
+            dtype0 = name
+            name = None
+            for n,i in typeinfo.items():
+                if isinstance(i,tuple) and dtype0.type is i[-1]:
+                    name = n
+                    break
+        obj = cls._type_cache.get(name.upper(),None)
+        if obj is not None:
+            return obj
+        obj = object.__new__(cls)
+        obj._init(name)
+        cls._type_cache[name.upper()] = obj
+        return obj
+    def _init(self,name):
+        self.NAME = name.upper()
+        self.type_num = getattr(wrap,'PyArray_'+self.NAME)
+        assert_equal(self.type_num,typeinfo[self.NAME][1])
+        self.dtype = typeinfo[self.NAME][-1]
+        self.elsize = typeinfo[self.NAME][2] / 8
+        self.dtypechar = typeinfo[self.NAME][0]
+    def cast_types(self):
+        return map(self.__class__,self._cast_dict[self.NAME])
+    def all_types(self):
+        return map(self.__class__,self._type_names)
+    def smaller_types(self):
+        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
+        types = []
+        for name in self._type_names:
+            if typeinfo[name][3]<bits:
+                types.append(Type(name))
+        return types
+    def equal_types(self):
+        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
+        types = []
+        for name in self._type_names:
+            if name==self.NAME: continue
+            if typeinfo[name][3]==bits:
+                types.append(Type(name))
+        return types
+    def larger_types(self):
+        bits = typeinfo[self.NAME][3]
+        types = []
+        for name in self._type_names:
+            if typeinfo[name][3]>bits:
+                types.append(Type(name))
+        return types
+class Array:
+    def __init__(self,typ,dims,intent,obj):
+        self.type = typ
+        self.dims = dims
+        self.intent = intent
+        self.obj_copy = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+        self.obj = obj
+        # arr.dtypechar may be different from typ.dtypechar
+        self.arr = wrap.call(typ.type_num,dims,intent.flags,obj)
+        self.arr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.arr)
+        if len(dims)>1:
+            if self.intent.is_intent('c'):
+                assert intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C
+                assert not self.arr.flags['FORTRAN'],`self.arr.flags,obj.flags`
+                assert self.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+                assert not self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
+            else:
+                assert not intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C
+                assert self.arr.flags['FORTRAN']
+                assert not self.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+                assert self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
+        if obj is None:
+            self.pyarr = None
+            self.pyarr_attr = None
+            return
+        if intent.is_intent('cache'):
+            assert isinstance(obj,ndarray),`type(obj)`
+            self.pyarr = array(obj).reshape(*dims).copy()
+        else:
+            self.pyarr = array(array(obj,
+                                     dtype = typ.dtypechar).reshape(*dims),
+                               order=self.intent.is_intent('c') and 'C' or 'F')
+            assert self.pyarr.dtype == typ, \
+                   `self.pyarr.dtype,typ`
+        assert self.pyarr.flags['OWNDATA'], (obj, intent)
+        self.pyarr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.pyarr)
+        if len(dims)>1:
+            if self.intent.is_intent('c'):
+                assert not self.pyarr.flags['FORTRAN']
+                assert self.pyarr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+                assert not self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
+            else:
+                assert self.pyarr.flags['FORTRAN']
+                assert not self.pyarr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+                assert self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN
+        assert self.arr_attr[1]==self.pyarr_attr[1] # nd
+        assert self.arr_attr[2]==self.pyarr_attr[2] # dimensions
+        if self.arr_attr[1]<=1:
+            assert self.arr_attr[3]==self.pyarr_attr[3],\
+                   `self.arr_attr[3],self.pyarr_attr[3],self.arr.tostring(),self.pyarr.tostring()` # strides
+        assert self.arr_attr[5][-2:]==self.pyarr_attr[5][-2:],\
+               `self.arr_attr[5],self.pyarr_attr[5]` # descr
+        assert self.arr_attr[6]==self.pyarr_attr[6],\
+               `self.arr_attr[6],self.pyarr_attr[6],flags2names(0*self.arr_attr[6]-self.pyarr_attr[6]),flags2names(self.arr_attr[6]),intent` # flags
+        if intent.is_intent('cache'):
+            assert self.arr_attr[5][3]>=self.type.elsize,\
+                   `self.arr_attr[5][3],self.type.elsize`
+        else:
+            assert self.arr_attr[5][3]==self.type.elsize,\
+                   `self.arr_attr[5][3],self.type.elsize`
+        assert self.arr_equal(self.pyarr,self.arr)
+        if isinstance(self.obj,ndarray):
+            if typ.elsize==Type(obj.dtype).elsize:
+                if not intent.is_intent('copy') and self.arr_attr[1]<=1:
+                    assert self.has_shared_memory()
+    def arr_equal(self,arr1,arr2):
+        if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
+            return False
+        s = arr1==arr2
+        return alltrue(s.flatten())
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.arr)
+    def has_shared_memory(self):
+        """Check that created array shares data with input array.
