[Numpy-svn] r5959 - in numpy-docs/trunk: . source source/_static source/_templates source/reference source/reference/figures source/user

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Sun Oct 26 13:59:38 EDT 2008

Author: ptvirtan
Date: 2008-10-26 12:57:55 -0500 (Sun, 26 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 5959

Import initial version of Numpy documentation

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/Makefile
--- numpy-docs/trunk/Makefile	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/Makefile	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD   = LANG=C sphinx-build
+PAPER         =
+# Internal variables.
+PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+ALLSPHINXOPTS   = -d build/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) source
+.PHONY: help clean html web pickle htmlhelp latex changes linkcheck
+	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+	@echo "  dist      to make a distribution-ready tree"
+	@echo "  html      to make standalone HTML files"
+	@echo "  pickle    to make pickle files (usable by e.g. sphinx-web)"
+	@echo "  htmlhelp  to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+	@echo "  latex     to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+	@echo "  changes   to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items"
+	@echo "  linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
+	-rm -rf build/* source/reference/generated
+dist: html
+	test -d build/latex || make latex
+	make -C build/latex all-pdf
+	-rm -rf build/dist
+	cp -r build/html build/dist
+	perl -pi -e 's#^\s*(<li><a href=".*?">NumPy.*?Manual.*?»</li>)#<li><a href="/">Numpy and Scipy Documentation</a> »</li>#;' build/dist/*.html build/dist/*/*.html build/dist/*/*/*.html
+	cd build/html && zip -9r ../dist/numpy-html.zip .
+	cp build/latex/*.pdf build/dist
+	cd build/dist && tar czf ../dist.tar.gz *
+generate: build/generate-stamp
+build/generate-stamp: $(wildcard source/reference/*.rst) ext
+	mkdir -p build
+	./ext/autosummary_generate.py source/reference/*.rst \
+		-p dump.xml -o source/reference/generated 
+	touch build/generate-stamp
+	svn co http://sphinx.googlecode.com/svn/contrib/trunk/numpyext ext
+html: generate
+	mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/html
+	python postprocess.py html build/html/*.html
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in build/html."
+pickle: generate
+	mkdir -p build/pickle build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/pickle
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files or run"
+	@echo "  sphinx-web build/pickle"
+	@echo "to start the sphinx-web server."
+web: pickle
+htmlhelp: generate
+	mkdir -p build/htmlhelp build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/htmlhelp
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+	      ".hhp project file in build/htmlhelp."
+latex: generate
+	mkdir -p build/latex build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/latex
+	python postprocess.py tex build/latex/*.tex
+	@echo
+	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in build/latex."
+	@echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
+	      "run these through (pdf)latex."
+coverage: build
+	mkdir -p build/coverage build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/coverage
+	@echo "Coverage finished; see c.txt and python.txt in build/coverage"
+changes: generate
+	mkdir -p build/changes build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/changes
+	@echo
+	@echo "The overview file is in build/changes."
+linkcheck: generate
+	mkdir -p build/linkcheck build/doctrees
+	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) build/linkcheck
+	@echo
+	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+	      "or in build/linkcheck/output.txt."

Property changes on: numpy-docs/trunk/Makefile
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/README.txt
--- numpy-docs/trunk/README.txt	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/README.txt	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+NumPy Reference Guide
+1. Optionally download an XML dump of the newest docstrings from the doc wiki
+   at ``/pydocweb/dump`` and save it as ``dump.xml``.
+2. Run ``make html`` or ``make dist``
+You can also run ``summarize.py`` to see which parts of the Numpy
+namespace are documented.
+* Numberless [*] footnotes cause LaTeX errors.
+* ``See also`` sections are still somehow broken even if some work.
+  The problem is that Sphinx searches like this::
+      'name'
+      'active_module.name'
+      'active_module.active_class.name'.
+  Whereas, we would like to have this:
+      'name'
+      'active_module.name'
+      'parent_of_active_module.name'
+      'parent_of_parent_of_active_module.name'
+      ...
+      'numpy.name'
+  We can get one step upwards by always using 'numpy' as the active module.
+  It seems difficult to beat Sphinx to do what we want.
+  Do we need to change our docstring standard slightly, ie. allow only
+  leaving the 'numpy.' prefix away?
+* Link resolution doesn't work as intended... eg. `doc.ufunc`_

Property changes on: numpy-docs/trunk/README.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/postprocess.py
--- numpy-docs/trunk/postprocess.py	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/postprocess.py	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+%prog MODE FILES...
+Post-processes HTML and Latex files output by Sphinx.
+MODE is either 'html' or 'tex'.
+import re, optparse
+def main():
+    p = optparse.OptionParser(__doc__)
+    options, args = p.parse_args()
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        p.error('no mode given')
+    mode = args.pop(0)
+    if mode not in ('html', 'tex'):
+        p.error('unknown mode %s' % mode)
+    for fn in args:
+        f = open(fn, 'r')
+        try:
+            if mode == 'html':
+                lines = process_html(fn, f.readlines())
+            elif mode == 'tex':
+                lines = process_tex(f.readlines())
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+        f = open(fn, 'w')
+        f.write("".join(lines))
+        f.close()
+def process_html(fn, lines):
+    return lines
+def process_tex(lines):
+    """
+    Remove unnecessary section titles from the LaTeX file.
+    """
+    new_lines = []
+    for line in lines:
+        if (line.startswith(r'\section{numpy.')
+            or line.startswith(r'\subsection{numpy.')
+            or line.startswith(r'\subsubsection{numpy.')
+            or line.startswith(r'\paragraph{numpy.')
+            or line.startswith(r'\subparagraph{numpy.')
+            ):
+            pass # skip!
+        else:
+            new_lines.append(line)
+    return new_lines
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Property changes on: numpy-docs/trunk/postprocess.py
Name: svn:executable

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/_static/scipy.css
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/_static/scipy.css	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/_static/scipy.css	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ at import "default.css";
+ * Spacing fixes
+ */
+div.body p, div.body dd, div.body li {
+  line-height: 125%;
+ul.simple { 
+    margin-top: 0;
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+    padding-top: 0;
+    padding-bottom: 0;
+/* spacing around blockquoted fields in parameters/attributes/returns */
+td.field-body > blockquote {
+    margin-top: 0.1em;
+    margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+/* spacing around example code */
+div.highlight > pre {
+    padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px;
+/* spacing in see also definition lists */
+dl.last > dd {
+    margin-top: 1px;
+    margin-bottom: 5px;
+    margin-left: 30px;
+ * Hide dummy toctrees 
+ */
+ul { 
+  padding-top: 0;
+  padding-bottom: 0;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+ul li { 
+  padding-top: 0;
+  padding-bottom: 0;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+ul li a.reference { 
+  padding-top: 0;
+  padding-bottom: 0;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+ * Make high-level subsections easier to distinguish from top-level ones
+ */
+div.body h3 { 
+  background-color: transparent;
+div.body h4 { 
+  border: none;
+  background-color: transparent;
+ * Scipy colors
+ */
+body { 
+  background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
+div.document { 
+  background-color: rgb(230,230,230);
+div.sphinxsidebar {
+  background-color: rgb(230,230,230);
+div.related {
+  background-color: rgb(100,135,220);
+div.sphinxsidebar h3 {
+  color: rgb(0,102,204);
+div.sphinxsidebar h3 a {
+  color: rgb(0,102,204);
+div.sphinxsidebar h4 {
+  color: rgb(0,82,194);
+div.sphinxsidebar p {
+  color: black;
+div.sphinxsidebar a {
+  color: #355f7c;
+div.sphinxsidebar ul.want-points {
+  list-style: disc;
+.field-list th {
+  color: rgb(0,102,204);
+ * Extra admonitions 
+ */
+div.tip {
+  background-color: #ffffe4;
+  border: 1px solid #ee6;
+div.admonition-example {
+    background-color: #e4ffe4;
+    border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ * Styling for field lists
+ */
+table.field-list th {
+  border-left: 1px solid #aaa !important;
+  padding-left: 5px;
+table.field-list { 
+  border-collapse: separate;
+  border-spacing: 10px;
+ * Styling for footnotes
+ */
+table.footnote td, table.footnote th {
+  border: none;

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexcontent.html
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexcontent.html	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexcontent.html	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{% extends "defindex.html" %}
+{% block tables %}
+  <p><strong>Parts of the documentation:</strong></p>
+  <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
+    <td width="50%">
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("user/index") }}">Numpy User Guide</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">start here</span></p>
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("reference/index") }}">Numpy Reference</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">reference documentation</span></p>
+    </td></tr>
+  </table>
+  <p><strong>Indices and tables:</strong></p>
+  <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
+    <td width="50%">
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("modindex") }}">Module Index</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">quick access to all modules</span></p>
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("genindex") }}">General Index</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">all functions, classes, terms</span></p>
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("glossary") }}">Glossary</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">the most important terms explained</span></p>
+    </td><td width="50%">
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("search") }}">Search page</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">search this documentation</span></p>
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("contents") }}">Complete Table of Contents</a><br/>
+         <span class="linkdescr">lists all sections and subsections</span></p>
+    </td></tr>
+  </table>
+  <p><strong>Meta information:</strong></p>
+  <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
+    <td width="50%">
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("bugs") }}">Reporting bugs</a></p>
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("about") }}">About NumPy</a></p>
+    </td><td width="50%">
+      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="{{ pathto("license") }}">License of Numpy</a></p>
+    </td></tr>
+  </table>
+  <h2>Acknowledgements</h2>
+  <p>
+    Large parts of this manual originate from Travis E. Oliphant's book
+    <a href="http://www.tramy.us/">"Guide to Numpy"</a> (which generously entered
+    Public Domain in August 2008). The reference documentation for many of
+    the functions are written by numerous contributors and developers of
+    Numpy, both prior to and during the
+    <a href="http://scipy.org/Developer_Zone/DocMarathon2008">Numpy Documentation Marathon</a>.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    The Documentation Marathon is still ongoing. Please help us write
+    better documentation for Numpy by joining it! Instructions on how to
+    join and what to do can be found
+    <a href="http://scipy.org/Developer_Zone/DocMarathon2008">on the scipy.org website</a>.
+  </p>
+{% endblock %}

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexsidebar.html
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexsidebar.html	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/indexsidebar.html	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+            <h3>Resources</h3>
+            <ul>
+              <li><a href="http://scipy.org/">Scipy.org website</a></li>
+              <li> </li>
+            </ul>

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/layout.html
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/layout.html	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/_templates/layout.html	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{% extends "!layout.html" %}
+{% block rootrellink %}
+<li><a href="{{ pathto('index') }}">{{ shorttitle }}</a>{{ reldelim1 }}</li>
+{% endblock %}

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/about.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/about.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/about.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+About NumPy
+`NumPy <http://www.scipy.org/NumpPy/>`__ is the fundamental package
+needed for scientific computing with Python. This package contains:
+- a powerful N-dimensional :ref:`array object <arrays>`
+- sophisticated :ref:`(broadcasting) functions <ufuncs>`
+- basic :ref:`linear algebra functions <routines.linalg>`
+- basic :ref:`Fourier transforms <routines.fft>`
+- sophisticated :ref:`random number capabilities <routines.random>`
+- tools for integrating Fortran code
+- tools for integrating C/C++ code
+Besides its obvious scientific uses, *NumPy* can also be used as an
+efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary
+data-types can be defined. This allows *NumPy* to seamlessly and
+speedily integrate with a wide-variety of databases. 
+NumPy is a successor for two earlier scientific Python libraries:
+NumPy derives from the old *Numeric* code base and can be used
+as a replacement for *Numeric*.  It also adds the features introduced
+by *Numarray* and can also be used to replace *Numarray*.
+NumPy community
+Numpy is a distributed, volunteer open-source project. *You* can help
+us make it better; if you believe something should be improved either
+in functionality or in documentation, don't hesitate to contact us --- or
+even better, contact us and participate in fixing the problem.
+Our main means of communication are:
+- `scipy.org website <http://scipy.org/>`__
+- `Mailing lists <http://scipy.org/Mailing_Lists>`__
+- `Numpy Trac <http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/numpy>`__ (bug "tickets" go here)
+More information about the development of Numpy can be found at
+If you want to fix issues in this documentation, the easiest way
+is to participate in `our ongoing documentation marathon
+About this documentation
+Names of classes, objects, constants, etc. are given in **boldface** font.
+Often they are also links to a more detailed documentation of the
+referred object.
+This manual contains many examples of use, usually prefixed with the
+Python prompt ``>>>`` (which is not a part of the example code). The
+examples assume that you have first entered::
+>>> import numpy as np
+before running the examples.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/bugs.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/bugs.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/bugs.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Reporting bugs
+File bug reports or feature requests, and make contributions
+(e.g. code patches), by submitting a "ticket" on the Trac pages:
+- Numpy Trac: http://scipy.org/scipy/numpy
+Because of spam abuse, you must create an account on our Trac in order
+to submit a ticket, then click on the "New Ticket" tab that only
+appears when you have logged in. Please give as much information as
+you can in the ticket. It is extremely useful if you can supply a
+small self-contained code snippet that reproduces the problem. Also
+specify the component, the version you are referring to and the
+Report bugs to the appropriate Trac instance (there is one for NumPy
+and a different one for SciPy). There are also read-only mailing lists
+for tracking the status of your bug ticket.
+More information can be found on the http://scipy.org/Developer_Zone

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/conf.py
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/conf.py	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/conf.py	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys, os
+# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
+# is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
+# absolute, like shown here.
+# Check Sphinx version
+import sphinx
+if sphinx.__version__ < "0.5":
+    raise RuntimeError("Sphinx 0.5.dev or newer required")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# General configuration
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
+# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', 'numpydoc',
+              'phantom_import', 'autosummary', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
+              'sphinx.ext.coverage']
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# The suffix of source filenames.
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The master toctree document.
+#master_doc = 'index'
+# General substitutions.
+project = 'NumPy'
+copyright = '2008, The Scipy community'
+# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
+# other places throughout the built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = '1.2'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '1.2.dev'
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+#today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
+#unused_docs = []
+# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
+default_role = "autolink"
+# List of directories, relative to source directories, that shouldn't be searched
+# for source files.
+exclude_dirs = []
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+add_function_parentheses = False
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+#show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# HTML output
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The style sheet to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. A file of that name
+# must exist either in Sphinx' static/ path, or in one of the custom paths
+# given in html_static_path.
+html_style = 'scipy.css'
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
+html_title = "%s v%s Manual (DRAFT)" % (project, version)
+# The name of an image file (within the static path) to place at the top of
+# the sidebar.
+html_logo = 'scipyshiny_small.png'
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['_static']
+# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
+# using the given strftime format.
+html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+#html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+html_sidebars = {
+    'index': 'indexsidebar.html'
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+html_additional_pages = {
+    'index': 'indexcontent.html',
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+html_use_modindex = True
+# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>.
+#html_copy_source = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".html").
+#html_file_suffix = '.html'
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'NumPydoc'
+# Pngmath should try to align formulas properly
+pngmath_use_preview = True
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LaTeX output
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
+#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+#latex_font_size = '10pt'
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
+_stdauthor = 'Written by the NumPy community'
+latex_documents = [
+  ('reference/index', 'numpy-ref.tex', 'NumPy Reference',
+   _stdauthor, 'manual'),
+  ('user/index', 'numpy-user.tex', 'NumPy User Guide',
+   _stdauthor, 'manual'),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+#latex_use_parts = False
+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+latex_preamble = r'''
+% In the parameters section, place a newline after the Parameters
+% header
+\def\description{\latexdescription{}{} \breaklabel}
+% Make Examples/etc section headers smaller and more compact
+\titleformat{\paragraph}{\normalsize\py at HeaderFamily}%
+            {\py at TitleColor}{0em}{\py at TitleColor}{\py at NormalColor}
+% Fix footer/header
+\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
+\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\MakeUppercase{\thesection.\ #1}}}
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+#latex_appendices = []
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+latex_use_modindex = False
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+# Intersphinx configuration
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+intersphinx_mapping = {'http://docs.python.org/dev': None}
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+# If we want to do a phantom import from an XML file for all autodocs
+phantom_import_file = 'dump.xml'
+# Edit links
+#numpydoc_edit_link = '`Edit </pydocweb/doc/%(full_name)s/>`__'
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+# Coverage checker
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+coverage_ignore_modules = r"""
+    """.split()
+coverage_ignore_functions = r"""
+    test($|_) (some|all)true bitwise_not cumproduct pkgload
+    generic\.
+    """.split()
+coverage_ignore_classes = r"""
+    """.split()
+coverage_c_path = []
+coverage_c_regexes = {}
+coverage_ignore_c_items = {}

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/contents.rst
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+Numpy manual contents
+.. toctree::
+   user/index
+   reference/index
+   about
+   bugs
+   license
+   glossary

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/glossary.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/glossary.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+.. toctree::
+.. glossary::
+   .. automodule:: numpy.doc.glossary
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.jargon

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/license.rst
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+Numpy License
+Copyright (c) 2005, NumPy Developers
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+  copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+  disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+  with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the NumPy Developers nor the names of any
+  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+  from this software without specific prior written permission.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.classes.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.classes.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
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@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+Standard array subclasses
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+The :class:`ndarray` in NumPy is a "new-style" Python
+built-in-type. Therefore, it can be inherited from (in Python or in C)
+if desired. Therefore, it can form a foundation for many useful
+classes. Often whether to sub-class the array object or to simply use
+the core array component as an internal part of a new class is a
+difficult decision, and can be simply a matter of choice. NumPy has
+several tools for simplifying how your new object interacts with other
+array objects, and so the choice may not be significant in the
+end. One way to simplify the question is by asking yourself if the
+object you are interested can be replaced as a single array or does it
+really require two or more arrays at its core.
+Note that :func:`asarray` always returns the base-class ndarray. If
+you are confident that your use of the array object can handle any
+subclass of an ndarray, then :func:`asanyarray` can be used to allow
+subclasses to propagate more cleanly through your subroutine. In
+principal a subclass could redefine any aspect of the array and
+therefore, under strict guidelines, :func:`asanyarray` would rarely be
+useful. However, most subclasses of the arrayobject will not
+redefine certain aspects of the array object such as the buffer
+interface, or the attributes of the array. One of important example,
+however, of why your subroutine may not be able to handle an arbitrary
+subclass of an array is that matrices redefine the "*" operator to be
+matrix-multiplication, rather than element-by-element multiplication.
+Special attributes and methods
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Subclassing ndarray <basics.subclassing>`
+Numpy provides several hooks that subclasses of :class:`ndarray` can
+.. function:: __array_finalize__(self)
+   This method is called whenever the system internally allocates a
+   new array from *obj*, where *obj* is a subclass (subtype) of the
+   :class:`ndarray`. It can be used to change attributes of *self* after
+   construction (so as to ensure a 2-d matrix for example), or to
+   update meta-information from the "parent." Subclasses inherit a
+   default implementation of this method that does nothing.
+.. function:: __array_wrap__(array)
+   This method should return an instance of the subclass from the
+   :class:`ndarray` object passed in. For example, this is called
+   after every :ref:`ufunc <ufuncs.output-type>` for the object with
+   the highest array priority. The ufunc-computed array object is
+   passed in and whatever is returned is passed to the
+   user. Subclasses inherit a default implementation of this method.
+.. data:: __array_priority__
+   The value of this attribute is used to determine what type of
+   object to return in situations where there is more than one
+   possibility for the Python type of the returned object. Subclasses
+   inherit a default value of 1.0 for this attribute.
+.. function:: __array__([dtype])
+   If a class having the :obj:`__array__` method is used as the output
+   object of an :ref:`ufunc <ufuncs.output-type>`, results will be
+   written to the object returned by :obj:`__array__`.
+Matrix objects
+.. index::
+   single: matrix
+:class:`matrix` objects inherit from the ndarray and therefore, they
+have the same attributes and methods of ndarrays. There are six
+important differences of matrix objects, however that may lead to
+unexpected results when you use matrices but expect them to act like
+1. Matrix objects can be created using a string notation to allow Matlab-
+   style syntax where spaces separate columns and semicolons (';')
+   separate rows.
+2. Matrix objects are always two-dimensional. This has far-reaching
+   implications, in that m.ravel() is still two-dimensional (with a 1 in
+   the first dimension) and item selection returns two-dimensional
+   objects so that sequence behavior is fundamentally different than
+   arrays.
+3. Matrix objects over-ride multiplication to be
+   matrix-multiplication. **Make sure you understand this for
+   functions that you may want to receive matrices. Especially in
+   light of the fact that asanyarray(m) returns a matrix when m is a
+   matrix.**
+4. Matrix objects over-ride power to be matrix raised to a power. The
+   same warning about using power inside a function that uses
+   asanyarray(...) to get an array object holds for this fact.
+5. The default __array_priority\__ of matrix objects is 10.0, and
+   therefore mixed operations with ndarrays always produce matrices.
+6. Matrices have special attributes which make calculations easier. These
+   are
+   .. autosummary::
+      :toctree: generated/
+      matrix.T
+      matrix.H
+      matrix.I
+      matrix.A
+.. warning::
+    Matrix objects over-ride multiplication, '*', and power, '**', to be
+    matrix-multiplication and matrix power, respectively. If your
+    subroutine can accept sub-classes and you do not convert to base-class
+    arrays, then you must use the ufuncs multiply and power to be sure
+    that you are performing the correct operation for all inputs. 
+The matrix class is a Python subclass of the ndarray and can be used
+as a reference for how to construct your own subclass of the ndarray.
+Matrices can be created from other matrices, strings, and anything
+else that can be converted to an ``ndarray`` . The name "mat "is an
+alias for "matrix "in NumPy.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   matrix
+   asmatrix
+   bmat
+Example 1: Matrix creation from a string
+>>> a=mat('1 2 3; 4 5 3')
+>>> print (a*a.T).I
+[[ 0.2924 -0.1345]
+ [-0.1345  0.0819]]
+Example 2: Matrix creation from nested sequence
+>>> mat([[1,5,10],[1.0,3,4j]])
+matrix([[  1.+0.j,   5.+0.j,  10.+0.j],
+        [  1.+0.j,   3.+0.j,   0.+4.j]])
+Example 3: Matrix creation from an array
+>>> mat(random.rand(3,3)).T
+matrix([[ 0.7699,  0.7922,  0.3294],
+        [ 0.2792,  0.0101,  0.9219],
+        [ 0.3398,  0.7571,  0.8197]])
+Memory-mapped file arrays
+.. index::
+   single: memory maps
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Memory-mapped files are useful for reading and/or modifying small
+segments of a large file with regular layout, without reading the
+entire file into memory. A simple subclass of the ndarray uses a
+memory-mapped file for the data buffer of the array. For small files,
+the over-head of reading the entire file into memory is typically not
+significant, however for large files using memory mapping can save
+considerable resources. 
+Memory-mapped-file arrays have one additional method (besides those
+they inherit from the ndarray): :meth:`.flush() <memmap.flush>` which
+must be called manually by the user to ensure that any changes to the
+array actually get written to disk.
+.. note::
+    Memory-mapped arrays use the the Python memory-map object which (prior
+    to Python 2.5) does not allow files to be larger than a certain size
+    depending on the platform. This size is always < 2GB even on 64-bit
+    systems. 
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   memmap
+   memmap.flush
+>>> a = memmap('newfile.dat', dtype=float, mode='w+', shape=1000)
+>>> a[10] = 10.0
+>>> a[30] = 30.0
+>>> del a
+>>> b = fromfile('newfile.dat', dtype=float)
+>>> print b[10], b[30]
+10.0 30.0
+>>> a = memmap('newfile.dat', dtype=float)
+>>> print a[10], a[30]
+10.0 30.0
+Character arrays (:mod:`numpy.char`)
+.. seealso:: :ref:`routines.array-creation.char`
+.. index::
+   single: character arrays
+These are enhanced arrays of either :class:`string` type or
+:class:`unicode_` type.  These arrays inherit from the
+:class:`ndarray`, but specially-define the operations ``+``, ``*``,
+and ``%`` on a (broadcasting) element-by-element basis.  These
+operations are not available on the standard :class:`ndarray` of
+character type. In addition, the :class:`chararray` has all of the
+standard :class:`string <str>` (and :class:`unicode`) methods,
+executing them on an element-by-element basis. Perhaps the easiest way
+to create a chararray is to use :meth:`self.view(chararray)
+<ndarray.view>` where *self* is an ndarray of string or unicode
+data-type. However, a chararray can also be created using the
+:meth:`numpy.chararray` constructor, or via the
+:func:`numpy.char.array` function:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/ 
+   chararray
+   core.defchararray.array
+Another difference with the standard ndarray of string data-type is
+that the chararray inherits the feature introduced by Numarray that
+white-space at the end of any element in the array will be ignored on
+item retrieval and comparison operations. 
+.. _arrays.classes.rec:
+Record arrays (:mod:`numpy.rec`)
+.. seealso:: :ref:`routines.array-creation.rec`, :ref:`routines.dtype`,
+             :ref:`arrays.dtypes`.
+Numpy provides the :class:`recarray` class which allows accessing the
+fields of a record/structured array as attributes, and a corresponding
+scalar data type object :class:`record`.
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   recarray
+   record
+Masked arrays (:mod:`numpy.ma`)
+.. seealso:: :ref:`routines.ma`
+.. XXX: masked array documentation should be improved
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. index::
+   single: masked arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ma.masked_array
+.. automodule:: numpy.ma
+Standard container class
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+For backward compatibility and as a standard "container "class, the
+UserArray from Numeric has been brought over to NumPy and named
+:class:`numpy.lib.user_array.container` The container class is a
+Python class whose self.array attribute is an ndarray. Multiple
+inheritance is probably easier with numpy.lib.user_array.container
+than with the ndarray itself and so it is included by default. It is
+not documented here beyond mentioning its existence because you are
+encouraged to use the ndarray class directly if you can.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   numpy.lib.user_array.container
+.. index::
+   single: user_array
+   single: container class
+Array Iterators
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. index::
+   single: array iterator
+Iterators are a powerful concept for array processing. Essentially,
+iterators implement a generalized for-loop. If *myiter* is an iterator
+object, then the Python code::
+    for val in myiter:
+        ...
+        some code involving val
+        ...
+calls ``val = myiter.next()`` repeatedly until :exc:`StopIteration` is
+raised by the iterator. There are several ways to iterate over an
+array that may be useful: default iteration, flat iteration, and
+:math:`N`-dimensional enumeration.
+Default iteration
+The default iterator of an ndarray object is the default Python
+iterator of a sequence type. Thus, when the array object itself is
+used as an iterator. The default behavior is equivalent to::
+    for i in arr.shape[0]:
+        val = arr[i]
+This default iterator selects a sub-array of dimension :math:`N-1` from the array. This can be a useful construct for defining recursive
+algorithms. To loop over the entire array requires :math:`N` for-loops. 
+>>> a = arange(24).reshape(3,2,4)+10
+>>> for val in a:
+...     print 'item:', val
+item: [[10 11 12 13]
+ [14 15 16 17]]
+item: [[18 19 20 21]
+ [22 23 24 25]]
+item: [[26 27 28 29]
+ [30 31 32 33]]
+Flat iteration
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.flat
+As mentioned previously, the flat attribute of ndarray objects returns
+an iterator that will cycle over the entire array in C-style
+contiguous order. 
+>>> for i, val in enumerate(a.flat):
+...     if i%5 == 0: print i, val
+0 10
+5 15
+10 20
+15 25
+20 30
+Here, I've used the built-in enumerate iterator to return the iterator
+index as well as the value. 
+N-dimensional enumeration
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndenumerate
+Sometimes it may be useful to get the N-dimensional index while
+iterating. The ndenumerate iterator can achieve this. 
+>>> for i, val in ndenumerate(a):
+...     if sum(i)%5 == 0: print i, val
+(0, 0, 0) 10
+(1, 1, 3) 25
+(2, 0, 3) 29
+(2, 1, 2) 32
+Iterator for broadcasting
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   broadcast
+The general concept of broadcasting is also available from Python
+using the :class:`broadcast` iterator. This object takes :math:`N`
+objects as inputs and returns an iterator that returns tuples
+providing each of the input sequence elements in the broadcasted
+>>> for val in broadcast([[1,0],[2,3]],[0,1]):
+...     print val
+(1, 0)
+(0, 1)
+(2, 0)
+(3, 1)

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.dtypes.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.dtypes.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.dtypes.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. _arrays.dtypes:
+Data type objects (:class:`dtype`)
+A data type object (an instance of :class:`numpy.dtype` class)
+describes how the bytes in the fixed-size block of memory
+corresponding to an array item should be interpreted. It describes the
+following aspects of the data:
+1. Type of the data (integer, float, Python object, etc.)
+2. Size of the data (how many bytes is in *e.g.* the integer)
+3. Byte order of the data (:term:`little-endian` or :term:`big-endian`)
+4. If the data type is a :term:`record`, an aggregate of other
+   data types, (*e.g.*, describing an array item consisting of
+   an integer and a float),
+   1. what are the names of the ":term:`fields <field>`" of the record,
+      by which they can be :ref:`accessed <arrays.indexing.rec>`,
+   2. what is the data-type of each :term:`field`, and
+   3. which part of the memory block each field takes.
+5. If the data is a sub-array, what is its shape and data type.
+.. index::
+   pair: dtype; scalar
+To describe the type of scalar data, there are several :ref:`built-in
+scalar types <arrays.scalars.built-in>` in Numpy for various precision
+of integers, floating-point numbers, *etc*. An item extracted from an
+array, *e.g.*, by indexing, will be a Python object whose type is the
+scalar type associated with the data type of the array.
+Note that the scalar types are not :class:`dtype` objects, even though
+they can be used in place of one whenever a data type specification is
+needed in Numpy.
+.. index:: 
+   pair: dtype; field
+   pair: dtype; record
+Record data types are formed by creating a data type whose
+:term:`fields` contain other data types. Each field has a name by
+which it can be :ref:`accessed <arrays.indexing.rec>`. The parent data
+type should be of sufficient size to contain all its fields; the
+parent can for example be based on the :class:`void` type which allows
+an arbitrary item size. Record data types may also contain other record
+types and fixed-size sub-array data types in their fields.
+.. index::
+   pair: dtype; sub-array
+Finally, a data type can describe items that are themselves arrays of
+items of another data type. These sub-arrays must, however, be of a
+fixed size. If an array is created using a data-type describing a
+sub-array, the dimensions of the sub-array are appended to the shape
+of the array when the array is created. Sub-arrays in a field of a
+record behave differently, see :ref:`arrays.indexing.rec`.
+.. admonition:: Example
+   A simple data type containing a 32-bit big-endian integer:
+   (see :ref:`arrays.dtypes.constructing` for details on construction)
+   >>> dt = np.dtype('>i4')
+   >>> dt.byteorder 
+   '>'
+   >>> dt.itemsize
+   4
+   >>> dt.name
+   'int32'
+   >>> dt.type is np.int32
+   True
+   The corresponding array scalar type is :class:`int32`.
+.. admonition:: Example
+   A record data type containing a 16-character string (in field 'name')
+   and a sub-array of two 64-bit floating-point number (in field 'grades'):
+   >>> dt = np.dtype([('name', np.str_, 16), ('grades', np.float64, (2,))])
+   >>> dt['name']
+   dtype('|S16')
+   >>> dt['grades']
+   dtype(('float64',(2,)))
+   Items of an array of this data type are wrapped in an :ref:`array
+   scalar <arrays.scalars>` type that also has two fields:
+   >>> x = np.array([('Sarah', (8.0, 7.0)), ('John', (6.0, 7.0))], dtype=dt)
+   >>> x[1]
+   ('John', [6.0, 7.0])
+   >>> x[1]['grades']
+   array([ 6.,  7.])
+   >>> type(x[1])
+   <type 'numpy.void'>
+   >>> type(x[1]['grades'])
+   <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
+.. _arrays.dtypes.constructing:
+Specifying and constructing data types
+Whenever a data-type is required in a NumPy function or method, either
+a :class:`dtype` object or something that can be converted to one can
+be supplied.  Such conversions are done by the :class:`dtype`
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype
+What can be converted to a data-type object is described below:
+:class:`dtype` object
+   .. index::
+      triple: dtype; construction; from dtype
+   Used as-is.
+   .. index::
+      triple: dtype; construction; from None
+   The default data type: :class:`float_`. 
+.. index::
+   triple: dtype; construction; from type
+Array-scalar types
+    The 21 built-in :ref:`array scalar type objects
+    <arrays.scalars.built-in>` all convert to an associated data-type object.
+    This is true for their sub-classes as well. 
+    Note that not all data-type information can be supplied with a
+    type-object: for example, :term:`flexible` data-types have
+    a default *itemsize* of 0, and require an explicitly given size
+    to be useful.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(np.int32)       # 32-bit integer
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(np.complex128)  # 128-bit complex floating-point number
+Generic types
+    The generic hierarchical type objects convert to corresponding
+    type objects according to the associations:
+    =====================================================  ===============
+    :class:`number`, :class:`inexact`, :class:`floating`   :class:`float`
+    :class:`complexfloating`                               :class:`cfloat`
+    :class:`integer`, :class:`signedinteger`               :class:`int\_`
+    :class:`unsignedinteger`                               :class:`uint`
+    :class:`character`                                     :class:`string`
+    :class:`generic`, :class:`flexible`                    :class:`void`
+    =====================================================  ===============
+Built-in Python types
+    Several python types are equivalent to a corresponding
+    array scalar when used to generate a :class:`dtype` object:
+    ================  ===============
+    :class:`int`      :class:`int\_`
+    :class:`bool`     :class:`bool\_`
+    :class:`float`    :class:`float\_`
+    :class:`complex`  :class:`cfloat`
+    :class:`str`      :class:`string`
+    :class:`unicode`  :class:`unicode\_`
+    :class:`buffer`   :class:`void`
+    (all others)      :class:`object_`
+    ================  ===============
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(float)   # Python-compatible floating-point number
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(int)     # Python-compatible integer
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(object)  # Python object
+Types with ``.dtype``
+    Any type object with a ``dtype`` attribute: The attribute will be
+    accessed and used directly. The attribute must return something
+    that is convertible into a dtype object.
+.. index::
+   triple: dtype; construction; from string
+Several kinds of strings can be converted. Recognized strings can be
+prepended with ``'>'`` (:term:`big-endian`), ``'<'``
+(:term:`little-endian`), or ``'='`` (hardware-native, the default), to
+specify the byte order.
+One-character strings
+    Each built-in data-type has a character code
+    (the updated Numeric typecodes), that uniquely identifies it.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       >>> dt = np.dtype('b')  # byte, native byte order
+       >>> dt = np.dtype('>H') # big-endian unsigned short
+       >>> dt = np.dtype('<f') # little-endian single-precision float
+       >>> dt = np.dtype('d')  # double-precision floating-point number
+Array-protocol type strings (see :ref:`arrays.interface`)
+   The first character specifies the kind of data and the remaining
+   characters specify how many bytes of data. The supported kinds are
+   ================   ========================
+   ``'b'``            Boolean
+   ``'i'``            (signed) integer
+   ``'u'``            unsigned integer
+   ``'f'``            floating-point
+   ``'c'``            complex-floating point
+   ``'S'``, ``'a'``   string
+   ``'U'``            unicode
+   ``'V'``            anything (:class:`void`)
+   ================   ========================
+   .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('i4')   # 32-bit signed integer
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('f8')   # 64-bit floating-point number
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('c16')  # 128-bit complex floating-point number
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('a25')  # 25-character string
+String with comma-separated fields
+   Numarray introduced a short-hand notation for specifying the format
+   of a record as a comma-separated string of basic formats.
+   A basic format in this context is an optional shape specifier
+   followed by an array-protocol type string. Parenthesis are required
+   on the shape if it is greater than 1-d. NumPy allows a modification
+   on the format in that any string that can uniquely identify the
+   type can be used to specify the data-type in a field.
+   The generated data-type fields are named ``'f0'``, ``'f2'``, ...,
+   ``'f<N-1>'`` where N (>1) is the number of comma-separated basic
+   formats in the string. If the optional shape specifier is provided,
+   then the data-type for the corresponding field describes a sub-array.
+   .. admonition:: Example
+      - field named ``f0`` containing a 32-bit integer 
+      - field named ``f1`` containing a 2 x 3 sub-array
+        of 64-bit floating-point numbers
+      - field named ``f2`` containing a 32-bit floating-point number
+      >>> dt = np.dtype("i4, (2,3)f8, f4")
+      - field named ``f0`` containing a 3-character string
+      - field named ``f1`` containing a sub-array of shape (3,)
+        containing 64-bit unsigned integers
+      - field named ``f2`` containing a 3 x 4 sub-array
+        containing 10-character strings
+      >>> dt = np.dtype("a3, 3u8, (3,4)a10")
+Type strings
+   Any string in :obj:`numpy.sctypeDict`.keys():
+   .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('uint32')   # 32-bit unsigned integer
+      >>> dt = np.dtype('Float64')  # 64-bit floating-point number
+.. index::
+   triple: dtype; construction; from tuple
+``(flexible_dtype, itemsize)``
+    The first argument must be an object that is converted to a
+    flexible data-type object (one whose element size is 0), the
+    second argument is an integer providing the desired itemsize.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       >>> dt = np.dtype((void, 10))  # 10-byte wide data block
+       >>> dt = np.dtype((str, 35))   # 35-character string
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(('U', 10))   # 10-character unicode string
+``(fixed_dtype, shape)``
+    .. index::
+       pair: dtype; sub-array
+    The first argument is any object that can be converted into a
+    fixed-size data-type object. The second argument is the desired
+    shape of this type. If the shape parameter is 1, then the
+    data-type object is equivalent to fixed dtype. If *shape* is a
+    tuple, then the new dtype defines a sub-array of the given shape.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       >>> dt = np.dtype((np.int32, (2,2)))            # 2 x 2 integer sub-array
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(('S10', 1))                   # 10-character string
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(('i4, (2,3)f8, f4', (2,3)))   # 2 x 3 record sub-array
+``(base_dtype, new_dtype)``
+    Both arguments must be convertible to data-type objects in this
+    case. The *base_dtype* is the data-type object that the new
+    data-type builds on. This is how you could assign named fields to
+    any built-in data-type object.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       32-bit integer, whose first two bytes are interpreted as an integer
+       via field ``real``, and the following two bytes via field ``imag``.
+       >>> dt = np.dtype((np.int32, {'real': (np.int16, 0), 'imag': (np.int16, 2)})
+       32-bit integer, which is interpreted as consisting of a sub-array
+       of shape ``(4,)`` containing 8-bit integers:
+       >>> dt = np.dtype((np.int32, (np.int8, 4)))
+       32-bit integer, containing fields ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, ``a`` that
+       interpret the 4 bytes in the integer as four unsigned integers:
+       >>> dt = np.dtype(('i4', [('r','u1'),('g','u1'),('b','u1'),('a','u1')]))
+.. note:: XXX: does the second-to-last example above make sense?
+.. index::
+   triple: dtype; construction; from list
+``[(field_name, field_dtype, field_shape), ...]``
+   *obj* should be a list of fields where each field is described by a
+   tuple of length 2 or 3. (Equivalent to the ``descr`` item in the
+   :obj:`__array_interface__` attribute.)
+   The first element, *field_name*, is the field name (if this is
+   ``''`` then a standard field name, ``'f#'``, is assigned).  The
+   field name may also be a 2-tuple of strings where the first string
+   is either a "title" (which may be any string or unicode string) or
+   meta-data for the field which can be any object, and the second
+   string is the "name" which must be a valid Python identifier.
+   The second element, *field_dtype*, can be anything that can be
+   interpreted as a data-type.
+   The optional third element *field_shape* contains the shape if this
+   field represents an array of the data-type in the second
+   element. Note that a 3-tuple with a third argument equal to 1 is
+   equivalent to a 2-tuple.
+   This style does not accept *align* in the :class:`dtype`
+   constructor as it is assumed that all of the memory is accounted
+   for by the array interface description.
+   .. admonition:: Example
+      Data-type with fields ``big`` (big-endian 32-bit integer) and
+      ``little`` (little-endian 32-bit integer):
+      >>> dt = np.dtype([('big', '>i4'), ('little', '<i4')])
+      Data-type with fields ``R``, ``G``, ``B``, ``A``, each being an
+      unsigned 8-bit integer:
+      >>> dt = np.dtype([('R','u1'), ('G','u1'), ('B','u1'), ('A','u1')])
+.. index::
+   triple: dtype; construction; from dict
+``{'names': ..., 'formats': ..., 'offsets': ..., 'titles': ...}``
+    This style has two required and two optional keys.  The *names*
+    and *formats* keys are required. Their respective values are
+    equal-length lists with the field names and the field formats.
+    The field names must be strings and the field formats can be any
+    object accepted by :class:`dtype` constructor.
+    The optional keys in the dictionary are *offsets* and *titles* and
+    their values must each be lists of the same length as the *names*
+    and *formats* lists. The *offsets* value is a list of byte offsets
+    (integers) for each field, while the *titles* value is a list of
+    titles for each field (:const:`None` can be used if no title is
+    desired for that field). The *titles* can be any :class:`string`
+    or :class:`unicode` object and will add another entry to the
+    fields dictionary keyed by the title and referencing the same
+    field tuple which will contain the title as an additional tuple
+    member.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       Data type with fields ``r``, ``g``, ``b``, ``a``, each being
+       a 8-bit unsigned integer:
+       >>> dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r','g','b','a'],
+       ...                'formats': [uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8]})
+       Data type with fields ``r`` and ``b`` (with the given titles),
+       both being 8-bit unsigned integers, the first at byte position
+       0 from the start of the field and the second at position 2:
+       >>> dt = np.dtype({'names': ['r','b'], 'formats': ['u1', 'u1'],
+       ...                'offsets': [0, 2],
+       ...                'titles': ['Red pixel', 'Blue pixel']})
+``{'field1': ..., 'field2': ..., ...}``
+    This style allows passing in the :attr:`fields <dtype.fields>`
+    attribute of a data-type object.
+    *obj* should contain string or unicode keys that refer to
+    ``(data-type, offset)`` or ``(data-type, offset, title)`` tuples.
+    .. admonition:: Example
+       Data type containing field ``col1`` (10-character string at
+       byte position 0), ``col2`` (32-bit float at byte position 10),
+       and ``col3`` (integers at byte position 14):
+       >>> dt = np.dtype({'col1': ('S10', 0), 'col2': (float32, 10), 'col3': (int, 14)})
+Numpy data type descriptions are instances of the :class:`dtype` class.
+The type of the data is described by the following :class:`dtype`  attributes:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.type
+   dtype.kind
+   dtype.char
+   dtype.num
+   dtype.str
+Size of the data is in turn described by:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.name
+   dtype.itemsize
+Endianness of this data:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.byteorder
+Information about sub-data-types in a :term:`record`:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.fields
+   dtype.names
+For data types that describe sub-arrays:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.subdtype
+   dtype.shape
+Attributes providing additional information:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.hasobject
+   dtype.flags
+   dtype.isbuiltin
+   dtype.isnative
+   dtype.descr
+   dtype.alignment
+Data types have the following method for changing the byte order:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.newbyteorder
+The following methods implement the pickle protocol:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype.__reduce__
+   dtype.__setstate__

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.indexing.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+.. _arrays.indexing:
+.. sectionauthor:: adapted from "Guide to Numpy" by Travis E. Oliphant
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. index:: indexing, slicing
+:class:`ndarrays <ndarray>` can be indexed using the standard Python
+``x[obj]`` syntax, where *x* is the array and *obj* the selection.
+There are three kinds of indexing available: record access, basic
+slicing, advanced indexing. Which one occurs depends on *obj*.
+.. note:: 
+   In Python, ``x[(exp1, exp2, ..., expN)]`` is equivalent to
+   ``x[exp1, exp2, ..., expN]``; the latter is just syntactic sugar
+   for the former.
+Basic Slicing
+Basic slicing extends Python's basic concept of slicing to N
+dimensions. Basic slicing occurs when *obj* is a :class:`slice` object
+(constructed by ``start:stop:step`` notation inside of brackets), an
+integer, or a tuple of slice objects and integers. :const:`Ellipsis`
+and :const:`newaxis` objects can be interspersed with these as
+well. In order to remain backward compatible with a common usage in
+Numeric, basic slicing is also initiated if the selection object is
+any sequence (such as a :class:`list`) containing :class:`slice`
+objects, the :const:`Ellipsis` object, or the :const:`newaxis` object,
+but no integer arrays or other embedded sequences.
+.. index::
+   triple: ndarray; special methods; getslice
+   triple: ndarray; special methods; setslice
+   single: ellipsis
+   single: newaxis
+The simplest case of indexing with *N* integers returns an :ref:`array
+scalar <arrays.scalars>` representing the corresponding item.  As in
+Python, all indices are zero-based: for the *i*-th index :math:`n_i`,
+the valid range is :math:`0 \le n_i < d_i` where :math:`d_i` is the
+*i*-th element of the shape of the array.  Negative indices are
+interpreted as counting from the end of the array (*i.e.*, if *i < 0*,
+it means :math:`n_i + i`).
+All arrays generated by basic slicing are always :term:`views <view>`
+of the original array.
+The standard rules of sequence slicing apply to basic slicing on a
+per-dimension basis (including using a step index). Some useful
+concepts to remember include:
+- The basic slice syntax is ``i:j:k`` where *i* is the starting index,
+  *j* is the stopping index, and *k* is the step (:math:`k\neq0`).
+  This selects the *m* elements (in the corresponding dimension) with
+  index values *i*, *i + k*, ..., *i + (m - 1) k* where
+  :math:`m = q + (r\neq0)` and *q* and *r* are the quotient and remainder
+  obtained by dividing *j - i* by *k*: *j - i = q k + r*, so that
+  *i + (m - 1) k < j*.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+     >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
+     >>> x[1:7:2]
+     array([1, 3, 5])
+- Negative *i* and *j* are interpreted as *n + i* and *n + j* where
+  *n* is the number of elements in the corresponding dimension.
+  Negative *k* makes stepping go towards smaller indices.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> x[-2:10]
+      array([8, 9])
+      >>> x[-3:3:-1]
+      array([7, 6, 5, 4])
+- Assume *n* is the number of elements in the dimension being
+  sliced. Then, if *i* is not given it defaults to 0 for *k > 0* and
+  *n* for *k < 0* . If *j* is not given it defaults to *n* for *k > 0*
+  and -1 for *k < 0* . If *k* is not given it defaults to 1. Note that
+  ``::`` is the same as ``:`` and means select all indices along this
+  axis.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> x[5:]
+      array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
+- If the number of objects in the selection tuple is less than
+  *N* , then ``:`` is assumed for any subsequent dimensions.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> x = np.array([[[1],[2],[3]], [[4],[5],[6]]])
+      >>> x.shape
+      (2, 3, 1)
+      >>> x[1:2]
+      array([[[4],
+              [5],
+              [6]]])
+- :const:`Ellipsis` expand to the number of ``:`` objects needed to
+  make a selection tuple of the same length as ``x.ndim``. Only the
+  first ellipsis is expanded, any others are interpreted as ``:``.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> x[...,0]
+      array([[1, 2, 3],
+             [4, 5, 6]])
+- Each :const:`newaxis` object in the selection tuple serves to expand
+  the dimensions of the resulting selection by one unit-length
+  dimension.  The added dimension is the position of the :const:`newaxis`
+  object in the selection tuple.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      >>> x[:,np.newaxis,:,:].shape
+      (2, 1, 3, 1)
+- An integer, *i*, returns the same values as ``i:i+1``
+  **except** the dimensionality of the returned object is reduced by
+  1. In particular, a selection tuple with the *p*-th
+  element an integer (and all other entries ``:``) returns the
+  corresponding sub-array with dimension *N - 1*. If *N = 1*
+  then the returned object is an array scalar. These objects are
+  explained in :ref:`arrays.scalars`.
+- If the selection tuple has all entries ``:`` except the
+  *p*-th entry which is a slice object ``i:j:k``,
+  then the returned array has dimension *N* formed by
+  concatenating the sub-arrays returned by integer indexing of
+  elements *i*, *i+k*, ..., *i + (m - 1) k < j*,
+- Basic slicing with more than one non-``:`` entry in the slicing
+  tuple, acts like repeated application of slicing using a single
+  non-``:`` entry, where the non-``:`` entries are successively taken
+  (with all other non-``:`` entries replaced by ``:``). Thus,
+  ``x[ind1,...,ind2,:]`` acts like ``x[ind1][...,ind2,:]`` under basic
+  slicing.
+  .. warning:: The above is **not** true for advanced slicing.
+- You may use slicing to set values in the array, but (unlike lists) you
+  can never grow the array. The size of the value to be set in 
+  ``x[obj] = value`` must be (broadcastable) to the same shape as
+  ``x[obj]``.
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; view
+.. note::
+    Remember that a slicing tuple can always be constructed as *obj*
+    and used in the ``x[obj]`` notation. Slice objects can be used in
+    the construction in place of the ``[start:stop:step]``
+    notation. For example, ``x[1:10:5,::-1]`` can also be implemented
+    as ``obj = (slice(1,10,5), slice(None,None,-1)); x[obj]`` . This
+    can be useful for constructing generic code that works on arrays
+    of arbitrary dimension.
+.. data:: newaxis
+   The :const:`newaxis` object can be used in the basic slicing syntax
+   discussed above. :const:`None` can also be used instead of
+   :const:`newaxis`.
+Advanced indexing
+Advanced indexing is triggered when the selection object, *obj*, is a
+non-tuple sequence object, an :class:`ndarray` (of data type integer or bool),
+or a tuple with at least one sequence object or ndarray (of data type
+integer or bool). There are two types of advanced indexing: integer
+and Boolean. 
+Advanced indexing always returns a *copy* of the data (contrast with
+basic slicing that returns a :term:`view`).
+Integer indexing allows selection of arbitrary items in the array
+based on their *N*-dimensional index. This kind of selection occurs
+when advanced indexing is triggered and the selection object is not
+an array of data type bool. For the discussion below, when the
+selection object is not a tuple, it will be referred to as if it had
+been promoted to a 1-tuple, which will be called the selection
+tuple. The rules of advanced integer-style indexing are:
+- If the length of the selection tuple is larger than *N* an error is raised.
+- All sequences and scalars in the selection tuple are converted to 
+  :class:`intp` indexing arrays.
+- All selection tuple objects must be convertible to :class:`intp`
+  arrays, :class:`slice` objects, or the :const:`Ellipsis` object.
+- The first :const:`Ellipsis` object will be expanded, and any other
+  :const:`Ellipsis` objects will be treated as full slice (``:``)
+  objects. The expanded :const:`Ellipsis` object is replaced with as
+  many full slice (``:``) objects as needed to make the length of the
+  selection tuple :math:`N`.
+- If the selection tuple is smaller than *N*, then as many ``:``
+  objects as needed are added to the end of the selection tuple so
+  that the modified selection tuple has length *N*.
+- All the integer indexing arrays must be :ref:`broadcastable
+  <arrays.broadcasting.broadcastable>` to the same shape.
+- The shape of the output (or the needed shape of the object to be used
+  for setting) is the broadcasted shape.
+- After expanding any ellipses and filling out any missing ``:``
+  objects in the selection tuple, then let :math:`N_t` be the number
+  of indexing arrays, and let :math:`N_s = N - N_t` be the number of
+  slice objects. Note that :math:`N_t > 0` (or we wouldn't be doing
+  advanced integer indexing).
+- If :math:`N_s = 0` then the *M*-dimensional result is constructed by
+  varying the index tuple ``(i_1, ..., i_M)`` over the range
+  of the result shape and for each value of the index tuple 
+  ``(ind_1, ..., ind_M)``::
+     result[i_1, ..., i_M] == x[ind_1[i_1, ..., i_M], ind_2[i_1, ..., i_M],
+                                ..., ind_N[i_1, ..., i_M]]
+  .. admonition:: Example
+     Suppose the shape of the broadcasted indexing arrays is 3-dimensional
+     and *N* is 2. Then the result is found by letting *i, j, k* run over
+     the shape found by broadcasting ``ind_1`` and ``ind_2``, and each
+     *i, j, k* yields::
+         result[i,j,k] = x[ind_1[i,j,k], ind_2[i,j,k]]
+- If :math:`N_s > 0`, then partial indexing is done. This can be
+  somewhat mind-boggling to understand, but if you think in terms of
+  the shapes of the arrays involved, it can be easier to grasp what
+  happens. In simple cases (*i.e.* one indexing array and *N - 1* slice
+  objects) it does exactly what you would expect (concatenation of
+  repeated application of basic slicing). The rule for partial
+  indexing is that the shape of the result (or the interpreted shape
+  of the object to be used in setting) is the shape of *x* with the
+  indexed subspace replaced with the broadcasted indexing subspace. If
+  the index subspaces are right next to each other, then the
+  broadcasted indexing space directly replaces all of the indexed
+  subspaces in *x*. If the indexing subspaces are separated (by slice
+  objects), then the broadcasted indexing space is first, followed by
+  the sliced subspace of *x*.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+     Suppose ``x.shape`` is (10,20,30) and ``ind`` is a (2,3,4)-shaped
+     indexing :class:`intp` array, then ``result = x[...,ind,:]`` has
+     shape (10,2,3,4,30) because the (20,)-shaped subspace has been
+     replaced with a (2,3,4)-shaped broadcasted indexing subspace. If
+     we let *i, j, k* loop over the (2,3,4)-shaped subspace then
+     ``result[...,i,j,k,:] = x[...,ind[i,j,k],:]``. This example
+     produces the same result as :meth:`x.take(ind, axis=-2) <ndarray.take>`.
+  .. admonition:: Example
+      Now let ``x.shape`` be (10,20,30,40,50) and suppose ``ind_1``
+      and ``ind_2`` are broadcastable to the shape (2,3,4).  Then
+      ``x[:,ind_1,ind_2]`` has shape (10,2,3,4,40,50) because the
+      (20,30)-shaped subspace from X has been replaced with the
+      (2,3,4) subspace from the indices.  However,
+      ``x[:,ind_1,:,ind_2]`` has shape (2,3,4,10,30,50) because there
+      is no unambiguous place to drop in the indexing subspace, thus
+      it is tacked-on to the beginning. It is always possible to use
+      :meth:`.transpose() <ndarray.transpose>` to move the subspace
+      anywhere desired. (Note that this example cannot be replicated
+      using :func:`take`.)
+This advanced indexing occurs when obj is an array object of Boolean
+type (such as may be returned from comparison operators). It is always
+equivalent to (but faster than) ``x[obj.nonzero()]`` where, as
+described above, :meth:`obj.nonzero() <ndarray.nonzero>` returns a
+tuple (of length :attr:`obj.ndim <ndarray.ndim>`) of integer index
+arrays showing the :const:`True` elements of *obj*.
+The special case when ``obj.ndim == x.ndim`` is worth mentioning. In
+this case ``x[obj]`` returns a 1-dimensional array filled with the
+elements of *x* corresponding to the :const:`True` values of *obj*.
+The search order will be C-style (last index varies the fastest). If
+*obj* has :const:`True` values at entries that are outside of the
+bounds of *x*, then an index error will be raised.
+You can also use Boolean arrays as element of the selection tuple. In
+such instances, they will always be interpreted as :meth:`nonzero(obj)
+<ndarray.nonzero>` and the equivalent integer indexing will be
+.. warning::
+   The definition of advanced indexing means that ``x[(1,2,3),]`` is
+   fundamentally different than ``x[(1,2,3)]``. The latter is
+   equivalent to ``x[1,2,3]`` which will trigger basic selection while
+   the former will trigger advanced indexing. Be sure to understand
+   why this is occurs.
+   Also recognize that ``x[[1,2,3]]`` will trigger advanced indexing,
+   whereas ``x[[1,2,slice(None)]]`` will trigger basic slicing.
+.. note::
+   XXX: this section may need some tuning...
+   Also the above warning needs explanation as the last part is at odds
+   with the definition of basic indexing.
+.. _arrays.indexing.rec:
+Record Access
+.. seealso:: :ref:`arrays.dtypes`, :ref:`arrays.scalars`
+If the :class:`ndarray` object is a record array, *i.e.* its data type
+is a :term:`record` data type, the :term:`fields <field>` of the array
+can be accessed by indexing the array with strings, dictionary-like.
+Indexing ``x['field-name']`` returns a new :term:`view` to the array,
+which is of the same shape as *x* (except when the field is a
+sub-array) but of data type ``x.dtype['field-name']`` and contains
+only the part of the data in the specified field. Also record array
+scalars can be "indexed" this way.
+If the accessed field is a sub-array, the dimensions of the sub-array
+are appended to the shape of the result.
+.. admonition:: Example
+   >>> x = np.zeros((2,2), dtype=[('a', np.int32), ('b', np.float64, (3,3))])
+   >>> x['a'].shape
+   (2, 2)
+   >>> x['a'].dtype
+   dtype('int32')
+   >>> x['b'].shape
+   (2, 2, 3, 3)
+   >>> x['b'].dtype
+   dtype('float64')
+Flat Iterator indexing
+:attr:`x.flat <ndarray.flat>` returns an iterator that will iterate
+over the entire array (in C-contiguous style with the last index
+varying the fastest). This iterator object can also be indexed using
+basic slicing or advanced indexing as long as the selection object is
+not a tuple. This should be clear from the fact that :attr:`x.flat
+<ndarray.flat>` is a 1-dimensional view. It can be used for integer
+indexing with 1-dimensional C-style-flat indices. The shape of any
+returned array is therefore the shape of the integer indexing object.
+.. index::
+   single: indexing
+   single: ndarray

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.interface.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.interface.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.interface.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+.. index::
+   pair: array; interface
+   pair: array; protocol
+.. _arrays.interface:
+The Array Interface
+:version: 3
+The array interface (sometimes called array protocol) was created in
+2005 as a means for array-like Python objects to re-use each other's
+data buffers intelligently whenever possible. The homogeneous
+N-dimensional array interface is a default mechanism for objects to
+share N-dimensional array memory and information.  The interface
+consists of a Python-side and a C-side using two attributes.  Objects
+wishing to be considered an N-dimensional array in application code
+should support at least one of these attributes.  Objects wishing to
+support an N-dimensional array in application code should look for at
+least one of these attributes and use the information provided
+This interface describes homogeneous arrays in the sense that each
+item of the array has the same "type".  This type can be very simple
+or it can be a quite arbitrary and complicated C-like structure.
+There are two ways to use the interface: A Python side and a C-side.
+Both are separate attributes.
+.. note::
+   An alternative to the array interface;
+   :cfunc:`The Revised Buffer Protocol <PyObject_GetBuffer>`, :pep:`3118`
+   is introduced in Python 2.6.
+Python side
+This approach to the interface consists of the object having an
+:data:`__array_interface__` attribute.
+.. data:: __array_interface__
+   A dictionary of items (3 required and 5 optional).  The optional
+   keys in the dictionary have implied defaults if they are not
+   provided.
+   The keys are:
+   **shape** (required)
+       Tuple whose elements are the array size in each dimension. Each
+       entry is an integer (a Python int or long).  Note that these
+       integers could be larger than the platform "int" or "long"
+       could hold (a Python int is a C long). It is up to the code
+       using this attribute to handle this appropriately; either by
+       raising an error when overflow is possible, or by using
+       :cdata:`Py_LONG_LONG` as the C type for the shapes.
+   **typestr** (required)
+       A string providing the basic type of the homogenous array The
+       basic string format consists of 3 parts: a character describing
+       the byteorder of the data (``<``: little-endian, ``>``:
+       big-endian, ``|``: not-relevant), a character code giving the
+       basic type of the array, and an integer providing the number of
+       bytes the type uses.  
+       The basic type character codes are:
+       =====  ================================================================
+       ``t``  Bit field (following integer gives the number of 
+              bits in the bit field). 
+       ``b``  Boolean (integer type where all values are only True or False)
+       ``i``  Integer
+       ``u``  Unsigned integer
+       ``f``  Floating point
+       ``c``  Complex floating point
+       ``O``  Object (i.e. the memory contains a pointer to :ctype:`PyObject`)
+       ``S``  String (fixed-length sequence of char)
+       ``U``  Unicode (fixed-length sequence of :ctype:`Py_UNICODE`)
+       ``V``  Other (void \* -- each item is a fixed-size chunk of memory)
+       =====  ================================================================
+   **descr** (optional)
+       A list of tuples providing a more detailed description of the
+       memory layout for each item in the homogeneous array.  Each
+       tuple in the list has two or three elements.  Normally, this
+       attribute would be used when *typestr* is ``V[0-9]+``, but this is
+       not a requirement.  The only requirement is that the number of
+       bytes represented in the *typestr* key is the same as the total
+       number of bytes represented here.  The idea is to support
+       descriptions of C-like structs (records) that make up array
+       elements.  The elements of each tuple in the list are
+       1.  A string providing a name associated with this portion of
+           the record.  This could also be a tuple of ``('full name',
+	   'basic_name')`` where basic name would be a valid Python
+           variable name representing the full name of the field.
+       2. Either a basic-type description string as in *typestr* or
+          another list (for nested records)
+       3. An optional shape tuple providing how many times this part
+          of the record should be repeated.  No repeats are assumed
+          if this is not given.  Very complicated structures can be
+          described using this generic interface.  Notice, however,
+          that each element of the array is still of the same
+          data-type.  Some examples of using this interface are given
+          below.
+       **Default**: ``[('', typestr)]``
+   **data** (optional)
+       A 2-tuple whose first argument is an integer (a long integer
+       if necessary) that points to the data-area storing the array
+       contents.  This pointer must point to the first element of
+       data (in other words any offset is always ignored in this
+       case). The second entry in the tuple is a read-only flag (true
+       means the data area is read-only).
+       This attribute can also be an object exposing the
+       :cfunc:`buffer interface <PyObject_AsCharBuffer>` which
+       will be used to share the data. If this key is not present (or
+       returns :class:`None`), then memory sharing will be done
+       through the buffer interface of the object itself.  In this
+       case, the offset key can be used to indicate the start of the
+       buffer.  A reference to the object exposing the array interface
+       must be stored by the new object if the memory area is to be
+       secured.
+       **Default**: :const:`None`
+   **strides** (optional)
+       Either :const:`None` to indicate a C-style contiguous array or
+       a Tuple of strides which provides the number of bytes needed
+       to jump to the next array element in the corresponding
+       dimension. Each entry must be an integer (a Python
+       :const:`int` or :const:`long`). As with shape, the values may
+       be larger than can be represented by a C "int" or "long"; the
+       calling code should handle this appropiately, either by
+       raising an error, or by using :ctype:`Py_LONG_LONG` in C. The
+       default is :const:`None` which implies a C-style contiguous
+       memory buffer.  In this model, the last dimension of the array
+       varies the fastest.  For example, the default strides tuple
+       for an object whose array entries are 8 bytes long and whose
+       shape is (10,20,30) would be (4800, 240, 8)
+       **Default**: :const:`None` (C-style contiguous)
+   **mask** (optional)
+       :const:`None` or an object exposing the array interface.  All
+       elements of the mask array should be interpreted only as true
+       or not true indicating which elements of this array are valid.
+       The shape of this object should be `"broadcastable"
+       <arrays.broadcasting.broadcastable>` to the shape of the
+       original array.
+       **Default**: :const:`None` (All array values are valid) 
+   **offset** (optional)
+       An integer offset into the array data region. This can only be
+       used when data is :const:`None` or returns a :class:`buffer`
+       object.
+       **Default**: 0.
+   **version** (required)
+       An integer showing the version of the interface (i.e. 3 for
+       this version).  Be careful not to use this to invalidate
+       objects exposing future versions of the interface.
+C-struct access
+This approach to the array interface allows for faster access to an
+array using only one attribute lookup and a well-defined C-structure.
+.. cvar:: __array_struct__
+   A :ctype:`PyCObject` whose :cdata:`voidptr` member contains a
+   pointer to a filled :ctype:`PyArrayInterface` structure.  Memory
+   for the structure is dynamically created and the :ctype:`PyCObject`
+   is also created with an appropriate destructor so the retriever of
+   this attribute simply has to apply :cfunc:`Py_DECREF()` to the
+   object returned by this attribute when it is finished.  Also,
+   either the data needs to be copied out, or a reference to the
+   object exposing this attribute must be held to ensure the data is
+   not freed.  Objects exposing the :obj:`__array_struct__` interface
+   must also not reallocate their memory if other objects are
+   referencing them.
+.. admonition:: New since June 16, 2006:
+   In the past most implementations used the "desc" member of the
+   :ctype:`PyCObject` itself (do not confuse this with the "descr" member of
+   the :ctype:`PyArrayInterface` structure above --- they are two separate
+   things) to hold the pointer to the object exposing the interface.
+   This is now an explicit part of the interface.  Be sure to own a
+   reference to the object when the :ctype:`PyCObject` is created using
+   :ctype:`PyCObject_FromVoidPtrAndDesc`.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.ndarray.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.ndarray.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.ndarray.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+.. _arrays.ndarray:
+The N-dimensional array (:class:`ndarray`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+An :class:`ndarray` is a (usually fixed-size) multidimensional
+container of items of the same type and size. The number of dimensions
+and items in an array is defined by its :attr:`shape <ndarray.shape>`,
+which is a :class:`tuple` of *N* integers that specify the sizes of
+each dimension. The type of items in the array is specified by a
+separate :ref:`data-type object (dtype) <arrays.dtypes>`, one of which
+is associated with each ndarray.
+As with other container objects in Python, the contents of a
+:class:`ndarray` can be accessed and modified by :ref:`indexing or
+slicing <arrays.indexing>` the array (using for example *N* integers),
+and via the methods and attributes of the :class:`ndarray`.
+.. index:: view, base
+Different :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>` can share the same data, so that
+changes made in one :class:`ndarray` may be visible in another. That
+is, an ndarray can be a *"view"* to another ndarray, and the data it
+is referring to is taken care of by the *"base"* ndarray. ndarrays can
+also be views to memory owned by Python :class:`strings <str>` or
+objects implementing the :class:`buffer` or :ref:`array
+<arrays.interface>` interfaces.
+.. admonition:: Example
+   A 2-dimensional array of size 2 x 3, composed of 4-byte integer elements:
+   >>> x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], np.int32)
+   >>> type(x)
+   <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
+   >>> x.shape
+   (2, 3)
+   >>> x.dtype
+   dtype('int32')
+   The array can be indexed using a Python container-like syntax:
+   >>> x[1,2]
+   6
+   For example :ref:`slicing <arrays.indexing>` can produce views of the array:
+   >>> y = x[:,1]
+   >>> y[0] = 9
+   >>> x
+   array([[1, 9, 3],
+          [4, 5, 6]])
+Constructing arrays
+New arrays can be constructed using the routines detailed in
+:ref:`routines.array-creation`, and also by using the low-level
+:class:`ndarray` constructor:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/ 
+   ndarray
+.. _arrays.ndarray.indexing:
+Indexing arrays
+Arrays can be indexed using an extended Python slicing syntax,
+``array[selection]``.  Similar syntax is also used for accessing
+fields in a :ref:`record array <arrays.dtypes>`.
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Array Indexing <arrays.indexing>`.
+Internal memory layout of an ndarray
+An instance of class :class:`ndarray` consists of a contiguous
+one-dimensional segment of computer memory (owned by the array, or by
+some other object), combined with an indexing scheme that maps *N*
+integers into the location of an item in the block.  The ranges in
+which the indices can vary is specified by the :obj:`shape
+<ndarray.shape>` of the array. How many bytes each item takes and how
+the bytes are interpreted is defined by the :ref:`data-type object
+<arrays.dtypes>` associated with the array.
+.. index:: C-order, Fortran-order, row-major, column-major, stride, offset
+A segment of memory is inherently 1-dimensional, and there are many
+different schemes of arranging the items of an *N*-dimensional array to
+a 1-dimensional block. Numpy is flexible, and :class:`ndarray` objects
+can accommodate any *strided indexing scheme*. In a strided scheme,
+the N-dimensional index :math:`(n_0, n_1, ..., n_{N-1})` corresponds
+to the offset (in bytes)
+.. math:: n_{\mathrm{offset}} = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} s_k n_k
+from the beginning of the memory block associated with the
+array. Here, :math:`s_k` are integers which specify the :obj:`strides
+<ndarray.strides>` of the array. The :term:`column-major` order (used
+for example in the Fortran language and in *Matlab*) and
+:term:`row-major` order (used in C) are special cases of the strided
+scheme, and correspond to the strides:
+.. math:: 
+   s_k^{\mathrm{column}} = \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} d_j , \quad  s_k^{\mathrm{row}} = \prod_{j=k+1}^{N-1} d_j .
+.. index:: single-segment, contiguous, non-contiguous
+Both the C and Fortran orders are :term:`contiguous`, *i.e.*
+:term:`single-segment`, memory layouts, in which every part of the
+memory block can be accessed by some combination of the indices.
+Data in new :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>` is in the :term:`row-major`
+(C) order, unless otherwise specified, but for example :ref:`basic
+array slicing <arrays.indexing>` often produces :term:`views <view>`
+in a different scheme.
+.. seealso: :ref:`Indexing <arrays.ndarray.indexing>`_
+.. note:: 
+   Several algorithms in NumPy work on arbitrarily strided arrays.
+   However, some algorithms require single-segment arrays. When an
+   irregularly strided array is passed in to such algorithms, a copy
+   is automatically made.
+Array attributes
+Array attributes reflect information that is intrinsic to the array
+itself. Generally, accessing an array through its attributes allows
+you to get and sometimes set intrinsic properties of the array without
+creating a new array. The exposed attributes are the core parts of an
+array and only some of them can be reset meaningfully without creating
+a new array. Information on each attribute is given below.
+Memory layout
+The following attributes contain information about the memory layout
+of the array:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.flags
+   ndarray.shape
+   ndarray.strides
+   ndarray.ndim
+   ndarray.data
+   ndarray.size
+   ndarray.itemsize
+   ndarray.nbytes
+   ndarray.base
+.. note:: XXX: update and check these docstrings.
+Data type
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Data type objects <arrays.dtypes>`
+The data type object associated with the array can be found in the
+:attr:`dtype <ndarray.dtype>` attribute:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.dtype
+.. note:: XXX: update the dtype attribute docstring: setting etc.
+Other attributes
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.T
+   ndarray.real
+   ndarray.imag
+   ndarray.flat
+   ndarray.ctypes
+   __array_priority__
+.. _arrays.ndarray.array-interface:
+Array interface
+.. seealso:: :ref:`arrays.interface`.
+==========================  ===================================
+:obj:`__array_interface__`  Python-side of the array interface
+:obj:`__array_struct__`     C-side of the array interface
+==========================  ===================================
+:mod:`ctypes` foreign function interface
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.ctypes
+.. note:: XXX: update and check these docstrings.
+Array methods
+An :class:`ndarray` object has many methods which operate on or with
+the array in some fashion, typically returning an array result. These
+methods are explained below.
+For the following methods there are also corresponding functions in
+:mod:`numpy`: :func:`all`, :func:`any`, :func:`argmax`,
+:func:`argmin`, :func:`argsort`, :func:`choose`, :func:`clip`,
+:func:`compress`, :func:`copy`, :func:`cumprod`, :func:`cumsum`,
+:func:`diagonal`, :func:`imag`, :func:`max <amax>`, :func:`mean`,
+:func:`min <amin>`, :func:`nonzero`, :func:`prod`, :func:`ptp`, :func:`put`,
+:func:`ravel`, :func:`real`, :func:`repeat`, :func:`reshape`,
+:func:`round <around>`, :func:`searchsorted`, :func:`sort`, :func:`squeeze`,
+:func:`std`, :func:`sum`, :func:`swapaxes`, :func:`take`,
+:func:`trace`, :func:`transpose`, :func:`var`.
+Array conversion
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.item
+   ndarray.tolist
+   ndarray.itemset
+   ndarray.tostring
+   ndarray.tofile
+   ndarray.dump
+   ndarray.dumps
+   ndarray.astype
+   ndarray.byteswap
+   ndarray.copy
+   ndarray.view
+   ndarray.getfield
+   ndarray.setflags
+   ndarray.fill
+.. note:: XXX: update and check these docstrings.
+Shape manipulation
+For reshape, resize, and transpose, the single tuple argument may be
+replaced with ``n`` integers which will be interpreted as an n-tuple.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.reshape
+   ndarray.resize
+   ndarray.transpose
+   ndarray.swapaxes
+   ndarray.flatten
+   ndarray.ravel
+   ndarray.squeeze
+Item selection and manipulation
+For array methods that take an *axis* keyword, it defaults to
+:const:`None`. If axis is *None*, then the array is treated as a 1-D
+array. Any other value for *axis* represents the dimension along which
+the operation should proceed.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.take
+   ndarray.put
+   ndarray.repeat
+   ndarray.choose
+   ndarray.sort
+   ndarray.argsort
+   ndarray.searchsorted
+   ndarray.nonzero
+   ndarray.compress
+   ndarray.diagonal
+.. index:: axis
+Many of these methods take an argument named *axis*. In such cases, 
+- If *axis* is *None* (the default), the array is treated as a 1-D
+  array and the operation is performed over the entire array. This
+  behavior is also the default if self is a 0-dimensional array or
+  array scalar.
+- If *axis* is an integer, then the operation is done over the given axis
+  (for each 1-D subarray that can be created along the given axis). 
+The parameter *dtype* specifies the data type over which a reduction
+operation (like summing) should take place. The default reduce data
+type is the same as the data type of *self*. To avoid overflow, it can
+be useful to perform the reduction using a larger data type.
+For several methods, an optional *out* argument can also be provided
+and the result will be placed into the output array given. The *out*
+argument must be an :class:`ndarray` and have the same number of
+elements. It can have a different data type in which case casting will
+be performed.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.argmax
+   ndarray.min
+   ndarray.argmin
+   ndarray.ptp
+   ndarray.clip
+   ndarray.conj
+   ndarray.round
+   ndarray.trace
+   ndarray.sum
+   ndarray.cumsum
+   ndarray.mean
+   ndarray.var
+   ndarray.std
+   ndarray.prod
+   ndarray.cumprod
+   ndarray.all
+   ndarray.any
+Arithmetic and comparison operations
+.. note:: XXX: write all attributes explicitly here instead of relying on
+          the auto\* stuff?
+.. index:: comparison, arithmetic, operation, operator
+Arithmetic and comparison operations on :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>`
+are defined as element-wise operations, and generally yield
+:class:`ndarray` objects as results.
+Each of the arithmetic operations (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``//``,
+``%``, ``divmod()``, ``**`` or ``pow()``, ``<<``, ``>>``, ``&``,
+``^``, ``|``, ``~``) and the comparisons (``==``, ``<``, ``>``,
+``<=``, ``>=``, ``!=``) is equivalent to the corresponding
+:term:`universal function` (or :term:`ufunc` for short) in Numpy.  For
+more information, see the section on :ref:`Universal Functions
+Comparison operators:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__lt__
+   ndarray.__le__
+   ndarray.__gt__
+   ndarray.__ge__
+   ndarray.__eq__
+   ndarray.__ne__
+Truth value of an array (:func:`bool()`):
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__nonzero__
+.. note::
+   Truth-value testing of an array invokes
+   :meth:`ndarray.__nonzero__`, which raises an error if the number of
+   elements in the the array is larger than 1, because the truth value
+   of such arrays is ambiguous. Use :meth:`.any() <ndarray.any>` and
+   :meth:`.all() <ndarray.all>` instead to be clear about what is meant in
+   such cases. (If the number of elements is 0, the array evaluates to
+   ``False``.)
+Unary operations:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__neg__
+   ndarray.__pos__
+   ndarray.__abs__
+   ndarray.__invert__
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__add__
+   ndarray.__sub__
+   ndarray.__mul__
+   ndarray.__div__
+   ndarray.__truediv__
+   ndarray.__floordiv__
+   ndarray.__mod__
+   ndarray.__divmod__
+   ndarray.__pow__
+   ndarray.__lshift__
+   ndarray.__rshift__
+   ndarray.__and__
+   ndarray.__or__
+   ndarray.__xor__
+.. note:: 
+   - Any third argument to :func:`pow()` is silently ignored,
+     as the underlying :func:`ufunc <power>` only takes two arguments.
+   - The three division operators are all defined; :obj:`div` is active
+     by default, :obj:`truediv` is active when
+     :obj:`__future__` division is in effect.
+   - Because :class:`ndarray` is a built-in type (written in C), the
+     ``__r{op}__`` special methods are not directly defined.
+   - The functions called to implement many arithmetic special methods
+     for arrays can be modified using :func:`set_numeric_ops`.
+Arithmetic, in-place:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__iadd__
+   ndarray.__isub__
+   ndarray.__imul__
+   ndarray.__idiv__
+   ndarray.__itruediv__
+   ndarray.__ifloordiv__
+   ndarray.__imod__
+   ndarray.__ipow__
+   ndarray.__ilshift__
+   ndarray.__irshift__
+   ndarray.__iand__
+   ndarray.__ior__
+   ndarray.__ixor__
+.. warning::
+   In place operations will perform the calculation using the
+   precision decided by the data type of the two operands, but will
+   silently downcast the result (if necessary) so it can fit back into
+   the array.  Therefore, for mixed precision calculations, ``A {op}=
+   B`` can be different than ``A = A {op} B``. For example, suppose
+   ``a = ones((3,3))``. Then, ``a += 3j`` is different than ``a = a +
+   3j``: While they both perform the same computation, ``a += 3``
+   casts the result to fit back in ``a``, whereas ``a = a + 3j``
+   re-binds the name ``a`` to the result.
+Special methods
+For standard library functions:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__copy__
+   ndarray.__deepcopy__
+   ndarray.__reduce__
+   ndarray.__setstate__
+Basic customization:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__new__
+   ndarray.__array__
+   ndarray.__array_wrap__
+Container customization: (see :ref:`Indexing <arrays.indexing>`)
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__len__
+   ndarray.__getitem__
+   ndarray.__setitem__
+   ndarray.__getslice__
+   ndarray.__setslice__
+   ndarray.__contains__
+Conversion; the operations :func:`complex()`, :func:`int()`,
+:func:`long()`, :func:`float()`, :func:`oct()`, and
+:func:`hex()`. They work only on arrays that have one element in them
+and return the appropriate scalar.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__int__
+   ndarray.__long__
+   ndarray.__float__
+   ndarray.__oct__
+   ndarray.__hex__
+String representations:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndarray.__str__
+   ndarray.__repr__

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.. _arrays:
+Array objects
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+NumPy provides an N-dimensional array type, the :ref:`ndarray
+<arrays.ndarray>`, which describes a collection of "items" of the same
+type. The items can be :ref:`indexed <arrays.indexing>` using for
+example N integers.
+All ndarrays are :term:`homogenous`: every item takes up the same size
+block of memory, and all blocks are interpreted in exactly the same
+way. How each item in the array is to be interpreted is specified by a
+separate :ref:`data-type object <arrays.dtypes>`, one of which is associated
+with every array. In addition to basic types (integers, floats,
+*etc.*), the data type objects can also represent data structures.
+An item extracted from an array, *e.g.*, by indexing, is represented
+by a Python object whose type is one of the :ref:`array scalar types
+<arrays.scalars>` built in Numpy. The array scalars allow easy manipulation
+of also more complicated arrangements of data.
+.. figure:: figures/threefundamental.png
+   **Figure**
+   Conceptual diagram showing the relationship between the three
+   fundamental objects used to describe the data in an array: 1) the
+   ndarray itself, 2) the data-type object that describes the layout
+   of a single fixed-size element of the array, 3) the array-scalar
+   Python object that is returned when a single element of the array
+   is accessed.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   arrays.ndarray
+   arrays.scalars
+   arrays.dtypes
+   arrays.indexing
+   arrays.classes
+   arrays.interface