+        """
+        if self.obj is self.arr:
+            return True
+        if not isinstance(self.obj,ndarray):
+            return False
+        obj_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.obj)
+        return obj_attr[0]==self.arr_attr[0]
+class test_intent(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_in_out(self):
+        assert_equal(str(intent.in_.out),'intent(in,out)')
+        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent('c')
+        assert not intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('c')
+        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('c','in')
+        assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact('in','c')
+        assert not intent.in_.is_intent('c')
+class _test_shared_memory:
+    num2seq = [1,2]
+    num23seq = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
+    def test_in_from_2seq(self):
+        a = self.array([2],intent.in_,self.num2seq)
+        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
+    def test_in_from_2casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.in_,obj)
+            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
+                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`self.type.dtype,t.dtype`
+            else:
+                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_inout_2seq(self):
+        obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
+        a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.inout,obj)
+        assert a.has_shared_memory()
+        try:
+            a = self.array([2],intent.in_.inout,self.num2seq)
+        except TypeError,msg:
+            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(inout|inplace|cache) array'):
+                raise
+        else:
+            raise SystemError,'intent(inout) should have failed on sequence'
+    def test_f_inout_23seq(self):
+        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype,order='F')
+        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.inout,obj)
+        assert a.has_shared_memory()
+        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype,order='C')
+        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
+        try:
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.inout,obj)
+        except ValueError,msg:
+            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(inout) array'):
+                raise
+        else:
+            raise SystemError,'intent(inout) should have failed on improper array'
+    def test_c_inout_23seq(self):
+        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
+        shape = (len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0]))
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.inout,obj)
+        assert a.has_shared_memory()
+    def test_in_copy_from_2casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)],intent.in_.copy,obj)
+            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_c_in_from_23seq(self):
+        a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                       intent.in_,self.num23seq)
+        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
+    def test_in_from_23casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                           intent.in_,obj)
+            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_f_in_from_23casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype,order='F')
+            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                           intent.in_,obj)
+            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
+                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            else:
+                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_c_in_from_23casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                           intent.in_.c,obj)
+            if t.elsize==self.type.elsize:
+                assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            else:
+                assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_f_copy_in_from_23casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype,order='F')
+            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                           intent.in_.copy,obj)
+            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_c_copy_in_from_23casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            a = self.array([len(self.num23seq),len(self.num23seq[0])],
+                           intent.in_.c.copy,obj)
+            assert not a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+    def test_in_cache_from_2casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.all_types():
+            if t.elsize != self.type.elsize:
+                continue
+            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            shape = (len(self.num2seq),)
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.cache,obj)
+            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
+            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype,order='F')
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.c.cache,obj)
+            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
+            assert a.has_shared_memory(),`t.dtype`
+            try:
+                a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj[::-1])
+            except ValueError,msg:
+                if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(cache) array'):
+                    raise
+            else:
+                raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on multisegmented array'
+    def test_in_cache_from_2casttype_failure(self):
+        for t in self.type.all_types():
+            if t.elsize >= self.type.elsize:
+                continue
+            obj = array(self.num2seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            shape = (len(self.num2seq),)
+            try:
+                a = self.array(shape,intent.in_.cache,obj)
+            except ValueError,msg:
+                if not str(msg).startswith('failed to initialize intent(cache) array'):
+                    raise
+            else:
+                raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on smaller array'
+    def test_cache_hidden(self):
+        shape = (2,)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        shape = (2,3)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        shape = (-1,3)
+        try:
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.cache.hide,None)
+        except ValueError,msg:
+            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array'):
+                raise
+        else:
+            raise SystemError,'intent(cache) should have failed on undefined dimensions'
+    def test_hidden(self):
+        shape = (2,)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        shape = (2,3)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        assert a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and not a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+        shape = (2,3)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.c.hide,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        assert not a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+        shape = (-1,3)
+        try:
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.hide,None)
+        except ValueError,msg:
+            if not str(msg).startswith('failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array'):
+                raise
+        else:
+            raise SystemError,'intent(hide) should have failed on undefined dimensions'
+    def test_optional_none(self):
+        shape = (2,)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        shape = (2,3)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        assert a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and not a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+        shape = (2,3)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.c.optional,None)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert a.arr_equal(a.arr,zeros(shape,dtype=self.type.dtype))
+        assert not a.arr.flags['FORTRAN'] and a.arr.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+    def test_optional_from_2seq(self):
+        obj = self.num2seq
+        shape = (len(obj),)
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,obj)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
+    def test_optional_from_23seq(self):
+        obj = self.num23seq
+        shape = (len(obj),len(obj[0]))
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional,obj)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.optional.c,obj)
+        assert a.arr.shape==shape
+        assert not a.has_shared_memory()
+    def test_inplace(self):
+        obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=self.type.dtype)
+        assert not obj.flags['FORTRAN'] and obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+        shape = obj.shape
+        a = self.array(shape,intent.inplace,obj)
+        assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2],`obj,a.arr`
+        a.arr[1][2]=54
+        assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2]==array(54,dtype=self.type.dtype),`obj,a.arr`
+        assert a.arr is obj
+        assert obj.flags['FORTRAN'] # obj attributes are changed inplace!
+        assert not obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+    def test_inplace_from_casttype(self):
+        for t in self.type.cast_types():
+            if t is self.type:
+                continue
+            obj = array(self.num23seq,dtype=t.dtype)
+            assert obj.dtype.type==t.dtype
+            assert obj.dtype.type is not self.type.dtype
+            assert not obj.flags['FORTRAN'] and obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+            shape = obj.shape
+            a = self.array(shape,intent.inplace,obj)
+            assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2],`obj,a.arr`
+            a.arr[1][2]=54
+            assert obj[1][2]==a.arr[1][2]==array(54,dtype=self.type.dtype),`obj,a.arr`
+            assert a.arr is obj
+            assert obj.flags['FORTRAN'] # obj attributes are changed inplace!
+            assert not obj.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
+            assert obj.dtype.type is self.type.dtype # obj type is changed inplace!
+for t in Type._type_names:
+    exec '''\
+class test_%s_gen(unittest.TestCase,
+              _test_shared_memory
+              ):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.type = Type(%r)
+    array = lambda self,dims,intent,obj: Array(Type(%r),dims,intent,obj)
+''' % (t,t,t)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_callback.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_callback.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_callback.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import math
+import util
+class TestF77Callback(util.F2PyTest):
+    code = """
+       subroutine t(fun,a)
+       integer a
+cf2py  intent(out) a
+       external fun
+       call fun(a)
+       end
+       subroutine func(a)
+cf2py  intent(in,out) a
+       integer a
+       a = a + 11
+       end
+       subroutine func0(a)
+cf2py  intent(out) a
+       integer a
+       a = 11
+       end
+       subroutine t2(a)
+cf2py  intent(callback) fun
+       integer a
+cf2py  intent(out) a
+       external fun
+       call fun(a)
+       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t,t2".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module, name)
+        r = t(lambda : 4)
+        assert r==4,`r`
+        r = t(lambda a:5,fun_extra_args=(6,))
+        assert r==5,`r`
+        r = t(lambda a:a,fun_extra_args=(6,))
+        assert r==6,`r`
+        r = t(lambda a:5+a,fun_extra_args=(7,))
+        assert r==12,`r`
+        r = t(lambda a:math.degrees(a),fun_extra_args=(math.pi,))
+        assert r==180,`r`
+        r = t(math.degrees,fun_extra_args=(math.pi,))
+        assert r==180,`r`
+        r = t(self.module.func, fun_extra_args=(6,))
+        assert r==17,`r`
+        r = t(self.module.func0)
+        assert r==11,`r`
+        r = t(self.module.func0._cpointer)
+        assert r==11,`r`
+        class A:
+            def __call__(self):
+                return 7
+            def mth(self):
+                return 9
+        a = A()
+        r = t(a)
+        assert r==7,`r`
+        r = t(a.mth)
+        assert r==9,`r`
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_mixed.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_mixed.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_mixed.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import os
+import math
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import util
+def _path(*a):
+    return os.path.join(*((os.path.dirname(__file__),) + a))
+class TestMixed(util.F2PyTest):
+    sources = [_path('src', 'mixed', 'foo.f'),
+               _path('src', 'mixed', 'foo_fixed.f90'),
+               _path('src', 'mixed', 'foo_free.f90')]
+    def test_all(self):
+        assert self.module.bar11() == 11
+        assert self.module.foo_fixed.bar12() == 12
+        assert self.module.foo_free.bar13() == 13
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_character.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_character.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_character.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import util
+class TestReturnCharacter(util.F2PyTest):
+    def _check_function(self, t):
+        tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
+        if tname in ['t0','t1','s0','s1']:
+            assert t(23)=='2'
+            r = t('ab');assert r=='a',`r`
+            r = t(array('ab'));assert r=='a',`r`
+            r = t(array(77,'u1'));assert r=='M',`r`
+            #assert_raises(ValueError, t, array([77,87]))
+            #assert_raises(ValueError, t, array(77))
+        elif tname in ['ts','ss']:
+            assert t(23)=='23        ',`t(23)`
+            assert t('123456789abcdef')=='123456789a'
+        elif tname in ['t5','s5']:
+            assert t(23)=='23   ',`t(23)`
+            assert t('ab')=='ab   ',`t('ab')`
+            assert t('123456789abcdef')=='12345'
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+class TestF77ReturnCharacter(TestReturnCharacter):
+    code = """
+       function t0(value)
+         character value
+         character t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       function t1(value)
+         character*1 value
+         character*1 t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       function t5(value)
+         character*5 value
+         character*5 t5
+         t5 = value
+       end
+       function ts(value)
+         character*(*) value
+         character*(*) ts
+         ts = value
+       end
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         character value
+         character t0
+cf2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         character*1 value
+         character*1 t1
+cf2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s5(t5,value)
+         character*5 value
+         character*5 t5
+cf2py    intent(out) t5
+         t5 = value
+       end
+       subroutine ss(ts,value)
+         character*(*) value
+         character*10 ts
+cf2py    intent(out) ts
+         ts = value
+       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t5,s0,s1,s5,ss".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+class TestF90ReturnCharacter(TestReturnCharacter):
+    suffix = ".f90"