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.scalars.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.scalars.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/arrays.scalars.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+.. _arrays.scalars:
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Python defines only one type of a particular data class (there is only
+one integer type, one floating-point type, etc.). This can be
+convenient in applications that don't need to be concerned with all
+the ways data can be represented in a computer.  For scientific
+computing, however, more control is often needed.
+In NumPy, there are 21 new fundamental Python types to describe
+different types of scalars. These type descriptors are mostly based on
+the types available in the C language that CPython is written in, with
+several additional types compatible with Python's types.
+Array scalars have the same attributes and methods as :class:`ndarrays
+<ndarray>`. [#]_ This allows one to treat items of an array partly on
+the same footing as arrays, smoothing out rough edges that result when
+mixing scalar and array operations.
+Array scalars live in a hierarchy (see the Figure below) of data
+types. They can be detected using the hierarchy: For example,
+``isinstance(val, np.generic)`` will return :const:`True` if *val* is
+an array scalar object. Alternatively, what kind of array scalar is
+present can be determined using other members of the data type
+hierarchy. Thus, for example ``isinstance(val, np.complexfloating)``
+will return :const:`True` if *val* is a complex valued type, while
+:const:`isinstance(val, np.flexible)` will return true if *val* is one
+of the flexible itemsize array types (:class:`string`,
+:class:`unicode`, :class:`void`).
+.. figure:: figures/dtype-hierarchy.png
+   **Figure:** Hierarchy of type objects representing the array data
+   types. Not shown are the two integer types :class:`intp` and
+   :class:`uintp` which just point to the integer type that holds a
+   pointer for the platform. All the number types can be obtained
+   using bit-width names as well.
+.. [#] However, array scalars are immutable, so that none of the array
+       scalar attributes are settable.
+.. _arrays.scalars.character-codes:
+.. _arrays.scalars.built-in:
+Built-in scalar types
+The built-in scalar types are shown below. Along with their (mostly)
+C-derived names, the integer, float, and complex data-types are also
+available using a bit-width convention so that an array of the right
+size can always be ensured (e.g. :class:`int8`, :class:`float64`,
+:class:`complex128`). Two aliases (:class:`intp` and :class:`uintp`)
+pointing to the integer type that is sufficiently large to hold a C pointer
+are also provided. The C-like names are associated with character codes,
+which are shown in the table. Use of the character codes, however,
+is discouraged.
+Five of the scalar types are essentially equivalent to fundamental
+Python types and therefore inherit from them as well as from the
+generic array scalar type:
+====================  ====================
+Array scalar type     Related Python type
+====================  ====================
+:class:`int_`         :class:`IntType`
+:class:`float_`       :class:`FloatType`
+:class:`complex_`     :class:`ComplexType`
+:class:`str_`         :class:`StringType`
+:class:`unicode_`     :class:`UnicodeType`
+====================  ====================
+The :class:`bool_` data type is very similar to the Python
+:class:`BooleanType` but does not inherit from it because Python's
+:class:`BooleanType` does not allow itself to be inherited from, and
+on the C-level the size of the actual bool data is not the same as a
+Python Boolean scalar.
+.. warning::
+   The :class:`bool_` type is not a subclass of the :class:`int_` type
+   (the :class:`bool_` is not even a number type). This is different
+   than Python's default implementation of :class:`bool` as a
+   sub-class of int.
+.. tip:: The default data type in Numpy is :class:`float_`.
+In the tables below, ``platform?`` means that the type may not
+available on all platforms. Compatibility with different C or Python
+types is indicated: two types are compatible if their data is of the
+same size and interpreted in the same way.
+===================  =============================  ===============
+Type                 Remarks                        Character code
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`bool_`       compatible: Python bool        ``'?'``        
+:class:`bool8`       8 bits
+===================  =============================  ===============
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`byte`        compatible: C char             ``'b'``        
+:class:`short`       compatible: C short            ``'h'``        
+:class:`intc`        compatible: C int              ``'i'``        
+:class:`int_`        compatible: Python int         ``'l'``        
+:class:`longlong`    compatible: C long long        ``'q'``        
+:class:`intp`        large enough to fit a pointer  ``'p'``        
+:class:`int8`        8 bits
+:class:`int16`       16 bits
+:class:`int32`       32 bits
+:class:`int64`       64 bits
+===================  =============================  ===============
+Unsigned integers:
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`ubyte`       compatible: C unsigned char    ``'B'``        
+:class:`ushort`      compatible: C unsigned short   ``'H'``        
+:class:`uintc`       compatible: C unsigned int     ``'I'``        
+:class:`uint`        compatible: Python int         ``'L'``        
+:class:`ulonglong`   compatible: C long long        ``'Q'``        
+:class:`uintp`       large enough to fit a pointer  ``'P'``        
+:class:`uint8`       8 bits
+:class:`uint16`      16 bits
+:class:`uint32`      32 bits
+:class:`uint64`      64 bits
+===================  =============================  ===============
+Floating-point numbers:
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`single`      compatible: C float            ``'f'``        
+:class:`double`      compatible: C double
+:class:`float_`      compatible: Python float       ``'d'``        
+:class:`longfloat`   compatible: C long float       ``'g'``        
+:class:`float32`     32 bits
+:class:`float64`     64 bits
+:class:`float96`     92 bits, platform?
+:class:`float128`    128 bits, platform?
+===================  =============================  ===============
+Complex floating-point numbers:
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`csingle`                                    ``'F'``        
+:class:`complex_`    compatible: Python complex     ``'D'``        
+:class:`clongfloat`                                 ``'G'``
+:class:`complex64`   two 32-bit floats
+:class:`complex128`  two 64-bit floats
+:class:`complex192`  two 96-bit floats,
+                     platform?
+:class:`complex256`  two 128-bit floats,
+                     platform?
+===================  =============================  ===============
+Any Python object:
+===================  =============================  ===============
+:class:`object_`     any Python object              ``'O'``        
+===================  =============================  ===============
+.. note::
+   The data actually stored in :term:`object arrays <object array>`
+   (*i.e.* arrays having dtype :class:`object_`) are references to
+   Python objects, not the objects themselves. Hence, object arrays
+   behave more like usual Python :class:`lists <list>`, in the sense
+   that their contents need not be of the same Python type.
+   The object type is also special because an array containing
+   :class:`object_` items does not return an :class:`object_` object
+   on item access, but instead returns the actual object that
+   the array item refers to.
+The following data types are :term:`flexible`. They have no predefined
+size: the data they describe can be of different length in different
+arrays. (In the character codes ``#`` is an integer denoting how many
+elements the data type consists of.)
+===================  =============================  ========
+:class:`str_`        compatible: Python str         ``'S#'``
+:class:`unicode_`    compatible: Python unicode     ``'U#'``
+:class:`void`                                       ``'V#'``
+===================  =============================  ========
+.. warning::
+   Numeric Compatibility: If you used old typecode characters in your
+   Numeric code (which was never recommended), you will need to change
+   some of them to the new characters. In particular, the needed
+   changes are ``c -> S1``, ``b -> B``, ``1 -> b``, ``s -> h``, ``w ->
+   H``, and ``u -> I``. These changes make the type character
+   convention more consistent with other Python modules such as the
+   :mod:`struct` module.
+.. note:: XXX: what to put in the type docstrings, and where to put them?
+The array scalar objects have an :obj:`array priority
+<__array_priority__>` of :cdata:`NPY_SCALAR_PRIORITY`
+(-1,000,000.0). They also do not (yet) have a :attr:`ctypes <ndarray.ctypes>`
+attribute. Otherwise, they share the same attributes as arrays:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   generic.flags
+   generic.shape
+   generic.strides
+   generic.ndim
+   generic.data
+   generic.size
+   generic.itemsize
+   generic.base
+   generic.dtype
+   generic.real
+   generic.imag
+   generic.flat
+   generic.T
+   generic.__array_interface__
+   generic.__array_struct__
+   generic.__array_priority__
+   generic.__array_wrap__
+.. note:: XXX: import the documentation into the docstrings?
+.. seealso:: :ref:`arrays.indexing`, :ref:`arrays.dtypes`
+Array scalars can be indexed like 0-dimensional arrays: if *x* is an
+array scalar,
+- ``x[()]`` returns a 0-dimensional :class:`ndarray`
+- ``x['field-name']`` returns the array scalar in the field *field-name*.
+  (*x* can have fields, for example, when it corresponds to a record data type.)
+Array scalars have exactly the same methods as arrays. The default
+behavior of these methods is to internally convert the scalar to an
+equivalent 0-dimensional array and to call the corresponding array
+method. In addition, math operations on array scalars are defined so
+that the same hardware flags are set and used to interpret the results
+as for :ref:`ufunc <ufuncs>`, so that the error state used for ufuncs
+also carries over to the math on array scalars.
+The exceptions to the above rules are given below:
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   generic
+   generic.__array__
+   generic.__array_wrap__
+   generic.__squeeze__
+   generic.byteswap
+   generic.__reduce__
+   generic.__setstate__
+   generic.setflags
+.. note:: XXX: import the documentation into the docstrings?
+Defining new types
+There are two ways to effectively define a new array scalar type
+(apart from composing record :ref:`dtypes <arrays.dtypes>` from the built-in
+scalar types): One way is to simply subclass the :class:`ndarray` and
+overwrite the methods of interest. This will work to a degree, but
+internally certain behaviors are fixed by the data type of the array.
+To fully customize the data type of an array you need to define a new
+data-type, and register it with NumPy. Such new types can only be
+defined in C, using the :ref:`Numpy C-API <c-api>`.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.array.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.array.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.array.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,2635 @@
+Array API
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+|    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two
+|    opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the
+|    ability to function. 
+|    --- *F. Scott Fitzgerald* 
+|    For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public
+|    relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. 
+|    --- *Richard P. Feynman* 
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; C-API
+   pair: C-API; array
+Array structure and data access
+These macros all access the :ctype:`PyArrayObject` structure members. The input
+argument, obj, can be any :ctype:`PyObject *` that is directly interpretable
+as a :ctype:`PyArrayObject *` (any instance of the :cdata:`PyArray_Type` and its
+.. cfunction:: void *PyArray_DATA(PyObject *obj)
+.. cfunction:: char *PyArray_BYTES(PyObject *obj)
+    These two macros are similar and obtain the pointer to the
+    data-buffer for the array. The first macro can (and should be)
+    assigned to a particular pointer where the second is for generic
+    processing. If you have not guaranteed a contiguous and/or aligned
+    array then be sure you understand how to access the data in the
+    array to avoid memory and/or alignment problems.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp *PyArray_DIMS(PyObject *arr)
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp *PyArray_STRIDES(PyObject* arr)
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_DIM(PyObject* arr, int n)
+    Return the shape in the *n* :math:`^{\textrm{th}}` dimension.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_STRIDE(PyObject* arr, int n)
+    Return the stride in the *n* :math:`^{\textrm{th}}` dimension.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_BASE(PyObject* arr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr *PyArray_DESCR(PyObject* arr)
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_FLAGS(PyObject* arr)
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_ITEMSIZE(PyObject* arr)
+    Return the itemsize for the elements of this array.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_TYPE(PyObject* arr)
+    Return the (builtin) typenumber for the elements of this array.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_GETITEM(PyObject* arr, void* itemptr)
+    Get a Python object from the ndarray, *arr*, at the location
+    pointed to by itemptr. Return ``NULL`` on failure.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_SETITEM(PyObject* arr, void* itemptr, PyObject* obj)
+    Convert obj and place it in the ndarray, *arr*, at the place
+    pointed to by itemptr. Return -1 if an error occurs or 0 on
+    success.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_SIZE(PyObject* arr)
+    Returns the total size (in number of elements) of the array.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_Size(PyObject* obj)
+    Returns 0 if *obj* is not a sub-class of bigndarray. Otherwise,
+    returns the total number of elements in the array. Safer version
+    of :cfunc:`PyArray_SIZE` (*obj*).
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_NBYTES(PyObject* arr)
+    Returns the total number of bytes consumed by the array.
+Data access
+These functions and macros provide easy access to elements of the
+ndarray from C. These work for all arrays. You may need to take care
+when accessing the data in the array, however, if it is not in machine
+byte-order, misaligned, or not writeable. In other words, be sure to
+respect the state of the flags unless you know what you are doing, or
+have previously guaranteed an array that is writeable, aligned, and in
+machine byte-order using :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny`. If you wish to handle all
+types of arrays, the copyswap function for each type is useful for
+handling misbehaved arrays. Some platforms (e.g. Solaris) do not like
+misaligned data and will crash if you de-reference a misaligned
+pointer. Other platforms (e.g. x86 Linux) will just work more slowly
+with misaligned data.
+.. cfunction:: void* PyArray_GetPtr(PyArrayObject* aobj, npy_intp* ind)
+    Return a pointer to the data of the ndarray, *aobj*, at the
+    N-dimensional index given by the c-array, *ind*, (which must be
+    at least *aobj* ->nd in size). You may want to typecast the
+    returned pointer to the data type of the ndarray.
+.. cfunction:: void* PyArray_GETPTR1(PyObject* obj, <npy_intp> i)
+.. cfunction:: void* PyArray_GETPTR2(PyObject* obj, <npy_intp> i, <npy_intp> j)
+.. cfunction:: void* PyArray_GETPTR3(PyObject* obj, <npy_intp> i, <npy_intp> j, <npy_intp> k)
+.. cfunction:: void* PyArray_GETPTR4(PyObject* obj, <npy_intp> i, <npy_intp> j, <npy_intp> k, <npy_intp> l)
+    Quick, inline access to the element at the given coordinates in
+    the ndarray, *obj*, which must have respectively 1, 2, 3, or 4
+    dimensions (this is not checked). The corresponding *i*, *j*,
+    *k*, and *l* coordinates can be any integer but will be
+    interpreted as ``npy_intp``. You may want to typecast the
+    returned pointer to the data type of the ndarray.
+Creating arrays
+From scratch
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_NewFromDescr(PyTypeObject* subtype, PyArray_Descr* descr, int nd, npy_intp* dims, npy_intp* strides, void* data, int flags, PyObject* obj)
+    This is the main array creation function. Most new arrays are
+    created with this flexible function. The returned object is an
+    object of Python-type *subtype*, which must be a subtype of
+    :cdata:`PyArray_Type`. The array has *nd* dimensions, described by
+    *dims*. The data-type descriptor of the new array is *descr*. If
+    *subtype* is not :cdata:`&PyArray_Type` (*e.g.* a Python subclass of
+    the ndarray), then *obj* is the object to pass to the
+    :obj:`__array_finalize__` method of the subclass. If *data* is
+    ``NULL``, then new memory will be allocated and *flags* can be
+    non-zero to indicate a Fortran-style contiguous array. If *data*
+    is not ``NULL``, then it is assumed to point to the memory to be
+    used for the array and the *flags* argument is used as the new
+    flags for the array (except the state of :cdata:`NPY_OWNDATA` and
+    :cdata:`UPDATEIFCOPY` flags of the new array will be reset). In
+    addition, if *data* is non-NULL, then *strides* can also be
+    provided. If *strides* is ``NULL``, then the array strides are
+    computed as C-style contiguous (default) or Fortran-style
+    contiguous (*flags* is nonzero for *data* = ``NULL`` or *flags* &
+    :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` is nonzero non-NULL *data*). Any provided
+    *dims* and *strides* are copied into newly allocated dimension and
+    strides arrays for the new array object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_New(PyTypeObject* subtype, int nd, npy_intp* dims, int type_num, npy_intp* strides, void* data, int itemsize, int flags, PyObject* obj)
+    This is similar to :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrNew` (...) except you
+    specify the data-type descriptor with *type_num* and *itemsize*,
+    where *type_num* corresponds to a builtin (or user-defined)
+    type. If the type always has the same number of bytes, then
+    itemsize is ignored. Otherwise, itemsize specifies the particular
+    size of this array.
+.. warning::
+    If data is passed to :cfunc:`PyArray_NewFromDescr` or :cfunc:`PyArray_New`,
+    this memory must not be deallocated until the new array is
+    deleted.  If this data came from another Python object, this can
+    be accomplished using :cfunc:`Py_INCREF` on that object and setting the
+    base member of the new array to point to that object. If strides
+    are passed in they must be consistent with the dimensions, the
+    itemsize, and the data of the array.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_SimpleNew(int nd, npy_intp* dims, int typenum)
+    Create a new unitialized array of type, *typenum*, whose size in
+    each of *nd* dimensions is given by the integer array, *dims*.
+    This function cannot be used to create a flexible-type array (no
+    itemsize given).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(int nd, npy_intp* dims, int typenum, void* data)
+    Create an array wrapper around *data* pointed to by the given
+    pointer. The array flags will have a default that the data area is
+    well-behaved and C-style contiguous. The shape of the array is
+    given by the *dims* c-array of length *nd*. The data-type of the
+    array is indicated by *typenum*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_SimpleNewFromDescr(int nd, npy_intp* dims, PyArray_Descr* descr)
+    Create a new array with the provided data-type descriptor, *descr*
+    , of the shape deteremined by *nd* and *dims*.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_FILLWBYTE(PyObject* obj, int val)
+    Fill the array pointed to by *obj* ---which must be a (subclass
+    of) bigndarray---with the contents of *val* (evaluated as a byte).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Zeros(int nd, npy_intp* dims, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int fortran)
+    Construct a new *nd* -dimensional array with shape given by *dims*
+    and data type given by *dtype*. If *fortran* is non-zero, then a
+    Fortran-order array is created, otherwise a C-order array is
+    created. Fill the memory with zeros (or the 0 object if *dtype*
+    corresponds to :ctype:`PyArray_OBJECT` ).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ZEROS(int nd, npy_intp* dims, int type_num, int fortran)
+    Macro form of :cfunc:`PyArray_Zeros` which takes a type-number instead
+    of a data-type object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Empty(int nd, npy_intp* dims, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int fortran)
+    Construct a new *nd* -dimensional array with shape given by *dims*
+    and data type given by *dtype*. If *fortran* is non-zero, then a
+    Fortran-order array is created, otherwise a C-order array is
+    created. The array is uninitialized unless the data type
+    corresponds to :ctype:`PyArray_OBJECT` in which case the array is
+    filled with :cdata:`Py_None`.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_EMPTY(int nd, npy_intp* dims, int typenum, int fortran)
+    Macro form of :cfunc:`PyArray_Empty` which takes a type-number,
+    *typenum*, instead of a data-type object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Arange(double start, double stop, double step, int typenum)
+    Construct a new 1-dimensional array of data-type, *typenum*, that
+    ranges from *start* to *stop* (exclusive) in increments of *step*
+    . Equivalent to **arange** (*start*, *stop*, *step*, dtype).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ArangeObj(PyObject* start, PyObject* stop, PyObject* step, PyArray_Descr* descr)
+    Construct a new 1-dimensional array of data-type determined by
+    ``descr``, that ranges from ``start`` to ``stop`` (exclusive) in
+    increments of ``step``. Equivalent to arange( ``start``,
+    ``stop``, ``step``, ``typenum`` ).
+From other objects
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromAny(PyObject* op, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int min_depth, int max_depth, int requirements, PyObject* context)
+    This is the main function used to obtain an array from any nested
+    sequence, or object that exposes the array interface, ``op``. The
+    parameters allow specification of the required *type*, the
+    minimum (*min_depth*) and maximum (*max_depth*) number of
+    dimensions acceptable, and other *requirements* for the array. The
+    *dtype* argument needs to be a :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure
+    indicating the desired data-type (including required
+    byteorder). The *dtype* argument may be NULL, indicating that any
+    data-type (and byteorder) is acceptable. If you want to use
+    ``NULL`` for the *dtype* and ensure the array is notswapped then
+    use :cfunc:`PyArray_CheckFromAny`. A value of 0 for either of the
+    depth parameters causes the parameter to be ignored. Any of the
+    following array flags can be added (*e.g.* using \|) to get the
+    *requirements* argument. If your code can handle general (*e.g.*
+    strided, byte-swapped, or unaligned arrays) then *requirements*
+    may be 0. Also, if *op* is not already an array (or does not
+    expose the array interface), then a new array will be created (and
+    filled from *op* using the sequence protocol). The new array will
+    have :cdata:`NPY_DEFAULT` as its flags member. The *context* argument
+    is passed to the :obj:`__array__` method of *op* and is only used if
+    the array is constructed that way.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS
+        Make sure the returned array is C-style contiguous
+    .. cvar:: NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS
+        Make sure the returned array is Fortran-style contiguous.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ALIGNED
+        Make sure the returned array is aligned on proper boundaries for its
+        data type. An aligned array has the data pointer and every strides
+        factor as a multiple of the alignment factor for the data-type-
+        descriptor.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_WRITEABLE
+        Make sure the returned array can be written to.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ENSURECOPY
+        Make sure a copy is made of *op*. If this flag is not
+        present, data is not copied if it can be avoided.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ENSUREARRAY
+        Make sure the result is a base-class ndarray or bigndarray. By
+        default, if *op* is an instance of a subclass of the
+        bigndarray, an instance of that same subclass is returned. If
+        this flag is set, an ndarray object will be returned instead.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_FORCECAST
+        Force a cast to the output type even if it cannot be done
+        safely.  Without this flag, a data cast will occur only if it
+        can be done safely, otherwise an error is reaised.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY
+        If *op* is already an array, but does not satisfy the
+        requirements, then a copy is made (which will satisfy the
+        requirements). If this flag is present and a copy (of an
+        object that is already an array) must be made, then the
+        corresponding :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY` flag is set in the returned
+        copy and *op* is made to be read-only. When the returned copy
+        is deleted (presumably after your calculations are complete),
+        its contents will be copied back into *op* and the *op* array
+        will be made writeable again. If *op* is not writeable to
+        begin with, then an error is raised. If *op* is not already an
+        array, then this flag has no effect.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_BEHAVED
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_CARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_BEHAVED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_CARRAY_RO
+        :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_FARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_BEHAVED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_FARRAY_RO
+        :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_DEFAULT
+        :cdata:`NPY_CARRAY`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_IN_ARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_IN_FARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_INOUT_ARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_INOUT_FARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_OUT_ARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`
+    .. cvar:: NPY_OUT_FARRAY
+        :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`UPDATEIFCOPY`
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_CheckFromAny(PyObject* op, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int min_depth, int max_depth, int requirements, PyObject* context)
+    Nearly identical to :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` (...) except
+    *requirements* can contain :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED` (over-riding the
+    specification in *dtype*) and :cdata:`NPY_ELEMENTSTRIDES` which
+    indicates that the array should be aligned in the sense that the
+    strides are multiples of the element size.
+    Make sure the returned array has a data-type descriptor that is in
+    machine byte-order, over-riding any specification in the *dtype*
+    argument. Normally, the byte-order requirement is determined by
+    the *dtype* argument. If this flag is set and the dtype argument
+    does not indicate a machine byte-order descriptor (or is NULL and
+    the object is already an array with a data-type descriptor that is
+    not in machine byte- order), then a new data-type descriptor is
+    created and used with its byte-order field set to native.
+.. cvar:: NPY_BEHAVED_NS
+    :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \| :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED`
+    Make sure the returned array has strides that are multiples of the
+    element size.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromArray(PyArrayObject* op, PyArray_Descr* newtype, int requirements)
+    Special case of :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` for when *op* is already an
+    array but it needs to be of a specific *newtype* (including
+    byte-order) or has certain *requirements*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromStructInterface(PyObject* op)
+    Returns an ndarray object from a Python object that exposes the
+    :obj:`__array_struct__`` method and follows the array interface
+    protocol. If the object does not contain this method then a
+    borrowed reference to :cdata:`Py_NotImplemented` is returned.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromInterface(PyObject* op)
+    Returns an ndarray object from a Python object that exposes the
+    :obj:`__array_shape__` and :obj:`__array_typestr__`
+    methods following
+    the array interface protocol. If the object does not contain one
+    of these method then a borrowed reference to :cdata:`Py_NotImplemented`
+    is returned.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromArrayAttr(PyObject* op, PyArray_Descr* dtype, PyObject* context)
+    Return an ndarray object from a Python object that exposes the
+    :obj:`__array__` method. The :obj:`__array__` method can take 0, 1, or 2
+    arguments ([dtype, context]) where *context* is used to pass
+    information about where the :obj:`__array__` method is being called
+    from (currently only used in ufuncs).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(PyObject* op, int typenum, int min_depth, int max_depth)
+    This function returns a (C-style) contiguous and behaved function
+    array from any nested sequence or array interface exporting
+    object, *op*, of (non-flexible) type given by the enumerated
+    *typenum*, of minimum depth *min_depth*, and of maximum depth
+    *max_depth*. Equivalent to a call to :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` with
+    requirements set to :cdata:`NPY_DEFAULT` and the type_num member of the
+    type argument set to *typenum*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_FromObject(PyObject *op, int typenum, int min_depth, int max_depth)
+    Return an aligned and in native-byteorder array from any nested
+    sequence or array-interface exporting object, op, of a type given by
+    the enumerated typenum. The minimum number of dimensions the array can
+    have is given by min_depth while the maximum is max_depth. This is
+    equivalent to a call to :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` with requirements set to
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_EnsureArray(PyObject* op)
+    This function **steals a reference** to ``op`` and makes sure that
+    ``op`` is a base-class ndarray. It special cases array scalars,
+    but otherwise calls :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` ( ``op``, NULL, 0, 0,
+    :cdata:`NPY_ENSUREARRAY`).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromString(char* string, npy_intp slen, PyArray_Descr* dtype, npy_intp num, char* sep)
+    Construct a one-dimensional ndarray of a single type from a binary
+    or (ASCII) text ``string`` of length ``slen``. The data-type of
+    the array to-be-created is given by ``dtype``. If num is -1, then
+    **copy** the entire string and return an appropriately sized
+    array, otherwise, ``num`` is the number of items to **copy** from
+    the string. If ``sep`` is NULL (or ""), then interpret the string
+    as bytes of binary data, otherwise convert the sub-strings
+    separated by ``sep`` to items of data-type ``dtype``. Some
+    data-types may not be readable in text mode and an error will be
+    raised if that occurs. All errors return NULL.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromFile(FILE* fp, PyArray_Descr* dtype, npy_intp num, char* sep)
+    Construct a one-dimensional ndarray of a single type from a binary
+    or text file. The open file pointer is ``fp``, the data-type of
+    the array to be created is given by ``dtype``. This must match
+    the data in the file. If ``num`` is -1, then read until the end of
+    the file and return an appropriately sized array, otherwise,
+    ``num`` is the number of items to read. If ``sep`` is NULL (or
+    ""), then read from the file in binary mode, otherwise read from
+    the file in text mode with ``sep`` providing the item
+    separator. Some array types cannot be read in text mode in which
+    case an error is raised.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromBuffer(PyObject* buf, PyArray_Descr* dtype, npy_intp count, npy_intp offset)
+    Construct a one-dimensional ndarray of a single type from an
+    object, ``buf``, that exports the (single-segment) buffer protocol
+    (or has an attribute __buffer\__ that returns an object that
+    exports the buffer protocol). A writeable buffer will be tried
+    first followed by a read- only buffer. The :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`
+    flag of the returned array will reflect which one was
+    successful. The data is assumed to start at ``offset`` bytes from
+    the start of the memory location for the object. The type of the
+    data in the buffer will be interpreted depending on the data- type
+    descriptor, ``dtype.`` If ``count`` is negative then it will be
+    determined from the size of the buffer and the requested itemsize,
+    otherwise, ``count`` represents how many elements should be
+    converted from the buffer.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CopyInto(PyArrayObject* dest, PyArrayObject* src)
+    Copy from the source array, ``src``, into the destination array,
+    ``dest``, performing a data-type conversion if necessary. If an
+    error occurs return -1 (otherwise 0). The shape of ``src`` must be
+    broadcastable to the shape of ``dest``. The data areas of dest
+    and src must not overlap.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_MoveInto(PyArrayObject* dest, PyArrayObject* src)
+    Move data from the source array, ``src``, into the destination
+    array, ``dest``, performing a data-type conversion if
+    necessary. If an error occurs return -1 (otherwise 0). The shape
+    of ``src`` must be broadcastable to the shape of ``dest``. The
+    data areas of dest and src may overlap.
+.. cfunction:: PyArrayObject* PyArray_GETCONTIGUOUS(PyObject* op)
+    If ``op`` is already (C-style) contiguous and well-behaved then
+    just return a reference, otherwise return a (contiguous and
+    well-behaved) copy of the array. The parameter op must be a
+    (sub-class of an) ndarray and no checking for that is done.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FROM_O(PyObject* obj)
+    Convert ``obj`` to an ndarray. The argument can be any nested
+    sequence or object that exports the array interface. This is a
+    macro form of :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` using ``NULL``, 0, 0, 0 for the
+    other arguments. Your code must be able to handle any data-type
+    descriptor and any combination of data-flags to use this macro.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FROM_OF(PyObject* obj, int requirements)
+    Similar to :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_O` except it can take an argument
+    of *requirements* indicating properties the resulting array must
+    have. Available requirements that can be enforced are
+    :cdata:`NPY_CONTIGUOUS`, :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`, :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED`, :cdata:`NPY_ENSURECOPY`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`, :cdata:`NPY_FORCECAST`, and
+    :cdata:`NPY_ENSUREARRAY`. Standard combinations of flags can also
+    be used:
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FROM_OT(PyObject* obj, int typenum)
+    Similar to :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_O` except it can take an argument of
+    *typenum* specifying the type-number the returned array.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FROM_OTF(PyObject* obj, int typenum, int requirements)
+    Combination of :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_OF` and :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_OT`
+    allowing both a *typenum* and a *flags* argument to be provided..
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FROMANY(PyObject* obj, int typenum, int min, int max, int requirements)
+    Similar to :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` except the data-type is
+    specified using a typenumber. :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrFromType`
+    (*typenum*) is passed directly to :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny`. This
+    macro also adds :cdata:`NPY_DEFAULT` to requirements if
+    :cdata:`NPY_ENSURECOPY` is passed in as requirements.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_CheckAxis(PyObject* obj, int* axis, int requirements)
+    Encapsulate the functionality of functions and methods that take
+    the axis= keyword and work properly with None as the axis
+    argument. The input array is ``obj``, while ``*axis`` is a
+    converted integer (so that >=MAXDIMS is the None value), and
+    ``requirements`` gives the needed properties of ``obj``. The
+    output is a converted version of the input so that requirements
+    are met and if needed a flattening has occurred. On output
+    negative values of ``*axis`` are converted and the new value is
+    checked to ensure consistency with the shape of ``obj``.
+Dealing with types
+General check of Python Type
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Check(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is a Python object whose type is a sub-type
+    of :cdata:`PyArray_Type`.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CheckExact(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is a Python object with type
+    :cdata:`PyArray_Type`.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_HasArrayInterface(op, out)
+    If ``op`` implements any part of the array interface, then ``out``
+    will contain a new reference to the newly created ndarray using
+    the interface or ``out`` will contain ``NULL`` if an error during
+    conversion occurs. Otherwise, out will contain a borrowed
+    reference to :cdata:`Py_NotImplemented` and no error condition is set.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_HasArrayInterfaceType(op, type, context, out)
+    If ``op`` implements any part of the array interface, then ``out``
+    will contain a new reference to the newly created ndarray using
+    the interface or ``out`` will contain ``NULL`` if an error during
+    conversion occurs. Otherwise, out will contain a borrowed
+    reference to Py_NotImplemented and no error condition is set.
+    This version allows setting of the type and context in the part of
+    the array interface that looks for the :obj:`__array__` attribute.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_IsZeroDim(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is an instance of (a subclass of)
+    :cdata:`PyArray_Type` and has 0 dimensions.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_IsScalar(op, cls)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is an instance of :cdata:`Py{cls}ArrType_Type`.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CheckScalar(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is either an array scalar (an instance of a
+    sub-type of :cdata:`PyGenericArr_Type` ), or an instance of (a
+    sub-class of) :cdata:`PyArray_Type` whose dimensionality is 0.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_IsPythonScalar(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is a builtin Python "scalar" object (int,
+    float, complex, str, unicode, long, bool).
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_IsAnyScalar(op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is either a Python scalar or an array
+    scalar (an instance of a sub- type of :cdata:`PyGenericArr_Type` ).
+Data-type checking
+For the typenum macros, the argument is an integer representing an
+enumerated array data type. For the array type checking macros the
+argument must be a :ctype:`PyObject *` that can be directly interpreted as a
+:ctype:`PyArrayObject *`.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISUNSIGNED(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISUNSIGNED(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISUNSIGNED(obj)
+    Type represents an unsigned integer.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISSIGNED(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISSIGNED(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISSIGNED(obj)
+    Type represents a signed integer.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISINTEGER(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISINTEGER(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISINTEGER(obj)
+    Type represents any integer.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISFLOAT(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISFLOAT(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISFLOAT(obj)
+    Type represents any floating point number.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISCOMPLEX(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISCOMPLEX(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISCOMPLEX(obj)
+    Type represents any complex floating point number.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISNUMBER(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISNUMBER(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISNUMBER(obj)
+    Type represents any integer, floating point, or complex floating point
+    number.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISSTRING(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISSTRING(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISSTRING(obj)
+    Type represents a string data type.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISPYTHON(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISPYTHON(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISPYTHON(obj)
+    Type represents an enumerated type corresponding to one of the
+    standard Python scalar (bool, int, float, or complex).
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISFLEXIBLE(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISFLEXIBLE(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISFLEXIBLE(obj)
+    Type represents one of the flexible array types ( :cdata:`NPY_STRING`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_UNICODE`, or :cdata:`NPY_VOID` ).
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISUSERDEF(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISUSERDEF(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISUSERDEF(obj)
+    Type represents a user-defined type.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISEXTENDED(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISEXTENDED(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISEXTENDED(obj)
+    Type is either flexible or user-defined.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISOBJECT(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISOBJECT(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISOBJECT(obj)
+    Type represents object data type.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeNum_ISBOOL(num)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_ISBOOL(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISBOOL(obj)
+    Type represents Boolean data type.
+.. cfunction:: PyDataType_HASFIELDS(descr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_HASFIELDS(obj)
+    Type has fields associated with it.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISNOTSWAPPED(m)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of the ndarray *m* is in machine
+    byte-order according to the array's data-type descriptor.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISBYTESWAPPED(m)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of the ndarray *m* is **not** in
+    machine byte-order according to the array's data-type descriptor.
+.. cfunction:: Bool PyArray_EquivTypes(PyArray_Descr* type1, PyArray_Descr* type2)
+    Return :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` if *type1* and *type2* actually represent
+    equivalent types for this platform (the fortran member of each
+    type is ignored). For example, on 32-bit platforms,
+    :cdata:`NPY_LONG` and :cdata:`NPY_INT` are equivalent. Otherwise
+    return :cdata:`NPY_FALSE`.
+.. cfunction:: Bool PyArray_EquivArrTypes(PyArrayObject* a1, PyArrayObject * a2)
+    Return :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` if *a1* and *a2* are arrays with equivalent
+    types for this platform.
+.. cfunction:: Bool PyArray_EquivTypenums(int typenum1, int typenum2)
+    Special case of :cfunc:`PyArray_EquivTypes` (...) that does not accept
+    flexible data types but may be easier to call.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_EquivByteorders({byteorder} b1, {byteorder} b2)
+    True if byteorder characters ( :cdata:`NPY_LITTLE`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_BIG`, :cdata:`NPY_NATIVE`, :cdata:`NPY_IGNORE` ) are
+    either equal or equivalent as to their specification of a native
+    byte order. Thus, on a little-endian machine :cdata:`NPY_LITTLE`
+    and :cdata:`NPY_NATIVE` are equivalent where they are not
+    equivalent on a big-endian machine.
+Converting data types
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Cast(PyArrayObject* arr, int typenum)
+    Mainly for backwards compatibility to the Numeric C-API and for
+    simple casts to non-flexible types. Return a new array object with
+    the elements of *arr* cast to the data-type *typenum* which must
+    be one of the enumerated types and not a flexible type.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_CastToType(PyArrayObject* arr, PyArray_Descr* type, int fortran)
+    Return a new array of the *type* specified, casting the elements
+    of *arr* as appropriate. The fortran argument specifies the
+    ordering of the output array.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CastTo(PyArrayObject* out, PyArrayObject* in)
+    Cast the elements of the array *in* into the array *out*. The
+    output array should be writeable, have an integer-multiple of the
+    number of elements in the input array (more than one copy can be
+    placed in out), and have a data type that is one of the builtin
+    types.  Returns 0 on success and -1 if an error occurs.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc* PyArray_GetCastFunc(PyArray_Descr* from, int totype)
+    Return the low-level casting function to cast from the given
+    descriptor to the builtin type number. If no casting function
+    exists return ``NULL`` and set an error. Using this function
+    instead of direct access to *from* ->f->cast will allow support of
+    any user-defined casting functions added to a descriptors casting
+    dictionary.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CanCastSafely(int fromtype, int totype)
+    Returns non-zero if an array of data type *fromtype* can be cast
+    to an array of data type *totype* without losing information. An
+    exception is that 64-bit integers are allowed to be cast to 64-bit
+    floating point values even though this can lose precision on large
+    integers so as not to proliferate the use of long doubles without
+    explict requests. Flexible array types are not checked according
+    to their lengths with this function.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CanCastTo(PyArray_Descr* fromtype, PyArray_Descr* totype)
+    Returns non-zero if an array of data type *fromtype* (which can
+    include flexible types) can be cast safely to an array of data
+    type *totype* (which can include flexible types). This is
+    basically a wrapper around :cfunc:`PyArray_CanCastSafely` with
+    additional support for size checking if *fromtype* and *totype*
+    are :cdata:`NPY_STRING` or :cdata:`NPY_UNICODE`.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_ObjectType(PyObject* op, int mintype)
+    This function is useful for determining a common type that two or
+    more arrays can be converted to. It only works for non-flexible
+    array types as no itemsize information is passed. The *mintype*
+    argument represents the minimum type acceptable, and *op*
+    represents the object that will be converted to an array. The
+    return value is the enumerated typenumber that represents the
+    data-type that *op* should have.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_ArrayType(PyObject* op, PyArray_Descr* mintype, PyArray_Descr* outtype)
+    This function works similarly to :cfunc:`PyArray_ObjectType` (...)
+    except it handles flexible arrays. The *mintype* argument can have
+    an itemsize member and the *outtype* argument will have an
+    itemsize member at least as big but perhaps bigger depending on
+    the object *op*.
+.. cfunction:: PyArrayObject** PyArray_ConvertToCommonType(PyObject* op, int* n)
+    Convert a sequence of Python objects contained in *op* to an array
+    of ndarrays each having the same data type. The type is selected
+    based on the typenumber (larger type number is chosen over a
+    smaller one) ignoring objects that are only scalars. The length of
+    the sequence is returned in *n*, and an *n* -length array of
+    :ctype:`PyArrayObject` pointers is the return value (or ``NULL`` if an
+    error occurs). The returned array must be freed by the caller of
+    this routine (using :cfunc:`PyDataMem_FREE` ) and all the array objects
+    in it ``DECREF`` 'd or a memory-leak will occur. The example
+    template-code below shows a typically usage:
+    .. code-block:: c
+        mps = PyArray_ConvertToCommonType(obj, &n);
+        if (mps==NULL) return NULL;
+        {code}
+        <before return>
+        for (i=0; i<n; i++) Py_DECREF(mps[i]);
+        PyDataMem_FREE(mps);
+        {return}
+.. cfunction:: char* PyArray_Zero(PyArrayObject* arr)
+    A pointer to newly created memory of size *arr* ->itemsize that
+    holds the representation of 0 for that type. The returned pointer,
+    *ret*, **must be freed** using :cfunc:`PyDataMem_FREE` (ret) when it is
+    not needed anymore.
+.. cfunction:: char* PyArray_One(PyArrayObject* arr)
+    A pointer to newly created memory of size *arr* ->itemsize that
+    holds the representation of 1 for that type. The returned pointer,
+    *ret*, **must be freed** using :cfunc:`PyDataMem_FREE` (ret) when it
+    is not needed anymore.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_ValidType(int typenum)
+    Returns :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` if *typenum* represents a valid type-number
+    (builtin or user-defined or character code). Otherwise, this
+    function returns :cdata:`NPY_FALSE`.
+New data types
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_InitArrFuncs(PyArray_ArrFuncs* f)
+    Initialize all function pointers and members to ``NULL``.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_RegisterDataType(PyArray_Descr* dtype)
+    Register a data-type as a new user-defined data type for
+    arrays. The type must have most of its entries filled in. This is
+    not always checked and errors can produce segfaults. In
+    particular, the typeobj member of the ``dtype`` structure must be
+    filled with a Python type that has a fixed-size element-size that
+    corresponds to the elsize member of *dtype*. Also the ``f``
+    member must have the required functions: nonzero, copyswap,
+    copyswapn, getitem, setitem, and cast (some of the cast functions
+    may be ``NULL`` if no support is desired). To avoid confusion, you
+    should choose a unique character typecode but this is not enforced
+    and not relied on internally.
+    A user-defined type number is returned that uniquely identifies
+    the type. A pointer to the new structure can then be obtained from
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrFromType` using the returned type number. A -1 is
+    returned if an error occurs.  If this *dtype* has already been
+    registered (checked only by the address of the pointer), then
+    return the previously-assigned type-number.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_RegisterCastFunc(PyArray_Descr* descr, int totype, PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc* castfunc)
+    Register a low-level casting function, *castfunc*, to convert
+    from the data-type, *descr*, to the given data-type number,
+    *totype*. Any old casting function is over-written. A ``0`` is
+    returned on success or a ``-1`` on failure.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_RegisterCanCast(PyArray_Descr* descr, int totype, PyArray_SCALARKIND scalar)
+    Register the data-type number, *totype*, as castable from
+    data-type object, *descr*, of the given *scalar* kind. Use
+    *scalar* = :cdata:`NPY_NOSCALAR` to register that an array of data-type
+    *descr* can be cast safely to a data-type whose type_number is
+    *totype*.
+Special functions for PyArray_OBJECT
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_INCREF(PyArrayObject* op)
+    Used for an array, *op*, that contains any Python objects. It
+    increments the reference count of every object in the array
+    according to the data-type of *op*. A -1 is returned if an error
+    occurs, otherwise 0 is returned.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_Item_INCREF(char* ptr, PyArray_Descr* dtype)
+    A function to INCREF all the objects at the location *ptr*
+    according to the data-type *dtype*. If *ptr* is the start of a
+    record with an object at any offset, then this will (recursively)
+    increment the reference count of all object-like items in the
+    record.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_XDECREF(PyArrayObject* op)
+    Used for an array, *op*, that contains any Python objects. It
+    decrements the reference count of every object in the array
+    according to the data-type of *op*. Normal return value is 0. A
+    -1 is returned if an error occurs.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_Item_XDECREF(char* ptr, PyArray_Descr* dtype)
+    A function to XDECREF all the object-like items at the loacation
+    *ptr* as recorded in the data-type, *dtype*. This works
+    recursively so that if ``dtype`` itself has fields with data-types
+    that contain object-like items, all the object-like fields will be
+    XDECREF ``'d``.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_FillObjectArray(PyArrayObject* arr, PyObject* obj)
+    Fill a newly created array with a single value obj at all
+    locations in the structure with object data-types. No checking is
+    performed but *arr* must be of data-type :ctype:`PyArray_OBJECT` and be
+    single-segment and uninitialized (no previous objects in
+    position). Use :cfunc:`PyArray_DECREF` (*arr*) if you need to
+    decrement all the items in the object array prior to calling this
+    function.
+Array flags
+Basic Array Flags
+An ndarray can have a data segment that is not a simple contiguous
+chunk of well-behaved memory you can manipulate. It may not be aligned
+with word boundaries (very important on some platforms). It might have
+its data in a different byte-order than the machine recognizes. It
+might not be writeable. It might be in Fortan-contiguous order. The
+array flags are used to indicate what can be said about data
+associated with an array.
+    The data area is in C-style contiguous order (last index varies the
+    fastest).
+    The data area is in Fortran-style contiguous order (first index varies
+    the fastest).
+.. cvar:: NPY_OWNDATA
+    The data area is owned by this array.
+.. cvar:: NPY_ALIGNED
+    The data area is aligned appropriately (for all strides).
+.. cvar:: NPY_WRITEABLE
+    The data area can be written to.
+    Notice that the above 3 flags are are defined so that a new, well-
+    behaved array has these flags defined as true.
+    The data area represents a (well-behaved) copy whose information
+    should be transferred back to the original when this array is deleted.
+Combinations of array flags
+.. cvar:: NPY_BEHAVED
+    :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`
+.. cvar:: NPY_CARRAY
+    :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_BEHAVED`
+.. cvar:: NPY_CARRAY_RO
+    :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+.. cvar:: NPY_FARRAY
+    :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_BEHAVED`
+.. cvar:: NPY_FARRAY_RO
+    :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+.. cvar:: NPY_DEFAULT
+    :cdata:`NPY_CARRAY`
+.. cvar:: NPY_UPDATE_ALL
+    :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` \| :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`
+Flag-like constants
+These constants are used in :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` (and its macro forms) to
+specify desired properties of the new array. 
+.. cvar:: NPY_FORCECAST
+    Cast to the desired type, even if it can't be done without losing
+    information.
+    Make sure the resulting array is a copy of the original.
+    Make sure the resulting object is an actual ndarray (or bigndarray),
+    and not a sub-class.
+    Only used in :cfunc:`PyArray_CheckFromAny` to over-ride the byteorder
+    of the data-type object passed in.
+.. cvar:: NPY_BEHAVED_NS
+    :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \| :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED`
+Flag checking
+For all of these macros *arr* must be an instance of a (subclass of)
+:cdata:`PyArray_Type`, but no checking is done.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CHKFLAGS(arr, flags)
+    The first parameter, arr, must be an ndarray or subclass. The
+    parameter, *flags*, should be an integer consisting of bitwise
+    combinations of the possible flags an array can have:
+    :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS`, :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_OWNDATA`, :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`, :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(arr)
+    Evaluates true if *arr* is C-style contiguous.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISFORTRAN(arr)
+    Evaluates true if *arr* is Fortran-style contiguous.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISWRITEABLE(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* can be written to
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISALIGNED(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is properly aligned on
+    the machine.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISBEHAVED(arr)
+    Evalutes true if the data area of *arr* is aligned and writeable
+    and in machine byte-order according to its descriptor.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISBEHAVED_RO(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is aligned and in machine
+    byte-order.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISCARRAY(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is C-style contiguous,
+    and :cfunc:`PyArray_ISBEHAVED` (*arr*) is true.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISFARRAY(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is Fortran-style
+    contiguous and :cfunc:`PyArray_ISBEHAVED` (*arr*) is true.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISCARRAY_RO(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is C-style contiguous,
+    aligned, and in machine byte-order.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISFARRAY_RO(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* is Fortran-style
+    contiguous, aligned, and in machine byte-order **.**
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ISONESEGMENT(arr)
+    Evaluates true if the data area of *arr* consists of a single
+    (C-style or Fortran-style) contiguous segment.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_UpdateFlags(PyArrayObject* arr, int flagmask)
+    The :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS`, :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`, and
+    :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` array flags can be "calculated" from the
+    array object itself. This routine updates one or more of these
+    flags of *arr* as specified in *flagmask* by performing the
+    required calculation.
+.. warning::
+    It is important to keep the flags updated (using
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_UpdateFlags` can help) whenever a manipulation with an
+    array is performed that might cause them to change. Later
+    calculations in NumPy that rely on the state of these flags do not
+    repeat the calculation to update them.
+Array method alternative API
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_GetField(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int offset)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.getfield` (*self*, *dtype*, *offset*). Return
+    a new array of the given *dtype* using the data in the current
+    array at a specified *offset* in bytes. The *offset* plus the
+    itemsize of the new array type must be less than *self*
+    ->descr->elsize or an error is raised. The same shape and strides
+    as the original array are used. Therefore, this function has the
+    effect of returning a field from a record array. But, it can also
+    be used to select specific bytes or groups of bytes from any array
+    type.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_SetField(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Descr* dtype, int offset, PyObject* val)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.setfield` (*self*, *val*, *dtype*, *offset*
+    ). Set the field starting at *offset* in bytes and of the given
+    *dtype* to *val*. The *offset* plus *dtype* ->elsize must be less
+    than *self* ->descr->elsize or an error is raised. Otherwise, the
+    *val* argument is converted to an array and copied into the field
+    pointed to. If necessary, the elements of *val* are repeated to
+    fill the destination array, But, the number of elements in the
+    destination must be an integer multiple of the number of elements
+    in *val*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Byteswap(PyArrayObject* self, Bool inplace)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.byteswap` (*self*, *inplace*). Return an array
+    whose data area is byteswapped. If *inplace* is non-zero, then do
+    the byteswap inplace and return a reference to self. Otherwise,
+    create a byteswapped copy and leave self unchanged.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_NewCopy(PyArrayObject* old, NPY_ORDER order)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.copy` (*self*, *fortran*). Make a copy of the
+    *old* array. The returned array is always aligned and writeable
+    with data interpreted the same as the old array. If *order* is
+    :cdata:`NPY_CORDER`, then a C-style contiguous array is returned. If
+    *order* is :cdata:`NPY_FORTRANORDER`, then a Fortran-style contiguous
+    array is returned. If *order is* :cdata:`NPY_ANYORDER`, then the array
+    returned is Fortran-style contiguous only if the old one is;
+    otherwise, it is C-style contiguous.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ToList(PyArrayObject* self)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.tolist` (*self*). Return a nested Python list
+    from *self*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ToString(PyArrayObject* self, NPY_ORDER order)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.tostring` (*self*, *order*). Return the bytes
+    of this array in a Python string.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ToFile(PyArrayObject* self, FILE* fp, char* sep, char* format)
+    Write the contents of *self* to the file pointer *fp* in C-style
+    contiguous fashion. Write the data as binary bytes if *sep* is the
+    string ""or ``NULL``. Otherwise, write the contents of *self* as
+    text using the *sep* string as the item separator. Each item will
+    be printed to the file.  If the *format* string is not ``NULL`` or
+    "", then it is a Python print statement format string showing how
+    the items are to be written.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_Dump(PyObject* self, PyObject* file, int protocol)
+    Pickle the object in *self* to the given *file* (either a string
+    or a Python file object). If *file* is a Python string it is
+    considered to be the name of a file which is then opened in binary
+    mode. The given *protocol* is used (if *protocol* is negative, or
+    the highest available is used). This is a simple wrapper around
+    cPickle.dump(*self*, *file*, *protocol*).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Dumps(PyObject* self, int protocol)
+    Pickle the object in *self* to a Python string and return it. Use
+    the Pickle *protocol* provided (or the highest available if
+    *protocol* is negative).
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_FillWithScalar(PyArrayObject* arr, PyObject* obj)
+    Fill the array, *arr*, with the given scalar object, *obj*. The
+    object is first converted to the data type of *arr*, and then
+    copied into every location. A -1 is returned if an error occurs,
+    otherwise 0 is returned.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_View(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Descr* dtype)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.view` (*self*, *dtype*). Return a new view of
+    the array *self* as possibly a different data-type, *dtype*. If
+    *dtype* is ``NULL``, then the returned array will have the same
+    data type as *self*. The new data-type must be consistent with
+    the size of *self*. Either the itemsizes must be identical, or
+    *self* must be single-segment and the total number of bytes must
+    be the same.  In the latter case the dimensions of the returned
+    array will be altered in the last (or first for Fortran-style
+    contiguous arrays) dimension. The data area of the returned array
+    and self is exactly the same.
+Shape Manipulation
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Newshape(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Dims* newshape)
+    Result will be a new array (pointing to the same memory location
+    as *self* if possible), but having a shape given by *newshape*
+    . If the new shape is not compatible with the strides of *self*,
+    then a copy of the array with the new specified shape will be
+    returned.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Reshape(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* shape)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.reshape` (*self*, *shape*) where *shape* is a
+    sequence. Converts *shape* to a :ctype:`PyArray_Dims` structure and
+    calls :cfunc:`PyArray_Newshape` internally.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Squeeze(PyArrayObject* self)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.squeeze` (*self*). Return a new view of *self*
+    with all of the dimensions of length 1 removed from the shape.
+.. warning::
+    matrix objects are always 2-dimensional. Therefore,
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_Squeeze` has no effect on arrays of matrix sub-class.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_SwapAxes(PyArrayObject* self, int a1, int a2)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.swapaxes` (*self*, *a1*, *a2*). The returned
+    array is a new view of the data in *self* with the given axes,
+    *a1* and *a2*, swapped.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Resize(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Dims* newshape, int refcheck, NPY_ORDER fortran)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.resize` (*self*, *newshape*, refcheck
+    ``=`` *refcheck*, order= fortran ). This function only works on
+    single-segment arrays. It changes the shape of *self* inplace and
+    will reallocate the memory for *self* if *newshape* has a
+    different total number of elements then the old shape. If
+    reallocation is necessary, then *self* must own its data, have
+    *self* - ``>base==NULL``, have *self* - ``>weakrefs==NULL``, and
+    (unless refcheck is 0) not be referenced by any other array. A
+    reference to the new array is returned. The fortran argument can
+    be :cdata:`NPY_ANYORDER`, :cdata:`NPY_CORDER`, or
+    :cdata:`NPY_FORTRANORDER`. This argument is used if the number of
+    dimension is (or is being resized to be) greater than 2. It
+    currently has no effect. Eventually it could be used to determine
+    how the resize operation should view the data when constructing a
+    differently-dimensioned array.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Transpose(PyArrayObject* self, PyArray_Dims* permute)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.transpose` (*self*, *permute*). Permute the
+    axes of the ndarray object *self* according to the data structure
+    *permute* and return the result. If *permute* is ``NULL``, then
+    the resulting array has its axes reversed. For example if *self*
+    has shape :math:`10\times20\times30`, and *permute* ``.ptr`` is
+    (0,2,1) the shape of the result is :math:`10\times30\times20.` If
+    *permute* is ``NULL``, the shape of the result is
+    :math:`30\times20\times10.`
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Flatten(PyArrayObject* self, NPY_ORDER order)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.flatten` (*self*, *order*). Return a 1-d copy
+    of the array. If *order* is :cdata:`NPY_FORTRANORDER` the elements are
+    scanned out in Fortran order (first-dimension varies the
+    fastest). If *order* is :cdata:`NPY_CORDER`, the elements of ``self``
+    are scanned in C-order (last dimension varies the fastest). If
+    *order* :cdata:`NPY_ANYORDER`, then the result of
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_ISFORTRAN` (*self*) is used to determine which order
+    to flatten.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Ravel(PyArrayObject* self, NPY_ORDER order)
+    Equivalent to *self*.ravel(*order*). Same basic functionality
+    as :cfunc:`PyArray_Flatten` (*self*, *order*) except if *order* is 0
+    and *self* is C-style contiguous, the shape is altered but no copy
+    is performed.
+Item selection and manipulation
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_TakeFrom(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* indices, int axis, PyArrayObject* ret, NPY_CLIPMODE clipmode)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.take` (*self*, *indices*, *axis*, *ret*,
+    *clipmode*) except *axis* =None in Python is obtained by setting
+    *axis* = :cdata:`NPY_MAXDIMS` in C. Extract the items from self
+    indicated by the integer-valued *indices* along the given *axis.*
+    The clipmode argument can be :cdata:`NPY_RAISE`, :cdata:`NPY_WRAP`, or
+    :cdata:`NPY_CLIP` to indicate what to do with out-of-bound indices. The
+    *ret* argument can specify an output array rather than having one
+    created internally.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_PutTo(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* values, PyObject* indices, NPY_CLIPMODE clipmode)
+    Equivalent to *self*.put(*values*, *indices*, *clipmode*
+    ). Put *values* into *self* at the corresponding (flattened)
+    *indices*. If *values* is too small it will be repeated as
+    necessary.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_PutMask(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* values, PyObject* mask)
+    Place the *values* in *self* wherever corresponding positions
+    (using a flattened context) in *mask* are true. The *mask* and
+    *self* arrays must have the same total number of elements. If
+    *values* is too small, it will be repeated as necessary.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Repeat(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* op, int axis)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.repeat` (*self*, *op*, *axis*). Copy the
+    elements of *self*, *op* times along the given *axis*. Either
+    *op* is a scalar integer or a sequence of length *self*
+    ->dimensions[ *axis* ] indicating how many times to repeat each
+    item along the axis.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Choose(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* op, PyArrayObject* ret, NPY_CLIPMODE clipmode)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.choose` (*self*, *op*, *ret*, *clipmode*).
+    Create a new array by selecting elements from the sequence of
+    arrays in *op* based on the integer values in *self*. The arrays
+    must all be broadcastable to the same shape and the entries in
+    *self* should be between 0 and len(*op*). The output is placed
+    in *ret* unless it is ``NULL`` in which case a new output is
+    created. The *clipmode* argument determines behavior for when
+    entries in *self* are not between 0 and len(*op*).
+    .. cvar:: NPY_RAISE
+        raise a ValueError;
+    .. cvar:: NPY_WRAP
+        wrap values < 0 by adding len(*op*) and values >=len(*op*)
+        by subtracting len(*op*) until they are in range;
+    .. cvar:: NPY_CLIP
+        all values are clipped to the region [0, len(*op*) ).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Sort(PyArrayObject* self, int axis)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.sort` (*self*, *axis*). Return an array with
+    the items of *self* sorted along *axis*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ArgSort(PyArrayObject* self, int axis)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.argsort` (*self*, *axis*). Return an array of
+    indices such that selection of these indices along the given
+    ``axis`` would return a sorted version of *self*. If *self*
+    ->descr is a data-type with fields defined, then
+    self->descr->names is used to determine the sort order. A
+    comparison where the first field is equal will use the second
+    field and so on. To alter the sort order of a record array, create
+    a new data-type with a different order of names and construct a
+    view of the array with that new data-type.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_LexSort(PyObject* sort_keys, int axis)
+    Given a sequence of arrays (*sort_keys*) of the same shape,
+    return an array of indices (similar to :cfunc:`PyArray_ArgSort` (...))
+    that would sort the arrays lexicographically. A lexicographic sort
+    specifies that when two keys are found to be equal, the order is
+    based on comparison of subsequent keys. A merge sort (which leaves
+    equal entries unmoved) is required to be defined for the
+    types. The sort is accomplished by sorting the indices first using
+    the first *sort_key* and then using the second *sort_key* and so
+    forth. This is equivalent to the lexsort(*sort_keys*, *axis*)
+    Python command. Because of the way the merge-sort works, be sure
+    to understand the order the *sort_keys* must be in (reversed from
+    the order you would use when comparing two elements).
+    If these arrays are all collected in a record array, then
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_Sort` (...) can also be used to sort the array
+    directly.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_SearchSorted(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* values)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.searchsorted` (*self*, *values*). Assuming
+    *self* is a 1-d array in ascending order representing bin
+    boundaries then the output is an array the same shape as *values*
+    of bin numbers, giving the bin into which each item in *values*
+    would be placed. No checking is done on whether or not self is in
+    ascending order.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Diagonal(PyArrayObject* self, int offset, int axis1, int axis2)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.diagonal` (*self*, *offset*, *axis1*, *axis2*
+    ). Return the *offset* diagonals of the 2-d arrays defined by
+    *axis1* and *axis2*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Nonzero(PyArrayObject* self)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.nonzero` (*self*). Returns a tuple of index
+    arrays that select elements of *self* that are nonzero. If (nd=
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_NDIM` ( ``self`` ))==1, then a single index array is
+    returned. The index arrays have data type :cdata:`NPY_INTP`. If a
+    tuple is returned (nd :math:`\neq` 1), then its length is nd.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Compress(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* condition, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.compress` (*self*, *condition*, *axis*
+    ). Return the elements along *axis* corresponding to elements of
+    *condition* that are true.
+.. tip::
+    Pass in :cdata:`NPY_MAXDIMS` for axis in order to achieve the same
+    effect that is obtained by passing in *axis* = :const:`None` in Python
+    (treating the array as a 1-d array).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ArgMax(PyArrayObject* self, int axis)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.argmax` (*self*, *axis*). Return the index of
+    the largest element of *self* along *axis*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ArgMin(PyArrayObject* self, int axis)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.argmin` (*self*, *axis*). Return the index of
+    the smallest element of *self* along *axis*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Max(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.max` (*self*, *axis*). Return the largest
+    element of *self* along the given *axis*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Min(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.min` (*self*, *axis*). Return the smallest
+    element of *self* along the given *axis*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Ptp(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.ptp` (*self*, *axis*). Return the difference
+    between the largest element of *self* along *axis* and the
+    smallest element of *self* along *axis*.
+.. note::
+    The rtype argument specifies the data-type the reduction should
+    take place over. This is important if the data-type of the array
+    is not "large" enough to handle the output. By default, all
+    integer data-types are made at least as large as :cdata:`NPY_LONG`
+    for the "add" and "multiply" ufuncs (which form the basis for
+    mean, sum, cumsum, prod, and cumprod functions).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Mean(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.mean` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Returns the
+    mean of the elements along the given *axis*, using the enumerated
+    type *rtype* as the data type to sum in. Default sum behavior is
+    obtained using :cdata:`PyArray_NOTYPE` for *rtype*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Trace(PyArrayObject* self, int offset, int axis1, int axis2, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.trace` (*self*, *offset*, *axis1*, *axis2*,
+    *rtype*). Return the sum (using *rtype* as the data type of
+    summation) over the *offset* diagonal elements of the 2-d arrays
+    defined by *axis1* and *axis2* variables. A positive offset
+    chooses diagonals above the main diagonal. A negative offset
+    selects diagonals below the main diagonal.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Clip(PyArrayObject* self, PyObject* min, PyObject* max)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.clip` (*self*, *min*, *max*). Clip an array,
+    *self*, so that values larger than *max* are fixed to *max* and
+    values less than *min* are fixed to *min*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Conjugate(PyArrayObject* self)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.conjugate` (*self*).
+    Return the complex conjugate of *self*. If *self* is not of
+    complex data type, then return *self* with an reference.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Round(PyArrayObject* self, int decimals, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.round` (*self*, *decimals*, *out*). Returns
+    the array with elements rounded to the nearest decimal place. The
+    decimal place is defined as the :math:`10^{-\textrm{decimals}}`
+    digit so that negative *decimals* cause rounding to the nearest 10's, 100's, etc. If out is ``NULL``, then the output array is created, otherwise the output is placed in *out* which must be the correct size and type.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Std(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.std` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Return the
+    standard deviation using data along *axis* converted to data type
+    *rtype*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Sum(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.sum` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Return 1-d
+    vector sums of elements in *self* along *axis*. Perform the sum
+    after converting data to data type *rtype*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_CumSum(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.cumsum` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Return
+    cumulative 1-d sums of elements in *self* along *axis*. Perform
+    the sum after converting data to data type *rtype*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Prod(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.prod` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Return 1-d
+    products of elements in *self* along *axis*. Perform the product
+    after converting data to data type *rtype*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_CumProd(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, int rtype, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.cumprod` (*self*, *axis*, *rtype*). Return
+    1-d cumulative products of elements in ``self`` along ``axis``.
+    Perform the product after converting data to data type ``rtype``.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_All(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.all` (*self*, *axis*). Return an array with
+    True elements for every 1-d sub-array of ``self`` defined by
+    ``axis`` in which all the elements are True.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Any(PyArrayObject* self, int axis, PyArrayObject* out)
+    Equivalent to :meth:`ndarray.any` (*self*, *axis*). Return an array with
+    True elements for every 1-d sub-array of *self* defined by *axis*
+    in which any of the elements are True.
+Array Functions
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_AsCArray(PyObject** op, void* ptr, npy_intp* dims, int nd, int typenum, int itemsize)
+    Sometimes it is useful to access a multidimensional array as a
+    C-style multi-dimensional array so that algorithms can be
+    implemented using C's a[i][j][k] syntax. This routine returns a
+    pointer, *ptr*, that simulates this kind of C-style array, for
+    1-, 2-, and 3-d ndarrays.
+    :param op:
+        The address to any Python object. This Python object will be replaced
+        with an equivalent well-behaved, C-style contiguous, ndarray of the
+        given data type specifice by the last two arguments. Be sure that
+        stealing a reference in this way to the input object is justified.
+    :param ptr:
+        The address to a (ctype* for 1-d, ctype** for 2-d or ctype*** for 3-d)
+        variable where ctype is the equivalent C-type for the data type. On
+        return, *ptr* will be addressable as a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d array.
+    :param dims:
+        An output array that contains the shape of the array object. This
+        array gives boundaries on any looping that will take place.
+    :param nd:
+        The dimensionality of the array (1, 2, or 3).
+    :param typenum:
+        The expected data type of the array.
+    :param itemsize:
+        This argument is only needed when *typenum* represents a
+        flexible array. Otherwise it should be 0.
+.. note::
+    The simulation of a C-style array is not complete for 2-d and 3-d
+    arrays. For example, the simulated arrays of pointers cannot be passed
+    to subroutines expecting specific, statically-defined 2-d and 3-d
+    arrays. To pass to functions requiring those kind of inputs, you must
+    statically define the required array and copy data. 
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_Free(PyObject* op, void* ptr)
+    Must be called with the same objects and memory locations returned
+    from :cfunc:`PyArray_AsCArray` (...). This function cleans up memory
+    that otherwise would get leaked.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Concatenate(PyObject* obj, int axis)
+    Join the sequence of objects in *obj* together along *axis* into a
+    single array. If the dimensions or types are not compatible an
+    error is raised.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_InnerProduct(PyObject* obj1, PyObject* obj2)
+    Compute a product-sum over the last dimensions of *obj1* and
+    *obj2*. Neither array is conjugated.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_MatrixProduct(PyObject* obj1, PyObject* obj)
+    Compute a product-sum over the last dimension of *obj1* and the
+    second-to-last dimension of *obj2*. For 2-d arrays this is a
+    matrix-product. Neither array is conjugated.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_CopyAndTranspose(PyObject \* op)
+    A specialized copy and transpose function that works only for 2-d
+    arrays. The returned array is a transposed copy of *op*.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Correlate(PyObject* op1, PyObject* op2, int mode)
+    Compute the 1-d correlation of the 1-d arrays *op1* and *op2*
+    . The correlation is computed at each output point by multiplying
+    *op1* by a shifted version of *op2* and summing the result. As a
+    result of the shift, needed values outside of the defined range of
+    *op1* and *op2* are interpreted as zero. The mode determines how
+    many shifts to return: 0 - return only shifts that did not need to
+    assume zero- values; 1 - return an object that is the same size as
+    *op1*, 2 - return all possible shifts (any overlap at all is
+    accepted).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Where(PyObject* condition, PyObject* x, PyObject* y)
+    If both ``x`` and ``y`` are ``NULL``, then return
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_Nonzero` (*condition*). Otherwise, both *x* and *y*
+    must be given and the object returned is shaped like *condition*
+    and has elements of *x* and *y* where *condition* is respectively
+    True or False.
+Other functions
+.. cfunction:: Bool PyArray_CheckStrides(int elsize, int nd, npy_intp numbytes, npy_intp* dims, npy_intp* newstrides)
+    Determine if *newstrides* is a strides array consistent with the
+    memory of an *nd* -dimensional array with shape ``dims`` and
+    element-size, *elsize*. The *newstrides* array is checked to see
+    if jumping by the provided number of bytes in each direction will
+    ever mean jumping more than *numbytes* which is the assumed size
+    of the available memory segment. If *numbytes* is 0, then an
+    equivalent *numbytes* is computed assuming *nd*, *dims*, and
+    *elsize* refer to a single-segment array. Return :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` if
+    *newstrides* is acceptable, otherwise return :cdata:`NPY_FALSE`.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_MultiplyList(npy_intp* seq, int n)
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_MultiplyIntList(int* seq, int n)
+    Both of these routines multiply an *n* -length array, *seq*, of
+    integers and return the result. No overflow checking is performed.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CompareLists(npy_intp* l1, npy_intp* l2, int n)
+    Given two *n* -length arrays of integers, *l1*, and *l2*, return
+    1 if the lists are identical; otherwise, return 0.
+Array Iterators
+An array iterator is a simple way to access the elements of an
+N-dimensional array quickly and efficiently. Section `2
+<#sec-array-iterator>`__ provides more description and examples of
+this useful approach to looping over an array.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_IterNew(PyObject* arr)
+    Return an array iterator object from the array, *arr*. This is
+    equivalent to *arr*. **flat**. The array iterator object makes
+    it easy to loop over an N-dimensional non-contiguous array in
+    C-style contiguous fashion.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_IterAllButAxis(PyObject* arr, int \*axis)
+    Return an array iterator that will iterate over all axes but the
+    one provided in *\*axis*. The returned iterator cannot be used
+    with :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_GOTO1D`. This iterator could be used to
+    write something similar to what ufuncs do wherein the loop over
+    the largest axis is done by a separate sub-routine. If *\*axis* is
+    negative then *\*axis* will be set to the axis having the smallest
+    stride and that axis will be used.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_BroadcastToShape(PyObject* arr, npy_intp *dimensions, int nd)
+    Return an array iterator that is broadcast to iterate as an array
+    of the shape provided by *dimensions* and *nd*.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArrayIter_Check(PyObject* op)
+    Evaluates true if *op* is an array iterator (or instance of a
+    subclass of the array iterator type).
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_ITER_RESET(PyObject* iterator)
+    Reset an *iterator* to the beginning of the array.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_ITER_NEXT(PyObject* iterator)
+    Incremement the index and the dataptr members of the *iterator* to
+    point to the next element of the array. If the array is not
+    (C-style) contiguous, also increment the N-dimensional coordinates
+    array.
+.. cfunction:: void *PyArray_ITER_DATA(PyObject* iterator)
+    A pointer to the current element of the array.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_ITER_GOTO(PyObject* iterator, npy_intp* destination)
+    Set the *iterator* index, dataptr, and coordinates members to the
+    location in the array indicated by the N-dimensional c-array,
+    *destination*, which must have size at least *iterator*
+    ->nd_m1+1.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_ITER_GOTO1D(PyObject* iterator, npy_intp index)
+    Set the *iterator* index and dataptr to the location in the array
+    indicated by the integer *index* which points to an element in the
+    C-styled flattened array.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_ITER_NOTDONE(PyObject* iterator)
+    Evaluates TRUE as long as the iterator has not looped through all of
+    the elements, otherwise it evaluates FALSE.
+Broadcasting (multi-iterators)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_MultiIterNew(int num, ...)
+    A simplified interface to broadcasting. This function takes the
+    number of arrays to broadcast and then *num* extra ( :ctype:`PyObject *`
+    ) arguments. These arguments are converted to arrays and iterators
+    are created. :cfunc:`PyArray_Broadcast` is then called on the resulting
+    multi-iterator object. The resulting, broadcasted mult-iterator
+    object is then returned. A broadcasted operation can then be
+    performed using a single loop and using :cfunc:`PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT`
+    (..)
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_MultiIter_RESET(PyObject* multi)
+    Reset all the iterators to the beginning in a multi-iterator
+    object, *multi*.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT(PyObject* multi)
+    Advance each iterator in a multi-iterator object, *multi*, to its
+    next (broadcasted) element.
+.. cfunction:: void *PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(PyObject* multi, int i)
+    Return the data-pointer of the *i* :math:`^{\textrm{th}}` iterator
+    in a multi-iterator object.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_MultiIter_NEXTi(PyObject* multi, int i)
+    Advance the pointer of only the *i* :math:`^{\textrm{th}}` iterator.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_MultiIter_GOTO(PyObject* multi, npy_intp* destination)
+    Advance each iterator in a multi-iterator object, *multi*, to the
+    given :math:`N` -dimensional *destination* where :math:`N` is the
+    number of dimensions in the broadcasted array.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_MultiIter_GOTO1D(PyObject* multi, npy_intp index)
+    Advance each iterator in a multi-iterator object, *multi*, to the
+    corresponding location of the *index* into the flattened
+    broadcasted array.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_MultiIter_NOTDONE(PyObject* multi)
+    Evaluates TRUE as long as the multi-iterator has not looped
+    through all of the elements (of the broadcasted result), otherwise
+    it evaluates FALSE.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_Broadcast(PyArrayMultiIterObject* mit)
+    This function encapsulates the broadcasting rules. The *mit*
+    container should already contain iterators for all the arrays that
+    need to be broadcast. On return, these iterators will be adjusted
+    so that iteration over each simultaneously will accomplish the
+    broadcasting. A negative number is returned if an error occurs.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_RemoveSmallest(PyArrayMultiIterObject* mit)
+    This function takes a multi-iterator object that has been
+    previously "broadcasted," finds the dimension with the smallest
+    "sum of strides" in the broadcasted result and adapts all the
+    iterators so as not to iterate over that dimension (by effectively
+    making them of length-1 in that dimension). The corresponding
+    dimension is returned unless *mit* ->nd is 0, then -1 is
+    returned. This function is useful for constructing ufunc-like
+    routines that broadcast their inputs correctly and then call a
+    strided 1-d version of the routine as the inner-loop.  This 1-d
+    version is usually optimized for speed and for this reason the
+    loop should be performed over the axis that won't require large
+    stride jumps.
+Array Scalars
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Return(PyArrayObject* arr)
+    This function checks to see if *arr* is a 0-dimensional array and,
+    if so, returns the appropriate array scalar. It should be used
+    whenever 0-dimensional arrays could be returned to Python.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_Scalar(void* data, PyArray_Descr* dtype, PyObject* itemsize)
+    Return an array scalar object of the given enumerated *typenum*
+    and *itemsize* by **copying** from memory pointed to by *data*
+    . If *swap* is nonzero then this function will byteswap the data
+    if appropriate to the data-type because array scalars are always
+    in correct machine-byte order.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_ToScalar(void* data, PyArrayObject* arr)
+    Return an array scalar object of the type and itemsize indicated
+    by the array object *arr* copied from the memory pointed to by
+    *data* and swapping if the data in *arr* is not in machine
+    byte-order.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_FromScalar(PyObject* scalar, PyArray_Descr* outcode)
+    Return a 0-dimensional array of type determined by *outcode* from
+    *scalar* which should be an array-scalar object. If *outcode* is
+    NULL, then the type is determined from *scalar*.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_ScalarAsCtype(PyObject* scalar, void* ctypeptr)
+    Return in *ctypeptr* a pointer to the actual value in an array
+    scalar. There is no error checking so *scalar* must be an
+    array-scalar object, and ctypeptr must have enough space to hold
+    the correct type. For flexible-sized types, a pointer to the data
+    is copied into the memory of *ctypeptr*, for all other types, the
+    actual data is copied into the address pointed to by *ctypeptr*.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_CastScalarToCtype(PyObject* scalar, void* ctypeptr, PyArray_Descr* outcode)
+    Return the data (cast to the data type indicated by *outcode*)
+    from the array-scalar, *scalar*, into the memory pointed to by
+    *ctypeptr* (which must be large enough to handle the incoming
+    memory).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_TypeObjectFromType(int type)
+    Returns a scalar type-object from a type-number, *type*
+    . Equivalent to :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrFromType` (*type*)->typeobj
+    except for reference counting and error-checking. Returns a new
+    reference to the typeobject on success or ``NULL`` on failure.
+.. cfunction:: NPY_SCALARKIND PyArray_ScalarKind(int typenum, PyArrayObject** arr)
+    Return the kind of scalar represented by *typenum* and the array
+    in *\*arr* (if *arr* is not ``NULL`` ). The array is assumed to be
+    rank-0 and only used if *typenum* represents a signed integer. If
+    *arr* is not ``NULL`` and the first element is negative then
+    :cdata:`NPY_INTNEG_SCALAR` is returned, otherwise
+    :cdata:`NPY_INTPOS_SCALAR` is returned. The possible return values
+    are :cdata:`NPY_{kind}_SCALAR` where ``{kind}`` can be **INTPOS**,
+    **INTNEG**, **FLOAT**, **COMPLEX**, **BOOL**, or **OBJECT**.
+    :cdata:`NPY_NOSCALAR` is also an enumerated value
+    :ctype:`NPY_SCALARKIND` variables can take on.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_CanCoerceScalar(char thistype, char neededtype, NPY_SCALARKIND scalar)
+    Implements the rules for scalar coercion. Scalars are only
+    silently coerced from thistype to neededtype if this function
+    returns nonzero.  If scalar is :cdata:`NPY_NOSCALAR`, then this
+    function is equivalent to :cfunc:`PyArray_CanCastSafely`. The rule is
+    that scalars of the same KIND can be coerced into arrays of the
+    same KIND. This rule means that high-precision scalars will never
+    cause low-precision arrays of the same KIND to be upcast.
+Data-type descriptors
+.. warning::
+    Data-type objects must be reference counted so be aware of the
+    action on the data-type reference of different C-API calls. The
+    standard rule is that when a data-type object is returned it is a
+    new reference.  Functions that take :ctype:`PyArray_Descr *` objects and
+    return arrays steal references to the data-type their inputs
+    unless otherwise noted. Therefore, you must own a reference to any
+    data-type object used as input to such a function.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArrayDescr_Check(PyObject* obj)
+    Evaluates as true if *obj* is a data-type object ( :ctype:`PyArray_Descr *` ).
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrNew(PyArray_Descr* obj)
+    Return a new data-type object copied from *obj* (the fields
+    reference is just updated so that the new object points to the
+    same fields dictionary if any).
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrNewFromType(int typenum)
+    Create a new data-type object from the built-in (or
+    user-registered) data-type indicated by *typenum*. All builtin
+    types should not have any of their fields changed. This creates a
+    new copy of the :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure so that you can fill
+    it in as appropriate. This function is especially needed for
+    flexible data-types which need to have a new elsize member in
+    order to be meaningful in array construction.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrNewByteorder(PyArray_Descr* obj, char newendian)
+    Create a new data-type object with the byteorder set according to
+    *newendian*. All referenced data-type objects (in subdescr and
+    fields members of the data-type object) are also changed
+    (recursively). If a byteorder of :cdata:`NPY_IGNORE` is encountered it
+    is left alone. If newendian is :cdata:`NPY_SWAP`, then all byte-orders
+    are swapped. Other valid newendian values are :cdata:`NPY_NATIVE`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_LITTLE`, and :cdata:`NPY_BIG` which all cause the returned
+    data-typed descriptor (and all it's
+    referenced data-type descriptors) to have the corresponding byte-
+    order.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrFromObject(PyObject* op, PyArray_Descr* mintype)
+    Determine an appropriate data-type object from the object *op*
+    (which should be a "nested" sequence object) and the minimum
+    data-type descriptor mintype (which can be ``NULL`` ). Similar in
+    behavior to array(*op*).dtype. Don't confuse this function with
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrConverter`. This function essentially looks at
+    all the objects in the (nested) sequence and determines the
+    data-type from the elements it finds.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrFromScalar(PyObject* scalar)
+    Return a data-type object from an array-scalar object. No checking
+    is done to be sure that *scalar* is an array scalar. If no
+    suitable data-type can be determined, then a data-type of
+    :cdata:`NPY_OBJECT` is returned by default.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DescrFromType(int typenum)
+    Returns a data-type object corresponding to *typenum*. The
+    *typenum* can be one of the enumerated types, a character code for
+    one of the enumerated types, or a user-defined type.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_DescrConverter(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Descr** dtype)
+    Convert any compatible Python object, *obj*, to a data-type object
+    in *dtype*. A large number of Python objects can be converted to
+    data-type objects. See :ref:`arrays.dtypes` for a complete
+    description. This version of the converter converts None objects
+    to a :cdata:`NPY_DEFAULT_TYPE` data-type object. This function can
+    be used with the "O&" character code in :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`
+    processing.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_DescrConverter2(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Descr** dtype)
+    Convert any compatible Python object, *obj*, to a data-type
+    object in *dtype*. This version of the converter converts None
+    objects so that the returned data-type is ``NULL``. This function
+    can also be used with the "O&" character in PyArg_ParseTuple
+    processing.
+.. cfunction:: int Pyarray_DescrAlignConverter(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Descr** dtype)
+    Like :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrConverter` except it aligns C-struct-like
+    objects on word-boundaries as the compiler would.
+.. cfunction:: int Pyarray_DescrAlignConverter2(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Descr** dtype)
+    Like :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrConverter2` except it aligns C-struct-like
+    objects on word-boundaries as the compiler would.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_FieldNames(PyObject* dict)
+    Take the fields dictionary, *dict*, such as the one attached to a
+    data-type object and construct an ordered-list of field names such
+    as is stored in the names field of the :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` object.
+Conversion Utilities
+For use with :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`
+All of these functions can be used in :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (...) with
+the "O&" format specifier to automatically convert any Python object
+to the required C-object. All of these functions return
+:cdata:`NPY_SUCCEED` if successful and :cdata:`NPY_FAIL` if not. The first
+argument to all of these function is a Python object. The second
+argument is the **address** of the C-type to convert the Python object
+.. warning::
+    Be sure to understand what steps you should take to manage the
+    memory when using these conversion functions. These functions can
+    require freeing memory, and/or altering the reference counts of
+    specific objects based on your use.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_Converter(PyObject* obj, PyObject** address)
+    Convert any Python object to a :ctype:`PyArrayObject`. If
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_Check` (*obj*) is TRUE then its reference count is
+    incremented and a reference placed in *address*. If *obj* is not
+    an array, then convert it to an array using :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny`
+    . No matter what is returned, you must DECREF the object returned
+    by this routine in *address* when you are done with it.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_OutputConverter(PyObject* obj, PyArrayObject** address)
+    This is a default converter for output arrays given to
+    functions. If *obj* is :cdata:`Py_None` or ``NULL``, then *\*address*
+    will be ``NULL`` but the call will succeed. If :cfunc:`PyArray_Check` (
+    *obj*) is TRUE then it is returned in *\*address* without
+    incrementing its reference count.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_IntpConverter(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Dims* seq)
+    Convert any Python sequence, *obj*, smaller than :cdata:`NPY_MAXDIMS`
+    to a C-array of :ctype:`npy_intp`. The Python object could also be a
+    single number. The *seq* variable is a pointer to a structure with
+    members ptr and len. On successful return, *seq* ->ptr contains a
+    pointer to memory that must be freed to avoid a memory leak. The
+    restriction on memory size allows this converter to be
+    conveniently used for sequences intended to be interpreted as
+    array shapes.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_BufferConverter(PyObject* obj, PyArray_Chunk* buf)
+    Convert any Python object, *obj*, with a (single-segment) buffer
+    interface to a variable with members that detail the object's use
+    of its chunk of memory. The *buf* variable is a pointer to a
+    structure with base, ptr, len, and flags members. The
+    :ctype:`PyArray_Chunk` structure is binary compatibile with the
+    Python's buffer object (through its len member on 32-bit platforms
+    and its ptr member on 64-bit platforms or in Python 2.5). On
+    return, the base member is set to *obj* (or its base if *obj* is
+    already a buffer object pointing to another object). If you need
+    to hold on to the memory be sure to INCREF the base member. The
+    chunk of memory is pointed to by *buf* ->ptr member and has length
+    *buf* ->len. The flags member of *buf* is :cdata:`NPY_BEHAVED_RO` with
+    the :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` flag set if *obj* has a writeable buffer
+    interface.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_AxisConverter(PyObject \* obj, int* axis)
+    Convert a Python object, *obj*, representing an axis argument to
+    the proper value for passing to the functions that take an integer
+    axis. Specifically, if *obj* is None, *axis* is set to
+    :cdata:`NPY_MAXDIMS` which is interpreted correctly by the C-API
+    functions that take axis arguments.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_BoolConverter(PyObject* obj, Bool* value)
+    Convert any Python object, *obj*, to :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` or
+    :cdata:`NPY_FALSE`, and place the result in *value*.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_ByteorderConverter(PyObject* obj, char* endian)
+    Convert Python strings into the corresponding byte-order
+    character:
+    '>', '<', 's', '=', or '\|'.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_SortkindConverter(PyObject* obj, NPY_SORTKIND* sort)
+    Convert Python strings into one of :cdata:`NPY_QUICKSORT` (starts
+    with 'q' or 'Q') , :cdata:`NPY_HEAPSORT` (starts with 'h' or 'H'),
+    or :cdata:`NPY_MERGESORT` (starts with 'm' or 'M').
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_SearchsideConverter(PyObject* obj, NPY_SEARCHSIDE* side)
+    Convert Python strings into one of :cdata:`NPY_SEARCHLEFT` (starts with 'l'
+    or 'L'), or :cdata:`NPY_SEARCHRIGHT` (starts with 'r' or 'R').
+Other conversions
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_PyIntAsInt(PyObject* op)
+    Convert all kinds of Python objects (including arrays and array
+    scalars) to a standard integer. On error, -1 is returned and an
+    exception set. You may find useful the macro:
+    .. code-block:: c
+        #define error_converting(x) (((x) == -1) && PyErr_Occurred()
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp PyArray_PyIntAsIntp(PyObject* op)
+    Convert all kinds of Python objects (including arrays and array
+    scalars) to a (platform-pointer-sized) integer. On error, -1 is
+    returned and an exception set.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_IntpFromSequence(PyObject* seq, npy_intp* vals, int maxvals)
+    Convert any Python sequence (or single Python number) passed in as
+    *seq* to (up to) *maxvals* pointer-sized integers and place them
+    in the *vals* array. The sequence can be smaller then *maxvals* as
+    the number of converted objects is returned.
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_TypestrConvert(int itemsize, int gentype)
+    Convert typestring characters (with *itemsize*) to basic
+    enumerated data types. The typestring character corresponding to
+    signed and unsigned integers, floating point numbers, and
+    complex-floating point numbers are recognized and converted. Other
+    values of gentype are returned. This function can be used to
+    convert, for example, the string'f4' to :cdata:`NPY_FLOAT32`.
+Importing the API
+In order to make use of the C-API from another extension module, the
+``import_array`` () command must be used. If the extension module is
+self-contained in a single .c file, then that is all that needs to be
+done. If, however, the extension module involves multiple files where
+the C-API is needed then some additional steps must be taken.
+.. cfunction:: void import_array(void)
+    This function must be called in the initialization section of a
+    module that will make use of the C-API. It imports the module
+    where the function-pointer table is stored and points the correct
+    variable to it.
+.. cmacro:: NO_IMPORT_ARRAY
+    Using these #defines you can use the C-API in multiple files for a
+    single extension module. In each file you must define
+    :cmacro:`PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` to some name that will hold the
+    C-API (*e.g.* myextension_ARRAY_API). This must be done **before**
+    including the numpy/arrayobject.h file. In the module
+    intialization routine you call ``import_array`` (). In addition,
+    in the files that do not have the module initialization
+    sub_routine define :cmacro:`NO_IMPORT_ARRAY` prior to including
+    numpy/arrayobject.h.
+    Suppose I have two files coolmodule.c and coolhelper.c which need
+    to be compiled and linked into a single extension module. Suppose
+    coolmodule.c contains the required initcool module initialization
+    function (with the import_array() function called). Then,
+    coolmodule.c would have at the top:
+    .. code-block:: c
+        #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL cool_ARRAY_API
+        #include numpy/arrayobject.h
+    On the other hand, coolhelper.c would contain at the top:
+    .. code-block:: c
+        #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL cool_ARRAY_API
+        #define NO_IMPORT_ARRAY
+        #include numpy/arrayobject.h
+.. cfunction:: unsigned int PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion(void)
+    This just returns the value :cdata:`NPY_VERSION`. Because it is in the
+    C-API, however, comparing the output of this function from the
+    value defined in the current header gives a way to test if the
+    C-API has changed thus requiring a re-compilation of extension
+    modules that use the C-API.
+Internal Flexibility
+.. cfunction:: int PyArray_SetNumericOps(PyObject* dict)
+    NumPy stores an internal table of Python callable objects that are
+    used to implement arithmetic operations for arrays as well as
+    certain array calculation methods. This function allows the user
+    to replace any or all of these Python objects with their own
+    versions. The keys of the dictionary, *dict*, are the named
+    functions to replace and the paired value is the Python callable
+    object to use. Care should be taken that the function used to
+    replace an internal array operation does not itself call back to
+    that internal array operation (unless you have designed the
+    function to handle that), or an unchecked infinite recursion can
+    result (possibly causing program crash). The key names that
+    represent operations that can be replaced are:
+        **add**, **subtract**, **multiply**, **divide**,
+        **remainder**, **power**, **square**, **reciprocal**,
+        **ones_like**, **sqrt**, **negative**, **absolute**,
+        **invert**, **left_shift**, **right_shift**,
+        **bitwise_and**, **bitwise_xor**, **bitwise_or**,
+        **less**, **less_equal**, **equal**, **not_equal**,
+        **greater**, **greater_equal**, **floor_divide**,
+        **true_divide**, **logical_or**, **logical_and**,
+        **floor**, **ceil**, **maximum**, **minimum**, **rint**.
+    These functions are included here because they are used at least once
+    in the array object's methods. The function returns -1 (without
+    setting a Python Error) if one of the objects being assigned is not
+    callable.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyArray_GetNumericOps(void)
+    Return a Python dictionary containing the callable Python objects
+    stored in the the internal arithmetic operation table. The keys of
+    this dictionary are given in the explanation for :cfunc:`PyArray_SetNumericOps`.
+.. cfunction:: void PyArray_SetStringFunction(PyObject* op, int repr)
+    This function allows you to alter the tp_str and tp_repr methods
+    of the array object to any Python function. Thus you can alter
+    what happens for all arrays when str(arr) or repr(arr) is called
+    from Python. The function to be called is passed in as *op*. If
+    *repr* is non-zero, then this function will be called in response
+    to repr(arr), otherwise the function will be called in response to
+    str(arr). No check on whether or not *op* is callable is
+    performed. The callable passed in to *op* should expect an array
+    argument and should return a string to be printed.
+Memory management
+.. cfunction:: char* PyDataMem_NEW(size_t nbytes)
+.. cfunction:: PyDataMem_FREE(char* ptr)
+.. cfunction:: char* PyDataMem_RENEW(void * ptr, size_t newbytes)
+    Macros to allocate, free, and reallocate memory. These macros are used
+    internally to create arrays.
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp*  PyDimMem_NEW(nd)
+.. cfunction:: PyDimMem_FREE(npy_intp* ptr)
+.. cfunction:: npy_intp* PyDimMem_RENEW(npy_intp* ptr, npy_intp newnd)
+    Macros to allocate, free, and reallocate dimension and strides memory.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_malloc(nbytes)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_free(ptr)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_realloc(ptr, nbytes)
+    These macros use different memory allocators, depending on the
+    constant :cdata:`NPY_USE_PYMEM`. The system malloc is used when
+    :cdata:`NPY_USE_PYMEM` is 0, if :cdata:`NPY_USE_PYMEM` is 1, then
+    the Python memory allocator is used.
+Threading support
+These macros are only meaningful if :cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS`
+evaluates True during compilation of the extension module. Otherwise,
+these macros are equivalent to whitespace. Python uses a single Global
+Interpreter Lock (GIL) for each Python process so that only a single
+thread may excecute at a time (even on multi-cpu machines). When
+calling out to a compiled function that may take time to compute (and
+does not have side-effects for other threads like updated global
+variables), the GIL should be released so that other Python threads
+can run while the time-consuming calculations are performed. This can
+be accomplished using two groups of macros. Typically, if one macro in
+a group is used in a code block, all of them must be used in the same
+code block. Currently, :cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS` is defined to the
+python-defined :cdata:`WITH_THREADS` constant unless the environment
+variable :cdata:`NPY_NOSMP` is set in which case
+:cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS` is defined to be 0.
+Group 1
+    This group is used to call code that may take some time but does not
+    use any Python C-API calls. Thus, the GIL should be released during
+    its calculation.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS
+        Equivalent to :cmacro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` except it uses
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS` to determine if the macro if
+        replaced with white-space or not.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_END_ALLOW_THREADS
+        Equivalent to :cmacro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` except it uses
+        :cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS` to determine if the macro if
+        replaced with white-space or not.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF
+        Place in the variable declaration area. This macro sets up the
+        variable needed for storing the Python state.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_BEGIN_THREADS
+        Place right before code that does not need the Python
+        interpreter (no Python C-API calls). This macro saves the
+        Python state and releases the GIL.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_END_THREADS
+        Place right after code that does not need the Python
+        interpreter. This macro acquires the GIL and restores the
+        Python state from the saved variable.
+    .. cfunction:: NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DESCR(PyArray_Descr *dtype) 
+        Useful to release the GIL only if *dtype* does not contain
+        arbitrary Python objects which may need the Python interpreter
+        during execution of the loop. Equivalent to
+    .. cfunction:: NPY_END_THREADS_DESCR(PyArray_Descr *dtype)
+        Useful to regain the GIL in situations where it was released
+        using the BEGIN form of this macro.
+Group 2
+    This group is used to re-acquire the Python GIL after it has been
+    released. For example, suppose the GIL has been released (using the
+    previous calls), and then some path in the code (perhaps in a
+    different subroutine) requires use of the Python C-API, then these
+    macros are useful to acquire the GIL. These macros accomplish
+    essentially a reverse of the previous three (acquire the LOCK saving
+    what state it had) and then re-release it with the saved state.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_ALLOW_C_API_DEF
+        Place in the variable declaration area to set up the necessary
+        variable.
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_ALLOW_C_API
+        Place before code that needs to call the Python C-API (when it is
+        known that the GIL has already been released).
+    .. cmacro:: NPY_DISABLE_C_API
+        Place after code that needs to call the Python C-API (to re-release
+        the GIL).
+.. tip::
+    Never use semicolons after the threading support macros. 
+.. cvar:: NPY_PRIOIRTY
+    Default priority for arrays.
+    Default subtype priority.
+    Default scalar priority (very small)
+.. cfunction:: double PyArray_GetPriority(PyObject* obj, double def)
+    Return the :obj:`__array_priority__` attribute (converted to a
+    double) of *obj* or *def* if no attribute of that name
+    exists. Fast returns that avoid the attribute lookup are provided
+    for objects of type :cdata:`PyArray_Type`.
+Default buffers
+.. cvar:: NPY_BUFSIZE
+    Default size of the user-settable internal buffers.
+.. cvar:: NPY_MIN_BUFSIZE
+    Smallest size of user-settable internal buffers.
+.. cvar:: NPY_MAX_BUFSIZE
+    Largest size allowed for the user-settable buffers.
+Other constants
+    The number of floating-point types
+.. cvar:: NPY_MAXDIMS
+    The maximum number of dimensions allowed in arrays.
+.. cvar:: NPY_VERSION
+    The current version of the ndarray object (check to see if this
+    variable is defined to guarantee the numpy/arrayobject.h header is
+    being used).
+.. cvar:: NPY_FALSE
+    Defined as 0 for use with Bool.
+.. cvar:: NPY_TRUE
+    Defined as 1 for use with Bool.
+.. cvar:: NPY_FAIL
+    The return value of failed converter functions which are called using
+    the "O&" syntax in :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`-like functions.
+.. cvar:: NPY_SUCCEED
+    The return value of successful converter functions which are called
+    using the "O&" syntax in :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`-like functions.
+Miscellaneous Macros
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_SAMESHAPE(a1, a2)
+    Evaluates as True if arrays *a1* and *a2* have the same shape.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_MAX(a,b)
+    Returns the maximum of *a* and *b*. If (*a*) or (*b*) are
+    expressions they are evaluated twice.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_MIN(a,b)
+    Returns the minimum of *a* and *b*. If (*a*) or (*b*) are
+    expressions they are evaluated twice.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CLT(a,b)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CGT(a,b)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CLE(a,b)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CGE(a,b)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CEQ(a,b)
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_CNE(a,b)
+    Implements the complex comparisons between two complex numbers
+    (structures with a real and imag member) using NumPy's definition
+    of the ordering which is lexicographic: comparing the real parts
+    first and then the complex parts if the real parts are equal.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_REFCOUNT(PyObject* op)
+    Returns the reference count of any Python object.
+.. cfunction:: PyArray_XDECREF_ERR(PyObject \*obj)
+    DECREF's an array object which may have the :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`
+    flag set without causing the contents to be copied back into the
+    original array. Resets the :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` flag on the base
+    object. This is useful for recovering from an error condition when
+    :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY` is used.
+Enumerated Types
+.. ctype:: NPY_SORTKIND
+    A special variable-type which can take on the values :cdata:`NPY_{KIND}`
+    where ``{KIND}`` is
+        **QUICKSORT**, **HEAPSORT**, **MERGESORT** 
+    .. cvar:: NPY_NSORTS
+       Defined to be the number of sorts.
+.. ctype:: NPY_SCALARKIND
+    A special variable type indicating the number of "kinds" of
+    scalars distinguished in determining scalar-coercion rules. This
+    variable can take on the values :cdata:`NPY_{KIND}` where ``{KIND}`` can be
+        **OBJECT_SCALAR** 
+    .. cvar:: NPY_NSCALARKINDS
+       Defined to be the number of scalar kinds
+       (not including :cdata:`NPY_NOSCALAR`).
+.. ctype:: NPY_ORDER
+    A variable type indicating the order that an array should be
+    interpreted in. The value of a variable of this type can be
+    :cdata:`NPY_{ORDER}` where ``{ORDER}`` is
+        **ANYORDER**, **CORDER**, **FORTRANORDER** 
+.. ctype:: NPY_CLIPMODE
+    A variable type indicating the kind of clipping that should be
+    applied in certain functions. The value of a variable of this type
+    can be :cdata:`NPY_{MODE}` where ``{MODE}`` is
+        **CLIP**, **WRAP**, **RAISE** 
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; C-API

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.config.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.config.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.config.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Configuration defines
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+When NumPy is built, a configuration file is constructed and placed as
+config.h in the NumPy include directory. This configuration file
+ensures that specific macros are defined and defines other macros
+based on whether or not your system has certain features. It is
+included by the arrayobject.h file.
+Guaranteed to be defined
+The :cdata:`SIZEOF_{CTYPE}` constants are defined so that sizeof
+information is available to the pre-processor.
+.. cvar:: CHAR_BIT
+    The number of bits of a char. The char is the unit of all sizeof
+    definitions
+.. cvar:: SIZEOF_SHORT
+    sizeof(short)
+.. cvar:: SIZEOF_INT
+    sizeof(int)
+.. cvar:: SIZEOF_LONG
+    sizeof(long)
+    sizeof(longlong) where longlong is defined appropriately on the
+    platform (A macro defines **SIZEOF_LONGLONG** as well.)
+.. cvar:: SIZEOF_FLOAT
+    sizeof(float)
+.. cvar:: SIZEOF_DOUBLE
+    sizeof(double)
+    sizeof(longdouble) (A macro defines **SIZEOF_LONGDOUBLE** as well.)
+    Size of a pointer on this platform (sizeof(void \*)) (A macro defines
+    SIZEOF_INTP as well.)
+Possible defines
+These defines will cause the compilation to ignore compatibility code
+that is placed in NumPy and use the system code instead. If they are
+not defined, then the system does not have that capability. 
+    System has C99 long double math functions.
+    System has C99 float math functions.
+    System has inverse hyperbolic functions: asinh, acosh, and atanh.
+    System has C99 float extensions to inverse hyperbolic functions:
+    asinhf, acoshf, atanhf
+    System has C99 long double extensions to inverse hyperbolic functions:
+    asinhl, acoshl, atanhl.
+.. cvar:: HAVE_ISNAN
+    System has an isnan function.
+.. cvar:: HAVE_ISINF
+    System has an isinf function.
+.. cvar:: HAVE_LOG1P
+    System has the log1p function: :math:`\log\left(x+1\right)`.
+.. cvar:: HAVE_EXPM1
+    System has the expm1 function: :math:`\exp\left(x\right)-1`.
+.. cvar:: HAVE_RINT
+    System has the rint function.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.dtype.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.dtype.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
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@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+Data Type API
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+The standard array can have 21 different data types (and has some
+support for adding your own types). These data types all have an
+enumerated type, an enumerated type-character, and a corresponding
+array scalar Python type object (placed in a hierarchy). There are
+also standard C typedefs to make it easier to manipulate elements of
+the given data type. For the numeric types, there are also bit-width
+equivalent C typedefs and named typenumbers that make it easier to
+select the precision desired.
+.. warning::
+    The names for the types in c code follows c naming conventions
+    more closely. The Python names for these types follow Python
+    conventions.  Thus, :cdata:`NPY_FLOAT` picks up a 32-bit float in
+    C, but :class:`numpy.float_` in Python corresponds to a 64-bit
+    double. The bit-width names can be used in both Python and C for
+    clarity.
+Enumerated Types
+There is a list of enumerated types defined providing the basic 21
+data types plus some useful generic names. Whenever the code requires
+a type number, one of these enumerated types is requested. The types
+are all called :cdata:`NPY_{NAME}` where ``{NAME}`` can be
+    **BOOL**, **BYTE**, **UBYTE**, **SHORT**, **USHORT**, **INT**,
+    **UINT**, **LONG**, **ULONG**, **LONGLONG**, **ULONGLONG**,
+    **FLOAT**, **DOUBLE**, **LONGDOUBLE**, **CFLOAT**, **CDOUBLE**,
+The various character codes indicating certain types are also part of
+an enumerated list. References to type characters (should they be
+needed at all) should always use these enumerations. The form of them
+is :cdata:`NPY_{NAME}LTR` where ``{NAME}`` can be 
+    **BOOL**, **BYTE**, **UBYTE**, **SHORT**, **USHORT**, **INT**,
+    **UINT**, **LONG**, **ULONG**, **LONGLONG**, **ULONGLONG**,
+    **FLOAT**, **DOUBLE**, **LONGDOUBLE**, **CFLOAT**, **CDOUBLE**,
+    **CLONGDOUBLE**, **OBJECT**, **STRING**, **VOID**
+    **INTP**, **UINTP** 
+The latter group of ``{NAME}s`` corresponds to letters used in the array
+interface typestring specification. 
+Max and min values for integers
+.. cvar:: NPY_MAX_INT{bits}
+.. cvar:: NPY_MAX_UINT{bits}
+.. cvar:: NPY_MIN_INT{bits}
+    These are defined for ``{bits}`` = 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 and provide
+    the maximum (minimum) value of the corresponding (unsigned) integer
+    type. Note: the actual integer type may not be available on all
+    platforms (i.e. 128-bit and 256-bit integers are rare).
+.. cvar:: NPY_MIN_{type}
+    This is defined for ``{type}`` = **BYTE**, **SHORT**, **INT**,
+    **LONG**, **LONGLONG**, **INTP**
+.. cvar:: NPY_MAX_{type}
+    This is defined for all defined for ``{type}`` = **BYTE**, **UBYTE**,
+    **SHORT**, **USHORT**, **INT**, **UINT**, **LONG**, **ULONG**,
+    **LONGLONG**, **ULONGLONG**, **INTP**, **UINTP**
+Number of bits in data types
+All :cdata:`NPY_SIZEOF_{CTYPE}` constants have corresponding
+:cdata:`NPY_BITSOF_{CTYPE}` constants defined. The :cdata:`NPY_BITSOF_{CTYPE}`
+constants provide the number of bits in the data type.  Specifically,
+the available ``{CTYPE}s`` are
+    **BOOL**, **CHAR**, **SHORT**, **INT**, **LONG**,
+Bit-width references to enumerated typenums
+All of the numeric data types (integer, floating point, and complex)
+have constants that are defined to be a specific enumerated type
+number. Exactly which enumerated type a bit-width type refers to is
+platform dependent. In particular, the constants available are
+:cdata:`PyArray_{NAME}{BITS}` where ``{NAME}`` is **INT**, **UINT**,
+**FLOAT**, **COMPLEX** and ``{BITS}`` can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 80, 96, 128,
+160, 192, 256, and 512.  Obviously not all bit-widths are available on
+all platforms for all the kinds of numeric types. Commonly 8-, 16-,
+32-, 64-bit integers; 32-, 64-bit floats; and 64-, 128-bit complex
+types are available.
+Integer that can hold a pointer
+The constants **PyArray_INTP** and **PyArray_UINTP** refer to an
+enumerated integer type that is large enough to hold a pointer on the
+platform. Index arrays should always be converted to **PyArray_INTP**
+, because the dimension of the array is of type npy_intp.
+C-type names
+There are standard variable types for each of the numeric data types
+and the bool data type. Some of these are already available in the
+C-specification. You can create variables in extension code with these
+.. ctype:: npy_bool
+    unsigned char; The constants :cdata:`NPY_FALSE` and
+    :cdata:`NPY_TRUE` are also defined.
+(Un)Signed Integer
+Unsigned versions of the integers can be defined by pre-pending a 'u'
+to the front of the integer name. 
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)byte
+    (unsigned) char
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)short
+    (unsigned) short
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)int
+    (unsigned) int
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)long
+    (unsigned) long int
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)longlong
+    (unsigned long long int)
+.. ctype:: npy_(u)intp
+    (unsigned) Py_intptr_t (an integer that is the size of a pointer on
+    the platform).
+(Complex) Floating point
+.. ctype:: npy_(c)float
+    float
+.. ctype:: npy_(c)double
+    double
+.. ctype:: npy_(c)longdouble
+    long double
+complex types are structures with **.real** and **.imag** members (in
+that order).
+Bit-width names
+There are also typedefs for signed integers, unsigned integers,
+floating point, and complex floating point types of specific bit-
+widths. The available type names are 
+    :ctype:`npy_int{bits}`, :ctype:`npy_uint{bits}`, :ctype:`npy_float{bits}`,
+    and :ctype:`npy_complex{bits}`
+where ``{bits}`` is the number of bits in the type and can be **8**,
+**16**, **32**, **64**, 128, and 256 for integer types; 16, **32**
+, **64**, 80, 96, 128, and 256 for floating-point types; and 32,
+**64**, **128**, 160, 192, and 512 for complex-valued types. Which
+bit-widths are available is platform dependent. The bolded bit-widths
+are usually available on all platforms.
+Printf Formatting
+For help in printing, the following strings are defined as the correct
+format specifier in printf and related commands.
+    :cdata:`NPY_LONGLONG_FMT`, :cdata:`NPY_ULONGLONG_FMT`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_INTP_FMT`, :cdata:`NPY_UINTP_FMT`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_LONGDOUBLE_FMT`

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.rst
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+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+.. _c-api:
+Numpy C-API
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+|    Beware of the man who won't be bothered with details. 
+|    --- *William Feather, Sr.*
+|    The truth is out there. 
+|    --- *Chris Carter, The X Files*
+NumPy provides a C-API to enable users to extend the system and get
+access to the array object for use in other routines. The best way to
+truly understand the C-API is to read the source code. If you are
+unfamiliar with (C) source code, however, this can be a daunting
+experience at first. Be assured that the task becomes easier with
+practice, and you may be surprised at how simple the C-code can be to
+understand. Even if you don't think you can write C-code from scratch,
+it is much easier to understand and modify already-written source code
+then create it *de novo*. 
+Python extensions are especially straightforward to understand because
+they all have a very similar structure. Admittedly, NumPy is not a
+trivial extension to Python, and may take a little more snooping to
+grasp. This is especially true because of the code-generation
+techniques, which simplify maintenance of very similar code, but can
+make the code a little less readable to beginners. Still, with a
+little persistence, the code can be opened to your understanding. It
+is my hope, that this guide to the C-API can assist in the process of
+becoming familiar with the compiled-level work that can be done with
+NumPy in order to squeeze that last bit of necessary speed out of your
+.. currentmodule:: numpy-c-api
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   c-api.types-and-structures
+   c-api.config
+   c-api.dtype
+   c-api.array
+   c-api.ufunc