+    code = """
+module f90_return_char
+  contains
+       function t0(value)
+         character :: value
+         character :: t0
+         t0 = value
+       end function t0
+       function t1(value)
+         character(len=1) :: value
+         character(len=1) :: t1
+         t1 = value
+       end function t1
+       function t5(value)
+         character(len=5) :: value
+         character(len=5) :: t5
+         t5 = value
+       end function t5
+       function ts(value)
+         character(len=*) :: value
+         character(len=10) :: ts
+         ts = value
+       end function ts
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         character :: value
+         character :: t0
+!f2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end subroutine s0
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         character(len=1) :: value
+         character(len=1) :: t1
+!f2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end subroutine s1
+       subroutine s5(t5,value)
+         character(len=5) :: value
+         character(len=5) :: t5
+!f2py    intent(out) t5
+         t5 = value
+       end subroutine s5
+       subroutine ss(ts,value)
+         character(len=*) :: value
+         character(len=10) :: ts
+!f2py    intent(out) ts
+         ts = value
+       end subroutine ss
+end module f90_return_char
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t5,ts,s0,s1,s5,ss".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module.f90_return_char, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_complex.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_complex.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_complex.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import util
+class TestReturnComplex(util.F2PyTest):
+    def _check_function(self, t):
+        tname = t.__doc__.split()[0]
+        if tname in ['t0','t8','s0','s8']:
+            err = 1e-5
+        else:
+            err = 0.0
+        assert abs(t(234j)-234.0j)<=err
+        assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
+        assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
+        assert abs(t(234.6+3j)-(234.6+3j))<=err
+        #assert abs(t('234')-234.)<=err
+        #assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
+        assert abs(t(-234)+234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t([234])-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array(23+4j,'F'))-(23+4j))<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))+22.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'h'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'q'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234+3j],'F'))-(234+3j))<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'D'))-234.)<=err
+        #assert_raises(TypeError, t, array([234], 'a1'))
+        assert_raises(TypeError, t, 'abc')
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, [])
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, ())
+        assert_raises(TypeError, t, t)
+        assert_raises(TypeError, t, {})
+        try:
+            r = t(10l**400)
+            assert `r` in ['(inf+0j)','(Infinity+0j)'],`r`
+        except OverflowError:
+            pass
+class TestF77ReturnComplex(TestReturnComplex):
+    code = """
+       function t0(value)
+         complex value
+         complex t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       function t8(value)
+         complex*8 value
+         complex*8 t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+       function t16(value)
+         complex*16 value
+         complex*16 t16
+         t16 = value
+       end
+       function td(value)
+         double complex value
+         double complex td
+         td = value
+       end
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         complex value
+         complex t0
+cf2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         complex*8 value
+         complex*8 t8
+cf2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s16(t16,value)
+         complex*16 value
+         complex*16 t16
+cf2py    intent(out) t16
+         t16 = value
+       end
+       subroutine sd(td,value)
+         double complex value
+         double complex td
+cf2py    intent(out) td
+         td = value
+       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t8,t16,td,s0,s8,s16,sd".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+class TestF90ReturnComplex(TestReturnComplex):
+    suffix = ".f90"
+    code = """
+module f90_return_complex
+  contains
+       function t0(value)
+         complex :: value
+         complex :: t0
+         t0 = value
+       end function t0
+       function t8(value)
+         complex(kind=4) :: value
+         complex(kind=4) :: t8
+         t8 = value
+       end function t8
+       function t16(value)
+         complex(kind=8) :: value
+         complex(kind=8) :: t16
+         t16 = value
+       end function t16
+       function td(value)
+         double complex :: value
+         double complex :: td
+         td = value
+       end function td
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         complex :: value
+         complex :: t0
+!f2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end subroutine s0
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         complex(kind=4) :: value
+         complex(kind=4) :: t8
+!f2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end subroutine s8
+       subroutine s16(t16,value)
+         complex(kind=8) :: value
+         complex(kind=8) :: t16
+!f2py    intent(out) t16
+         t16 = value
+       end subroutine s16
+       subroutine sd(td,value)
+         double complex :: value
+         double complex :: td
+!f2py    intent(out) td
+         td = value
+       end subroutine sd
+end module f90_return_complex
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t8,t16,td,s0,s8,s16,sd".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module.f90_return_complex, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_integer.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import util
+class TestReturnInteger(util.F2PyTest):
+    def _check_function(self, t):
+        assert t(123)==123,`t(123)`
+        assert t(123.6)==123