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.types-and-structures.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.types-and-structures.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.types-and-structures.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,1173 @@
+Python Types and C-Structures
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+Several new types are defined in the C-code. Most of these are
+accessible from Python, but a few are not exposed due to their limited
+use. Every new Python type has an associated :ctype:`PyObject *` with an
+internal structure that includes a pointer to a "method table" that
+defines how the new object behaves in Python. When you receive a
+Python object into C code, you always get a pointer to a
+:ctype:`PyObject` structure. Because a :ctype:`PyObject` structure is
+very generic and defines only :cmacro:`PyObject_HEAD`, by itself it
+is not very interesting. However, different objects contain more
+details after the :cmacro:`PyObject_HEAD` (but you have to cast to the
+correct type to access them --- or use accessor functions or macros).
+New Python Types Defined
+Python types are the functional equivalent in C of classes in Python.
+By constructing a new Python type you make available a new object for
+Python. The ndarray object is an example of a new type defined in C.
+New types are defined in C by two basic steps:
+1. creating a C-structure (usually named :ctype:`Py{Name}Object`) that is
+   binary- compatible with the :ctype:`PyObject` structure itself but holds
+   the additional information needed for that particular object;
+2. populating the :ctype:`PyTypeObject` table (pointed to by the ob_type
+   member of the :ctype:`PyObject` structure) with pointers to functions
+   that implement the desired behavior for the type.
+Instead of special method names which define behavior for Python
+classes, there are "function tables" which point to functions that
+implement the desired results. Since Python 2.2, the PyTypeObject
+itself has become dynamic which allows C types that can be "sub-typed
+"from other C-types in C, and sub-classed in Python. The children
+types inherit the attributes and methods from their parent(s).
+There are two major new types: the ndarray ( :cdata:`PyArray_Type` )
+and the ufunc ( :cdata:`PyUFunc_Type` ). Additional types play a
+supportive role: the :cdata:`PyArrayIter_Type`, the
+:cdata:`PyArrayMultiIter_Type`, and the :cdata:`PyArrayDescr_Type`
+. The :cdata:`PyArrayIter_Type` is the type for a flat iterator for an
+ndarray (the object that is returned when getting the flat
+attribute). The :cdata:`PyArrayMultiIter_Type` is the type of the
+object returned when calling ``broadcast`` (). It handles iteration
+and broadcasting over a collection of nested sequences. Also, the
+:cdata:`PyArrayDescr_Type` is the data-type-descriptor type whose
+instances describe the data.  Finally, there are 21 new scalar-array
+types which are new Python scalars corresponding to each of the
+fundamental data types available for arrays. An additional 10 other
+types are place holders that allow the array scalars to fit into a
+hierarchy of actual Python types.
+.. cvar:: PyArray_Type
+   The Python type of the ndarray is :cdata:`PyArray_Type`. In C, every
+   ndarray is a pointer to a :ctype:`PyArrayObject` structure. The ob_type
+   member of this structure contains a pointer to the :cdata:`PyArray_Type`
+   typeobject.
+.. ctype:: PyArrayObject
+   The :ctype:`PyArrayObject` C-structure contains all of the required
+   information for an array. All instances of an ndarray (and its
+   subclasses) will have this structure.  For future compatibility,
+   these structure members should normally be accessed using the
+   provided macros. If you need a shorter name, then you can make use
+   of :ctype:`NPY_AO` which is defined to be equivalent to
+   :ctype:`PyArrayObject`.
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct PyArrayObject {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          char *data;
+          int nd;
+          npy_intp *dimensions;
+          npy_intp *strides;
+          PyObject *base;
+          PyArray_Descr *descr;  
+          int flags;
+          PyObject *weakreflist;
+      } PyArrayObject;
+.. cmacro:: PyArrayObject.PyObject_HEAD
+    This is needed by all Python objects. It consists of (at least)
+    a reference count member ( ``ob_refcnt`` ) and a pointer to the
+    typeobject ( ``ob_type`` ). (Other elements may also be present
+    if Python was compiled with special options see
+    Include/object.h in the Python source tree for more
+    information). The ob_type member points to a Python type
+    object.
+.. cmember:: char *PyArrayObject.data
+    A pointer to the first element of the array. This pointer can
+    (and normally should) be recast to the data type of the array.
+.. cmember:: int PyArrayObject.nd
+    An integer providing the number of dimensions for this
+    array. When nd is 0, the array is sometimes called a rank-0
+    array. Such arrays have undefined dimensions and strides and
+    cannot be accessed. :cdata:`NPY_MAXDIMS` is the largest number of
+    dimensions for any array.
+.. cmember:: npy_intp PyArrayObject.dimensions
+    An array of integers providing the shape in each dimension as
+    long as nd :math:`\geq` 1. The integer is always large enough
+    to hold a pointer on the platform, so the dimension size is
+    only limited by memory.
+.. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayObject.strides
+    An array of integers providing for each dimension the number of
+    bytes that must be skipped to get to the next element in that
+    dimension.
+.. cmember:: PyObject *PyArrayObject.base
+    This member is used to hold a pointer to another Python object
+    that is related to this array. There are two use cases: 1) If
+    this array does not own its own memory, then base points to the
+    Python object that owns it (perhaps another array object), 2)
+    If this array has the :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY` flag set, then this
+    array is a working copy of a "misbehaved" array. As soon as
+    this array is deleted, the array pointed to by base will be
+    updated with the contents of this array.
+.. cmember:: PyArray_Descr *PyArrayObject.descr
+    A pointer to a data-type descriptor object (see below). The
+    data-type descriptor object is an instance of a new built-in
+    type which allows a generic description of memory. There is a
+    descriptor structure for each data type supported. This
+    descriptor structure contains useful information about the type
+    as well as a pointer to a table of function pointers to
+    implement specific functionality.
+.. cmember:: int PyArrayObject.flags
+    Flags indicating how the memory pointed to by data is to be
+    interpreted. Possible flags are :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS`, :cdata:`NPY_OWNDATA`, :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`,
+    :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`, and :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`.
+.. cmember:: PyObject *PyArrayObject.weakreflist
+    This member allows array objects to have weak references (using the
+    weakref module).
+.. cvar:: PyArrayDescr_Type
+   The :cdata:`PyArrayDescr_Type` is the built-in type of the
+   data-type-descriptor objects used to describe how the bytes comprising
+   the array are to be interpreted.  There are 21 statically-defined
+   :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` objects for the built-in data-types. While these
+   participate in reference counting, their reference count should never
+   reach zero.  There is also a dynamic table of user-defined
+   :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` objects that is also maintained. Once a
+   data-type-descriptor object is "registered" it should never be
+   deallocated either. The function :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrFromType` (...) can
+   be used to retrieve a :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` object from an enumerated
+   type-number (either built-in or user- defined).
+.. ctype:: PyArray_Descr
+   The format of the :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure that lies at the
+   heart of the :cdata:`PyArrayDescr_Type` is
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          PyTypeObject *typeobj;
+          char kind;
+          char type;
+          char byteorder;
+          char hasobject;
+          int type_num;
+          int elsize;
+          int alignment;
+          PyArray_ArrayDescr *subarray;
+          PyObject *fields;
+          PyArray_ArrFuncs *f;
+      } PyArray_Descr;
+.. cmember:: PyTypeObject *PyArray_Descr.typeobj
+    Pointer to a typeobject that is the corresponding Python type for
+    the elements of this array. For the builtin types, this points to
+    the corresponding array scalar. For user-defined types, this
+    should point to a user-defined typeobject. This typeobject can
+    either inherit from array scalars or not. If it does not inherit
+    from array scalars, then the :cdata:`NPY_USE_GETITEM` and
+    :cdata:`NPY_USE_SETITEM` flags should be set in the ``hasobject`` flag.
+.. cmember:: char PyArray_Descr.kind
+    A character code indicating the kind of array (using the array
+    interface typestring notation). A 'b' represents Boolean, a 'i'
+    represents signed integer, a 'u' represents unsigned integer, 'f'
+    represents floating point, 'c' represents complex floating point, 'S'
+    represents 8-bit character string, 'U' represents 32-bit/character
+    unicode string, and 'V' repesents arbitrary.
+.. cmember:: char PyArray_Descr.type
+    A traditional character code indicating the data type.
+.. cmember:: char PyArray_Descr.byteorder
+    A character indicating the byte-order: '>' (big-endian), '<' (little-
+    endian), '=' (native), '\|' (irrelevant, ignore). All builtin data-
+    types have byteorder '='.
+.. cmember:: char PyArray_Descr.hasobject
+    A data-type bit-flag that determines if the data-type exhibits object-
+    array like behavior. Each bit in this member is a flag which are named
+    as:
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ITEM_REFCOUNT
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ITEM_HASOBJECT
+        Indicates that items of this data-type must be reference
+        counted (using :cfunc:`Py_INCREF` and :cfunc:`Py_DECREF` ).
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ITEM_LISTPICKLE
+        Indicates arrays of this data-type must be converted to a list
+        before pickling.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_ITEM_IS_POINTER
+        Indicates the item is a pointer to some other data-type
+    .. cvar:: NPY_NEEDS_INIT
+        Indicates memory for this data-type must be initialized (set
+        to 0) on creation.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_NEEDS_PYAPI
+        Indicates this data-type requires the Python C-API during
+        access (so don't give up the GIL if array access is going to
+        be needed).
+    .. cvar:: NPY_USE_GETITEM
+        On array access use the ``f->getitem`` function pointer
+        instead of the standard conversion to an array scalar. Must
+        use if you don't define an array scalar to go along with
+        the data-type.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_USE_SETITEM
+        When creating a 0-d array from an array scalar use
+        ``f->setitem`` instead of the standard copy from an array
+        scalar. Must use if you don't define an array scalar to go
+        along with the data-type.
+    .. cvar:: NPY_FROM_FIELDS
+        The bits that are inherited for the parent data-type if these
+        bits are set in any field of the data-type. Currently (
+        :cdata:`NPY_NEEDS_INIT` \| :cdata:`NPY_LIST_PICKLE` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_ITEM_REFCOUNT` \| :cdata:`NPY_NEEDS_PYAPI` ).
+        Bits set for the object data-type: ( :cdata:`NPY_LIST_PICKLE`
+        \| :cdata:`NPY_USE_GETITEM` \| :cdata:`NPY_ITEM_IS_POINTER` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_REFCOUNT` \| :cdata:`NPY_NEEDS_INIT` \|
+        :cdata:`NPY_NEEDS_PYAPI`).
+    .. cfunction:: PyDataType_FLAGCHK(PyArray_Descr *dtype, int flags)
+        Return true if all the given flags are set for the data-type
+        object.
+    .. cfunction:: PyDataType_REFCHK(PyArray_Descr *dtype)
+        Equivalent to :cfunc:`PyDataType_FLAGCHK` (*dtype*,
+ 	:cdata:`NPY_ITEM_REFCOUNT`).
+.. cmember:: int PyArray_Descr.type_num
+    A number that uniquely identifies the data type. For new data-types,
+    this number is assigned when the data-type is registered.
+.. cmember:: int PyArray_Descr.elsize
+    For data types that are always the same size (such as long), this
+    holds the size of the data type. For flexible data types where
+    different arrays can have a different elementsize, this should be
+    0.
+.. cmember:: int PyArray_Descr.alignment
+    A number providing alignment information for this data type.
+    Specifically, it shows how far from the start of a 2-element
+    structure (whose first element is a ``char`` ), the compiler
+    places an item of this type: ``offsetof(struct {char c; type v;},
+    v)``
+.. cmember:: PyArray_ArrayDescr *PyArray_Descr.subarray
+    If this is non- ``NULL``, then this data-type descriptor is a
+    C-style contiguous array of another data-type descriptor. In
+    other-words, each element that this descriptor describes is
+    actually an array of some other base descriptor. This is most
+    useful as the data-type descriptor for a field in another
+    data-type descriptor. The fields member should be ``NULL`` if this
+    is non- ``NULL`` (the fields member of the base descriptor can be
+    non- ``NULL`` however). The :ctype:`PyArray_ArrayDescr` structure is
+    defined using
+    .. code-block:: c
+       typedef struct {
+           PyArray_Descr *base;
+           PyObject *shape;
+       } PyArray_ArrayDescr;
+    The elements of this structure are:
+    .. cmember:: PyArray_Descr *PyArray_ArrayDescr.base
+        The data-type-descriptor object of the base-type.
+    .. cmember:: PyObject *PyArray_ArrayDescr.shape
+        The shape (always C-style contiguous) of the sub-array as a Python
+        tuple.
+.. cmember:: PyObject *PyArray_Descr.fields
+    If this is non-NULL, then this data-type-descriptor has fields
+    described by a Python dictionary whose keys are names (and also
+    titles if given) and whose values are tuples that describe the
+    fields. Recall that a data-type-descriptor always describes a
+    fixed-length set of bytes. A field is a named sub-region of that
+    total, fixed-length collection. A field is described by a tuple
+    composed of another data- type-descriptor and a byte
+    offset. Optionally, the tuple may contain a title which is
+    normally a Python string. These tuples are placed in this
+    dictionary keyed by name (and also title if given).
+.. cmember:: PyArray_ArrFuncs *PyArray_Descr.f
+    A pointer to a structure containing functions that the type needs
+    to implement internal features. These functions are not the same
+    thing as the universal functions (ufuncs) described later. Their
+    signatures can vary arbitrarily.
+.. ctype:: PyArray_ArrFuncs
+    Functions implementing internal features. Not all of these
+    function pointers must be defined for a given type. The required
+    members are ``nonzero``, ``copyswap``, ``copyswapn``, ``setitem``,
+    ``getitem``, and ``cast``. These are assumed to be non- ``NULL``
+    and ``NULL`` entries will cause a program crash. The other
+    functions may be ``NULL`` which will just mean reduced
+    functionality for that data-type. (Also, the nonzero function will
+    be filled in with a default function if it is ``NULL`` when you
+    register a user-defined data-type).
+    .. code-block:: c
+       typedef struct {
+           PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *cast[PyArray_NTYPES];
+           PyArray_GetItemFunc *getitem;
+           PyArray_SetItemFunc *setitem;
+           PyArray_CopySwapNFunc *copyswapn;
+           PyArray_CopySwapFunc *copyswap;
+           PyArray_CompareFunc *compare;
+           PyArray_ArgFunc *argmax;
+           PyArray_DotFunc *dotfunc;
+           PyArray_ScanFunc *scanfunc;
+           PyArray_FromStrFunc *fromstr;
+           PyArray_NonzeroFunc *nonzero;
+           PyArray_FillFunc *fill;
+           PyArray_FillWithScalarFunc *fillwithscalar;
+           PyArray_SortFunc *sort[PyArray_NSORTS];
+           PyArray_ArgSortFunc *argsort[PyArray_NSORTS]; 
+           PyObject *castdict;
+           PyArray_ScalarKindFunc *scalarkind;
+           int **cancastscalarkindto;
+           int *cancastto;
+           int listpickle
+       } PyArray_ArrFuncs;
+    The concept of a behaved segment is used in the description of the
+    function pointers. A behaved segment is one that is aligned and in
+    native machine byte-order for the data-type. The ``nonzero``,
+    ``copyswap``, ``copyswapn``, ``getitem``, and ``setitem``
+    functions can (and must) deal with mis-behaved arrays. The other
+    functions require behaved memory segments.
+    .. cmember:: void cast(void *from, void *to, npy_intp n, void *fromarr, void *toarr)
+        An array of function pointers to cast from the current type to
+        all of the other builtin types. Each function casts a
+        contiguous, aligned, and notswapped buffer pointed at by
+        *from* to a contiguous, aligned, and notswapped buffer pointed
+        at by *to* The number of items to cast is given by *n*, and
+        the arguments *fromarr* and *toarr* are interpreted as
+        PyArrayObjects for flexible arrays to get itemsize
+        information.
+    .. cmember:: PyObject *getitem(void *data, void *arr)
+        A pointer to a function that returns a standard Python object
+        from a single element of the array object *arr* pointed to by
+        *data*. This function must be able to deal with "misbehaved
+        "(misaligned and/or swapped) arrays correctly.
+    .. cmember:: int setitem(PyObject *item, void *data, void *arr)
+        A pointer to a function that sets the Python object *item*
+        into the array, *arr*, at the position pointed to by *data*
+        . This function deals with "misbehaved" arrays. If successful,
+        a zero is returned, otherwise, a negative one is returned (and
+        a Python error set).
+    .. cmember:: void copyswapn(void *dest, npy_intp dstride, void *src, npy_intp sstride, npy_intp n, int swap, void *arr)
+    .. cmember:: void copyswap(void *dest, void *src, int swap, void *arr)
+        These members are both pointers to functions to copy data from
+        *src* to *dest* and *swap* if indicated. The value of arr is
+        only used for flexible ( :cdata:`NPY_STRING`, :cdata:`NPY_UNICODE`,
+        and :cdata:`NPY_VOID` ) arrays (and is obtained from
+        ``arr->descr->elsize`` ). The second function copies a single
+        value, while the first loops over n values with the provided
+        strides. These functions can deal with misbehaved *src*
+        data. If *src* is NULL then no copy is performed. If *swap* is
+        0, then no byteswapping occurs. It is assumed that *dest* and
+        *src* do not overlap. If they overlap, then use ``memmove``
+        (...) first followed by ``copyswap(n)`` with NULL valued
+        ``src``.
+    .. cmember:: int compare(const void* d1, const void* d2, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that compares two elements of the
+        array, ``arr``, pointed to by ``d1`` and ``d2``. This
+        function requires behaved arrays. The return value is 1 if *
+        ``d1`` > * ``d2``, 0 if * ``d1`` == * ``d2``, and -1 if *
+        ``d1`` < * ``d2``. The array object arr is used to retrieve
+        itemsize and field information for flexible arrays.
+    .. cmember:: int argmax(void* data, npy_intp n, npy_intp* max_ind, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that retrieves the index of the
+        largest of ``n`` elements in ``arr`` beginning at the element
+        pointed to by ``data``. This function requires that the
+        memory segment be contiguous and behaved. The return value is
+        always 0. The index of the largest element is returned in
+        ``max_ind``.
+    .. cmember:: void dotfunc(void* ip1, npy_intp is1, void* ip2, npy_intp is2, void* op, npy_intp n, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that multiplies two ``n`` -length
+        sequences together, adds them, and places the result in
+        element pointed to by ``op`` of ``arr``. The start of the two
+        sequences are pointed to by ``ip1`` and ``ip2``. To get to
+        the next element in each sequence requires a jump of ``is1``
+        and ``is2`` *bytes*, respectively. This function requires
+        behaved (though not necessarily contiguous) memory.
+    .. cmember:: int scanfunc(FILE* fd, void* ip , void* sep , void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that scans (scanf style) one element
+        of the corresponding type from the file descriptor ``fd`` into
+        the array memory pointed to by ``ip``. The array is assumed
+        to be behaved. If ``sep`` is not NULL, then a separator string
+        is also scanned from the file before returning. The last
+        argument ``arr`` is the array to be scanned into. A 0 is
+        returned if the scan is successful. A negative number
+        indicates something went wrong: -1 means the end of file was
+        reached before the separator string could be scanned, -4 means
+        that the end of file was reached before the element could be
+        scanned, and -3 means that the element could not be
+        interpreted from the format string. Requires a behaved array.
+    .. cmember:: int fromstr(char* str, void* ip, char** endptr, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that converts the string pointed to by
+        ``str`` to one element of the corresponding type and places it
+        in the memory location pointed to by ``ip``. After the
+        conversion is completed, ``*endptr`` points to the rest of the
+        string. The last argument ``arr`` is the array into which ip
+        points (needed for variable-size data- types). Returns 0 on
+        success or -1 on failure. Requires a behaved array.
+    .. cmember:: Bool nonzero(void* data, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that returns TRUE if the item of
+        ``arr`` pointed to by ``data`` is nonzero. This function can
+        deal with misbehaved arrays.
+    .. cmember:: void fill(void* data, npy_intp length, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that fills a contiguous array of given
+        length with data. The first two elements of the array must
+        already be filled- in. From these two values, a delta will be
+        computed and the values from item 3 to the end will be
+        computed by repeatedly adding this computed delta. The data
+        buffer must be well-behaved.
+    .. cmember:: void fillwithscalar(void* buffer, npy_intp length, void* value, void* arr)
+        A pointer to a function that fills a contiguous ``buffer`` of
+        the given ``length`` with a single scalar ``value`` whose
+        address is given. The final argument is the array which is
+        needed to get the itemsize for variable-length arrays.
+    .. cmember:: int sort(void* start, npy_intp length, void* arr)
+        An array of function pointers to a particular sorting
+        algorithms. A particular sorting algorithm is obtained using a
+        key (so far :cdata:`PyArray_QUICKSORT`, :data`PyArray_HEAPSORT`, and
+        :cdata:`PyArray_MERGESORT` are defined). These sorts are done
+        in-place assuming contiguous and aligned data.
+    .. cmember:: int argsort(void* start, npy_intp* result, npy_intp length, void \*arr)
+        An array of function pointers to sorting algorithms for this
+        data type. The same sorting algorithms as for sort are
+        available. The indices producing the sort are returned in
+        result (which must be initialized with indices 0 to length-1
+        inclusive).
+    .. cmember:: PyObject *castdict
+        Either ``NULL`` or a dictionary containing low-level casting
+        functions for user- defined data-types. Each function is
+        wrapped in a :ctype:`PyCObject *` and keyed by the data-type number.
+    .. cmember:: PyArray_SCALARKIND scalarkind(PyArrayObject* arr)
+        A function to determine how scalars of this type should be
+        interpreted. The argument is ``NULL`` or a 0-dimensional array
+        containing the data (if that is needed to determine the kind
+        of scalar). The return value must be of type
+        :ctype:`PyArray_SCALARKIND`.
+    .. cmember:: int **cancastscalarkindto
+        Either ``NULL`` or an array of :ctype:`PyArray_NSCALARKINDS`
+        pointers. These pointers should each be either ``NULL`` or a
+        pointer to an array of integers (terminated by
+        :cdata:`PyArray_NOTYPE`) indicating data-types that a scalar of
+        this data-type of the specified kind can be cast to safely
+        (this usually means without losing precision).
+    .. cmember:: int *cancastto
+        Either ``NULL`` or an array of integers (terminated by
+        :cdata:`PyArray_NOTYPE` ) indicated data-types that this data-type
+        can be cast to safely (this usually means without losing
+        precision).
+    .. cmember:: int listpickle
+        Unused.
+The :cdata:`PyArray_Type` typeobject implements many of the features of
+Python objects including the tp_as_number, tp_as_sequence,
+tp_as_mapping, and tp_as_buffer interfaces. The rich comparison
+(tp_richcompare) is also used along with new-style attribute lookup
+for methods (tp_methods) and properties (tp_getset). The
+:cdata:`PyArray_Type` can also be sub-typed.
+.. tip::
+    The tp_as_number methods use a generic approach to call whatever
+    function has been registered for handling the operation. The
+    function PyNumeric_SetOps(..) can be used to register functions to
+    handle particular mathematical operations (for all arrays). When
+    the umath module is imported, it sets the numeric operations for
+    all arrays to the corresponding ufuncs.  The tp_str and tp_repr
+    methods can also be altered using PyString_SetStringFunction(...).
+.. cvar:: PyUFunc_Type
+   The ufunc object is implemented by creation of the
+   :cdata:`PyUFunc_Type`. It is a very simple type that implements only
+   basic getattribute behavior, printing behavior, and has call
+   behavior which allows these objects to act like functions. The
+   basic idea behind the ufunc is to hold a reference to fast
+   1-dimensional (vector) loops for each data type that supports the
+   operation. These one-dimensional loops all have the same signature
+   and are the key to creating a new ufunc. They are called by the
+   generic looping code as appropriate to implement the N-dimensional
+   function. There are also some generic 1-d loops defined for
+   floating and complexfloating arrays that allow you to define a
+   ufunc using a single scalar function (*e.g.* atanh).
+.. ctype:: PyUFuncObject
+   The core of the ufunc is the :ctype:`PyUFuncObject` which contains all
+   the information needed to call the underlying C-code loops that
+   perform the actual work. It has the following structure:
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          int nin;
+          int nout;
+          int nargs;
+          int identity;
+          PyUFuncGenericFunction *functions;
+          void **data;
+          int ntypes;
+          int check_return;
+          char *name;
+          char *types;
+          char *doc;
+          void *ptr;
+          PyObject *obj;
+          PyObject *userloops;
+      } PyUFuncObject;
+   .. cmacro:: PyUFuncObject.PyObject_HEAD
+       required for all Python objects.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.nin
+       The number of input arguments.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.nout
+       The number of output arguments.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.nargs
+       The total number of arguments (*nin* + *nout*). This must be
+       less than :cdata:`NPY_MAXARGS`.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.identity
+       Either :cdata:`PyUFunc_One`, :cdata:`PyUFunc_Zero`, or :cdata:`PyUFunc_None`
+       to indicate the identity for this operation. It is only used
+       for a reduce-like call on an empty array.
+   .. cmember:: void PyUFuncObject.functions(char** args, npy_intp* dims, npy_intp* steps, void* extradata)
+       An array of function pointers --- one for each data type
+       supported by the ufunc. This is the vector loop that is called
+       to implement the underlying function *dims* [0] times. The
+       first argument, *args*, is an array of *nargs* pointers to
+       behaved memory. Pointers to the data for the input arguments
+       are first, followed by the pointers to the data for the output
+       arguments. How many bytes must be skipped to get to the next
+       element in the sequence is specified by the corresponding entry
+       in the *steps* array. The last argument allows the loop to
+       receive extra information.  This is commonly used so that a
+       single, generic vector loop can be used for multiple
+       functions. In this case, the actual scalar function to call is
+       passed in as *extradata*. The size of this function pointer
+       array is ntypes.
+   .. cmember:: void **PyUFuncObject.data
+       Extra data to be passed to the 1-d vector loops or ``NULL`` if
+       no extra-data is needed. This C-array must be the same size (
+       *i.e.* ntypes) as the functions array. ``NULL`` is used if
+       extra_data is not needed. Several C-API calls for UFuncs are
+       just 1-d vector loops that make use of this extra data to
+       receive a pointer to the actual function to call.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.ntypes
+       The number of supported data types for the ufunc. This number
+       specifies how many different 1-d loops (of the builtin data types) are
+       available.
+   .. cmember:: int PyUFuncObject.check_return
+       Obsolete and unused. However, it is set by the corresponding entry in
+       the main ufunc creation routine: :cfunc:`PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData` (...).
+   .. cmember:: char *PyUFuncObject.name
+       A string name for the ufunc. This is used dynamically to build
+       the __doc\__ attribute of ufuncs.
+   .. cmember:: char *PyUFuncObject.types
+       An array of *nargs* :math:`\times` *ntypes* 8-bit type_numbers
+       which contains the type signature for the function for each of
+       the supported (builtin) data types. For each of the *ntypes*
+       functions, the corresponding set of type numbers in this array
+       shows how the *args* argument should be interpreted in the 1-d
+       vector loop. These type numbers do not have to be the same type
+       and mixed-type ufuncs are supported.
+   .. cmember:: char *PyUFuncObject.doc
+       Documentation for the ufunc. Should not contain the function
+       signature as this is generated dynamically when __doc\__ is
+       retrieved.
+   .. cmember:: void *PyUFuncObject.ptr
+       Any dynamically allocated memory. Currently, this is used for dynamic
+       ufuncs created from a python function to store room for the types,
+       data, and name members.
+   .. cmember:: PyObject *PyUFuncObject.obj
+       For ufuncs dynamically created from python functions, this member
+       holds a reference to the underlying Python function.
+   .. cmember:: PyObject *PyUFuncObject.userloops
+       A dictionary of user-defined 1-d vector loops (stored as CObject ptrs)
+       for user-defined types. A loop may be registered by the user for any
+       user-defined type. It is retrieved by type number. User defined type
+       numbers are always larger than :cdata:`NPY_USERDEF`.
+.. cvar:: PyArrayIter_Type
+   This is an iterator object that makes it easy to loop over an N-dimensional
+   array. It is the object returned from the flat attribute of an
+   ndarray. It is also used extensively throughout the implementation
+   internals to loop over an N-dimensional array. The tp_as_mapping
+   interface is implemented so that the iterator object can be indexed
+   (using 1-d indexing), and a few methods are implemented through the
+   tp_methods table. This object implements the next method and can be
+   used anywhere an iterator can be used in Python. 
+.. ctype:: PyArrayIterObject
+   The C-structure corresponding to an object of :cdata:`PyArrayIter_Type` is
+   the :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject`. The :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject` is used to keep
+   track of a pointer into an N-dimensional array. It contains associated
+   information used to quickly march through the array. The pointer can
+   be adjusted in three basic ways: 1) advance to the "next" position in
+   the array in a C-style contiguous fashion, 2) advance to an arbitrary
+   N-dimensional coordinate in the array, and 3) advance to an arbitrary
+   one-dimensional index into the array. The members of the
+   :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject` structure are used in these
+   calculations. Iterator objects keep their own dimension and strides
+   information about an array. This can be adjusted as needed for
+   "broadcasting," or to loop over only specific dimensions.
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          int   nd_m1;
+          npy_intp  index;
+          npy_intp  size;
+          npy_intp  coordinates[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          npy_intp  dims_m1[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          npy_intp  strides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          npy_intp  backstrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          npy_intp  factors[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          PyArrayObject *ao;
+          char  *dataptr;
+          Bool  contiguous;
+      } PyArrayIterObject;
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayIterObject.nd_m1
+       :math:`N-1` where :math:`N` is the number of dimensions in the
+       underlying array.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp PyArrayIterObject.index
+       The current 1-d index into the array.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp PyArrayIterObject.size
+       The total size of the underlying array.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayIterObject.coordinates
+       An :math:`N` -dimensional index into the array.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayIterObject.dims_m1
+       The size of the array minus 1 in each dimension.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayIterObject.strides
+       The strides of the array. How many bytes needed to jump to the next
+       element in each dimension.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayIterObject.backstrides
+       How many bytes needed to jump from the end of a dimension back
+       to its beginning. Note that *backstrides* [k]= *strides* [k]*d
+       *ims_m1* [k], but it is stored here as an optimization.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayIterObject.factors
+       This array is used in computing an N-d index from a 1-d index. It
+       contains needed products of the dimensions.
+   .. cmember:: PyArrayObject *PyArrayIterObject.ao
+       A pointer to the underlying ndarray this iterator was created to
+       represent.
+   .. cmember:: char *PyArrayIterObject.dataptr
+       This member points to an element in the ndarray indicated by the
+       index.
+   .. cmember:: Bool PyArrayIterObject.contiguous
+       This flag is true if the underlying array is
+       :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS`. It is used to simplify calculations when
+       possible.
+How to use an array iterator on a C-level is explained more fully in
+later sections. Typically, you do not need to concern yourself with
+the internal structure of the iterator object, and merely interact
+with it through the use of the macros :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_NEXT` (it),
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_GOTO` (it, dest), or :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_GOTO1D` (it,
+index). All of these macros require the argument *it* to be a
+:ctype:`PyArrayIterObject *`.
+.. cvar:: PyArrayMultiIter_Type
+   This type provides an iterator that encapsulates the concept of
+   broadcasting. It allows :math:`N` arrays to be broadcast together
+   so that the loop progresses in C-style contiguous fashion over the
+   broadcasted array. The corresponding C-structure is the
+   :ctype:`PyArrayMultiIterObject` whose memory layout must begin any
+   object, *obj*, passed in to the :cfunc:`PyArray_Broadcast` (obj)
+   function. Broadcasting is performed by adjusting array iterators so
+   that each iterator represents the broadcasted shape and size, but
+   has its strides adjusted so that the correct element from the array
+   is used at each iteration.
+.. ctype:: PyArrayMultiIterObject
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          int numiter;
+          npy_intp size;
+          npy_intp index;
+          int nd;
+          npy_intp dimensions[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+          PyArrayIterObject *iters[NPY_MAXDIMS];
+      } PyArrayMultiIterObject;
+   .. cmacro:: PyArrayMultiIterObject.PyObject_HEAD
+       Needed at the start of every Python object (holds reference count and
+       type identification).
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayMultiIterObject.numiter
+       The number of arrays that need to be broadcast to the same shape.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp PyArrayMultiIterObject.size
+       The total broadcasted size.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp PyArrayMultiIterObject.index
+       The current (1-d) index into the broadcasted result.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayMultiIterObject.nd
+       The number of dimensions in the broadcasted result.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayMultiIterObject.dimensions
+       The shape of the broadcasted result (only ``nd`` slots are used).
+   .. cmember:: PyArrayIterObject **PyArrayMultiIterObject.iters
+       An array of iterator objects that holds the iterators for the arrays
+       to be broadcast together. On return, the iterators are adjusted for
+       broadcasting.
+.. cvar:: PyArrayFlags_Type
+   When the flags attribute is retrieved from Python, a special
+   builtin object of this type is constructed. This special type makes
+   it easier to work with the different flags by accessing them as
+   attributes or by accessing them as if the object were a dictionary
+   with the flag names as entries.
+There is a Python type for each of the different built-in data types
+that can be present in the array Most of these are simple wrappers
+around the corresponding data type in C. The C-names for these types
+are :cdata:`Py{TYPE}ArrType_Type` where ``{TYPE}`` can be
+    **Bool**, **Byte**, **Short**, **Int**, **Long**, **LongLong**,
+    **UByte**, **UShort**, **UInt**, **ULong**, **ULongLong**,
+    **Float**, **Double**, **LongDouble**, **CFloat**, **CDouble**,
+    **CLongDouble**, **String**, **Unicode**, **Void**, and
+    **Object**.
+These type names are part of the C-API and can therefore be created in
+extension C-code. There is also a :cdata:`PyIntpArrType_Type` and a
+:cdata:`PyUIntpArrType_Type` that are simple substitutes for one of the
+integer types that can hold a pointer on the platform. The structure
+of these scalar objects is not exposed to C-code. The function
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ScalarAsCtype` (..) can be used to extract the C-type value
+from the array scalar and the function :cfunc:`PyArray_Scalar` (...) can be
+used to construct an array scalar from a C-value.
+Other C-Structures
+A few new C-structures were found to be useful in the development of
+NumPy. These C-structures are used in at least one C-API call and are
+therefore documented here. The main reason these structures were
+defined is to make it easy to use the Python ParseTuple C-API to
+convert from Python objects to a useful C-Object.
+.. ctype:: PyArray_Dims
+   This structure is very useful when shape and/or strides information is
+   supposed to be interpreted. The structure is:
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          npy_intp *ptr;
+          int len;
+      } PyArray_Dims;
+   The members of this structure are 
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArray_Dims.ptr
+       A pointer to a list of (:ctype:`npy_intp`) integers which usually
+       represent array shape or array strides.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArray_Dims.len
+       The length of the list of integers. It is assumed safe to
+       access *ptr* [0] to *ptr* [len-1].
+.. ctype:: PyArray_Chunk
+   This is equivalent to the buffer object structure in Python up to
+   the ptr member. On 32-bit platforms (*i.e.* if :cdata:`NPY_SIZEOF_INT`
+   == :cdata:`NPY_SIZEOF_INTP` ) or in Python 2.5, the len member also
+   matches an equivalent member of the buffer object. It is useful to
+   represent a generic single- segment chunk of memory.
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          PyObject_HEAD
+          PyObject *base;
+          void *ptr;
+          npy_intp len;
+          int flags;
+      } PyArray_Chunk;
+   The members are 
+   .. cmacro:: PyArray_Chunk.PyObject_HEAD
+       Necessary for all Python objects. Included here so that the
+       :ctype:`PyArray_Chunk` structure matches that of the buffer object
+       (at least to the len member).
+   .. cmember:: PyObject *PyArray_Chunk.base
+       The Python object this chunk of memory comes from. Needed so that
+       memory can be accounted for properly.
+   .. cmember:: void *PyArray_Chunk.ptr
+       A pointer to the start of the single-segment chunk of memory.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp PyArray_Chunk.len
+       The length of the segment in bytes.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArray_Chunk.flags
+       Any data flags (*e.g.* :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` ) that should be used
+       to interpret the memory.
+.. seealso:: :ref:`arrays.interface`
+.. ctype:: PyArrayInterface
+   The :ctype:`PyArrayInterface` structure is defined so that NumPy and
+   other extension modules can use the rapid array interface
+   protocol. The :obj:`__array_struct__` method of an object that
+   supports the rapid array interface protocol should return a
+   :ctype:`PyCObject` that contains a pointer to a :ctype:`PyArrayInterface`
+   structure with the relevant details of the array. After the new
+   array is created, the attribute should be ``DECREF``'d which will
+   free the :ctype:`PyArrayInterface` structure. Remember to ``INCREF`` the
+   object (whose :obj:`__array_struct__` attribute was retrieved) and
+   point the base member of the new :ctype:`PyArrayObject` to this same
+   object. In this way the memory for the array will be managed
+   correctly.
+   .. code-block:: c
+      typedef struct {
+          int two;
+          int nd;
+          char typekind;
+          int itemsize;
+          int flags;
+          npy_intp *shape;
+          npy_intp *strides;
+          void *data;
+          PyObject *descr;
+      } PyArrayInterface;
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayInterface.two
+       the integer 2 as a sanity check.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayInterface.nd
+       the number of dimensions in the array.
+   .. cmember:: char PyArrayInterface.typekind
+       A character indicating what kind of array is present according to the
+       typestring convention with 't' -> bitfield, 'b' -> Boolean, 'i' ->
+       signed integer, 'u' -> unsigned integer, 'f' -> floating point, 'c' ->
+       complex floating point, 'O' -> object, 'S' -> string, 'U' -> unicode,
+       'V' -> void.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayInterface.itemsize
+       The number of bytes each item in the array requires.
+   .. cmember:: int PyArrayInterface.flags
+       Any of the bits :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` (1),
+       :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` (2), :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` (0x100),
+       :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED` (0x200), or :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`
+       (0x400) to indicate something about the data. The
+       :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`, :cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS`, and
+       :cdata:`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS` flags can actually be determined from
+       the other parameters. The flag :cdata:`NPY_ARR_HAS_DESCR`
+       (0x800) can also be set to indicate to objects consuming the
+       version 3 array interface that the descr member of the
+       structure is present (it will be ignored by objects consuming
+       version 2 of the array interface).
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayInterface.shape
+       An array containing the size of the array in each dimension.
+   .. cmember:: npy_intp *PyArrayInterface.strides
+       An array containing the number of bytes to jump to get to the next
+       element in each dimension.
+   .. cmember:: void *PyArrayInterface.data
+       A pointer *to* the first element of the array.
+   .. cmember:: PyObject *PyArrayInterface.descr
+       A Python object describing the data-type in more detail (same
+       as the *descr* key in :obj:`__array_interface__`). This can be
+       ``NULL`` if *typekind* and *itemsize* provide enough
+       information. This field is also ignored unless
+       :cdata:`ARR_HAS_DESCR` flag is on in *flags*.
+Internally used structures
+Internally, the code uses some additional Python objects primarily for
+memory management. These types are not accessible directly from
+Python, and are not exposed to the C-API. They are included here only
+for completeness and assistance in understanding the code. 
+.. ctype:: PyUFuncLoopObject
+   A loose wrapper for a C-structure that contains the information
+   needed for looping. This is useful if you are trying to understand
+   the ufunc looping code. The :ctype:`PyUFuncLoopObject` is the associated
+   C-structure. It is defined in the ``ufuncobject.h`` header.
+.. ctype:: PyUFuncReduceObject
+   A loose wrapper for the C-structure that contains the information
+   needed for reduce-like methods of ufuncs. This is useful if you are
+   trying to understand the reduce, accumulate, and reduce-at
+   code. The :ctype:`PyUFuncReduceObject` is the associated C-structure. It
+   is defined in the ``ufuncobject.h`` header.
+.. ctype:: PyUFunc_Loop1d
+   A simple linked-list of C-structures containing the information needed
+   to define a 1-d loop for a ufunc for every defined signature of a
+   user-defined data-type. 
+.. cvar:: PyArrayMapIter_Type
+   Advanced indexing is handled with this Python type. It is simply a
+   loose wrapper around the C-structure containing the variables
+   needed for advanced array indexing. The associated C-structure,
+   :ctype:`PyArrayMapIterObject`, is useful if you are trying to
+   understand the advanced-index mapping code. It is defined in the
+   ``arrayobject.h`` header. This type is not exposed to Python and
+   could be replaced with a C-structure. As a Python type it takes
+   advantage of reference- counted memory management.

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.ufunc.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.ufunc.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/c-api.ufunc.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+UFunc API
+.. sectionauthor:: Travis E. Oliphant
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; C-API
+.. cvar:: UFUNC_ERR_{HANDLER}
+    ``{HANDLER}`` can be **IGNORE**, **WARN**, **RAISE**, or **CALL**
+.. cvar:: UFUNC_{THING}_{ERR}
+    ``{THING}`` can be **MASK**, **SHIFT**, or **FPE**, and ``{ERR}`` can
+.. cvar:: PyUFunc_{VALUE}
+    ``{VALUE}`` can be **One** (1), **Zero** (0), or **None** (-1)
+    Used in universal function code to only release the Python GIL if
+    loop->obj is not true (*i.e.* this is not an OBJECT array
+    loop). Requires use of :cmacro:`NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF` in variable
+    declaration area.
+    Used in universal function code to re-acquire the Python GIL if it
+    was released (because loop->obj was not true).
+.. cfunction:: UFUNC_CHECK_ERROR(loop)
+    A macro used internally to check for errors and goto fail if
+    found.  This macro requires a fail label in the current code
+    block. The *loop* variable must have at least members (obj,
+    errormask, and errorobj). If *loop* ->obj is nonzero, then
+    :cfunc:`PyErr_Occurred` () is called (meaning the GIL must be held). If
+    *loop* ->obj is zero, then if *loop* ->errormask is nonzero,
+    :cfunc:`PyUFunc_checkfperr` is called with arguments *loop* ->errormask
+    and *loop* ->errobj. If the result of this check of the IEEE
+    floating point registers is true then the code redirects to the
+    fail label which must be defined.
+.. cfunction:: UFUNC_CHECK_STATUS(ret)
+    A macro that expands to platform-dependent code. The *ret*
+    variable can can be any integer. The :cdata:`UFUNC_FPE_{ERR}` bits are
+    set in *ret* according to the status of the corresponding error
+    flags of the floating point processor.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject* PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(PyUFuncGenericFunction* func, void** data, char* types, int ntypes, int nin, int nout, int identity, char* name, char* doc, int check_return)
+    Create a new broadcasting universal function from required variables.
+    Each ufunc builds around the notion of an element-by-element
+    operation. Each ufunc object contains pointers to 1-d loops
+    implementing the basic functionality for each supported type.
+    :param nin:
+        The number of inputs to this operation.
+    :param nout:
+        The number of outputs
+    :param ntypes:
+        How many different data-type "signatures" the ufunc has implemented.
+    :param func:
+        Must to an array of length *ntypes* containing
+        :ctype:`PyUFuncGenericFunction` items. These items are pointers to
+        functions that acutally implement the underlying
+        (element-by-element) function :math:`N` times. T
+    :param types:
+        Must be of length (*nin* + *nout*) \* *ntypes*, and it
+        contains the data-types (built-in only) that the corresponding
+        function in the *func* array can deal with.
+    :param data:
+        Should be ``NULL`` or a pointer to an array of size *ntypes*
+        . This array may contain arbitrary extra-data to be passed to
+        the corresponding 1-d loop function in the func array.
+    :param name:
+        The name for the ufunc.
+    :param doc:
+        Allows passing in a documentation string to be stored with the
+        ufunc.  The documentation string should not contain the name
+        of the function or the calling signature as that will be
+        dynamically determined from the object and available when
+        accessing the **__doc__** attribute of the ufunc.
+    :param check_return:
+        Unused and present for backwards compatibility of the C-API. A
+        corresponding *check_return* integer does exist in the ufunc
+        structure and it does get set with this value when the ufunc
+        object is created.
+.. cfunction:: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType(PyUFuncObject* ufunc, int usertype, PyUFuncGenericFunction function, int* arg_types, void* data)
+    This function allows the user to register a 1-d loop with an
+    already- created ufunc to be used whenever the ufunc is called
+    with any of its input arguments as the user-defined
+    data-type. This is needed in order to make ufuncs work with
+    built-in data-types. The data-type must have been previously
+    registered with the numpy system. The loop is passed in as
+    *function*. This loop can take arbitrary data which should be
+    passed in as *data*. The data-types the loop requires are passed
+    in as *arg_types* which must be a pointer to memory at least as
+    large as ufunc->nargs.
+.. cfunction:: int PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature(PyUFuncObject* ufunc, PyUFuncGenericFunction newfunc, int* signature, PyUFuncGenericFunction* oldfunc)
+    Replace a 1-d loop matching the given *signature* in the
+    already-created *ufunc* with the new 1-d loop newfunc. Return the
+    old 1-d loop function in *oldfunc*. Return 0 on success and -1 on
+    failure. This function works only with built-in types (use
+    :cfunc:`PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType` for user-defined types). A
+    signature is an array of data-type numbers indicating the inputs
+    followed by the outputs assumed by the 1-d loop.
+.. cfunction:: int PyUFunc_GenericFunction(PyUFuncObject* self, PyObject* args, PyArrayObject** mps)
+    A generic ufunc call. The ufunc is passed in as *self*, the
+    arguments to the ufunc as *args*. The *mps* argument is an array
+    of :ctype:`PyArrayObject` pointers containing the converted input
+    arguments as well as the ufunc outputs on return. The user is
+    responsible for managing this array and receives a new reference
+    for each array in *mps*. The total number of arrays in *mps* is
+    given by *self* ->nin + *self* ->nout.
+.. cfunction:: int PyUFunc_checkfperr(int errmask, PyObject* errobj)
+    A simple interface to the IEEE error-flag checking support. The
+    *errmask* argument is a mask of :cdata:`UFUNC_MASK_{ERR}` bitmasks
+    indicating which errors to check for (and how to check for
+    them). The *errobj* must be a Python tuple with two elements: a
+    string containing the name which will be used in any communication
+    of error and either a callable Python object (call-back function)
+    or :cdata:`Py_None`. The callable object will only be used if
+    :cdata:`UFUNC_ERR_CALL` is set as the desired error checking
+    method. This routine manages the GIL and is safe to call even
+    after releasing the GIL. If an error in the IEEE-compatibile
+    hardware is determined a -1 is returned, otherwise a 0 is
+    returned.
+.. cfunction::  void  PyUFunc_clearfperr()
+    Clear the IEEE error flags.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_GetPyValues(char* name, int* bufsize, int* errmask, PyObject** errobj)
+    Get the Python values used for ufunc processing from the
+    thread-local storage area unless the defaults have been set in
+    which case the name lookup is bypassed. The name is placed as a
+    string in the first element of *\*errobj*. The second element is
+    the looked-up function to call on error callback. The value of the
+    looked-up buffer-size to use is passed into *bufsize*, and the
+    value of the error mask is placed into *errmask*.
+Generic functions
+At the core of every ufunc is a collection of type-specific functions
+that defines the basic functionality for each of the supported types.
+These functions must evaluate the underlying function :math:`N\geq1`
+times. Extra-data may be passed in that may be used during the
+calculation. This feature allows some general functions to be used as
+these basic looping functions. The general function has all the code
+needed to point variables to the right place and set up a function
+call. The general function assumes that the actual function to call is
+passed in as the extra data and calls it with the correct values. All
+of these functions are suitable for placing directly in the array of
+functions stored in the functions member of the PyUFuncObject
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_d_d(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_f_f(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_g_g(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_F_F_As_D_D(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_F_F(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_D_D(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_G_G(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    Type specific, core 1-d functions for ufuncs where each
+    calculation is obtained by calling a function taking one input
+    argument and returning one output. This function is passed in
+    ``func``. The letters correspond to dtypechar's of the supported
+    data types ( ``f`` - float, ``d`` - double, ``g`` - long double,
+    ``F`` - cfloat, ``D`` - cdouble, ``G`` - clongdouble). The
+    argument *func* must support the same signature. The _As_X_X
+    variants assume ndarray's of one data type but cast the values to
+    use an underlying function that takes a different data type. Thus,
+    :cfunc:`PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d` uses ndarrays of data type :cdata:`NPY_FLOAT`
+    but calls out to a C-function that takes double and returns
+    double.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_ff_f_As_dd_d(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_ff_f(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_dd_d(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_gg_g(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_FF_F_As_DD_D(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_DD_D(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_FF_F(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_GG_G(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    Type specific, core 1-d functions for ufuncs where each
+    calculation is obtained by calling a function taking two input
+    arguments and returning one output. The underlying function to
+    call is passed in as *func*. The letters correspond to
+    dtypechar's of the specific data type supported by the
+    general-purpose function. The argument ``func`` must support the
+    corresponding signature. The ``_As_XX_X`` variants assume ndarrays
+    of one data type but cast the values at each iteration of the loop
+    to use the underlying function that takes a different data type.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_O_O(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_OO_O(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    One-input, one-output, and two-input, one-output core 1-d functions
+    for the :cdata:`NPY_OBJECT` data type. These functions handle reference count
+    issues and return early on error. The actual function to call is *func*
+    and it must accept calls with the signature ``(PyObject*)(PyObject*)``
+    for :cfunc:`PyUFunc_O_O` or ``(PyObject*)(PyObject *, PyObject *)``
+    for :cfunc:`PyUFunc_OO_O`.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_O_O_method(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    This general purpose 1-d core function assumes that *func* is a string
+    representing a method of the input object. For each
+    iteration of the loop, the Python obejct is extracted from the array
+    and its *func* method is called returning the result to the output array.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_OO_O_method(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    This general purpose 1-d core function assumes that *func* is a
+    string representing a method of the input object that takes one
+    argument. The first argument in *args* is the method whose function is
+    called, the second argument in *args* is the argument passed to the
+    function. The output of the function is stored in the third entry
+    of *args*.
+.. cfunction:: void PyUFunc_On_Om(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* func)
+    This is the 1-d core function used by the dynamic ufuncs created
+    by umath.frompyfunc(function, nin, nout). In this case *func* is a
+    pointer to a :ctype:`PyUFunc_PyFuncData` structure which has definition
+    .. ctype:: PyUFunc_PyFuncData
+       .. code-block:: c
+           typedef struct {
+               int nin;
+               int nout;
+               PyObject *callable;
+           } PyUFunc_PyFuncData;
+    At each iteration of the loop, the *nin* input objects are exctracted
+    from their object arrays and placed into an argument tuple, the Python
+    *callable* is called with the input arguments, and the nout
+    outputs are placed into their object arrays.
+Importing the API
+.. cvar:: NO_IMPORT_UFUNC
+.. cfunction:: void import_ufunc(void)
+    These are the constants and functions for accessing the ufunc
+    C-API from extension modules in precisely the same way as the
+    array C-API can be accessed. The ``import_ufunc`` () function must
+    always be called (in the initialization subroutine of the
+    extension module). If your extension module is in one file then
+    that is all that is required. The other two constants are useful
+    if your extension module makes use of multiple files. In that
+    case, define :cdata:`PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` to something unique to
+    your code and then in source files that do not contain the module
+    initialization function but still need access to the UFUNC API,
+    define :cdata:`PY_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` to the same name used previously
+    and also define :cdata:`NO_IMPORT_UFUNC`.
+    The C-API is actually an array of function pointers. This array is
+    created (and pointed to by a global variable) by import_ufunc. The
+    global variable is either statically defined or allowed to be seen
+    by other files depending on the state of
+    :cdata:`Py_UFUNC_UNIQUE_SYMBOL` and :cdata:`NO_IMPORT_UFUNC`.
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; C-API