+        assert t(123l)==123
+        assert t('123')==123
+        assert t(-123)==-123
+        assert t([123])==123
+        assert t((123,))==123
+        assert t(array(123))==123
+        assert t(array([123]))==123
+        assert t(array([[123]]))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'b'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'h'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'i'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'l'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'B'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'f'))==123
+        assert t(array([123],'d'))==123
+        #assert_raises(ValueError, t, array([123],'S3'))
+        assert_raises(ValueError, t, 'abc')
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, [])
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, ())
+        assert_raises(Exception, t, t)
+        assert_raises(Exception, t, {})
+        if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t8','s8']:
+            assert_raises(OverflowError, t, 100000000000000000000000l)
+            assert_raises(OverflowError, t, 10000000011111111111111.23)
+class TestF77ReturnInteger(TestReturnInteger):
+    code = """
+       function t0(value)
+         integer value
+         integer t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       function t1(value)
+         integer*1 value
+         integer*1 t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       function t2(value)
+         integer*2 value
+         integer*2 t2
+         t2 = value
+       end
+       function t4(value)
+         integer*4 value
+         integer*4 t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+       function t8(value)
+         integer*8 value
+         integer*8 t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         integer value
+         integer t0
+cf2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         integer*1 value
+         integer*1 t1
+cf2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s2(t2,value)
+         integer*2 value
+         integer*2 t2
+cf2py    intent(out) t2
+         t2 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         integer*4 value
+         integer*4 t4
+cf2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         integer*8 value
+         integer*8 t8
+cf2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+class TestF90ReturnInteger(TestReturnInteger):
+    suffix = ".f90"
+    code = """
+module f90_return_integer
+  contains
+       function t0(value)
+         integer :: value
+         integer :: t0
+         t0 = value
+       end function t0
+       function t1(value)
+         integer(kind=1) :: value
+         integer(kind=1) :: t1
+         t1 = value
+       end function t1
+       function t2(value)
+         integer(kind=2) :: value
+         integer(kind=2) :: t2
+         t2 = value
+       end function t2
+       function t4(value)
+         integer(kind=4) :: value
+         integer(kind=4) :: t4
+         t4 = value
+       end function t4
+       function t8(value)
+         integer(kind=8) :: value
+         integer(kind=8) :: t8
+         t8 = value
+       end function t8
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         integer :: value
+         integer :: t0
+!f2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end subroutine s0
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         integer(kind=1) :: value
+         integer(kind=1) :: t1
+!f2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end subroutine s1
+       subroutine s2(t2,value)
+         integer(kind=2) :: value
+         integer(kind=2) :: t2
+!f2py    intent(out) t2
+         t2 = value
+       end subroutine s2
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         integer(kind=4) :: value
+         integer(kind=4) :: t4
+!f2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end subroutine s4
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         integer(kind=8) :: value
+         integer(kind=8) :: t8
+!f2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end subroutine s8
+end module f90_return_integer
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module.f90_return_integer, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_logical.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_logical.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_logical.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import util
+class TestReturnLogical(util.F2PyTest):
+    def _check_function(self, t):
+        assert t(True)==1,`t(True)`
+        assert t(False)==0,`t(False)`
+        assert t(0)==0
+        assert t(None)==0
+        assert t(0.0)==0
+        assert t(0j)==0
+        assert t(1j)==1
+        assert t(234)==1
+        assert t(234.6)==1
+        assert t(234l)==1
+        assert t(234.6+3j)==1
+        assert t('234')==1
+        assert t('aaa')==1
+        assert t('')==0
+        assert t([])==0
+        assert t(())==0
+        assert t({})==0
+        assert t(t)==1
+        assert t(-234)==1
+        assert t(10l**100)==1
+        assert t([234])==1
+        assert t((234,))==1
+        assert t(array(234))==1
+        assert t(array([234]))==1
+        assert t(array([[234]]))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'b'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'h'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'i'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'l'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'f'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'d'))==1
+        assert t(array([234+3j],'F'))==1
+        assert t(array([234],'D'))==1
+        assert t(array(0))==0
+        assert t(array([0]))==0
+        assert t(array([[0]]))==0
+        assert t(array([0j]))==0
+        assert t(array([1]))==1
+        assert_raises(ValueError, t, array([0,0]))
+class TestF77ReturnLogical(TestReturnLogical):
+    code = """
+       function t0(value)
+         logical value
+         logical t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       function t1(value)
+         logical*1 value
+         logical*1 t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       function t2(value)
+         logical*2 value
+         logical*2 t2
+         t2 = value
+       end
+       function t4(value)
+         logical*4 value
+         logical*4 t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+c       function t8(value)
+c         logical*8 value
+c         logical*8 t8
+c         t8 = value
+c       end
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         logical value
+         logical t0
+cf2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         logical*1 value
+         logical*1 t1
+cf2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s2(t2,value)
+         logical*2 value
+         logical*2 t2
+cf2py    intent(out) t2
+         t2 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         logical*4 value
+         logical*4 t4
+cf2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+c       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+c         logical*8 value
+c         logical*8 t8
+cf2py    intent(out) t8
+c         t8 = value
+c       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t2,t4,s0,s1,s2,s4".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+class TestF90ReturnLogical(TestReturnLogical):
+    suffix = ".f90"
+    code = """
+module f90_return_logical
+  contains
+       function t0(value)
+         logical :: value
+         logical :: t0
+         t0 = value
+       end function t0
+       function t1(value)
+         logical(kind=1) :: value
+         logical(kind=1) :: t1
+         t1 = value
+       end function t1
+       function t2(value)
+         logical(kind=2) :: value
+         logical(kind=2) :: t2
+         t2 = value
+       end function t2
+       function t4(value)
+         logical(kind=4) :: value
+         logical(kind=4) :: t4
+         t4 = value
+       end function t4
+       function t8(value)
+         logical(kind=8) :: value
+         logical(kind=8) :: t8
+         t8 = value
+       end function t8
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         logical :: value
+         logical :: t0
+!f2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end subroutine s0
+       subroutine s1(t1,value)
+         logical(kind=1) :: value
+         logical(kind=1) :: t1
+!f2py    intent(out) t1
+         t1 = value
+       end subroutine s1
+       subroutine s2(t2,value)
+         logical(kind=2) :: value
+         logical(kind=2) :: t2
+!f2py    intent(out) t2
+         t2 = value
+       end subroutine s2
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         logical(kind=4) :: value
+         logical(kind=4) :: t4
+!f2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end subroutine s4
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         logical(kind=8) :: value
+         logical(kind=8) :: t8
+!f2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end subroutine s8
+end module f90_return_logical
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t1,t2,t4,t8,s0,s1,s2,s4,s8".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        t = getattr(self.module.f90_return_logical, name)
+        self._check_function(t)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/test_return_real.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy import array
+import math
+import util
+class TestReturnReal(util.F2PyTest):
+    def _check_function(self, t):
+        if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
+            err = 1e-5
+        else:
+            err = 0.0
+        assert abs(t(234)-234.0)<=err
+        assert abs(t(234.6)-234.6)<=err
+        assert abs(t(234l)-234.0)<=err
+        assert abs(t('234')-234)<=err
+        assert abs(t('234.6')-234.6)<=err
+        assert abs(t(-234)+234)<=err
+        assert abs(t([234])-234)<=err
+        assert abs(t((234,))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array(234))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234]))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([[234]]))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'b'))+22)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'h'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'i'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'l'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'B'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'f'))-234.)<=err
+        assert abs(t(array([234],'d'))-234.)<=err
+        if t.__doc__.split()[0] in ['t0','t4','s0','s4']:
+            assert t(1e200)==t(1e300) # inf
+        #assert_raises(ValueError, t, array([234], 'S1'))
+        assert_raises(ValueError, t, 'abc')
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, [])
+        assert_raises(IndexError, t, ())
+        assert_raises(Exception, t, t)
+        assert_raises(Exception, t, {})
+        try:
+            r = t(10l**400)
+            assert `r` in ['inf','Infinity'],`r`
+        except OverflowError:
+            pass
+class TestCReturnReal(TestReturnReal):
+    suffix = ".pyf"
+    module_name = "c_ext_return_real"
+    code = """
+python module c_ext_return_real
+usercode \'\'\'
+float t4(float value) { return value; }
+void s4(float *t4, float value) { *t4 = value; }
+double t8(double value) { return value; }
+void s8(double *t8, double value) { *t8 = value; }
+  function t4(value)
+    real*4 intent(c) :: t4,value
+  end
+  function t8(value)
+    real*8 intent(c) :: t8,value
+  end
+  subroutine s4(t4,value)
+    intent(c) s4
+    real*4 intent(out) :: t4
+    real*4 intent(c) :: value
+  end
+  subroutine s8(t8,value)
+    intent(c) s8
+    real*8 intent(out) :: t8
+    real*8 intent(c) :: value
+  end
+end interface
+end python module c_ext_return_real
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t4,t8,s4,s8".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        self._check_function(getattr(self.module, name))
+class TestF77ReturnReal(TestReturnReal):
+    code = """
+       function t0(value)
+         real value
+         real t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       function t4(value)
+         real*4 value
+         real*4 t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+       function t8(value)
+         real*8 value
+         real*8 t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+       function td(value)