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/distutils.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/distutils.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/distutils.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+Packaging (:mod:`numpy.distutils`)
+.. module:: numpy.distutils
+NumPy provides enhanced distutils functionality to make it easier to
+build and install sub-packages, auto-generate code, and extension
+modules that use Fortran-compiled libraries. To use features of numpy
+distutils, use the :func:`setup <core.setup>` command from
+:mod:`numpy.distutils.core`. A useful :class:`Configuration
+<misc_util.Configuration>` class is also provided in
+:mod:`numpy.distutils.misc_util` that can make it easier to construct
+keyword arguments to pass to the setup function (by passing the
+dictionary obtained from the todict() method of the class). More
+information is available in the NumPy Distutils Users Guide in
+.. index::
+   single: distutils
+Modules in :mod:`numpy.distutils`
+.. module:: numpy.distutils.misc_util
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   Configuration
+   get_numpy_include_dirs
+   get_numarray_include_dirs
+   dict_append
+   appendpath
+   allpath
+   dot_join
+   generate_config_py
+   get_cmd
+   terminal_has_colors
+   red_text
+   green_text
+   yellow_text
+   blue_text
+   cyan_text
+   cyg2win32
+   all_strings
+   has_f_sources
+   has_cxx_sources
+   filter_sources
+   get_dependencies
+   is_local_src_dir
+   get_ext_source_files
+   get_script_files
+.. class:: Configuration(package_name=None, parent_name=None, top_path=None, package_path=None, **attrs)
+    Construct a configuration instance for the given package name. If
+    *parent_name* is not :const:`None`, then construct the package as a
+    sub-package of the *parent_name* package. If *top_path* and
+    *package_path* are :const:`None` then they are assumed equal to
+    the path of the file this instance was created in. The setup.py
+    files in the numpy distribution are good examples of how to use
+    the :class:`Configuration` instance.
+    .. method:: todict()
+        Return a dictionary compatible with the keyword arguments of distutils
+        setup function. Thus, this method may be used as
+        setup(\**config.todict()).
+    .. method:: get_distribution()
+        Return the distutils distribution object for self.
+    .. method:: get_subpackage(subpackage_name, subpackage_path=None)
+        Return a Configuration instance for the sub-package given. If
+        subpackage_path is None then the path is assumed to be the local path
+        plus the subpackage_name. If a setup.py file is not found in the
+        subpackage_path, then a default configuration is used.
+    .. method:: add_subpackage(subpackage_name, subpackage_path=None)
+        Add a sub-package to the current Configuration instance. This is
+        useful in a setup.py script for adding sub-packages to a package. The
+        sub-package is contained in subpackage_path / subpackage_name and this
+        directory may contain a setup.py script or else a default setup
+        (suitable for Python-code-only subpackages) is assumed. If the
+        subpackage_path is None, then it is assumed to be located in the local
+        path / subpackage_name.
+    .. method:: self.add_data_files(*files)
+        Add files to the list of data_files to be included with the package.
+        The form of each element of the files sequence is very flexible
+        allowing many combinations of where to get the files from the package
+        and where they should ultimately be installed on the system. The most
+        basic usage is for an element of the files argument sequence to be a
+        simple filename. This will cause that file from the local path to be
+        installed to the installation path of the self.name package (package
+        path). The file argument can also be a relative path in which case the
+        entire relative path will be installed into the package directory.
+        Finally, the file can be an absolute path name in which case the file
+        will be found at the absolute path name but installed to the package
+        path.
+        This basic behavior can be augmented by passing a 2-tuple in as the
+        file argument. The first element of the tuple should specify the
+        relative path (under the package install directory) where the
+        remaining sequence of files should be installed to (it has nothing to
+        do with the file-names in the source distribution). The second element
+        of the tuple is the sequence of files that should be installed. The
+        files in this sequence can be filenames, relative paths, or absolute
+        paths. For absolute paths the file will be installed in the top-level
+        package installation directory (regardless of the first argument).
+        Filenames and relative path names will be installed in the package
+        install directory under the path name given as the first element of
+        the tuple. An example may clarify::
+            self.add_data_files('foo.dat',
+            ('fun', ['gun.dat', 'nun/pun.dat', '/tmp/sun.dat']), 
+            'bar/cat.dat', 
+            '/full/path/to/can.dat')
+        will install these data files to::
+            <package install directory>/
+             foo.dat
+             fun/
+               gun.dat
+               nun/
+                 pun.dat
+             sun.dat
+             bar/
+               car.dat
+             can.dat
+        where <package install directory> is the package (or sub-package)
+        directory such as '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mypackage' ('C: \\Python2.4 \\Lib \\site-packages \\mypackage') or '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-
+        packages/mypackage/mysubpackage' ('C: \\Python2.4 \\Lib \\site-packages \\mypackage \\mysubpackage'). 
+        An additional feature is that the path to a data-file can actually be
+        a function that takes no arguments and returns the actual path(s) to
+        the data-files. This is useful when the data files are generated while
+        building the package. 
+    .. method:: add_data_dir(data_path)
+        Recursively add files under data_path to the list of data_files to be
+        installed (and distributed). The data_path can be either a relative
+        path-name, or an absolute path-name, or a 2-tuple where the first
+        argument shows where in the install directory the data directory
+        should be installed to. For example suppose the source directory
+        contains fun/foo.dat and fun/bar/car.dat::
+            self.add_data_dir('fun')
+            self.add_data_dir(('sun', 'fun'))
+            self.add_data_dir(('gun', '/full/path/to/fun'))
+        Will install data-files to the locations::
+            <package install directory>/
+              fun/
+                foo.dat
+                bar/
+                  car.dat
+              sun/
+                foo.dat
+                bar/
+                  car.dat
+              gun/
+                foo.dat
+                car.dat
+    .. method:: add_include_dirs(*paths)
+        Add the given sequence of paths to the beginning of the include_dirs
+        list. This list will be visible to all extension modules of the
+        current package.
+    .. method:: add_headers(*files)
+        Add the given sequence of files to the beginning of the headers list.
+        By default, headers will be installed under <python-
+        include>/<self.name.replace('.','/')>/ directory. If an item of files
+        is a tuple, then its first argument specifies the actual installation
+        location relative to the <python-include> path.
+    .. method:: add_extension(name, sources, **kw)
+        Create and add an Extension instance to the ext_modules list. The
+        first argument defines the name of the extension module that will be
+        installed under the self.name package. The second argument is a list
+        of sources. This method also takes the following optional keyword
+        arguments that are passed on to the Extension constructor:
+        include_dirs, define_macros, undef_macros, library_dirs, libraries,
+        runtime_library_dirs, extra_objects, swig_opts, depends, language,
+        f2py_options, module_dirs, and extra_info.
+        The self.paths(...) method is applied to all lists that may contain
+        paths. The extra_info is a dictionary or a list of dictionaries whose
+        content will be appended to the keyword arguments. The depends list
+        contains paths to files or directories that the sources of the
+        extension module depend on. If any path in the depends list is newer
+        than the extension module, then the module will be rebuilt.
+        The list of sources may contain functions (called source generators)
+        which must take an extension instance and a build directory as inputs
+        and return a source file or list of source files or None. If None is
+        returned then no sources are generated. If the Extension instance has
+        no sources after processing all source generators, then no extension
+        module is built.
+    .. method:: add_library(name, sources, **build_info)
+        Add a library to the list of libraries. Allowed keyword arguments are
+        depends, macros, include_dirs, extra_compiler_args, and f2py_options.
+        The name is the name of the library to be built and sources is a list
+        of sources (or source generating functions) to add to the library.
+    .. method:: add_scripts(*files)
+        Add the sequence of files to the beginning of the scripts list.
+        Scripts will be installed under the <prefix>/bin/ directory.
+    .. method:: paths(*paths)
+        Applies glob.glob(...) to each path in the sequence (if needed) and
+        pre-pends the local_path if needed. Because this is called on all
+        source lists, this allows wildcard characters to be specified in lists
+        of sources for extension modules and libraries and scripts and allows
+        path-names be relative to the source directory.
+    .. method:: get_config_cmd()
+        Returns the numpy.distutils config command instance.
+    .. method:: get_build_temp_dir()
+        Return a path to a temporary directory where temporary files should be
+        placed.
+    .. method:: have_f77c()
+        True if a Fortran 77 compiler is available (because a simple Fortran
+        77 code was able to be compiled successfully).
+    .. method:: have_f90c()
+        True if a Fortran 90 compiler is available (because a simple Fortran
+        90 code was able to be compiled successfully)
+    .. method:: get_version()
+        Return a version string of the current package or None if the version
+        information could not be detected. This method scans files named
+        __version__.py, <packagename>_version.py, version.py, and
+        __svn_version__.py for string variables version, __version\__, and
+        <packagename>_version, until a version number is found.
+    .. method:: make_svn_version_py()
+        Appends a data function to the data_files list that will generate
+        __svn_version__.py file to the current package directory. This file
+        will be removed from the source directory when Python exits (so that
+        it can be re-generated next time the package is built). This is
+        intended for working with source directories that are in an SVN
+        repository.
+    .. method:: make_config_py()
+        Generate a package __config__.py file containing system information
+        used during the building of the package. This file is installed to the
+        package installation directory.
+    .. method:: get_info(*names)
+        Return information (from system_info.get_info) for all of the names in
+        the argument list in a single dictionary.
+Other modules
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.distutils
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   system_info.get_info
+   system_info.get_standard_file
+   cpuinfo.cpu
+   log.set_verbosity
+   exec_command
+Conversion of ``.src`` files
+NumPy distutils supports automatic conversion of source files named
+<somefile>.src. This facility can be used to maintain very similar
+code blocks requiring only simple changes between blocks. During the
+build phase of setup, if a template file named <somefile>.src is
+encountered, a new file named <somefile> is constructed from the
+template and placed in the build directory to be used instead. Two
+forms of template conversion are supported. The first form occurs for
+files named named <file>.ext.src where ext is a recognized Fortran
+extension (f, f90, f95, f77, for, ftn, pyf). The second form is used
+for all other cases.
+.. index::
+   single: code generation
+Fortran files
+This template converter will replicate all **function** and
+**subroutine** blocks in the file with names that contain '<...>'
+according to the rules in '<...>'. The number of comma-separated words
+in '<...>' determines the number of times the block is repeated. What
+these words are indicates what that repeat rule, '<...>', should be
+replaced with in each block. All of the repeat rules in a block must
+contain the same number of comma-separated words indicating the number
+of times that block should be repeated. If the word in the repeat rule
+needs a comma, leftarrow, or rightarrow, then prepend it with a
+backslash ' \'. If a word in the repeat rule matches ' \\<index>' then
+it will be replaced with the <index>-th word in the same repeat
+specification. There are two forms for the repeat rule: named and
+Named repeat rule
+A named repeat rule is useful when the same set of repeats must be
+used several times in a block. It is specified using <rule1=item1,
+item2, item3,..., itemN>, where N is the number of times the block
+should be repeated. On each repeat of the block, the entire
+expression, '<...>' will be replaced first with item1, and then with
+item2, and so forth until N repeats are accomplished. Once a named
+repeat specification has been introduced, the same repeat rule may be
+used **in the current block** by referring only to the name
+(i.e. <rule1>.
+Short repeat rule
+A short repeat rule looks like <item1, item2, item3, ..., itemN>. The
+rule specifies that the entire expression, '<...>' should be replaced
+first with item1, and then with item2, and so forth until N repeats
+are accomplished.
+Pre-defined names
+The following predefined named repeat rules are available: 
+- <prefix=s,d,c,z>
+- <_c=s,d,c,z>
+- <_t=real, double precision, complex, double complex>
+- <ftype=real, double precision, complex, double complex>
+- <ctype=float, double, complex_float, complex_double>
+- <ftypereal=float, double precision, \\0, \\1>
+- <ctypereal=float, double, \\0, \\1>
+Other files
+Non-Fortran files use a separate syntax for defining template blocks
+that should be repeated using a variable expansion similar to the
+named repeat rules of the Fortran-specific repeats. The template rules
+for these files are:
+1. "/\**begin repeat "on a line by itself marks the beginning of
+   a segment that should be repeated.
+2. Named variable expansions are defined using #name=item1, item2, item3,
+   ..., itemN# and placed on successive lines. These variables are
+   replaced in each repeat block with corresponding word. All named
+   variables in the same repeat block must define the same number of
+   words.
+3. In specifying the repeat rule for a named variable, item*N is short-
+   hand for item, item, ..., item repeated N times. In addition,
+   parenthesis in combination with \*N can be used for grouping several
+   items that should be repeated. Thus, #name=(item1, item2)*4# is
+   equivalent to #name=item1, item2, item1, item2, item1, item2, item1,
+   item2#
+4. "\*/ "on a line by itself marks the end of the the variable expansion
+   naming. The next line is the first line that will be repeated using
+   the named rules.
+5. Inside the block to be repeated, the variables that should be expanded
+   are specified as @name at .
+6. "/\**end repeat**/ "on a line by itself marks the previous line
+   as the last line of the block to be repeated.

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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#FIG 3.2
+1200 2
+6 1950 2850 4350 3450
+2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 1950 2850 4350 2850 4350 3450 1950 3450 1950 2850
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 2550 2850 2550 3450
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 3150 2850 3150 3450
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 3750 2850 3750 3450
+2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 5100 2850 7500 2850 7500 3450 5100 3450 5100 2850
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 5700 2850 5700 3450
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 6300 2850 6300 3450
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+	 6900 2850 6900 3450
+2 4 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+	 7800 3600 7800 2700 525 2700 525 3600 7800 3600
+2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 675 2850 1725 2850 1725 3450 675 3450 675 2850
+2 2 0 4 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 5700 2850 6300 2850 6300 3450 5700 3450 5700 2850
+2 2 0 4 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 5700 1725 6300 1725 6300 2325 5700 2325 5700 1725
+2 4 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+	 6450 2475 6450 1275 5550 1275 5550 2475 6450 2475
+2 2 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+	 5700 1350 6300 1350 6300 1575 5700 1575 5700 1350
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 3
+	2 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+	 900 2850 900 1875 1575 1875
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+	2 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+	 3375 1800 5550 1800
+2 1 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+	2 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+	 6000 2850 6000 2325
+2 4 0 1 0 7 50 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+	 3375 2100 3375 1575 1575 1575 1575 2100 3375 2100
+4 0 0 50 -1 18 14 0.0000 4 165 720 825 3225 header\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 2 40 0.0000 4 105 450 4500 3225 ...\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 18 14 0.0000 4 210 810 3600 3900 ndarray\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 18 14 0.0000 4 165 630 6600 2175 scalar\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 18 14 0.0000 4 165 540 6600 1950 array\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 16 12 0.0000 4 135 420 5775 1500 head\001
+4 0 0 50 -1 18 14 0.0000 4 210 975 1950 1875 data-type\001

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Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/index.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+.. _reference:
+NumPy Reference
+:Release: |version|
+:Date: |today|
+.. module:: numpy
+This reference manual details functions, modules, and objects
+included in Numpy, describing what they are and what they do.
+For learning how to use NumPy, see also :ref:`user`.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   arrays
+   ufuncs
+   routines
+   ctypes
+   distutils
+   c-api
+   internals
+Large parts of this manual originate from Travis E. Oliphant's book
+`Guide to Numpy <http://www.tramy.us/>`__ (which generously entered
+Public Domain in August 2008). The reference documentation for many of
+the functions are written by numerous contributors and developers of
+Numpy, both prior to and during the
+`Numpy Documentation Marathon <http://scipy.org/Developer_Zone/DocMarathon2008>`__.
+The Documentation Marathon is still ongoing. Please help us write
+better documentation for Numpy by joining it! Instructions on how to
+join and what to do can be found
+`on the scipy.org website <http://scipy.org/Developer_Zone/DocMarathon2008>`__

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/internals.code-explanations.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/internals.code-explanations.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
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@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Numpy C Code Explanations
+    Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten
+    your aim. 
+    --- *George Santayana* 
+    An authority is a person who can tell you more about something than
+    you really care to know. 
+    --- *Unknown* 
+This Chapter attempts to explain the logic behind some of the new
+pieces of code. The purpose behind these explanations is to enable
+somebody to be able to understand the ideas behind the implementation
+somewhat more easily than just staring at the code. Perhaps in this
+way, the algorithms can be improved on, borrowed from, and/or
+Memory model
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; memory model
+One fundamental aspect of the ndarray is that an array is seen as a
+"chunk" of memory starting at some location. The interpretation of
+this memory depends on the stride information. For each dimension in
+an :math:`N` -dimensional array, an integer (stride) dictates how many
+bytes must be skipped to get to the next element in that dimension.
+Unless you have a single-segment array, this stride information must
+be consulted when traversing through an array. It is not difficult to
+write code that accepts strides, you just have to use (char \*)
+pointers because strides are in units of bytes. Keep in mind also that
+strides do not have to be unit-multiples of the element size. Also,
+remember that if the number of dimensions of the array is 0 (sometimes
+called a rank-0 array), then the strides and dimensions variables are
+Besides the structural information contained in the strides and
+dimensions members of the :ctype:`PyArrayObject`, the flags contain important
+information about how the data may be accessed. In particular, the
+:cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` flag is set when the memory is on a suitable boundary
+according to the data-type array. Even if you have a contiguous chunk
+of memory, you cannot just assume it is safe to dereference a data-
+type-specific pointer to an element. Only if the :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` flag is
+set is this a safe operation (on some platforms it will work but on
+others, like Solaris, it will cause a bus error). The :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`
+should also be ensured if you plan on writing to the memory area of
+the array. It is also possible to obtain a pointer to an unwriteable
+memory area. Sometimes, writing to the memory area when the
+:cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` flag is not set will just be rude. Other times it can
+cause program crashes ( *e.g.* a data-area that is a read-only
+memory-mapped file). 
+Data-type encapsulation
+.. index::
+   single: dtype
+The data-type is an important abstraction of the ndarray. Operations
+will look to the data-type to provide the key functionality that is
+needed to operate on the array. This functionality is provided in the
+list of function pointers pointed to by the 'f' member of the
+:ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure. In this way, the number of data-types can be
+extended simply by providing a :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure with suitable
+function pointers in the 'f' member. For built-in types there are some
+optimizations that by-pass this mechanism, but the point of the data-
+type abstraction is to allow new data-types to be added. 
+One of the built-in data-types, the void data-type allows for
+arbitrary records containing 1 or more fields as elements of the
+array. A field is simply another data-type object along with an offset
+into the current record. In order to support arbitrarily nested
+fields, several recursive implementations of data-type access are
+implemented for the void type. A common idiom is to cycle through the
+elements of the dictionary and perform a specific operation based on
+the data-type object stored at the given offset. These offsets can be
+arbitrary numbers. Therefore, the possibility of encountering mis-
+aligned data must be recognized and taken into account if necessary. 
+N-D Iterators
+.. index::
+   single: array iterator
+A very common operation in much of NumPy code is the need to iterate
+over all the elements of a general, strided, N-dimensional array. This
+operation of a general-purpose N-dimensional loop is abstracted in the
+notion of an iterator object. To write an N-dimensional loop, you only
+have to create an iterator object from an ndarray, work with the
+dataptr member of the iterator object structure and call the macro
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_NEXT` (it) on the iterator object to move to the next
+element. The "next" element is always in C-contiguous order. The macro
+works by first special casing the C-contiguous, 1-d, and 2-d cases
+which work very simply. 
+For the general case, the iteration works by keeping track of a list
+of coordinate counters in the iterator object. At each iteration, the
+last coordinate counter is increased (starting from 0). If this
+counter is smaller then one less than the size of the array in that
+dimension (a pre-computed and stored value), then the counter is
+increased and the dataptr member is increased by the strides in that
+dimension and the macro ends. If the end of a dimension is reached,
+the counter for the last dimension is reset to zero and the dataptr is
+moved back to the beginning of that dimension by subtracting the
+strides value times one less than the number of elements in that
+dimension (this is also pre-computed and stored in the backstrides
+member of the iterator object). In this case, the macro does not end,
+but a local dimension counter is decremented so that the next-to-last
+dimension replaces the role that the last dimension played and the
+previously-described tests are executed again on the next-to-last
+dimension. In this way, the dataptr is adjusted appropriately for
+arbitrary striding. 
+The coordinates member of the :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject` structure maintains
+the current N-d counter unless the underlying array is C-contiguous in
+which case the coordinate counting is by-passed. The index member of
+the :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject` keeps track of the current flat index of the
+iterator. It is updated by the :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_NEXT` macro. 
+.. index::
+   single: broadcasting
+In Numeric, broadcasting was implemented in several lines of code
+buried deep in ufuncobject.c. In NumPy, the notion of broadcasting has
+been abstracted so that it can be performed in multiple places.
+Broadcasting is handled by the function :cfunc:`PyArray_Broadcast`. This
+function requires a :ctype:`PyArrayMultiIterObject` (or something that is a
+binary equivalent) to be passed in. The :ctype:`PyArrayMultiIterObject` keeps
+track of the broadcasted number of dimensions and size in each
+dimension along with the total size of the broadcasted result. It also
+keeps track of the number of arrays being broadcast and a pointer to
+an iterator for each of the arrays being broadcasted. 
+The :cfunc:`PyArray_Broadcast` function takes the iterators that have already
+been defined and uses them to determine the broadcast shape in each
+dimension (to create the iterators at the same time that broadcasting
+occurs then use the :cfunc:`PyMultiIter_New` function). Then, the iterators are
+adjusted so that each iterator thinks it is iterating over an array
+with the broadcasted size. This is done by adjusting the iterators
+number of dimensions, and the shape in each dimension. This works
+because the iterator strides are also adjusted. Broadcasting only
+adjusts (or adds) length-1 dimensions. For these dimensions, the
+strides variable is simply set to 0 so that the data-pointer for the
+iterator over that array doesn't move as the broadcasting operation
+operates over the extended dimension. 
+Broadcasting was always implemented in Numeric using 0-valued strides
+for the extended dimensions. It is done in exactly the same way in
+NumPy. The big difference is that now the array of strides is kept
+track of in a :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject`, the iterators involved in a
+broadcasted result are kept track of in a :ctype:`PyArrayMultiIterObject`,
+and the :cfunc:`PyArray_BroadCast` call implements the broad-casting rules. 
+Array Scalars
+.. index::
+   single: array scalars
+The array scalars offer a hierarchy of Python types that allow a one-
+to-one correspondence between the data-type stored in an array and the
+Python-type that is returned when an element is extracted from the
+array. An exception to this rule was made with object arrays. Object
+arrays are heterogeneous collections of arbitrary Python objects. When
+you select an item from an object array, you get back the original
+Python object (and not an object array scalar which does exist but is
+rarely used for practical purposes). 
+The array scalars also offer the same methods and attributes as arrays
+with the intent that the same code can be used to support arbitrary
+dimensions (including 0-dimensions). The array scalars are read-only
+(immutable) with the exception of the void scalar which can also be
+written to so that record-array field setting works more naturally
+(a[0]['f1'] = ``value`` ). 
+Advanced ("Fancy") Indexing
+.. index::
+   single: indexing
+The implementation of advanced indexing represents some of the most
+difficult code to write and explain. In fact, there are two
+implementations of advanced indexing. The first works only with 1-d
+arrays and is implemented to handle expressions involving a.flat[obj].
+The second is general-purpose that works for arrays of "arbitrary
+dimension" (up to a fixed maximum). The one-dimensional indexing
+approaches were implemented in a rather straightforward fashion, and
+so it is the general-purpose indexing code that will be the focus of
+this section. 
+There is a multi-layer approach to indexing because the indexing code
+can at times return an array scalar and at other times return an
+array. The functions with "_nice" appended to their name do this
+special handling while the function without the _nice appendage always
+return an array (perhaps a 0-dimensional array). Some special-case
+optimizations (the index being an integer scalar, and the index being
+a tuple with as many dimensions as the array) are handled in
+array_subscript_nice function which is what Python calls when
+presented with the code "a[obj]." These optimizations allow fast
+single-integer indexing, and also ensure that a 0-dimensional array is
+not created only to be discarded as the array scalar is returned
+instead. This provides significant speed-up for code that is selecting
+many scalars out of an array (such as in a loop). However, it is still
+not faster than simply using a list to store standard Python scalars,
+because that is optimized by the Python interpreter itself. 
+After these optimizations, the array_subscript function itself is
+called. This function first checks for field selection which occurs
+when a string is passed as the indexing object. Then, 0-d arrays are
+given special-case consideration. Finally, the code determines whether
+or not advanced, or fancy, indexing needs to be performed. If fancy
+indexing is not needed, then standard view-based indexing is performed
+using code borrowed from Numeric which parses the indexing object and
+returns the offset into the data-buffer and the dimensions necessary
+to create a new view of the array. The strides are also changed by
+multiplying each stride by the step-size requested along the
+corresponding dimension. 
+Fancy-indexing check
+The fancy_indexing_check routine determines whether or not to use
+standard view-based indexing or new copy-based indexing. If the
+indexing object is a tuple, then view-based indexing is assumed by
+default. Only if the tuple contains an array object or a sequence
+object is fancy-indexing assumed. If the indexing object is an array,
+then fancy indexing is automatically assumed. If the indexing object
+is any other kind of sequence, then fancy-indexing is assumed by
+default. This is over-ridden to simple indexing if the sequence
+contains any slice, newaxis, or Ellipsis objects, and no arrays or
+additional sequences are also contained in the sequence. The purpose
+of this is to allow the construction of "slicing" sequences which is a
+common technique for building up code that works in arbitrary numbers
+of dimensions. 
+Fancy-indexing implementation
+The concept of indexing was also abstracted using the idea of an
+iterator. If fancy indexing is performed, then a :ctype:`PyArrayMapIterObject`
+is created. This internal object is not exposed to Python. It is
+created in order to handle the fancy-indexing at a high-level. Both
+get and set fancy-indexing operations are implemented using this
+object. Fancy indexing is abstracted into three separate operations:
+(1) creating the :ctype:`PyArrayMapIterObject` from the indexing object, (2)
+binding the :ctype:`PyArrayMapIterObject` to the array being indexed, and (3)
+getting (or setting) the items determined by the indexing object.
+There is an optimization implemented so that the :ctype:`PyArrayIterObject`
+(which has it's own less complicated fancy-indexing) is used for
+indexing when possible. 
+Creating the mapping object
+The first step is to convert the indexing objects into a standard form
+where iterators are created for all of the index array inputs and all
+Boolean arrays are converted to equivalent integer index arrays (as if
+nonzero(arr) had been called). Finally, all integer arrays are
+replaced with the integer 0 in the indexing object and all of the
+index-array iterators are "broadcast" to the same shape. 
+Binding the mapping object
+When the mapping object is created it does not know which array it
+will be used with so once the index iterators are constructed during
+mapping-object creation, the next step is to associate these iterators
+with a particular ndarray. This process interprets any ellipsis and
+slice objects so that the index arrays are associated with the
+appropriate axis (the axis indicated by the iteraxis entry
+corresponding to the iterator for the integer index array). This
+information is then used to check the indices to be sure they are
+within range of the shape of the array being indexed. The presence of
+ellipsis and/or slice objects implies a sub-space iteration that is
+accomplished by extracting a sub-space view of the array (using the
+index object resulting from replacing all the integer index arrays
+with 0) and storing the information about where this sub-space starts
+in the mapping object. This is used later during mapping-object
+iteration to select the correct elements from the underlying array. 
+Getting (or Setting)
+After the mapping object is successfully bound to a particular array,
+the mapping object contains the shape of the resulting item as well as
+iterator objects that will walk through the currently-bound array and
+either get or set its elements as needed. The walk is implemented
+using the :cfunc:`PyArray_MapIterNext` function. This function sets the
+coordinates of an iterator object into the current array to be the
+next coordinate location indicated by all of the indexing-object
+iterators while adjusting, if necessary, for the presence of a sub-
+space. The result of this function is that the dataptr member of the
+mapping object structure is pointed to the next position in the array
+that needs to be copied out or set to some value. 
+When advanced indexing is used to extract an array, an iterator for
+the new array is constructed and advanced in phase with the mapping
+object iterator. When advanced indexing is used to place values in an
+array, a special "broadcasted" iterator is constructed from the object
+being placed into the array so that it will only work if the values
+used for setting have a shape that is "broadcastable" to the shape
+implied by the indexing object. 
+Universal Functions
+.. index::
+   single: ufunc
+Universal functions are callable objects that take :math:`N` inputs
+and produce :math:`M` outputs by wrapping basic 1-d loops that work
+element-by-element into full easy-to use functions that seamlessly
+implement broadcasting, type-checking and buffered coercion, and
+output-argument handling. New universal functions are normally created
+in C, although there is a mechanism for creating ufuncs from Python
+functions (:func:`frompyfunc`). The user must supply a 1-d loop that
+implements the basic function taking the input scalar values and
+placing the resulting scalars into the appropriate output slots as
+explaine n implementation. 
+Every ufunc calculation involves some overhead related to setting up
+the calculation. The practical significance of this overhead is that
+even though the actual calculation of the ufunc is very fast, you will
+be able to write array and type-specific code that will work faster
+for small arrays than the ufunc. In particular, using ufuncs to
+perform many calculations on 0-d arrays will be slower than other
+Python-based solutions (the silently-imported scalarmath module exists
+precisely to give array scalars the look-and-feel of ufunc-based
+calculations with significantly reduced overhead). 
+When a ufunc is called, many things must be done. The information
+collected from these setup operations is stored in a loop-object. This
+loop object is a C-structure (that could become a Python object but is
+not initialized as such because it is only used internally). This loop
+object has the layout needed to be used with PyArray_Broadcast so that
+the broadcasting can be handled in the same way as it is handled in
+other sections of code. 
+The first thing done is to look-up in the thread-specific global
+dictionary the current values for the buffer-size, the error mask, and
+the associated error object. The state of the error mask controls what
+happens when an error-condiction is found. It should be noted that
+checking of the hardware error flags is only performed after each 1-d
+loop is executed. This means that if the input and output arrays are
+contiguous and of the correct type so that a single 1-d loop is
+performed, then the flags may not be checked until all elements of the
+array have been calcluated. Looking up these values in a thread-
+specific dictionary takes time which is easily ignored for all but
+very small arrays. 
+After checking, the thread-specific global variables, the inputs are
+evaluated to determine how the ufunc should proceed and the input and
+output arrays are constructed if necessary. Any inputs which are not
+arrays are converted to arrays (using context if necessary). Which of
+the inputs are scalars (and therefore converted to 0-d arrays) is
+Next, an appropriate 1-d loop is selected from the 1-d loops available
+to the ufunc based on the input array types. This 1-d loop is selected
+by trying to match the signature of the data-types of the inputs
+against the available signatures. The signatures corresponding to
+built-in types are stored in the types member of the ufunc structure.
+The signatures corresponding to user-defined types are stored in a
+linked-list of function-information with the head element stored as a
+``CObject`` in the userloops dictionary keyed by the data-type number
+(the first user-defined type in the argument list is used as the key).
+The signatures are searched until a signature is found to which the
+input arrays can all be cast safely (ignoring any scalar arguments
+which are not allowed to determine the type of the result). The
+implication of this search procedure is that "lesser types" should be
+placed below "larger types" when the signatures are stored. If no 1-d
+loop is found, then an error is reported. Otherwise, the argument_list
+is updated with the stored signature --- in case casting is necessary
+and to fix the output types assumed by the 1-d loop. 
+If the ufunc has 2 inputs and 1 output and the second input is an
+Object array then a special-case check is performed so that
+NotImplemented is returned if the second input is not an ndarray, has
+the __array_priority\__ attribute, and has an __r{op}\__ special
+method. In this way, Python is signaled to give the other object a
+chance to complete the operation instead of using generic object-array
+calculations. This allows (for example) sparse matrices to override
+the multiplication operator 1-d loop. 
+For input arrays that are smaller than the specified buffer size,
+copies are made of all non-contiguous, mis-aligned, or out-of-
+byteorder arrays to ensure that for small arrays, a single-loop is
+used. Then, array iterators are created for all the input arrays and
+the resulting collection of iterators is broadcast to a single shape. 
+The output arguments (if any) are then processed and any missing
+return arrays are constructed. If any provided output array doesn't
+have the correct type (or is mis-aligned) and is smaller than the
+buffer size, then a new output array is constructed with the special
+UPDATEIFCOPY flag set so that when it is DECREF'd on completion of the
+function, it's contents will be copied back into the output array.
+Iterators for the output arguments are then processed. 
+Finally, the decision is made about how to execute the looping
+mechanism to ensure that all elements of the input arrays are combined
+to produce the output arrays of the correct type. The options for loop
+execution are one-loop (for contiguous, aligned, and correct data-
+type), strided-loop (for non-contiguous but still aligned and correct
+data-type), and a buffered loop (for mis-aligned or incorrect data-
+type situations). Depending on which execution method is called for,
+the loop is then setup and computed. 
+Function call
+This section describes how the basic universal function computation
+loop is setup and executed for each of the three different kinds of
+execution possibilities. If :cdata:`NPY_ALLOW_THREADS` is defined during
+compilation, then the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is released
+prior to calling all of these loops (as long as they don't involve
+object arrays). It is re-acquired if necessary to handle error
+conditions. The hardware error flags are checked only after the 1-d
+loop is calcluated. 
+One Loop
+This is the simplest case of all. The ufunc is executed by calling the
+underlying 1-d loop exactly once. This is possible only when we have
+aligned data of the correct type (including byte-order) for both input
+and output and all arrays have uniform strides (either contiguous,
+0-d, or 1-d). In this case, the 1-d computational loop is called once
+to compute the calculation for the entire array. Note that the
+hardware error flags are only checked after the entire calculation is
+Strided Loop
+When the input and output arrays are aligned and of the correct type,
+but the striding is not uniform (non-contiguous and 2-d or larger),
+then a second looping structure is employed for the calculation. This
+approach converts all of the iterators for the input and output
+arguments to iterate over all but the largest dimension. The inner
+loop is then handled by the underlying 1-d computational loop. The
+outer loop is a standard iterator loop on the converted iterators. The
+hardware error flags are checked after each 1-d loop is completed. 
+Buffered Loop
+This is the code that handles the situation whenever the input and/or
+output arrays are either misaligned or of the wrong data-type
+(including being byte-swapped) from what the underlying 1-d loop
+expects. The arrays are also assumed to be non-contiguous. The code
+works very much like the strided loop except for the inner 1-d loop is
+modified so that pre-processing is performed on the inputs and post-
+processing is performed on the outputs in bufsize chunks (where
+bufsize is a user-settable parameter). The underlying 1-d
+computational loop is called on data that is copied over (if it needs
+to be). The setup code and the loop code is considerably more
+complicated in this case because it has to handle: 
+- memory allocation of the temporary buffers
+- deciding whether or not to use buffers on the input and output data
+  (mis-aligned and/or wrong data-type)
+- copying and possibly casting data for any inputs or outputs for which
+  buffers are necessary.
+- special-casing Object arrays so that reference counts are properly
+  handled when copies and/or casts are necessary.
+- breaking up the inner 1-d loop into bufsize chunks (with a possible
+  remainder).
+Again, the hardware error flags are checked at the end of each 1-d
+Final output manipulation
+Ufuncs allow other array-like classes to be passed seamlessly through
+the interface in that inputs of a particular class will induce the
+outputs to be of that same class. The mechanism by which this works is
+the following. If any of the inputs are not ndarrays and define the
+:obj:`__array_wrap__` method, then the class with the largest
+:obj:`__array_priority__` attribute determines the type of all the
+outputs (with the exception of any output arrays passed in). The
+:obj:`__array_wrap__` method of the input array will be called with the
+ndarray being returned from the ufunc as it's input. There are two
+calling styles of the :obj:`__array_wrap__` function supported. The first
+takes the ndarray as the first argument and a tuple of "context" as
+the second argument. The context is (ufunc, arguments, output argument
+number). This is the first call tried. If a TypeError occurs, then the
+function is called with just the ndarray as the first argument. 
+Their are three methods of ufuncs that require calculation similar to
+the general-purpose ufuncs. These are reduce, accumulate, and
+reduceat. Each of these methods requires a setup command followed by a
+loop. There are four loop styles possible for the methods
+corresponding to no-elements, one-element, strided-loop, and buffered-
+loop. These are the same basic loop styles as implemented for the
+general purpose function call except for the no-element and one-
+element cases which are special-cases occurring when the input array
+objects have 0 and 1 elements respectively. 
+The setup function for all three methods is ``construct_reduce``.
+This function creates a reducing loop object and fills it with
+parameters needed to complete the loop. All of the methods only work
+on ufuncs that take 2-inputs and return 1 output. Therefore, the
+underlying 1-d loop is selected assuming a signature of [ ``otype``,
+``otype``, ``otype`` ] where ``otype`` is the requested reduction
+data-type. The buffer size and error handling is then retrieved from
+(per-thread) global storage. For small arrays that are mis-aligned or
+have incorrect data-type, a copy is made so that the un-buffered
+section of code is used. Then, the looping strategy is selected. If
+there is 1 element or 0 elements in the array, then a simple looping
+method is selected. If the array is not mis-aligned and has the
+correct data-type, then strided looping is selected. Otherwise,
+buffered looping must be performed. Looping parameters are then
+established, and the return array is constructed.  The output array is
+of a different shape depending on whether the method is reduce,
+accumulate, or reduceat. If an output array is already provided, then
+it's shape is checked. If the output array is not C-contiguous,
+aligned, and of the correct data type, then a temporary copy is made
+with the UPDATEIFCOPY flag set. In this way, the methods will be able
+to work with a well-behaved output array but the result will be copied
+back into the true output array when the method computation is
+complete. Finally, iterators are set up to loop over the correct axis
+(depending on the value of axis provided to the method) and the setup
+routine returns to the actual computation routine. 
+.. index::
+   triple: ufunc; methods; reduce
+All of the ufunc methods use the same underlying 1-d computational
+loops with input and output arguments adjusted so that the appropriate
+reduction takes place. For example, the key to the functioning of
+reduce is that the 1-d loop is called with the output and the second
+input pointing to the same position in memory and both having a step-
+size of 0. The first input is pointing to the input array with a step-
+size given by the appropriate stride for the selected axis. In this
+way, the operation performed is 
+.. math::
+   :nowrap:
+   \begin{align*}
+   o & = & i[0] \\
+   o & = & i[k]\textrm{<op>}o\quad k=1\ldots N
+   \end{align*}
+where :math:`N+1` is the number of elements in the input, :math:`i`,
+:math:`o` is the output, and :math:`i[k]` is the
+:math:`k^{\textrm{th}}` element of :math:`i` along the selected axis.
+This basic operations is repeated for arrays with greater than 1
+dimension so that the reduction takes place for every 1-d sub-array
+along the selected axis. An iterator with the selected dimension
+removed handles this looping. 
+For buffered loops, care must be taken to copy and cast data before
+the loop function is called because the underlying loop expects
+aligned data of the correct data-type (including byte-order). The
+buffered loop must handle this copying and casting prior to calling
+the loop function on chunks no greater than the user-specified
+.. index::
+   triple: ufunc; methods; accumulate
+The accumulate function is very similar to the reduce function in that
+the output and the second input both point to the output. The
+difference is that the second input points to memory one stride behind
+the current output pointer. Thus, the operation performed is 
+.. math::
+   :nowrap:
+   \begin{align*}
+   o[0] & = & i[0] \\
+   o[k] & = & i[k]\textrm{<op>}o[k-1]\quad k=1\ldots N.
+   \end{align*}
+The output has the same shape as the input and each 1-d loop operates
+over :math:`N` elements when the shape in the selected axis is :math:`N+1`. Again, buffered loops take care to copy and cast the data before
+calling the underlying 1-d computational loop. 
+.. index::
+   triple: ufunc; methods; reduceat
+   single: ufunc
+The reduceat function is a generalization of both the reduce and
+accumulate functions. It implements a reduce over ranges of the input
+array specified by indices. The extra indices argument is checked to
+be sure that every input is not too large for the input array along
+the selected dimension before the loop calculations take place. The
+loop implementation is handled using code that is very similar to the
+reduce code repeated as many times as there are elements in the
+indices input. In particular: the first input pointer passed to the
+underlying 1-d computational loop points to the input array at the
+correct location indicated by the index array. In addition, the output
+pointer and the second input pointer passed to the underlying 1-d loop
+point to the same position in memory. The size of the 1-d
+computational loop is fixed to be the difference between the current
+index and the next index (when the current index is the last index,
+then the next index is assumed to be the length of the array along the
+selected dimension). In this way, the 1-d loop will implement a reduce
+over the specified indices. 
+Mis-aligned or a loop data-type that does not match the input and/or
+output data-type is handled using buffered code where-in data is
+copied to a temporary buffer and cast to the correct data-type if
+necessary prior to calling the underlying 1-d function. The temporary
+buffers are created in (element) sizes no bigger than the user
+settable buffer-size value. Thus, the loop must be flexible enough to
+call the underlying 1-d computational loop enough times to complete
+the total calculation in chunks no bigger than the buffer-size. 

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/internals.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/internals.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/internals.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Numpy internals
+.. toctree::
+   internals.code-explanations
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.internals

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-creation.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-creation.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-creation.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+.. _routines.array-creation:
+Array creation routines
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Array creation <arrays.creation>`
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Ones and zeros
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   empty 
+   empty_like 
+   eye 
+   identity 
+   ones 
+   ones_like 
+   zeros
+   zeros_like
+From existing data
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   array 
+   asarray 
+   asanyarray
+   ascontiguousarray
+   asmatrix
+   copy
+   frombuffer
+   fromfile 
+   fromfunction 
+   fromiter 
+   loadtxt
+.. _routines.array-creation.rec:
+Creating record arrays (:mod:`numpy.rec`)
+.. note:: :mod:`numpy.rec` is the preferred alias for :mod:`numpy.core.records`.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   core.records.array
+   core.records.fromarrays
+   core.records.fromrecords
+   core.records.fromstring
+   core.records.fromfile
+.. _routines.array-creation.char:
+Creating character arrays (:mod:`numpy.char`)
+.. note:: :mod:`numpy.char` is the preferred alias for :mod:`numpy.core.defchararray`.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   core.defchararray.array
+Numerical ranges
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   arange
+   linspace
+   logspace
+   meshgrid
+   mgrid
+Building matrices
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   diag
+   diagflat
+   tri
+   tril
+   triu
+   vander
+The Matrix class
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   mat
+   bmat

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-manipulation.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-manipulation.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.array-manipulation.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Array manipulation routines
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. toctree::
+Changing array shape
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   reshape
+   ravel
+   ndarray.flat
+   ndarray.flatten
+Transpose-like operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   rollaxis
+   swapaxes
+   ndarray.T
+   transpose
+Changing number of dimensions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   atleast_1d
+   atleast_2d
+   atleast_3d
+   broadcast
+   broadcast_arrays
+   expand_dims
+   squeeze
+Changing kind of array
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   asarray 
+   asanyarray 
+   asmatrix
+   asfarray
+   asfortranarray
+   asscalar
+   require
+Joining arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   append 
+   column_stack 
+   concatenate 
+   dstack 
+   hstack 
+   vstack
+Splitting arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   array_split 
+   dsplit 
+   hsplit 
+   split 
+   vsplit
+Tiling arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   tile 
+   repeat
+Adding and removing elements
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   delete 
+   insert 
+   resize 
+   trim_zeros
+   unique
+Rearranging elements
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fliplr 
+   flipud 
+   reshape 
+   roll 
+   rot90

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.bitwise.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.bitwise.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.bitwise.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Binary operations
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Elementwise bit operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   bitwise_and
+   bitwise_or
+   bitwise_xor
+   invert
+   left_shift
+   right_shift
+Bit packing
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   packbits
+   unpackbits
+Output formatting
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   binary_repr

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ctypeslib.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ctypeslib.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ctypeslib.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+C-Types Foreign Function Interface (:mod:`numpy.ctypeslib`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.ctypeslib
+.. autofunction:: as_array
+.. autofunction:: as_ctypes
+.. autofunction:: ctypes_load_library
+.. autofunction:: load_library
+.. autofunction:: ndpointer

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dtype.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dtype.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dtype.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.. _routines.dtype:
+Data type routines
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   can_cast
+   common_type
+   obj2sctype
+Creating data types
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dtype
+   format_parser
+Data type information
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   finfo
+   iinfo
+   MachAr
+Data type testing
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   issctype
+   issubdtype
+   issubsctype
+   issubclass_
+   find_common_type
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   typename
+   sctype2char
+   mintypecode

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dual.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dual.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.dual.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Optionally Scipy-accelerated routines (:mod:`numpy.dual`)
+.. automodule:: numpy.dual
+Linear algebra
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.linalg
+.. autosummary::
+   cholesky
+   det
+   eig
+   eigh
+   eigvals
+   eigvalsh
+   inv
+   lstsq
+   norm
+   pinv
+   solve
+   svd
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.fft
+.. autosummary::
+   fft
+   fft2
+   fftn
+   ifft
+   ifft2
+   ifftn
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   i0

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.emath.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.emath.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.emath.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Mathematical functions with automatic domain (:mod:`numpy.emath`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. note:: :mod:`numpy.emath` is a preferred alias for :mod:`numpy.lib.scimath`,
+          available after :mod:`numpy` is imported.
+.. automodule:: numpy.lib.scimath
+   :members:

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.err.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.err.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.err.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Floating point error handling
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Setting and getting error handling
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   seterr
+   geterr
+   seterrcall
+   geterrcall
+   errstate
+Internal functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   seterrobj
+   geterrobj

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.fft.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.fft.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.fft.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+.. _routines.fft:
+Fourier transforms (:mod:`numpy.fft`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.fft
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fft
+   ifft
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fft2
+   ifft2
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fftn
+   ifftn
+Hermite symmetric
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   hfft
+   ihfft
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   rfft
+   irfft
+   rfft2
+   irfft2
+   rfftn
+   irfftn
+Helper routines
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fftfreq
+   fftshift
+   ifftshift

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.financial.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.financial.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.financial.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Financial functions
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Simple financial functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   fv
+   pv
+   npv
+   pmt
+   ppmt
+   ipmt
+   irr
+   mirr
+   nper
+   rate

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.functional.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.functional.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.functional.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Functional programming
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   apply_along_axis
+   apply_over_axes
+   vectorize
+   frompyfunc
+   piecewise

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.help.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.help.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.help.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.. _routines.help:
+Numpy-specific help functions
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Finding help
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   lookfor
+Reading help
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   info
+   source

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.indexing.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.. _routines.indexing:
+Indexing routines
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Indexing <arrays.indexing>`
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Generating index arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   c_
+   r_
+   s_
+   nonzero
+   where
+   indices
+   ix_
+   ogrid
+   unravel_index
+Indexing-like operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   take
+   choose
+   compress
+   diag
+   diagonal
+   select
+Inserting data into arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   place
+   put
+   putmask
+Iterating over arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ndenumerate
+   ndindex
+   flatiter

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.io.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.io.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.io.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Input and output
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+NPZ files
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   load
+   save
+   savez
+Text files
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   loadtxt
+   savetxt
+   fromregex
+   fromstring
+   ndarray.tofile
+   ndarray.tolist
+String formatting
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   array_repr
+   array_str
+Memory mapping files
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   memmap
+Text formatting options
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   set_printoptions
+   get_printoptions
+   set_string_function
+Base-n representations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   binary_repr
+   base_repr
+Data sources
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   DataSource

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.linalg.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.linalg.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.linalg.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+.. _routines.linalg:
+Linear algebra (:mod:`numpy.linalg`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Matrix and vector products
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   dot
+   vdot
+   inner
+   outer
+   tensordot
+   linalg.matrix_power
+   kron
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   linalg.cholesky
+   linalg.qr
+   linalg.svd
+Matrix eigenvalues
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   linalg.eig
+   linalg.eigh
+   linalg.eigvals
+   linalg.eigvalsh
+Norms and other numbers
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   linalg.norm
+   linalg.cond
+   linalg.det
+   trace
+Solving equations and inverting matrices
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   linalg.solve
+   linalg.tensorsolve
+   linalg.lstsq
+   linalg.inv
+   linalg.pinv
+   linalg.tensorinv
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   linalg.LinAlgError

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.logic.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.logic.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.logic.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Logic functions
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Truth value testing
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   all
+   any
+Array contents
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   isfinite
+   isinf
+   isnan
+   isneginf
+   isposinf
+Array type testing
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   iscomplex
+   iscomplexobj
+   isfortran
+   isreal
+   isrealobj
+   isscalar
+Logical operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   logical_and
+   logical_or
+   logical_not
+   logical_xor
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   allclose
+   array_equal
+   array_equiv
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   greater
+   greater_equal
+   less
+   less_equal
+   equal
+   not_equal

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ma.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ma.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.ma.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.. _routines.ma:
+Masked array operations
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ma.masked_array
+Converting to ndarray
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ma.filled
+   ma.common_fill_value
+   ma.default_fill_value
+   ma.masked_array.get_fill_value
+   ma.maximum_fill_value
+   ma.minimum_fill_value
+Inspecting the array
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ma.getmask
+   ma.getmaskarray
+   ma.getdata
+   ma.count_masked
+Modifying the mask
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ma.make_mask
+   ma.mask_cols
+   ma.mask_or
+   ma.mask_rowcols
+   ma.mask_rows
+   ma.harden_mask
+   ma.ids

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.math.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.math.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.math.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+Mathematical functions
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Trigonometric functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   sin 
+   cos 
+   tan
+   arcsin 
+   arccos 
+   arctan 
+   hypot 
+   arctan2 
+   degrees
+   radians
+   unwrap
+Hyperbolic functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   sinh 
+   cosh 
+   tanh 
+   arcsinh 
+   arccosh 
+   arctanh 
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   around
+   round_
+   rint
+   fix 
+   floor 
+   ceil 
+Sums, products, differences
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   prod 
+   sum
+   nansum
+   cumprod 
+   cumsum 
+   diff
+   ediff1d
+   gradient
+   cross 
+   trapz
+Exponents and logarithms
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   exp
+   expm1
+   log
+   log10
+   log2
+   log1p
+Other special functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   i0
+   sinc
+Floating point routines
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   signbit
+   frexp
+   ldexp
+Arithmetic operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   add
+   reciprocal
+   negative
+   multiply
+   divide
+   power
+   subtract
+   true_divide
+   floor_divide
+   fmod
+   mod
+   modf
+   remainder
+Handling complex numbers
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   angle
+   real
+   imag
+   conj 
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   convolve
+   clip 
+   sqrt
+   square
+   absolute
+   fabs
+   sign
+   maximum
+   minimum
+   nan_to_num
+   real_if_close
+   interp

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.matlib.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.matlib.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.matlib.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Matrix library (:mod:`numpy.matlib`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+This module contains all functions in the :mod:`numpy` namespace, with
+the following replacement functions that return :class:`matrices
+<matrix>` instead of :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>`.
+.. automodule:: numpy.matlib
+   :members:

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.numarray.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.numarray.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.numarray.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Numarray compatibility (:mod:`numpy.numarray`)
+.. automodule:: numpy.numarray
+   :members:

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.oldnumeric.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.oldnumeric.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.oldnumeric.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Old Numeric compatibility (:mod:`numpy.oldnumeric`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. automodule:: numpy.oldnumeric
+   :members:

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.other.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.other.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.other.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Miscellaneous routines
+.. toctree::
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Buffer objects
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   getbuffer
+   newbuffer
+Performance tuning
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   alterdot
+   restoredot
+   setbufsize
+   getbufsize

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.poly.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.poly.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.poly.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   poly1d
+   polyval
+   poly
+   roots
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   polyfit
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   polyder
+   polyint
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   polyadd
+   polydiv
+   polymul
+   polysub
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   RankWarning

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.random.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.random.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.random.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+.. _routines.random:
+Random sampling (:mod:`numpy.random`)
+.. currentmodule:: numpy.random
+Simple random data
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   rand
+   randn
+   randint
+   random_integers
+   random_sample
+   bytes
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   shuffle
+   permutation
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   beta
+   binomial
+   chisquare
+   mtrand.dirichlet
+   exponential
+   f
+   gamma
+   geometric
+   gumbel
+   hypergeometric
+   laplace
+   logistic
+   lognormal
+   logseries
+   multinomial
+   multivariate_normal
+   negative_binomial
+   noncentral_chisquare
+   noncentral_f
+   normal
+   pareto
+   poisson
+   power
+   rayleigh
+   standard_cauchy
+   standard_exponential
+   standard_gamma
+   standard_normal
+   standard_t
+   triangular
+   uniform
+   vonmises
+   wald
+   weibull
+   zipf
+Random generator
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   mtrand.RandomState
+   seed
+   get_state
+   set_state

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   routines.array-creation
+   routines.array-manipulation
+   routines.indexing
+   routines.dtype
+   routines.io
+   routines.fft
+   routines.linalg
+   routines.random
+   routines.sort
+   routines.logic
+   routines.bitwise
+   routines.statistics
+   routines.math
+   routines.functional
+   routines.poly
+   routines.financial
+   routines.set
+   routines.window
+   routines.err
+   routines.ma
+   routines.help
+   routines.other
+   routines.emath
+   routines.matlib
+   routines.dual
+   routines.numarray
+   routines.oldnumeric
+   routines.ctypeslib

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.set.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.set.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.set.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Set routines
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Making proper sets
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   unique1d
+Boolean operations
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   intersect1d
+   intersect1d_nu
+   setdiff1d
+   setmember1d
+   setxor1d
+   union1d

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.sort.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.sort.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.sort.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Sorting and searching
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   sort
+   lexsort
+   argsort
+   ndarray.sort
+   msort
+   sort_complex
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   argmax
+   nanargmax
+   argmin
+   nanargmin
+   argwhere
+   nonzero
+   flatnonzero
+   where
+   searchsorted
+   extract

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.statistics.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.statistics.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.statistics.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Extremal values
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   amin
+   amax
+   nanmax
+   nanmin
+   ptp
+Averages and variances
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   average
+   mean
+   median
+   std
+   var
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   corrcoef
+   correlate
+   cov
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   histogram
+   histogram2d
+   histogramdd
+   bincount
+   digitize 

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.window.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.window.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/routines.window.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Window functions
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+Various windows
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   bartlett
+   blackman
+   hamming
+   hanning
+   kaiser

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/ufuncs.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/ufuncs.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/reference/ufuncs.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+.. sectionauthor:: adapted from "Guide to Numpy" by Travis E. Oliphant
+.. _ufuncs:
+Universal functions (:class:`ufunc`)
+.. note: XXX: section might need to be made more reference-guideish...
+.. currentmodule:: numpy
+.. index: ufunc, universal function, arithmetic, operation
+A universal function (or :term:`ufunc` for short) is a function that
+operates on :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>` in an element-by-element fashion,
+supporting :ref:`array broadcasting <ufuncs.broadcasting>`, :ref:`type
+casting <ufuncs.casting>`, and several other standard features. That
+is, a ufunc is a ":term:`vectorized`" wrapper for a function that
+takes a fixed number of scalar inputs and produces a fixed number of
+scalar outputs.
+In Numpy, universal functions are instances of the
+:class:`numpy.ufunc` class. Many of the built-in functions are
+implemented in compiled C code, but :class:`ufunc` instances can also
+be produced using the :func:`frompyfunc` factory function.
+.. _ufuncs.broadcasting:
+.. index:: broadcasting
+Each universal function takes array inputs and produces array outputs
+by performing the core function element-wise on the inputs. Standard
+broadcasting rules are applied so that inputs not sharing exactly the
+same shapes can still be usefully operated on. Broadcasting can be
+understood by four rules:
+1. All input arrays with :attr:`ndim <ndarray.ndim>` smaller than the
+   input array of largest :attr:`ndim <ndarray.ndim>` have 1's
+   prepended to their shapes.
+2. The size in each dimension of the output shape is the maximum of all
+   the input shapes in that dimension.
+3. An input can be used in the calculation if it's shape in a particular
+   dimension either matches the output shape or has value exactly 1.
+4. If an input has a dimension size of 1 in its shape, the first data
+   entry in that dimension will be used for all calculations along
+   that dimension. In other words, the stepping machinery of the
+   :term:`ufunc` will simply not step along that dimension when
+   otherwise needed (the :term:`stride` will be 0 for that dimension).
+Broadcasting is used throughout NumPy to decide how to handle non
+equally-shaped arrays; for example all arithmetic operators (``+``,
+``-``, ``*``, ...) between :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>` broadcast the
+arrays before operation.
+.. _arrays.broadcasting.broadcastable:
+.. index:: broadcastable
+A set of arrays is called ":term:`broadcastable`" to the same shape if
+the above rules produce a valid result, *i.e.*, one of the following
+is true:
+1. The arrays all have exactly the same shape.
+2. The arrays all have the same number of dimensions and the length of
+   each dimensions is either a common length or 1.
+3. The arrays that have too few dimensions can have their shapes prepended
+   with a dimension of length 1 to satisfy property 2.
+.. admonition:: Example
+   If ``a.shape`` is (5,1), ``b.shape`` is (1,6), ``c.shape`` is (6,)
+   and d.shape is ``()`` so that d is a scalar, then *a*, *b*, *c*,
+   and *d* are all broadcastable to dimension (5,6); and
+   - *a* acts like a (5,6) array where ``a[:,0]`` is broadcast to the other
+     columns,
+   - *b* acts like a (5,6) array where ``b[0,:]`` is broadcast
+     to the other rows,
+   - *c* acts like a (1,6) array and therefore like a (5,6) array
+     where ``c[:]` is broadcast to every row, and finally,
+   - *d* acts like a (5,6) array where the single value is repeated.
+.. _ufuncs.output-type:
+Output type determination
+The output of the ufunc (and its methods) is not necessarily an
+:class:`ndarray`, if all input arguments are not :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>`.
+All output arrays will be passed to the :obj:`__array_wrap__`
+method of the input (besides :class:`ndarrays <ndarray>`, and scalars)
+that defines it **and** has the highest :obj:`__array_priority__` of
+any other input to the universal function. The default
+:obj:`__array_priority__` of the ndarray is 0.0, and the default
+:obj:`__array_priority__` of a subtype is 1.0. Matrices have
+:obj:`__array_priority__` equal to 10.0.
+The ufuncs can also all take output arguments. The output will be cast
+if necessary to the provided output array. If a class with an
+:obj:`__array__` method is used for the output, results will be
+written to the object returned by :obj:`__array__`. Then, if the class
+also has an :obj:`__array_wrap__` method, the returned
+:class:`ndarray` result will be passed to that method just before
+passing control back to the caller.
+Use of internal buffers
+.. index:: buffers
+Internally, buffers are used for misaligned data, swapped data, and
+data that has to be converted from one data type to another. The size
+of the internal buffers is settable on a per-thread basis. There can
+be up to :math:`2 (n_{\mathrm{inputs}} + n_{\mathrm{outputs}})`
+buffers of the specified size created to handle the data from all the
+inputs and outputs of a ufunc. The default size of the buffer is
+10,000 elements. Whenever buffer-based calculation would be needed,
+but all input arrays are smaller than the buffer size, those
+misbehaved or incorrect typed arrays will be copied before the
+calculation proceeds. Adjusting the size of the buffer may therefore
+alter the speed at which ufunc calculations of various sorts are
+completed. A simple interface for setting this variable is accessible
+using the function
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   setbufsize
+Error handling
+.. index:: error handling
+Universal functions can trip special floating point status registers
+in your hardware (such as divide-by-zero). If available on your
+platform, these registers will be regularly checked during
+calculation. Error handling is controlled on a per-thread basis,
+and can be configured using the functions
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   seterr
+   seterrcall
+.. _ufuncs.casting:
+Casting Rules
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; casting rules
+At the core of every ufunc is a one-dimensional strided loop that
+implements the actual function for a specific type combination. When a
+ufunc is created, it is given a static list of inner loops and a
+corresponding list of type signatures over which the ufunc operates.
+The ufunc machinery uses this list to determine which inner loop to
+use for a particular case. You can inspect the :attr:`.types
+<ufunc.types>` attribute for a particular ufunc to see which type
+combinations have a defined inner loop and which output type they
+produce (:ref:`character codes <arrays.scalars.character-codes>` are used in
+that output for brevity).
+Casting must be done on one or more of the inputs whenever the ufunc
+does not have a core loop implementation for the input types provided.
+If an implementation for the input types cannot be found, then the
+algorithm searches for an implementation with a type signature to
+which all of the inputs can be cast "safely." The first one it finds
+in its internal list of loops is selected and performed with types
+cast. Recall that internal copies during ufuncs (even for casting) are
+limited to the size of an internal buffer which is user settable.
+.. note::
+    Universal functions in NumPy are flexible enough to have mixed type
+    signatures. Thus, for example, a universal function could be defined
+    that works with floating point and integer values. See :func:`ldexp`
+    for an example.
+By the above description, the casting rules are essentially
+implemented by the question of when a data type can be cast "safely"
+to another data type. The answer to this question can be determined in
+Python with a function call: :func:`can_cast(fromtype, totype)
+<can_cast>`. Figure shows the results of this call for my 32-bit
+system on the 21 internally supported types. You can generate this
+table for your system with code shown in that Figure.
+.. admonition:: Figure
+    Code segment showing the can cast safely table for a 32-bit system. 
+    >>> def print_table(ntypes):
+    ...     print 'X',
+    ...     for char in ntypes: print char,
+    ...     print
+    ...     for row in ntypes:
+    ...         print row,
+    ...         for col in ntypes:
+    ...             print int(np.can_cast(row, col)),
+    ...         print
+    >>> print_table(np.typecodes['All'])
+    X ? b h i l q p B H I L Q P f d g F D G S U V O
+    ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    b 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    h 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    i 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    l 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    q 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    p 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    B 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    H 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    L 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    P 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
+    F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
+    G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
+    S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
+    U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
+    V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
+    O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
+You should note that, while included in the table for completeness,
+the 'S', 'U', and 'V' types cannot be operated on by ufuncs. Also,
+note that on a 64-bit system the integer types may have different
+sizes resulting in a slightly altered table. 
+Mixed scalar-array operations use a different set of casting rules
+that ensure that a scalar cannot upcast an array unless the scalar is
+of a fundamentally different kind of data (*i.e.* under a different
+hierachy in the data type hierarchy) than the array.  This rule
+enables you to use scalar constants in your code (which as Python
+types are interpreted accordingly in ufuncs) without worrying about
+whether the precision of the scalar constant will cause upcasting on
+your large (small precision) array.
+Optional keyword arguments
+All ufuncs take optional keyword arguments. These represent rather
+advanced usage and will likely not be used by most users. 
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; keyword arguments
+    Either a data-type, a tuple of data-types, or a special signature
+    string indicating the input and output types of a ufunc. This argument
+    allows you to specify a specific signature for a the 1-d loop to use
+    in the underlying calculation. If the loop specified does not exist
+    for the ufunc, then a TypeError is raised. Normally a suitable loop is
+    found automatically by comparing the input types with what is
+    available and searching for a loop with data-types to which all inputs
+    can be cast safely. This key-word argument lets you by-pass that
+    search and choose a loop you want. A list of available signatures is
+    available in the **types** attribute of the ufunc object.
+    a list of length 1, 2, or 3 specifying the ufunc buffer-size, the
+    error mode integer, and the error call-back function. Normally, these
+    values are looked-up in a thread-specific dictionary. Passing them
+    here bypasses that look-up and uses the low-level specification
+    provided for the error-mode. This may be useful as an optimization for
+    calculations requiring lots of ufuncs on small arrays in a loop.
+There are some informational attributes that universal functions
+possess. None of the attributes can be set. 
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; attributes
+============  =================================================================
+**__doc__**   A docstring for each ufunc. The first part of the docstring is
+              dynamically generated from the number of outputs, the name, and
+              the number of inputs. The second part of the doc string is
+              provided at creation time and stored with the ufunc.
+**__name__**  The name of the ufunc.
+============  =================================================================
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ufunc.nin
+   ufunc.nout
+   ufunc.nargs 
+   ufunc.ntypes
+   ufunc.types
+   ufunc.identity
+All ufuncs have 4 methods. However, these methods only make sense on
+ufuncs that take two input arguments and return one output argument.
+Attempting to call these methods on other ufuncs will cause a
+:exc:`ValueError` . The reduce-like methods all take an *axis* keyword
+and a *dtype* keyword, and the arrays must all have dimension >=
+1. The *axis* keyword specifies which axis of the array the reduction
+will take place over and may be negative, but must be an integer. The
+*dtype* keyword allows you to manage a very common problem that arises
+when naively using `{op}.reduce <ufunc.reduce>`. Sometimes you may
+have an array of a certain data type and wish to add up all of its
+elements, but the result does not fit into the data type of the
+array. This commonly happens if you have an array of single-byte
+integers. The *dtype* keyword allows you to alter the data type that the
+reduction takes place over (and therefore the type of the
+output). Thus, you can ensure that the output is a data type with
+large-enough precision to handle your output. The responsibility of
+altering the reduce type is mostly up to you. There is one exception:
+if no *dtype* is given for a reduction on the "add" or "multiply"
+operations, then if the input type is an integer (or boolean) data-
+type and smaller than the size of the :class:`int_` data type, it will
+be internally upcast to the :class:`int_` (or :class:`uint`) data
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; methods
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   ufunc.reduce
+   ufunc.accumulate
+   ufunc.reduceat
+   ufunc.outer
+.. warning::
+    A reduce-like operation on an array with a data type that has
+    range "too small "to handle the result will silently wrap. You
+    should use dtype to increase the data type over which reduction
+    takes place.
+Available ufuncs
+There are currently more than 60 universal functions defined in
+:mod:`numpy` on one or more types, covering a wide variety of
+operations. Some of these ufuncs are called automatically on arrays
+when the relevant infix notation is used (*e.g.* :func:`add(a, b) <add>`
+is called internally when ``a + b`` is written and *a* or *b* is an
+:class:`ndarray`). Nonetheless, you may still want to use the ufunc
+call in order to use the optional output argument(s) to place the
+output(s) in an object (or in objects) of your choice.
+Recall that each ufunc operates element-by-element. Therefore, each
+ufunc will be described as if acting on a set of scalar inputs to
+return a set of scalar outputs.
+.. note::
+    The ufunc still returns its output(s) even if you use the optional
+    output argument(s). 
+Math operations
+.. autosummary::
+    add
+    subtract
+    multiply
+    divide
+    true_divide
+    floor_divide
+    negative
+    power
+    remainder
+    mod
+    fmod
+    absolute
+    rint
+    sign
+    conj
+    exp
+    log
+    expm1
+    log1p
+    log10
+    sqrt
+    square
+    reciprocal
+    ones_like
+.. tip::
+    The optional output arguments can be used to help you save memory
+    for large calculations. If your arrays are large, complicated
+    expressions can take longer than absolutely necessary due to the
+    creation and (later) destruction of temporary calculation
+    spaces. For example, the expression ``G=a*b+c`` is equivalent to
+    ``t1=A*B; G=T1+C; del t1``. It will be more quickly executed as
+    ``G=A*B; add(G,C,G)`` which is the same as ``G=A*B; G+=C``.
+Trigonometric functions
+All trigonometric functions use radians when an angle is called for.
+The ratio of degrees to radians is :math:`180^{\circ}/\pi.` 
+.. autosummary::
+    sin
+    cos
+    tan
+    arcsin
+    arccos
+    arctan
+    arctan2
+    hypot
+    sinh
+    cosh
+    tanh
+    arcsinh
+    arccosh
+    arctanh
+Bit-twiddling functions
+These function all need integer arguments and they maniuplate the bit-
+pattern of those arguments. 
+.. autosummary::
+    bitwise_and
+    bitwise_or
+    bitwise_xor
+    invert
+    left_shift
+    right_shift
+Comparison functions
+.. autosummary::
+    greater
+    greater_equal
+    less
+    less_equal
+    not_equal
+    equal
+.. warning::
+    Do not use the Python keywords ``and`` and ``or`` to combine
+    logical array expressions. These keywords will test the truth
+    value of the entire array (not element-by-element as you might
+    expect). Use the bitwise operators: & and \| instead.
+.. autosummary::
+    logical_and
+    logical_or
+    logical_xor
+    logical_not
+.. warning::
+    The Bitwise operators (& and \|) are the proper way to combine
+    element-by-element array comparisons. Be sure to understand the
+    operator precedence: (a>2) & (a<5) is the proper syntax because a>2 &
+    a<5 will result in an error due to the fact that 2 & a is evaluated
+    first. 
+.. autosummary::
+    maximum
+.. tip::
+    The Python function max() will find the maximum over a one-dimensional
+    array, but it will do so using a slower sequence interface. The reduce
+    method of the maximum ufunc is much faster. Also, the max() method
+    will not give answers you might expect for arrays with greater than
+    one dimension. The reduce method of minimum also allows you to compute
+    a total minimum over an array. 
+.. autosummary::
+    minimum
+.. warning::
+    the behavior of maximum(a,b) is than that of max(a,b). As a ufunc,
+    maximum(a,b) performs an element-by-element comparison of a and b and
+    chooses each element of the result according to which element in the
+    two arrays is larger. In contrast, max(a,b) treats the objects a and b
+    as a whole, looks at the (total) truth value of a>b and uses it to
+    return either a or b (as a whole). A similar difference exists between
+    minimum(a,b) and min(a,b). 
+Floating functions
+Recall that all of these functions work element-by-element over an
+array, returning an array output. The description details only a
+single operation. 
+.. autosummary::
+    isreal
+    iscomplex
+    isfinite
+    isinf
+    isnan
+    signbit
+    modf
+    ldexp
+    frexp
+    fmod
+    floor
+    ceil

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/scipyshiny_small.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: numpy-docs/trunk/source/scipyshiny_small.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.broadcasting.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.broadcasting.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.broadcasting.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. seealso:: :class:`numpy.broadcast`
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.broadcasting

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.creation.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.creation.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.creation.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+.. _arrays.creation:
+Array creation
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Array creation routines <routines.array-creation>`
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.creation

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.indexing.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.indexing.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.. _basics.indexing:
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Indexing routines <routines.indexing>`
+.. note:: 
+   XXX: Combine ``numpy.doc.indexing`` with material 
+   section 2.2 Basic indexing?
+   Or incorporate the material directly here?
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.indexing

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rec.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rec.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rec.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Structured arrays (aka "Record arrays")
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.structured_arrays

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Numpy basics
+.. note::
+   XXX: there is overlap between this text extracted from ``numpy.doc``
+   and "Guide to Numpy" chapter 2. Needs combining?
+.. toctree::
+   basics.types
+   basics.creation
+   basics.indexing
+   basics.broadcasting
+   basics.rec
+   basics.subclassing

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.subclassing.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.subclassing.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.subclassing.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. _basics.subclassing:
+Subclassing ndarray
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.subclassing

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.types.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.types.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/basics.types.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Data types
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Data type objects <arrays.dtypes>`
+.. note:: 
+   XXX: Combine ``numpy.doc.indexing`` with material from
+   "Guide to Numpy" (section 2.1 Data-Type descriptors)?
+   Or incorporate the material directly here?
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.basics

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.beyond-basics.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.beyond-basics.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.beyond-basics.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+Beyond the Basics
+|    The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having
+|    new eyes. 
+|    --- *Marcel Proust* 
+|    Discovery is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no
+|    one else has thought. 
+|    --- *Albert Szent-Gyorgi* 
+Iterating over elements in the array
+.. _`sec:array_iterator`:
+Basic Iteration
+One common algorithmic requirement is to be able to walk over all
+elements in a multidimensional array. The array iterator object makes
+this easy to do in a generic way that works for arrays of any
+dimension. Naturally, if you know the number of dimensions you will be
+using, then you can always write nested for loops to accomplish the
+iteration. If, however, you want to write code that works with any
+number of dimensions, then you can make use of the array iterator. An
+array iterator object is returned when accessing the .flat attribute
+of an array. 
+.. index::
+   single: array iterator
+Basic usage is to call :cfunc:`PyArray_IterNew` ( ``array`` ) where array
+is an ndarray object (or one of its sub-classes). The returned object
+is an array-iterator object (the same object returned by the .flat
+attribute of the ndarray). This object is usually cast to
+PyArrayIterObject* so that its members can be accessed. The only
+members that are needed are ``iter->size`` which contains the total
+size of the array, ``iter->index``, which contains the current 1-d
+index into the array, and ``iter->dataptr`` which is a pointer to the
+data for the current element of the array.  Sometimes it is also
+useful to access ``iter->ao`` which is a pointer to the underlying
+ndarray object. 
+After processing data at the current element of the array, the next
+element of the array can be obtained using the macro
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_NEXT` ( ``iter`` ). The iteration always proceeds in a
+C-style contiguous fashion (last index varying the fastest). The
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_GOTO` ( ``iter``, ``destination`` ) can be used to
+jump to a particular point in the array, where ``destination`` is an
+array of npy_intp data-type with space to handle at least the number
+of dimensions in the underlying array. Occasionally it is useful to
+use :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_GOTO1D` ( ``iter``, ``index`` ) which will jump
+to the 1-d index given by the value of ``index``. The most common
+usage, however, is given in the following example. 
+.. code-block:: c
+    PyObject *obj; /* assumed to be some ndarray object */
+    PyArrayIterObject *iter;
+    ...
+    iter = (PyArrayIterObject *)PyArray_IterNew(obj);
+    if (iter == NULL) goto fail;   /* Assume fail has clean-up code */
+    while (iter->index < iter->size) {
+        /* do something with the data at it->dataptr */
+        PyArray_ITER_NEXT(it);
+    }
+    ...
+You can also use :cfunc:`PyArrayIter_Check` ( ``obj`` ) to ensure you have
+an iterator object and :cfunc:`PyArray_ITER_RESET` ( ``iter`` ) to reset an
+iterator object back to the beginning of the array. 
+It should be emphasized at this point that you may not need the array
+iterator if your array is already contiguous (using an array iterator
+will work but will be slower than the fastest code you could write).
+The major purpose of array iterators is to encapsulate iteration over
+N-dimensional arrays with arbitrary strides. They are used in many,
+many places in the NumPy source code itself. If you already know your
+array is contiguous (Fortran or C), then simply adding the element-
+size to a running pointer variable will step you through the array
+very efficiently. In other words, code like this will probably be
+faster for you in the contiguous case (assuming doubles). 
+.. code-block:: c
+    npy_intp size;
+    double *dptr;  /* could make this any variable type */
+    size = PyArray_SIZE(obj);
+    dptr = PyArray_DATA(obj);
+    while(size--) {
+       /* do something with the data at dptr */
+       dptr++;
+    }
+Iterating over all but one axis
+A common algorithm is to loop over all elements of an array and
+perform some function with each element by issuing a function call. As
+function calls can be time consuming, one way to speed up this kind of
+algorithm is to write the function so it takes a vector of data and
+then write the iteration so the function call is performed for an
+entire dimension of data at a time. This increases the amount of work
+done per function call, thereby reducing the function-call over-head
+to a small(er) fraction of the total time. Even if the interior of the
+loop is performed without a function call it can be advantageous to
+perform the inner loop over the dimension with the highest number of
+elements to take advantage of speed enhancements available on micro-
+processors that use pipelining to enhance fundmental operations. 
+The :cfunc:`PyArray_IterAllButAxis` ( ``array``, ``&dim`` ) constructs an
+iterator object that is modified so that it will not iterate over the
+dimension indicated by dim. The only restriction on this iterator
+object, is that the :cfunc:`PyArray_Iter_GOTO1D` ( ``it``, ``ind`` ) macro
+cannot be used (thus flat indexing won't work either if you pass this
+object back to Python --- so you shouldn't do this). Note that the
+returned object from this routine is still usually cast to
+PyArrayIterObject \*. All that's been done is to modify the strides
+and dimensions of the returned iterator to simulate iterating over
+array[...,0,...] where 0 is placed on the
+:math:`\textrm{dim}^{\textrm{th}}` dimension. If dim is negative, then
+the dimension with the largest axis is found and used. 
+Iterating over multiple arrays
+Very often, it is desireable to iterate over several arrays at the
+same time. The universal functions are an example of this kind of
+behavior. If all you want to do is iterate over arrays with the same
+shape, then simply creating several iterator objects is the standard
+procedure. For example, the following code iterates over two arrays
+assumed to be the same shape and size (actually obj1 just has to have
+at least as many total elements as does obj2): 
+.. code-block:: c
+    /* It is already assumed that obj1 and obj2
+       are ndarrays of the same shape and size.
+    */
+    iter1 = (PyArrayIterObject *)PyArray_IterNew(obj1);
+    if (iter1 == NULL) goto fail;
+    iter2 = (PyArrayIterObject *)PyArray_IterNew(obj2);
+    if (iter2 == NULL) goto fail;  /* assume iter1 is DECREF'd at fail */
+    while (iter2->index < iter2->size)  {
+        /* process with iter1->dataptr and iter2->dataptr */
+        PyArray_ITER_NEXT(iter1);
+        PyArray_ITER_NEXT(iter2);
+    }
+Broadcasting over multiple arrays
+.. index::
+   single: broadcasting
+When multiple arrays are involved in an operation, you may want to use the same
+broadcasting rules that the math operations ( *i.e.* the ufuncs) use. This can
+be done easily using the :ctype:`PyArrayMultiIterObject`.  This is the object
+returned from the Python command numpy.broadcast and it is almost as easy to
+use from C. The function :cfunc:`PyArray_MultiIterNew` ( ``n``, ``...`` ) is
+used (with ``n`` input objects in place of ``...`` ). The input objects can be
+arrays or anything that can be converted into an array. A pointer to a
+PyArrayMultiIterObject is returned.  Broadcasting has already been accomplished
+which adjusts the iterators so that all that needs to be done to advance to the
+next element in each array is for PyArray_ITER_NEXT to be called for each of
+the inputs. This incrementing is automatically performed by
+:cfunc:`PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT` ( ``obj`` ) macro (which can handle a
+multiterator ``obj`` as either a :ctype:`PyArrayMultiObject *` or a
+:ctype:`PyObject *`). The data from input number ``i`` is available using
+:cfunc:`PyArray_MultiIter_DATA` ( ``obj``, ``i`` ) and the total (broadcasted)
+size as :cfunc:`PyArray_MultiIter_SIZE` ( ``obj``). An example of using this
+feature follows. 
+.. code-block:: c
+    mobj = PyArray_MultiIterNew(2, obj1, obj2);
+    size = PyArray_MultiIter_SIZE(obj);
+    while(size--) {
+        ptr1 = PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(mobj, 0);
+        ptr2 = PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(mobj, 1);
+        /* code using contents of ptr1 and ptr2 */
+        PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT(mobj);
+    }
+The function :cfunc:`PyArray_RemoveLargest` ( ``multi`` ) can be used to
+take a multi-iterator object and adjust all the iterators so that
+iteration does not take place over the largest dimension (it makes
+that dimension of size 1). The code being looped over that makes use
+of the pointers will very-likely also need the strides data for each
+of the iterators. This information is stored in
+.. index::
+   single: array iterator
+There are several examples of using the multi-iterator in the NumPy
+source code as it makes N-dimensional broadcasting-code very simple to
+write. Browse the source for more examples. 
+.. _`sec:Creating-a-new`:
+Creating a new universal function
+.. index::
+   pair: ufunc; adding new
+The umath module is a computer-generated C-module that creates many
+ufuncs. It provides a great many examples of how to create a universal
+function. Creating your own ufunc that will make use of the ufunc
+machinery is not difficult either. Suppose you have a function that
+you want to operate element-by-element over its inputs. By creating a
+new ufunc you will obtain a function that handles 
+- broadcasting
+- N-dimensional looping
+- automatic type-conversions with minimal memory usage
+- optional output arrays
+It is not difficult to create your own ufunc. All that is required is
+a 1-d loop for each data-type you want to support. Each 1-d loop must
+have a specific signature, and only ufuncs for fixed-size data-types
+can be used. The function call used to create a new ufunc to work on
+built-in data-types is given below. A different mechanism is used to
+register ufuncs for user-defined data-types. 
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData( PyUFuncGenericFunction* func, void** data, char* types, int ntypes, int nin, int nout, int identity, char* name, char* doc, int check_return)
+    *func*
+        A pointer to an array of 1-d functions to use. This array must be at
+        least ntypes long. Each entry in the array must be a ``PyUFuncGenericFunction`` function. This function has the following signature. An example of a
+        valid 1d loop function is also given.
+        .. cfunction:: void loop1d(char** args, npy_intp* dimensions, npy_intp* steps, void* data)
+        *args*
+            An array of pointers to the actual data for the input and output
+            arrays. The input arguments are given first followed by the output
+            arguments.
+        *dimensions*
+            A pointer to the size of the dimension over which this function is
+            looping.
+        *steps*
+            A pointer to the number of bytes to jump to get to the
+            next element in this dimension for each of the input and
+            output arguments.
+        *data*
+            Arbitrary data (extra arguments, function names, *etc.* )
+            that can be stored with the ufunc and will be passed in
+            when it is called.
+        .. code-block:: c
+            static void
+            double_add(char *args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *extra)
+            {
+                npy_intp i;
+                npy_intp is1=steps[0], is2=steps[1];
+                npy_intp os=steps[2], n=dimensions[0];
+                char *i1=args[0], *i2=args[1], *op=args[2];
+                for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+                    *((double *)op) = *((double *)i1) + \
+                                      *((double *)i2);
+                    i1 += is1; i2 += is2; op += os;
+                 }
+            }
+    *data*
+        An array of data. There should be ntypes entries (or NULL) --- one for
+        every loop function defined for this ufunc. This data will be passed
+        in to the 1-d loop. One common use of this data variable is to pass in
+        an actual function to call to compute the result when a generic 1-d
+        loop (e.g. :cfunc:`PyUFunc_d_d`) is being used.
+    *types*
+        An array of type-number signatures (type ``char`` ). This
+        array should be of size (nin+nout)*ntypes and contain the
+        data-types for the corresponding 1-d loop. The inputs should
+        be first followed by the outputs. For example, suppose I have
+        a ufunc that supports 1 integer and 1 double 1-d loop
+        (length-2 func and data arrays) that takes 2 inputs and
+        returns 1 output that is always a complex double, then the
+        types array would be
+        The bit-width names can also be used (e.g. :cdata:`NPY_INT32`,
+        :cdata:`NPY_COMPLEX128` ) if desired.
+    *ntypes*
+        The number of data-types supported. This is equal to the number of 1-d
+        loops provided.
+    *nin*
+        The number of input arguments.
+    *nout*
+        The number of output arguments.
+    *identity*
+        Either :cdata:`PyUFunc_One`, :cdata:`PyUFunc_Zero`, :cdata:`PyUFunc_None`.
+        This specifies what should be returned when an empty array is
+        passed to the reduce method of the ufunc.
+    *name*
+        A ``NULL`` -terminated string providing the name of this ufunc
+        (should be the Python name it will be called).
+    *doc*
+        A documentation string for this ufunc (will be used in generating the
+        response to ``{ufunc_name}.__doc__``). Do not include the function
+        signature or the name as this is generated automatically.
+    *check_return*
+        Not presently used, but this integer value does get set in the
+        structure-member of similar name.
+    .. index::
+       pair: ufunc; adding new
+    The returned ufunc object is a callable Python object. It should be
+    placed in a (module) dictionary under the same name as was used in the
+    name argument to the ufunc-creation routine. The following example is
+    adapted from the umath module
+    .. code-block:: c
+        static PyUFuncGenericFunction atan2_functions[]=\
+            {PyUFunc_ff_f, PyUFunc_dd_d,
+             PyUFunc_gg_g, PyUFunc_OO_O_method};
+        static void* atan2_data[]=\ 
+            {(void *)atan2f,(void *) atan2,
+             (void *)atan2l,(void *)"arctan2"};
+        static char atan2_signatures[]=\
+             NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_DOUBLE,
+             NPY_OBJECT, NPY_OBJECT, 
+             NPY_OBJECT};
+        ...
+        /* in the module initialization code */
+        PyObject *f, *dict, *module;
+        ...
+        dict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
+        ...
+        f = PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(atan2_functions, 
+            atan2_data, atan2_signatures, 4, 2, 1, 
+            PyUFunc_None, "arctan2", 
+            "a safe and correct arctan(x1/x2)", 0);
+        PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "arctan2", f);
+        Py_DECREF(f);
+        ...
+User-defined data-types
+NumPy comes with 21 builtin data-types. While this covers a large
+majority of possible use cases, it is conceivable that a user may have
+a need for an additional data-type. There is some support for adding
+an additional data-type into the NumPy system. This additional data-
+type will behave much like a regular data-type except ufuncs must have
+1-d loops registered to handle it separately. Also checking for
+whether or not other data-types can be cast "safely" to and from this
+new type or not will always return "can cast" unless you also register
+which types your new data-type can be cast to and from. Adding
+data-types is one of the less well-tested areas for NumPy 1.0, so
+there may be bugs remaining in the approach. Only add a new data-type
+if you can't do what you want to do using the OBJECT or VOID
+data-types that are already available. As an example of what I
+consider a useful application of the ability to add data-types is the
+possibility of adding a data-type of arbitrary precision floats to
+.. index::
+   pair: dtype; adding new
+Adding the new data-type
+To begin to make use of the new data-type, you need to first define a
+new Python type to hold the scalars of your new data-type. It should
+be acceptable to inherit from one of the array scalars if your new
+type has a binary compatible layout. This will allow your new data
+type to have the methods and attributes of array scalars. New data-
+types must have a fixed memory size (if you want to define a data-type
+that needs a flexible representation, like a variable-precision
+number, then use a pointer to the object as the data-type). The memory
+layout of the object structure for the new Python type must be
+PyObject_HEAD followed by the fixed-size memory needed for the data-
+type. For example, a suitable structure for the new Python type is:
+.. code-block:: c
+    typedef struct {
+       PyObject_HEAD;
+       some_data_type obval; 
+       /* the name can be whatever you want */
+    } PySomeDataTypeObject;
+After you have defined a new Python type object, you must then define
+a new :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure whose typeobject member will contain a
+pointer to the data-type you've just defined. In addition, the
+required functions in the ".f" member must be defined: nonzero,
+copyswap, copyswapn, setitem, getitem, and cast. The more functions in
+the ".f" member you define, however, the more useful the new data-type
+will be.  It is very important to intialize unused functions to NULL.
+This can be achieved using :cfunc:`PyArray_InitArrFuncs` (f). 
+Once a new :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` structure is created and filled with the
+needed information and useful functions you call
+:cfunc:`PyArray_RegisterDataType` (new_descr). The return value from this
+call is an integer providing you with a unique type_number that
+specifies your data-type. This type number should be stored and made
+available by your module so that other modules can use it to recognize
+your data-type (the other mechanism for finding a user-defined
+data-type number is to search based on the name of the type-object
+associated with the data-type using :cfunc:`PyArray_TypeNumFromName` ). 
+Registering a casting function
+You may want to allow builtin (and other user-defined) data-types to
+be cast automatically to your data-type. In order to make this
+possible, you must register a casting function with the data-type you
+want to be able to cast from. This requires writing low-level casting
+functions for each conversion you want to support and then registering
+these functions with the data-type descriptor. A low-level casting
+function has the signature. 
+.. cfunction:: void castfunc( void* from, void* to, npy_intp n, void* fromarr, void* toarr)
+    Cast ``n`` elements ``from`` one type ``to`` another. The data to
+    cast from is in a contiguous, correctly-swapped and aligned chunk
+    of memory pointed to by from. The buffer to cast to is also
+    contiguous, correctly-swapped and aligned. The fromarr and toarr
+    arguments should only be used for flexible-element-sized arrays
+    (string, unicode, void).
+An example castfunc is:
+.. code-block:: c
+    static void
+    double_to_float(double *from, float* to, npy_intp n,
+           void* ig1, void* ig2);
+    while (n--) {
+          (*to++) = (double) *(from++);
+    }
+This could then be registered to convert doubles to floats using the
+.. code-block:: c
+    doub = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_DOUBLE);
+    PyArray_RegisterCastFunc(doub, NPY_FLOAT,
+         (PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *)double_to_float);
+    Py_DECREF(doub);
+Registering coercion rules
+By default, all user-defined data-types are not presumed to be safely
+castable to any builtin data-types. In addition builtin data-types are
+not presumed to be safely castable to user-defined data-types. This
+situation limits the ability of user-defined data-types to participate
+in the coercion system used by ufuncs and other times when automatic
+coercion takes place in NumPy. This can be changed by registering
+data-types as safely castable from a particlar data-type object. The
+function :cfunc:`PyArray_RegisterCanCast` (from_descr, totype_number,
+scalarkind) should be used to specify that the data-type object
+from_descr can be cast to the data-type with type number
+totype_number. If you are not trying to alter scalar coercion rules,
+then use :cdata:`PyArray_NOSCALAR` for the scalarkind argument. 
+If you want to allow your new data-type to also be able to share in
+the scalar coercion rules, then you need to specify the scalarkind
+function in the data-type object's ".f" member to return the kind of
+scalar the new data-type should be seen as (the value of the scalar is
+available to that function). Then, you can register data-types that
+can be cast to separately for each scalar kind that may be returned
+from your user-defined data-type. If you don't register scalar
+coercion handling, then all of your user-defined data-types will be
+seen as :cdata:`PyArray_NOSCALAR`. 
+Registering a ufunc loop
+You may also want to register low-level ufunc loops for your data-type
+so that an ndarray of your data-type can have math applied to it
+seamlessly. Registering a new loop with exactly the same arg_types
+signature, silently replaces any previously registered loops for that
+Before you can register a 1-d loop for a ufunc, the ufunc must be
+previously created. Then you call :cfunc:`PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType`
+(...) with the information needed for the loop. The return value of
+this function is ``0`` if the process was successful and ``-1`` with
+an error condition set if it was not successful. 
+.. cfunction:: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType( PyUFuncObject* ufunc, int usertype, PyUFuncGenericFunction function, int* arg_types, void* data)
+    *ufunc*
+        The ufunc to attach this loop to.
+    *usertype*
+        The user-defined type this loop should be indexed under. This number
+        must be a user-defined type or an error occurs.
+    *function*
+        The ufunc inner 1-d loop. This function must have the signature as
+        explained in Section `3 <#sec-creating-a-new>`__ .
+    *arg_types*
+        (optional) If given, this should contain an array of integers of at
+        least size ufunc.nargs containing the data-types expected by the loop
+        function. The data will be copied into a NumPy-managed structure so
+        the memory for this argument should be deleted after calling this
+        function. If this is NULL, then it will be assumed that all data-types
+        are of type usertype.
+    *data*
+        (optional) Specify any optional data needed by the function which will
+        be passed when the function is called. 
+        .. index::
+           pair: dtype; adding new
+Subtyping the ndarray in C
+One of the lesser-used features that has been lurking in Python since
+2.2 is the ability to sub-class types in C. This facility is one of
+the important reasons for basing NumPy off of the Numeric code-base
+which was already in C. A sub-type in C allows much more flexibility
+with regards to memory management. Sub-typing in C is not difficult
+even if you have only a rudimentary understanding of how to create new
+types for Python. While it is easiest to sub-type from a single parent
+type, sub-typing from multiple parent types is also possible. Multiple
+inheritence in C is generally less useful than it is in Python because
+a restriction on Python sub-types is that they have a binary
+compatible memory layout. Perhaps for this reason, it is somewhat
+easier to sub-type from a single parent type. 
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; subtyping
+All C-structures corresponding to Python objects must begin with
+:cmacro:`PyObject_HEAD` (or :cmacro:`PyObject_VAR_HEAD`). In the same
+way, any sub-type must have a C-structure that begins with exactly the
+same memory layout as the parent type (or all of the parent types in
+the case of multiple-inheritance). The reason for this is that Python
+may attempt to access a member of the sub-type structure as if it had
+the parent structure ( *i.e.* it will cast a given pointer to a
+pointer to the parent structure and then dereference one of it's
+members). If the memory layouts are not compatible, then this attempt
+will cause unpredictable behavior (eventually leading to a memory
+violation and program crash). 
+One of the elements in :cmacro:`PyObject_HEAD` is a pointer to a
+type-object structure. A new Python type is created by creating a new
+type-object structure and populating it with functions and pointers to
+describe the desired behavior of the type. Typically, a new
+C-structure is also created to contain the instance-specific
+information needed for each object of the type as well. For example,
+:cdata:`&PyArray_Type` is a pointer to the type-object table for the ndarray
+while a :ctype:`PyArrayObject *` variable is a pointer to a particular instance
+of an ndarray (one of the members of the ndarray structure is, in
+turn, a pointer to the type- object table :cdata:`&PyArray_Type`). Finally
+:cfunc:`PyType_Ready` (<pointer_to_type_object>) must be called for
+every new Python type. 
+Creating sub-types
+To create a sub-type, a similar proceedure must be followed except
+only behaviors that are different require new entries in the type-
+object structure. All other entires can be NULL and will be filled in
+by :cfunc:`PyType_Ready` with appropriate functions from the parent
+type(s). In particular, to create a sub-type in C follow these steps: 
+1. If needed create a new C-structure to handle each instance of your
+   type. A typical C-structure would be:
+   .. code-block:: c
+        typedef _new_struct {
+            PyArrayObject base;
+            /* new things here */
+        } NewArrayObject;
+   Notice that the full PyArrayObject is used as the first entry in order
+   to ensure that the binary layout of instances of the new type is
+   identical to the PyArrayObject. 
+2. Fill in a new Python type-object structure with pointers to new
+   functions that will over-ride the default behavior while leaving any
+   function that should remain the same unfilled (or NULL). The tp_name
+   element should be different.
+3. Fill in the tp_base member of the new type-object structure with a
+   pointer to the (main) parent type object. For multiple-inheritance,
+   also fill in the tp_bases member with a tuple containing all of the
+   parent objects in the order they should be used to define inheritance.
+   Remember, all parent-types must have the same C-structure for multiple
+   inheritance to work properly.
+4. Call :cfunc:`PyType_Ready` (<pointer_to_new_type>). If this function
+   returns a negative number, a failure occurred and the type is not
+   initialized. Otherwise, the type is ready to be used. It is
+   generally important to place a reference to the new type into the
+   module dictionary so it can be accessed from Python.
+More information on creating sub-types in C can be learned by reading
+PEP 253 (available at http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0253). 
+Specific features of ndarray sub-typing
+Some special methods and attributes are used by arrays in order to
+facilitate the interoperation of sub-types with the base ndarray type. 
+.. note:: XXX: some of the documentation below needs to be moved to the
+               reference guide.
+The __array_finalize\__ method
+.. attribute:: ndarray.__array_finalize__
+   Several array-creation functions of the ndarray allow
+   specification of a particular sub-type to be created. This allows
+   sub-types to be handled seamlessly in many routines. When a
+   sub-type is created in such a fashion, however, neither the
+   __new_\_ method nor the __init\__ method gets called. Instead, the
+   sub-type is allocated and the appropriate instance-structure
+   members are filled in. Finally, the :obj:`__array_finalize__`
+   attribute is looked-up in the object dictionary. If it is present
+   and not None, then it can be either a CObject containing a pointer
+   to a :cfunc:`PyArray_FinalizeFunc` or it can be a method taking a
+   single argument (which could be None). 
+   If the :obj:`__array_finalize__` attribute is a CObject, then the pointer
+   must be a pointer to a function with the signature:
+   .. code-block:: c
+       (int) (PyArrayObject *, PyObject *)
+   The first argument is the newly created sub-type. The second argument
+   (if not NULL) is the "parent" array (if the array was created using
+   slicing or some other operation where a clearly-distinguishable parent
+   is present). This routine can do anything it wants to. It should
+   return a -1 on error and 0 otherwise. 
+   If the :obj:`__array_finalize__` attribute is not None nor a CObject,
+   then it must be a Python method that takes the parent array as an
+   argument (which could be None if there is no parent), and returns
+   nothing. Errors in this method will be caught and handled. 
+The __array_priority\__ attribute
+.. attribute:: ndarray.__array_priority__
+   This attribute allows simple but flexible determination of which sub-
+   type should be considered "primary" when an operation involving two or
+   more sub-types arises. In operations where different sub-types are
+   being used, the sub-type with the largest :obj:`__array_priority__`
+   attribute will determine the sub-type of the output(s). If two sub-
+   types have the same :obj:`__array_priority__` then the sub-type of the
+   first argument determines the output. The default
+   :obj:`__array_priority__` attribute returns a value of 0.0 for the base
+   ndarray type and 1.0 for a sub-type. This attribute can also be
+   defined by objects that are not sub-types of the ndarray and can be
+   used to determine which :obj:`__array_wrap__` method should be called for
+   the return output. 
+The __array_wrap\__ method
+.. attribute:: ndarray.__array_wrap__
+   Any class or type can define this method which should take an ndarray
+   argument and return an instance of the type. It can be seen as the
+   opposite of the :obj:`__array__` method. This method is used by the
+   ufuncs (and other NumPy functions) to allow other objects to pass
+   through. For Python >2.4, it can also be used to write a decorator
+   that converts a function that works only with ndarrays to one that
+   works with any type with :obj:`__array__` and :obj:`__array_wrap__` methods. 
+.. index::
+   pair: ndarray; subtyping