+         double precision value
+         double precision td
+         td = value
+       end
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         real value
+         real t0
+cf2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         real*4 value
+         real*4 t4
+cf2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         real*8 value
+         real*8 t8
+cf2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end
+       subroutine sd(td,value)
+         double precision value
+         double precision td
+cf2py    intent(out) td
+         td = value
+       end
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t4,t8,td,s0,s4,s8,sd".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        self._check_function(getattr(self.module, name))
+class TestF90ReturnReal(TestReturnReal):
+    suffix = ".f90"
+    code = """
+module f90_return_real
+  contains
+       function t0(value)
+         real :: value
+         real :: t0
+         t0 = value
+       end function t0
+       function t4(value)
+         real(kind=4) :: value
+         real(kind=4) :: t4
+         t4 = value
+       end function t4
+       function t8(value)
+         real(kind=8) :: value
+         real(kind=8) :: t8
+         t8 = value
+       end function t8
+       function td(value)
+         double precision :: value
+         double precision :: td
+         td = value
+       end function td
+       subroutine s0(t0,value)
+         real :: value
+         real :: t0
+!f2py    intent(out) t0
+         t0 = value
+       end subroutine s0
+       subroutine s4(t4,value)
+         real(kind=4) :: value
+         real(kind=4) :: t4
+!f2py    intent(out) t4
+         t4 = value
+       end subroutine s4
+       subroutine s8(t8,value)
+         real(kind=8) :: value
+         real(kind=8) :: t8
+!f2py    intent(out) t8
+         t8 = value
+       end subroutine s8
+       subroutine sd(td,value)
+         double precision :: value
+         double precision :: td
+!f2py    intent(out) td
+         td = value
+       end subroutine sd
+end module f90_return_real
+    """
+    def test_all(self):
+        for name in "t0,t4,t8,td,s0,s4,s8,sd".split(","):
+            yield self.check_function, name
+    def check_function(self, name):
+        self._check_function(getattr(self.module.f90_return_real, name))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import nose
+    nose.runmodule()

Added: trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py
--- trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/numpy/f2py/tests/util.py	2010-03-06 19:10:14 UTC (rev 8273)
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+Utility functions for
+- building and importing modules on test time, using a temporary location
+- detecting if compilers are present
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import atexit
+import textwrap
+import re
+import random
+import nose
+from numpy.compat import asbytes
+import numpy.f2py
+    from hashlib import md5
+except ImportError:
+    from md5 import new as md5
+# Maintaining a temporary module directory
+_module_dir = None
+def _cleanup():
+    global _module_dir
+    if _module_dir is not None:
+        try:
+            sys.path.remove(_module_dir)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(_module_dir)
+        except (IOError, OSError):
+            pass
+        _module_dir = None
+def get_module_dir():
+    global _module_dir
+    if _module_dir is None:
+        _module_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        atexit.register(_cleanup)
+        if _module_dir not in sys.path:
+            sys.path.insert(0, _module_dir)
+    return _module_dir
+def get_temp_module_name():
+    # Assume single-threaded, and the module dir usable only by this thread
+    d = get_module_dir()
+    for j in xrange(5403, 9999999):
+        name = "_test_ext_module_%d" % j
+        fn = os.path.join(d, name)
+        if name not in sys.modules and not os.path.isfile(fn+'.py'):
+            return name
+    raise RuntimeError("Failed to create a temporary module name")
+def _memoize(func):
+    memo = {}
+    def wrapper(*a, **kw):
+        key = repr((a, kw))
+        if key not in memo:
+            try:
+                memo[key] = func(*a, **kw)
+            except Exception, e:
+                memo[key] = e
+                raise
+        ret = memo[key]
+        if isinstance(ret, Exception):
+            raise ret
+        return ret
+    wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
+    return wrapper
+# Building modules
+ at _memoize
+def build_module(source_files, options=[], skip=[], only=[], module_name=None):
+    """
+    Compile and import a f2py module, built from the given files.
+    """
+    code = ("import sys; sys.path = %s; import numpy.f2py as f2py2e; "
+            "f2py2e.main()" % repr(sys.path))
+    d = get_module_dir()
+    # Copy files
+    dst_sources = []
+    for fn in source_files:
+        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
+            raise RuntimeError("%s is not a file" % fn)
+        dst = os.path.join(d, os.path.basename(fn))
+        shutil.copyfile(fn, dst)
+        dst_sources.append(dst)
+    # Prepare options
+    if module_name is None:
+        module_name = get_temp_module_name()
+    f2py_opts = ['-c', '-m', module_name] + options + dst_sources
+    if skip:
+        f2py_opts += ['skip:'] + skip
+    if only:
+        f2py_opts += ['only:'] + only
+    # Build
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    try:
+        os.chdir(d)
+        cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', code] + f2py_opts
+        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        if p.returncode != 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("Running f2py failed: %s\n%s"
+                               % (cmd[4:], out))
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+        # Partial cleanup
+        for fn in dst_sources:
+            os.unlink(fn)
+    # Import
+    __import__(module_name)
+    return sys.modules[module_name]
+ at _memoize
+def build_code(source_code, options=[], skip=[], only=[], suffix=None,
+               module_name=None):
+    """
+    Compile and import Fortran code using f2py.
+    """
+    if suffix is None:
+        suffix = '.f'
+    fd, tmp_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
+    os.write(fd, asbytes(source_code))
+    os.close(fd)
+    try:
+        return build_module([tmp_fn], options=options, skip=skip, only=only,
+                            module_name=module_name)
+    finally:
+        os.unlink(tmp_fn)
+# Check if compilers are available at all...
+_compiler_status = None
+def _get_compiler_status():
+    global _compiler_status
+    if _compiler_status is not None:
+        return _compiler_status
+    _compiler_status = (False, False, False)
+    # XXX: this is really ugly. But I don't know how to invoke Distutils
+    #      in a safer way...
+    code = """
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path = %(syspath)s
+def configuration(parent_name='',top_path=None):
+    global config
+    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+    config = Configuration('', parent_name, top_path)
+    return config
+from numpy.distutils.core import setup
+config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()
+have_c = config_cmd.try_compile('void foo() {}')
+print('COMPILERS:%%d,%%d,%%d' %% (have_c,
+                                  config.have_f77c(),
+                                  config.have_f90c()))
+    code = code % dict(syspath=repr(sys.path))
+    fd, script = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.py')
+    os.write(fd, asbytes(code))
+    os.close(fd)
+    try:
+        cmd = [sys.executable, script, 'config']
+        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        m = re.search(r'COMPILERS:(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)', out)
+        if m:
+            _compiler_status = (bool(m.group(1)), bool(m.group(2)),
+                                bool(m.group(3)))
+    finally:
+        os.unlink(script)
+    # Finished
+    return _compiler_status
+def has_c_compiler():
+    return _get_compiler_status()[0]
+def has_f77_compiler():
+    return _get_compiler_status()[1]
+def has_f90_compiler():
+    return _get_compiler_status()[2]
+# Building with distutils
+ at _memoize
+def build_module_distutils(source_files, config_code, module_name, **kw):
+    """
+    Build a module via distutils and import it.
+    """
+    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
+    d = get_module_dir()
+    # Copy files
+    dst_sources = []
+    for fn in source_files:
+        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
+            raise RuntimeError("%s is not a file" % fn)
+        dst = os.path.join(d, os.path.basename(fn))
+        shutil.copyfile(fn, dst)
+        dst_sources.append(dst)
+    # Build script
+    config_code = textwrap.dedent(config_code).replace("\n", "\n    ")
+    code = """\
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path = %(syspath)s
+def configuration(parent_name='',top_path=None):
+    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+    config = Configuration('', parent_name, top_path)
+    %(config_code)s
+    return config
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
+    setup(configuration=configuration)
+""" % dict(config_code=config_code, syspath = repr(sys.path))
+    script = os.path.join(d, get_temp_module_name() + '.py')
+    dst_sources.append(script)
+    f = open(script, 'wb')
+    f.write(asbytes(code))
+    f.close()
+    # Build
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    try:
+        os.chdir(d)
+        cmd = [sys.executable, script, 'build_ext', '-i']
+        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        if p.returncode != 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("Running distutils build failed: %s\n%s"
+                               % (cmd[4:], out))
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+        # Partial cleanup
+        for fn in dst_sources:
+            os.unlink(fn)
+    # Import
+    __import__(module_name)
+    return sys.modules[module_name]
+# Unittest convenience
+class F2PyTest(object):
+    code = None
+    sources = None
+    options = []
+    skip = []
+    only = []
+    suffix = '.f'
+    module = None
+    module_name = None
+    def setUp(self):
+        if self.module is not None:
+            return
+        # Check compiler availability first
+        if not has_c_compiler():
+            raise nose.SkipTest("No C compiler available")
+        codes = []
+        if self.sources:
+            codes.extend(self.sources)
+        if self.code is not None:
+            codes.append(self.suffix)
+        needs_f77 = False
+        needs_f90 = False
+        for fn in codes:
+            if fn.endswith('.f'):
+                needs_f77 = True
+            elif fn.endswith('.f90'):
+                needs_f90 = True
+        if needs_f77 and not has_f77_compiler():
+            raise nose.SkipTest("No Fortran 77 compiler available")
+        if needs_f90 and not has_f90_compiler():
+            raise nose.SkipTest("No Fortran 90 compiler available")
+        # Build the module
+        if self.code is not None:
+            self.module = build_code(self.code, options=self.options,
+                                     skip=self.skip, only=self.only,
+                                     suffix=self.suffix,
+                                     module_name=self.module_name)
+        if self.sources is not None:
+            self.module = build_module(self.sources, options=self.options,
+                                       skip=self.skip, only=self.only,
+                                       module_name=self.module_name)

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