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.how-to-extend.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.how-to-extend.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.how-to-extend.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+How to extend NumPy
+|    That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic
+|    and random is confusing. In between lies art. 
+|    --- *John A. Locke* 
+|    Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition. 
+|    --- *Alan Turing* 
+.. _`sec:Writing-an-extension`:
+Writing an extension module
+While the ndarray object is designed to allow rapid computation in
+Python, it is also designed to be general-purpose and satisfy a wide-
+variety of computational needs. As a result, if absolute speed is
+essential, there is no replacement for a well-crafted, compiled loop
+specific to your application and hardware. This is one of the reasons
+that numpy includes f2py so that an easy-to-use mechanisms for linking
+(simple) C/C++ and (arbitrary) Fortran code directly into Python are
+available. You are encouraged to use and improve this mechanism. The
+purpose of this section is not to document this tool but to document
+the more basic steps to writing an extension module that this tool
+depends on. 
+.. index::
+   single: extension module
+When an extension module is written, compiled, and installed to
+somewhere in the Python path (sys.path), the code can then be imported
+into Python as if it were a standard python file. It will contain
+objects and methods that have been defined and compiled in C code. The
+basic steps for doing this in Python are well-documented and you can
+find more information in the documentation for Python itself available
+online at `www.python.org <http://www.python.org>`_ . 
+In addition to the Python C-API, there is a full and rich C-API for
+NumPy allowing sophisticated manipulations on a C-level. However, for
+most applications, only a few API calls will typically be used. If all
+you need to do is extract a pointer to memory along with some shape
+information to pass to another calculation routine, then you will use
+very different calls, then if you are trying to create a new array-
+like type or add a new data type for ndarrays. This chapter documents
+the API calls and macros that are most commonly used. 
+Required subroutine
+There is exactly one function that must be defined in your C-code in
+order for Python to use it as an extension module. The function must
+be called init{name} where {name} is the name of the module from
+Python. This function must be declared so that it is visible to code
+outside of the routine. Besides adding the methods and constants you
+desire, this subroutine must also contain calls to import_array()
+and/or import_ufunc() depending on which C-API is needed. Forgetting
+to place these commands will show itself as an ugly segmentation fault
+(crash) as soon as any C-API subroutine is actually called. It is
+actually possible to have multiple init{name} functions in a single
+file in which case multiple modules will be defined by that file.
+However, there are some tricks to get that to work correctly and it is
+not covered here. 
+A minimal ``init{name}`` method looks like:
+.. code-block:: c
+    init{name}(void)
+    { 
+       (void)Py_InitModule({name}, mymethods);
+       import_array();
+    }
+The mymethods must be an array (usually statically declared) of
+PyMethodDef structures which contain method names, actual C-functions,
+a variable indicating whether the method uses keyword arguments or
+not, and docstrings. These are explained in the next section. If you
+want to add constants to the module, then you store the returned value
+from Py_InitModule which is a module object. The most general way to
+add itmes to the module is to get the module dictionary using
+PyModule_GetDict(module). With the module dictionary, you can add
+whatever you like to the module manually. An easier way to add objects
+to the module is to use one of three additional Python C-API calls
+that do not require a separate extraction of the module dictionary.
+These are documented in the Python documentation, but repeated here
+for convenience: 
+.. cfunction:: int PyModule_AddObject(PyObject* module, char* name, PyObject* value)
+.. cfunction:: int PyModule_AddIntConstant(PyObject* module, char* name, long value)
+.. cfunction:: int PyModule_AddStringConstant(PyObject* module, char* name, char* value)
+    All three of these functions require the *module* object (the
+    return value of Py_InitModule). The *name* is a string that
+    labels the value in the module. Depending on which function is
+    called, the *value* argument is either a general object
+    (:cfunc:`PyModule_AddObject` steals a reference to it), an integer
+    constant, or a string constant.
+Defining functions
+The second argument passed in to the Py_InitModule function is a
+structure that makes it easy to to define functions in the module. In
+the example given above, the mymethods structure would have been
+defined earlier in the file (usually right before the init{name}
+subroutine) to:
+.. code-block:: c
+    static PyMethodDef mymethods[] = {
+        { nokeywordfunc,nokeyword_cfunc,
+          METH_VARARGS,
+          Doc string},
+        { keywordfunc, keyword_cfunc,
+          Doc string},
+        {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
+    }
+Each entry in the mymethods array is a :ctype:`PyMethodDef` structure
+containing 1) the Python name, 2) the C-function that implements the
+function, 3) flags indicating whether or not keywords are accepted for
+this function, and 4) The docstring for the function. Any number of
+functions may be defined for a single module by adding more entries to
+this table. The last entry must be all NULL as shown to act as a
+sentinel. Python looks for this entry to know that all of the
+functions for the module have been defined. 
+The last thing that must be done to finish the extension module is to
+actually write the code that performs the desired functions. There are
+two kinds of functions: those that don't accept keyword arguments, and
+those that do. 
+Functions without keyword arguments
+Functions that don't accept keyword arguments should be written as:
+.. code-block:: c
+    static PyObject*
+    nokeyword_cfunc (PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args)
+    {
+        /* convert Python arguments */
+        /* do function */
+        /* return something */
+    }
+The dummy argument is not used in this context and can be safely
+ignored. The *args* argument contains all of the arguments passed in
+to the function as a tuple. You can do anything you want at this
+point, but usually the easiest way to manage the input arguments is to
+call :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (args, format_string,
+addresses_to_C_variables...) or :cfunc:`PyArg_UnpackTuple` (tuple, "name" ,
+min, max, ...). A good description of how to use the first function is
+contained in the Python C-API reference manual under section 5.5
+(Parsing arguments and building values). You should pay particular
+attention to the "O&" format which uses converter functions to go
+between the Python object and the C object. All of the other format
+functions can be (mostly) thought of as special cases of this general
+rule. There are several converter functions defined in the NumPy C-API
+that may be of use. In particular, the :cfunc:`PyArray_DescrConverter`
+function is very useful to support arbitrary data-type specification.
+This function transforms any valid data-type Python object into a
+:ctype:`PyArray_Descr *` object. Remember to pass in the address of the
+C-variables that should be filled in. 
+There are lots of examples of how to use :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple`
+throughout the NumPy source code. The standard usage is like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+    PyObject *input;
+    PyArray_Descr *dtype;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO&", &input,
+                          PyArray_DescrConverter,
+                          &dtype)) return NULL;
+It is important to keep in mind that you get a *borrowed* reference to
+the object when using the "O" format string. However, the converter
+functions usually require some form of memory handling. In this
+example, if the conversion is successful, *dtype* will hold a new
+reference to a :ctype:`PyArray_Descr *` object, while *input* will hold a
+borrowed reference. Therefore, if this conversion were mixed with
+another conversion (say to an integer) and the data-type conversion
+was successful but the integer conversion failed, then you would need
+to release the reference count to the data-type object before
+returning. A typical way to do this is to set *dtype* to ``NULL``
+before calling :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` and then use :cfunc:`Py_XDECREF`
+on *dtype* before returning. 
+After the input arguments are processed, the code that actually does
+the work is written (likely calling other functions as needed). The
+final step of the C-function is to return something. If an error is
+encountered then ``NULL`` should be returned (making sure an error has
+actually been set). If nothing should be returned then increment
+:cdata:`Py_None` and return it. If a single object should be returned then
+it is returned (ensuring that you own a reference to it first). If
+multiple objects should be returned then you need to return a tuple.
+The :cfunc:`Py_BuildValue` (format_string, c_variables...) function makes
+it easy to build tuples of Python objects from C variables. Pay
+special attention to the difference between 'N' and 'O' in the format
+string or you can easily create memory leaks. The 'O' format string
+increments the reference count of the :ctype:`PyObject *` C-variable it
+corresponds to, while the 'N' format string steals a reference to the
+corresponding :ctype:`PyObject *` C-variable. You should use 'N' if you ave
+already created a reference for the object and just want to give that
+reference to the tuple. You should use 'O' if you only have a borrowed
+reference to an object and need to create one to provide for the
+Functions with keyword arguments
+These functions are very similar to functions without keyword
+arguments. The only difference is that the function signature is:
+.. code-block:: c
+    static PyObject*
+    keyword_cfunc (PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+    {
+    ...
+    }
+The kwds argument holds a Python dictionary whose keys are the names
+of the keyword arguments and whose values are the corresponding
+keyword-argument values. This dictionary can be processed however you
+see fit. The easiest way to handle it, however, is to replace the
+:cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (args, format_string, addresses...) function with
+a call to :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` (args, kwds, format_string,
+char \*kwlist[], addresses...). The kwlist parameter to this function
+is a ``NULL`` -terminated array of strings providing the expected
+keyword arguments.  There should be one string for each entry in the
+format_string. Using this function will raise a TypeError if invalid
+keyword arguments are passed in. 
+For more help on this function please see section 1.8 (Keyword
+Paramters for Extension Functions) of the Extending and Embedding
+tutorial in the Python documentation. 
+Reference counting
+The biggest difficulty when writing extension modules is reference
+counting. It is an important reason for the popularity of f2py, weave,
+pyrex, ctypes, etc.... If you mis-handle reference counts you can get
+problems from memory-leaks to segmentation faults. The only strategy I
+know of to handle reference counts correctly is blood, sweat, and
+tears. First, you force it into your head that every Python variable
+has a reference count. Then, you understand exactly what each function
+does to the reference count of your objects, so that you can properly
+use DECREF and INCREF when you need them. Reference counting can
+really test the amount of patience and diligence you have towards your
+programming craft. Despite the grim depiction, most cases of reference
+counting are quite straightforward with the most common difficulty
+being not using DECREF on objects before exiting early from a routine
+due to some error. In second place, is the common error of not owning
+the reference on an object that is passed to a function or macro that
+is going to steal the reference ( *e.g.* :cfunc:`PyTuple_SET_ITEM`, and
+most functions that take :ctype:`PyArray_Descr` objects). 
+.. index::
+   single: reference counting
+Typically you get a new reference to a variable when it is created or
+is the return value of some function (there are some prominent
+exceptions, however --- such as getting an item out of a tuple or a
+dictionary). When you own the reference, you are responsible to make
+sure that :cfunc:`Py_DECREF` (var) is called when the variable is no
+longer necessary (and no other function has "stolen" its
+reference). Also, if you are passing a Python object to a function
+that will "steal" the reference, then you need to make sure you own it
+(or use :cfunc:`Py_INCREF` to get your own reference). You will also
+encounter the notion of borrowing a reference. A function that borrows
+a reference does not alter the reference count of the object and does
+not expect to "hold on "to the reference. It's just going to use the
+object temporarily.  When you use :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple` or
+:cfunc:`PyArg_UnpackTuple` you receive a borrowed reference to the
+objects in the tuple and should not alter their reference count inside
+your function. With practice, you can learn to get reference counting
+right, but it can be frustrating at first.
+One common source of reference-count errors is the :cfunc:`Py_BuildValue`
+function. Pay careful attention to the difference between the 'N'
+format character and the 'O' format character. If you create a new
+object in your subroutine (such as an output array), and you are
+passing it back in a tuple of return values, then you should most-
+likely use the 'N' format character in :cfunc:`Py_BuildValue`. The 'O'
+character will increase the reference count by one. This will leave
+the caller with two reference counts for a brand-new array.  When the
+variable is deleted and the reference count decremented by one, there
+will still be that extra reference count, and the array will never be
+deallocated. You will have a reference-counting induced memory leak.
+Using the 'N' character will avoid this situation as it will return to
+the caller an object (inside the tuple) with a single reference count. 
+.. index::
+   single: reference counting
+Dealing with array objects
+Most extension modules for NumPy will need to access the memory for an
+ndarray object (or one of it's sub-classes). The easiest way to do
+this doesn't require you to know much about the internals of NumPy.
+The method is to 
+1. Ensure you are dealing with a well-behaved array (aligned, in machine
+   byte-order and single-segment) of the correct type and number of
+   dimensions.
+    1. By converting it from some Python object using
+       :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny` or a macro built on it.
+    2. By constructing a new ndarray of your desired shape and type
+       using :cfunc:`PyArray_NewFromDescr` or a simpler macro or function
+       based on it.
+2. Get the shape of the array and a pointer to its actual data.
+3. Pass the data and shape information on to a subroutine or other
+   section of code that actually performs the computation.
+4. If you are writing the algorithm, then I recommend that you use the
+   stride information contained in the array to access the elements of
+   the array (the :cfunc:`PyArray_GETPTR` macros make this painless). Then,
+   you can relax your requirements so as not to force a single-segment
+   array and the data-copying that might result.
+Each of these sub-topics is covered in the following sub-sections. 
+Converting an arbitrary sequence object
+The main routine for obtaining an array from any Python object that
+can be converted to an array is :cfunc:`PyArray_FromAny`. This
+function is very flexible with many input arguments. Several macros
+make it easier to use the basic function. :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_OTF` is
+arguably the most useful of these macros for the most common uses.  It
+allows you to convert an arbitrary Python object to an array of a
+specific builtin data-type ( *e.g.* float), while specifying a
+particular set of requirements ( *e.g.* contiguous, aligned, and
+writeable). The syntax is
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_FROM_OTF(PyObject* obj, int typenum, int requirements)
+    Return an ndarray from any Python object, *obj*, that can be
+    converted to an array. The number of dimensions in the returned
+    array is determined by the object. The desired data-type of the
+    returned array is provided in *typenum* which should be one of the
+    enumerated types. The *requirements* for the returned array can be
+    any combination of standard array flags.  Each of these arguments
+    is explained in more detail below. You receive a new reference to
+    the array on success. On failure, ``NULL`` is returned and an
+    exception is set.
+    *obj*
+        The object can be any Python object convertable to an ndarray.
+        If the object is already (a subclass of) the ndarray that
+        satisfies the requirements then a new reference is returned.
+        Otherwise, a new array is constructed. The contents of *obj*
+        are copied to the new array unless the array interface is used
+        so that data does not have to be copied. Objects that can be
+        converted to an array include: 1) any nested sequence object,
+        2) any object exposing the array interface, 3) any object with
+        an :obj:`__array__` method (which should return an ndarray),
+        and 4) any scalar object (becomes a zero-dimensional
+        array). Sub-classes of the ndarray that otherwise fit the
+        requirements will be passed through. If you want to ensure
+        a base-class ndarray, then use :cdata:`NPY_ENSUREARRAY` in the
+        requirements flag. A copy is made only if necessary. If you
+        want to guarantee a copy, then pass in :cdata:`NPY_ENSURECOPY`
+        to the requirements flag.
+    *typenum*
+        One of the enumerated types or :cdata:`NPY_NOTYPE` if the data-type
+        should be determined from the object itself. The C-based names
+        can be used:
+            :cdata:`NPY_BOOL`, :cdata:`NPY_BYTE`, :cdata:`NPY_UBYTE`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_SHORT`, :cdata:`NPY_USHORT`, :cdata:`NPY_INT`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_UINT`, :cdata:`NPY_LONG`, :cdata:`NPY_ULONG`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_LONGLONG`, :cdata:`NPY_ULONGLONG`, :cdata:`NPY_DOUBLE`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_LONGDOUBLE`, :cdata:`NPY_CFLOAT`, :cdata:`NPY_CDOUBLE`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_CLONGDOUBLE`, :cdata:`NPY_OBJECT`. 
+        Alternatively, the bit-width names can be used as supported on the
+        platform. For example:
+            :cdata:`NPY_INT8`, :cdata:`NPY_INT16`, :cdata:`NPY_INT32`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_INT64`, :cdata:`NPY_UINT8`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_UINT16`, :cdata:`NPY_UINT32`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_UINT64`, :cdata:`NPY_FLOAT32`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_FLOAT64`, :cdata:`NPY_COMPLEX64`,
+            :cdata:`NPY_COMPLEX128`.
+        The object will be converted to the desired type only if it
+        can be done without losing precision. Otherwise ``NULL`` will
+        be returned and an error raised. Use :cdata:`NPY_FORCECAST` in the
+        requirements flag to override this behavior.
+    *requirements*
+        The memory model for an ndarray admits arbitrary strides in
+        each dimension to advance to the next element of the array.
+        Often, however, you need to interface with code that expects a
+        C-contiguous or a Fortran-contiguous memory layout. In
+        addition, an ndarray can be misaligned (the address of an
+        element is not at an integral multiple of the size of the
+        element) which can cause your program to crash (or at least
+        work more slowly) if you try and dereference a pointer into
+        the array data. Both of these problems can be solved by
+        converting the Python object into an array that is more
+        "well-behaved" for your specific usage.
+        The requirements flag allows specification of what kind of array is
+        acceptable. If the object passed in does not satisfy this requirements
+        then a copy is made so that thre returned object will satisfy the
+        requirements. these ndarray can use a very generic pointer to memory.
+        This flag allows specification of the desired properties of the
+        returned array object. All of the flags are explained in the detailed
+        API chapter. The flags most commonly needed are :cdata:`NPY_IN_ARRAY`,
+        :cdata:`NPY_OUT_ARRAY`, and :cdata:`NPY_INOUT_ARRAY`:
+        .. cvar:: NPY_IN_ARRAY
+            Equivalent to :cdata:`NPY_CONTIGUOUS` \|
+            :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED`. This combination of flags is useful
+            for arrays that must be in C-contiguous order and aligned.
+            These kinds of arrays are usually input arrays for some
+            algorithm.
+        .. cvar:: NPY_OUT_ARRAY
+            Equivalent to :cdata:`NPY_CONTIGUOUS` \|
+            :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE`. This
+            combination of flags is useful to specify an array that is
+            in C-contiguous order, is aligned, and can be written to
+            as well. Such an array is usually returned as output
+            (although normally such output arrays are created from
+            scratch).
+        .. cvar:: NPY_INOUT_ARRAY
+            Equivalent to :cdata:`NPY_CONTIGUOUS` \|
+            :cdata:`NPY_ALIGNED` \| :cdata:`NPY_WRITEABLE` \|
+            :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`. This combination of flags is
+            useful to specify an array that will be used for both
+            input and output. If a copy is needed, then when the
+            temporary is deleted (by your use of :cfunc:`Py_DECREF` at
+            the end of the interface routine), the temporary array
+            will be copied back into the original array passed in. Use
+            of the :cdata:`UPDATEIFCOPY` flag requires that the input
+            object is already an array (because other objects cannot
+            be automatically updated in this fashion). If an error
+            occurs use :cfunc:`PyArray_DECREF_ERR` (obj) on an array
+            with the :cdata:`NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY` flag set. This will
+            delete the array without causing the contents to be copied
+            back into the original array.
+        Other useful flags that can be OR'd as additional requirements are:
+        .. cvar:: NPY_FORCECAST
+            Cast to the desired type, even if it can't be done without losing
+            information.
+        .. cvar:: NPY_ENSURECOPY
+            Make sure the resulting array is a copy of the original.
+        .. cvar:: NPY_ENSUREARRAY
+            Make sure the resulting object is an actual ndarray and not a sub-
+            class.
+.. note::
+    Whether or not an array is byte-swapped is determined by the
+    data-type of the array. Native byte-order arrays are always
+    requested by :cfunc:`PyArray_FROM_OTF` and so there is no need for
+    a :cdata:`NPY_NOTSWAPPED` flag in the requirements argument. There
+    is also no way to get a byte-swapped array from this routine.
+Creating a brand-new ndarray
+Quite often new arrays must be created from within extension-module
+code. Perhaps an output array is needed and you don't want the caller
+to have to supply it. Perhaps only a temporary array is needed to hold
+an intermediate calculation. Whatever the need there are simple ways
+to get an ndarray object of whatever data-type is needed. The most
+general function for doing this is :cfunc:`PyArray_NewFromDescr`. All array
+creation functions go through this heavily re-used code. Because of
+its flexibility, it can be somewhat confusing to use. As a result,
+simpler forms exist that are easier to use. 
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_SimpleNew(int nd, npy_intp* dims, int typenum)
+    This function allocates new memory and places it in an ndarray
+    with *nd* dimensions whose shape is determined by the array of
+    at least *nd* items pointed to by *dims*. The memory for the
+    array is uninitialized (unless typenum is :cdata:`PyArray_OBJECT` in
+    which case each element in the array is set to NULL). The
+    *typenum* argument allows specification of any of the builtin
+    data-types such as :cdata:`PyArray_FLOAT` or :cdata:`PyArray_LONG`. The
+    memory for the array can be set to zero if desired using
+    :cfunc:`PyArray_FILLWBYTE` (return_object, 0).
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *PyArray_SimpleNewFromData( int nd, npy_intp* dims, int typenum, void* data)
+    Sometimes, you want to wrap memory allocated elsewhere into an
+    ndarray object for downstream use. This routine makes it
+    straightforward to do that. The first three arguments are the same
+    as in :cfunc:`PyArray_SimpleNew`, the final argument is a pointer to a
+    block of contiguous memory that the ndarray should use as it's
+    data-buffer which will be interpreted in C-style contiguous
+    fashion. A new reference to an ndarray is returned, but the
+    ndarray will not own its data. When this ndarray is deallocated,
+    the pointer will not be freed.
+    You should ensure that the provided memory is not freed while the
+    returned array is in existence. The easiest way to handle this is
+    if data comes from another reference-counted Python object. The
+    reference count on this object should be increased after the
+    pointer is passed in, and the base member of the returned ndarray
+    should point to the Python object that owns the data. Then, when
+    the ndarray is deallocated, the base-member will be DECREF'd
+    appropriately. If you want the memory to be freed as soon as the
+    ndarray is deallocated then simply set the OWNDATA flag on the
+    returned ndarray.
+Getting at ndarray memory and accessing elements of the ndarray
+If obj is an ndarray (:ctype:`PyArrayObject *`), then the data-area of the
+ndarray is pointed to by the void* pointer :cfunc:`PyArray_DATA` (obj) or
+the char* pointer :cfunc:`PyArray_BYTES` (obj). Remember that (in general)
+this data-area may not be aligned according to the data-type, it may
+represent byte-swapped data, and/or it may not be writeable. If the
+data area is aligned and in native byte-order, then how to get at a
+specific element of the array is determined only by the array of
+npy_intp variables, :cfunc:`PyArray_STRIDES` (obj). In particular, this
+c-array of integers shows how many **bytes** must be added to the
+current element pointer to get to the next element in each dimension.
+For arrays less than 4-dimensions there are :cfunc:`PyArray_GETPTR{k}`
+(obj, ...) macros where {k} is the integer 1, 2, 3, or 4 that make
+using the array strides easier. The arguments .... represent {k} non-
+negative integer indices into the array. For example, suppose ``E`` is
+a 3-dimensional ndarray. A (void*) pointer to the element ``E[i,j,k]``
+is obtained as :cfunc:`PyArray_GETPTR3` (E, i, j, k). 
+As explained previously, C-style contiguous arrays and Fortran-style
+contiguous arrays have particular striding patterns. Two array flags
+(:cdata:`NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS` and :cdata`NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS`) indicate
+whether or not the striding pattern of a particular array matches the
+C-style contiguous or Fortran-style contiguous or neither. Whether or
+not the striding pattern matches a standard C or Fortran one can be
+tested Using :cfunc:`PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS` (obj) and
+:cfunc:`PyArray_ISFORTRAN` (obj) respectively. Most third-party
+libraries expect contiguous arrays.  But, often it is not difficult to
+support general-purpose striding. I encourage you to use the striding
+information in your own code whenever possible, and reserve
+single-segment requirements for wrapping third-party code. Using the
+striding information provided with the ndarray rather than requiring a
+contiguous striding reduces copying that otherwise must be made.
+.. index::
+   single: extension module
+The following example shows how you might write a wrapper that accepts
+two input arguments (that will be converted to an array) and an output
+argument (that must be an array). The function returns None and
+updates the output array. 
+.. code-block:: c
+    static PyObject *
+    example_wrapper(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args)
+    {
+        PyObject *arg1=NULL, *arg2=NULL, *out=NULL;
+        PyObject *arr1=NULL, *arr2=NULL, *oarr=NULL;
+        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, OOO&, &arg1, *arg2,
+            &PyArrayType, *out)) return NULL;
+        arr1 = PyArray_FROM_OTF(arg1, NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_IN_ARRAY);
+        if (arr1 == NULL) return NULL;
+        arr2 = PyArray_FROM_OTF(arg2, NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_IN_ARRAY);  
+        if (arr2 == NULL) goto fail;
+        oarr = PyArray_FROM_OTF(out, NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_INOUT_ARRAY);
+        if (oarr == NULL) goto fail;
+        /* code that makes use of arguments */
+        /* You will probably need at least 
+           nd = PyArray_NDIM(<..>)    -- number of dimensions
+           dims = PyArray_DIMS(<..>)  -- npy_intp array of length nd 
+                                         showing length in each dim.
+           dptr = (double *)PyArray_DATA(<..>) -- pointer to data.
+           If an error occurs goto fail.
+         */
+        Py_DECREF(arr1);
+        Py_DECREF(arr2);
+        Py_DECREF(oarr);
+        Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+        return Py_None;
+     fail:
+        Py_XDECREF(arr1);
+        Py_XDECREF(arr2);
+        PyArray_XDECREF_ERR(oarr);
+        return NULL;
+    }

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+Using Python as glue
+|    There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody
+|    agrees. 
+|    --- *Michel de Montaigne* 
+|    Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and
+|    it holds the universe together. 
+|    --- *Carl Zwanzig* 
+Many people like to say that Python is a fantastic glue language.
+Hopefully, this Chapter will convince you that this is true. The first
+adopters of Python for science were typically people who used it to
+glue together large applicaton codes running on super-computers. Not
+only was it much nicer to code in Python than in a shell script or
+Perl, in addition, the ability to easily extend Python made it
+relatively easy to create new classes and types specifically adapted
+to the problems being solved. From the interactions of these early
+contributors, Numeric emerged as an array-like object that could be
+used to pass data between these applications. 
+As Numeric has matured and developed into NumPy, people have been able
+to write more code directly in NumPy. Often this code is fast-enough
+for production use, but there are still times that there is a need to
+access compiled code. Either to get that last bit of efficiency out of
+the algorithm or to make it easier to access widely-available codes
+written in C/C++ or Fortran. 
+This chapter will review many of the tools that are available for the
+purpose of accessing code written in other compiled languages. There
+are many resources available for learning to call other compiled
+libraries from Python and the purpose of this Chapter is not to make
+you an expert. The main goal is to make you aware of some of the
+possibilities so that you will know what to "Google" in order to learn more. 
+The http://www.scipy.org website also contains a great deal of useful
+information about many of these tools. For example, there is a nice
+description of using several of the tools explained in this chapter at
+http://www.scipy.org/PerformancePython. This link provides several
+ways to solve the same problem showing how to use and connect with
+compiled code to get the best performance. In the process you can get
+a taste for several of the approaches that will be discussed in this
+Calling other compiled libraries from Python
+While Python is a great language and a pleasure to code in, its
+dynamic nature results in overhead that can cause some code ( *i.e.*
+raw computations inside of for loops) to be up 10-100 times slower
+than equivalent code written in a static compiled language. In
+addition, it can cause memory usage to be larger than necessary as
+temporary arrays are created and destroyed during computation. For
+many types of computing needs the extra slow-down and memory
+consumption can often not be spared (at least for time- or memory-
+critical portions of your code). Therefore one of the most common
+needs is to call out from Python code to a fast, machine-code routine
+(e.g. compiled using C/C++ or Fortran). The fact that this is
+relatively easy to do is a big reason why Python is such an excellent
+high-level language for scientific and engineering programming. 
+Their are two basic approaches to calling compiled code: writing an
+extension module that is then imported to Python using the import
+command, or calling a shared-library subroutine directly from Python
+using the ctypes module (included in the standard distribution with
+Python 2.5). The first method is the most common (but with the
+inclusion of ctypes into Python 2.5 this status may change). 
+.. warning::
+    Calling C-code from Python can result in Python crashes if you are not
+    careful. None of the approaches in this chapter are immune. You have
+    to know something about the way data is handled by both NumPy and by
+    the third-party library being used. 
+Hand-generated wrappers
+Extension modules were discussed in Chapter `1
+<#sec-writing-an-extension>`__ . The most basic way to interface with
+compiled code is to write an extension module and construct a module
+method that calls the compiled code. For improved readability, your
+method should take advantage of the PyArg_ParseTuple call to convert
+between Python objects and C data-types. For standard C data-types
+there is probably already a built-in converter. For others you may
+need to write your own converter and use the "O&" format string which
+allows you to specify a function that will be used to perform the
+conversion from the Python object to whatever C-structures are needed. 
+Once the conversions to the appropriate C-structures and C data-types
+have been performed, the next step in the wrapper is to call the
+underlying function. This is straightforward if the underlying
+function is in C or C++. However, in order to call Fortran code you
+must be familiar with how Fortran subroutines are called from C/C++
+using your compiler and platform. This can vary somewhat platforms and
+compilers (which is another reason f2py makes life much simpler for
+interfacing Fortran code) but generally involves underscore mangling
+of the name and the fact that all variables are passed by reference
+(i.e. all arguments are pointers). 
+The advantage of the hand-generated wrapper is that you have complete
+control over how the C-library gets used and called which can lead to
+a lean and tight interface with minimal over-head. The disadvantage is
+that you have to write, debug, and maintain C-code, although most of
+it can be adapted using the time-honored technique of
+"cutting-pasting-and-modifying" from other extension modules. Because,
+the procedure of calling out to additional C-code is fairly
+regimented, code-generation procedures have been developed to make
+this process easier. One of these code- generation techniques is
+distributed with NumPy and allows easy integration with Fortran and
+(simple) C code. This package, f2py, will be covered briefly in the
+next session. 
+F2py allows you to automatically construct an extension module that
+interfaces to routines in Fortran 77/90/95 code. It has the ability to
+parse Fortran 77/90/95 code and automatically generate Python
+signatures for the subroutines it encounters, or you can guide how the
+subroutine interfaces with Python by constructing an interface-
+defintion-file (or modifying the f2py-produced one). 
+.. index::
+   single: f2py
+Creating source for a basic extension module
+Probably the easiest way to introduce f2py is to offer a simple
+example. Here is one of the subroutines contained in a file named
+.. code-block:: none
+    C
+    C
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX A(*)
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX B(*)
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX C(*)
+          INTEGER N
+          DO 20 J = 1, N
+             C(J) = A(J)+B(J)
+     20   CONTINUE
+          END  
+This routine simply adds the elements in two contiguous arrays and
+places the result in a third. The memory for all three arrays must be
+provided by the calling routine. A very basic interface to this
+routine can be automatically generated by f2py::
+    f2py -m add add.f
+You should be able to run this command assuming your search-path is
+set-up properly. This command will produce an extension module named
+addmodule.c in the current directory. This extension module can now be
+compiled and used from Python just like any other extension module. 
+Creating a compiled extension module
+You can also get f2py to compile add.f and also compile its produced
+extension module leaving only a shared-library extension file that can
+be imported from Python::
+    f2py -c -m add add.f
+This command leaves a file named add.{ext} in the current directory
+(where {ext} is the appropriate extension for a python extension
+module on your platform --- so, pyd, *etc.* ). This module may then be
+imported from Python. It will contain a method for each subroutin in
+add (zadd, cadd, dadd, sadd). The docstring of each method contains
+information about how the module method may be called:
+    >>> import add
+    >>> print add.zadd.__doc__
+    zadd - Function signature: 
+      zadd(a,b,c,n)
+    Required arguments: 
+      a : input rank-1 array('D') with bounds (*)
+      b : input rank-1 array('D') with bounds (*)
+      c : input rank-1 array('D') with bounds (*)
+      n : input int   
+Improving the basic interface
+The default interface is a very literal translation of the fortran
+code into Python. The Fortran array arguments must now be NumPy arrays
+and the integer argument should be an integer. The interface will
+attempt to convert all arguments to their required types (and shapes)
+and issue an error if unsuccessful. However, because it knows nothing
+about the semantics of the arguments (such that C is an output and n
+should really match the array sizes), it is possible to abuse this
+function in ways that can cause Python to crash. For example: 
+    >>> add.zadd([1,2,3],[1,2],[3,4],1000)
+will cause a program crash on most systems. Under the covers, the
+lists are being converted to proper arrays but then the underlying add
+loop is told to cycle way beyond the borders of the allocated memory. 
+In order to improve the interface, directives should be provided. This
+is accomplished by constructing an interface definition file. It is
+usually best to start from the interface file that f2py can produce
+(where it gets its default behavior from). To get f2py to generate the
+interface file use the -h option::
+    f2py -h add.pyf -m add add.f
+This command leaves the file add.pyf in the current directory. The
+section of this file corresponding to zadd is:
+.. code-block:: none
+    subroutine zadd(a,b,c,n) ! in :add:add.f 
+       double complex dimension(*) :: a 
+       double complex dimension(*) :: b 
+       double complex dimension(*) :: c 
+       integer :: n 
+    end subroutine zadd
+By placing intent directives and checking code, the interface can be
+cleaned up quite a bit until the Python module method is both easier
+to use and more robust.
+.. code-block:: none
+    subroutine zadd(a,b,c,n) ! in :add:add.f 
+       double complex dimension(n) :: a 
+       double complex dimension(n) :: b 
+       double complex intent(out),dimension(n) :: c 
+       integer intent(hide),depend(a) :: n=len(a) 
+    end subroutine zadd
+The intent directive, intent(out) is used to tell f2py that ``c`` is
+an output variable and should be created by the interface before being
+passed to the underlying code. The intent(hide) directive tells f2py
+to not allow the user to specify the variable, ``n``, but instead to
+get it from the size of ``a``. The depend( ``a`` ) directive is
+necessary to tell f2py that the value of n depends on the input a (so
+that it won't try to create the variable n until the variable a is
+The new interface has docstring:
+    >>> print add.zadd.__doc__
+    zadd - Function signature: 
+      c = zadd(a,b) 
+    Required arguments: 
+      a : input rank-1 array('D') with bounds (n) 
+      b : input rank-1 array('D') with bounds (n) 
+    Return objects: 
+      c : rank-1 array('D') with bounds (n) 
+Now, the function can be called in a much more robust way: 
+    >>> add.zadd([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
+    array([ 5.+0.j,  7.+0.j,  9.+0.j])
+Notice the automatic conversion to the correct format that occurred. 
+Inserting directives in Fortran source
+The nice interface can also be generated automatically by placing the
+variable directives as special comments in the original fortran code.
+Thus, if I modify the source code to contain:
+.. code-block:: none
+    C
+    C
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX A(*)
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX B(*)
+          DOUBLE COMPLEX C(*)
+          INTEGER N
+          DO 20 J = 1, N
+             C(J) = A(J) + B(J)
+     20   CONTINUE
+          END
+Then, I can compile the extension module using::
+    f2py -c -m add add.f
+The resulting signature for the function add.zadd is exactly the same
+one that was created previously. If the original source code had
+contained A(N) instead of A(\*) and so forth with B and C, then I
+could obtain (nearly) the same interface simply by placing the
+INTENT(OUT) :: C comment line in the source code. The only difference
+is that N would be an optional input that would default to the length
+of A. 
+A filtering example
+For comparison with the other methods to be discussed. Here is another
+example of a function that filters a two-dimensional array of double
+precision floating-point numbers using a fixed averaging filter. The
+advantage of using Fortran to index into multi-dimensional arrays
+should be clear from this example. 
+.. code-block:: none
+    C
+          INTEGER N, M
+          DO 20 I = 2,M-1
+             DO 40 J=2,N-1
+                B(I,J) = A(I,J) + 
+         $           (A(I-1,J)+A(I+1,J) +
+         $            A(I,J-1)+A(I,J+1) )*0.5D0 +
+         $           (A(I-1,J-1) + A(I-1,J+1) +
+         $            A(I+1,J-1) + A(I+1,J+1))*0.25D0
+     40      CONTINUE
+     20   CONTINUE
+          END
+This code can be compiled and linked into an extension module named
+filter using::
+    f2py -c -m filter filter.f
+This will produce an extension module named filter.so in the current
+directory with a method named dfilter2d that returns a filtered
+version of the input. 
+Calling f2py from Python
+The f2py program is written in Python and can be run from inside your
+module. This provides a facility that is somewhat similar to the use
+of weave.ext_tools described below. An example of the final interface
+executed using Python code is:
+.. code-block:: python
+    import numpy.f2py as f2py
+    fid = open('add.f')
+    source = fid.read()
+    fid.close()
+    f2py.compile(source, modulename='add')
+    import add
+The source string can be any valid Fortran code. If you want to save
+the extension-module source code then a suitable file-name can be
+provided by the source_fn keyword to the compile function. 
+Automatic extension module generation
+If you want to distribute your f2py extension module, then you only
+need to include the .pyf file and the Fortran code. The distutils
+extensions in NumPy allow you to define an extension module entirely
+in terms of this interface file. A valid setup.py file allowing
+distribution of the add.f module (as part of the package f2py_examples
+so that it would be loaded as f2py_examples.add) is:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None)
+        from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+        config = Configuration('f2py_examples',parent_package, top_path)
+        config.add_extension('add', sources=['add.pyf','add.f'])
+        return config
+    if __name__ == '__main__':
+        from numpy.distutils.core import setup
+        setup(**configuration(top_path='').todict())
+Installation of the new package is easy using::
+    python setup.py install
+assuming you have the proper permissions to write to the main site-
+packages directory for the version of Python you are using. For the
+resulting package to work, you need to create a file named __init__.py
+(in the same directory as add.pyf). Notice the extension module is
+defined entirely in terms of the "add.pyf" and "add.f" files. The
+conversion of the .pyf file to a .c file is handled by numpy.disutils. 
+The interface definition file (.pyf) is how you can fine-tune the
+interface between Python and Fortran. There is decent documentation
+for f2py found in the numpy/f2py/docs directory where-ever NumPy is
+installed on your system (usually under site-packages). There is also
+more information on using f2py (including how to use it to wrap C
+codes) at http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook under the "Using NumPy with
+Other Languages" heading. 
+The f2py method of linking compiled code is currently the most
+sophisticated and integrated approach. It allows clean separation of
+Python with compiled code while still allowing for separate
+distribution of the extension module. The only draw-back is that it
+requires the existence of a Fortran compiler in order for a user to
+install the code. However, with the existence of the free-compilers
+g77, gfortran, and g95, as well as high-quality commerical compilers,
+this restriction is not particularly onerous. In my opinion, Fortran
+is still the easiest way to write fast and clear code for scientific
+computing. It handles complex numbers, and multi-dimensional indexing
+in the most straightforward way. Be aware, however, that some Fortran
+compilers will not be able to optimize code as well as good hand-
+written C-code. 
+.. index::
+   single: f2py
+Weave is a scipy package that can be used to automate the process of
+extending Python with C/C++ code. It can be used to speed up
+evaluation of an array expression that would otherwise create
+temporary variables, to directly "inline" C/C++ code into Python, or
+to create a fully-named extension module.  You must either install
+scipy or get the weave package separately and install it using the
+standard python setup.py install. You must also have a C/C++-compiler
+installed and useable by Python distutils in order to use weave. 
+.. index::
+   single: weave
+Somewhat dated, but still useful documentation for weave can be found
+at the link http://www.scipy/Weave. There are also many examples found
+in the examples directory which is installed under the weave directory
+in the place where weave is installed on your system. 
+Speed up code involving arrays (also see scipy.numexpr)
+This is the easiest way to use weave and requires minimal changes to
+your Python code. It involves placing quotes around the expression of
+interest and calling weave.blitz. Weave will parse the code and
+generate C++ code using Blitz C++ arrays. It will then compile the
+code and catalog the shared library so that the next time this exact
+string is asked for (and the array types are the same), the already-
+compiled shared library will be loaded and used. Because Blitz makes
+extensive use of C++ templating, it can take a long time to compile
+the first time. After that, however, the code should evaluate more
+quickly than the equivalent NumPy expression. This is especially true
+if your array sizes are large and the expression would require NumPy
+to create several temporaries. Only expressions involving basic
+arithmetic operations and basic array slicing can be converted to
+Blitz C++ code. 
+For example, consider the expression::
+    d = 4*a + 5*a*b + 6*b*c
+where a, b, and c are all arrays of the same type and shape. When the
+data-type is double-precision and the size is 1000x1000, this
+expression takes about 0.5 seconds to compute on an 1.1Ghz AMD Athlon
+machine. When this expression is executed instead using blitz:
+.. code-block:: python
+    d = empty(a.shape, 'd'); weave.blitz(expr)
+execution time is only about 0.20 seconds (about 0.14 seconds spent in
+weave and the rest in allocating space for d). Thus, we've sped up the
+code by a factor of 2 using only a simnple command (weave.blitz). Your
+mileage may vary, but factors of 2-8 speed-ups are possible with this
+very simple technique. 
+If you are interested in using weave in this way, then you should also
+look at scipy.numexpr which is another similar way to speed up
+expressions by eliminating the need for temporary variables. Using
+numexpr does not require a C/C++ compiler. 
+Inline C-code
+Probably the most widely-used method of employing weave is to
+"in-line" C/C++ code into Python in order to speed up a time-critical
+section of Python code. In this method of using weave, you define a
+string containing useful C-code and then pass it to the function
+**weave.inline** ( ``code_string``, ``variables`` ), where
+code_string is a string of valid C/C++ code and variables is a list of
+variables that should be passed in from Python. The C/C++ code should
+refer to the variables with the same names as they are defined with in
+Python. If weave.line should return anything the the special value
+return_val should be set to whatever object should be returned. The
+following example shows how to use weave on basic Python objects:
+.. code-block:: python
+    code = r""" 
+    int i; 
+    py::tuple results(2); 
+    for (i=0; i<a.length(); i++) { 
+         a[i] = i;
+    } 
+    results[0] = 3.0; 
+    results[1] = 4.0; 
+    return_val = results;
+    """ 
+    a = [None]*10 
+    res = weave.inline(code,['a'])
+The C++ code shown in the code string uses the name 'a' to refer to
+the Python list that is passed in. Because the Python List is a
+mutable type, the elements of the list itself are modified by the C++
+code. A set of C++ classes are used to access Python objects using
+simple syntax. 
+The main advantage of using C-code, however, is to speed up processing
+on an array of data. Accessing a NumPy array in C++ code using weave,
+depends on what kind of type converter is chosen in going from NumPy
+arrays to C++ code. The default converter creates 5 variables for the
+C-code for every NumPy array passed in to weave.inline. The following
+table shows these variables which can all be used in the C++ code. The
+table assumes that ``myvar`` is the name of the array in Python with
+data-type {dtype} (i.e.  float64, float32, int8, etc.) 
+===========  ==============  =========================================
+Variable     Type            Contents                                   
+===========  ==============  =========================================
+myvar        {dtype}*        Pointer to the first element of the array  
+Nmyvar       npy_intp*       A pointer to the dimensions array          
+Smyvar       npy_intp*       A pointer to the strides array             
+Dmyvar       int             The number of dimensions                   
+myvar_array  PyArrayObject*  The entire structure for the array         
+===========  ==============  =========================================
+The in-lined code can contain references to any of these variables as
+well as to the standard macros MYVAR1(i), MYVAR2(i,j), MYVAR3(i,j,k),
+and MYVAR4(i,j,k,l). These name-based macros (they are the Python name
+capitalized followed by the number of dimensions needed) will de-
+reference the memory for the array at the given location with no error
+checking (be-sure to use the correct macro and ensure the array is
+aligned and in correct byte-swap order in order to get useful
+results). The following code shows how you might use these variables
+and macros to code a loop in C that computes a simple 2-d weighted
+averaging filter. 
+.. code-block:: c++
+    int i,j;
+    for(i=1;i<Na[0]-1;i++) {
+       for(j=1;j<Na[1]-1;j++) {
+           B2(i,j) = A2(i,j) + (A2(i-1,j) +
+                     A2(i+1,j)+A2(i,j-1)
+                     + A2(i,j+1))*0.5
+                     + (A2(i-1,j-1)
+                     + A2(i-1,j+1)
+                     + A2(i+1,j-1)
+                     + A2(i+1,j+1))*0.25
+       }
+    }
+The above code doesn't have any error checking and so could fail with
+a Python crash if, ``a`` had the wrong number of dimensions, or ``b``
+did not have the same shape as ``a``. However, it could be placed
+inside a standard Python function with the necessary error checking to
+produce a robust but fast subroutine. 
+One final note about weave.inline: if you have additional code you
+want to include in the final extension module such as supporting
+function calls, include statments, etc. you can pass this code in as a
+string using the keyword support_code: ``weave.inline(code, variables,
+support_code=support)``. If you need the extension module to link
+against an additional library then you can also pass in
+distutils-style keyword arguments such as library_dirs, libraries,
+and/or runtime_library_dirs which point to the appropriate libraries
+and directories. 
+Simplify creation of an extension module
+The inline function creates one extension module for each function to-
+be inlined. It also generates a lot of intermediate code that is
+duplicated for each extension module. If you have several related
+codes to execute in C, it would be better to make them all separate
+functions in a single extension module with multiple functions. You
+can also use the tools weave provides to produce this larger extension
+module. In fact, the weave.inline function just uses these more
+general tools to do its work. 
+The approach is to: 
+1. construct a extension module object using
+   ext_tools.ext_module(``module_name``);
+2. create function objects using ext_tools.ext_function(``func_name``,
+   ``code``, ``variables``);
+3. (optional) add support code to the function using the
+   .customize.add_support_code( ``support_code`` ) method of the
+   function object;
+4. add the functions to the extension module object using the
+   .add_function(``func``) method;
+5. when all the functions are added, compile the extension with its
+   .compile() method.
+Several examples are available in the examples directory where weave
+is installed on your system. Look particularly at ramp2.py,
+increment_example.py and fibonacii.py 
+Weave is a useful tool for quickly routines in C/C++ and linking them
+into Python. It's caching-mechanism allows for on-the-fly compilation
+which makes it particularly attractive for in-house code. Because of
+the requirement that the user have a C++-compiler, it can be difficult
+(but not impossible) to distribute a package that uses weave to other
+users who don't have a compiler installed. Of course, weave could be
+used to construct an extension module which is then distributed in the
+normal way *(* using a setup.py file). While you can use weave to
+build larger extension modules with many methods, creating methods
+with a variable- number of arguments is not possible. Thus, for a more
+sophisticated module, you will still probably want a Python-layer that
+calls the weave-produced extension. 
+.. index::
+   single: weave
+Pyrex is a way to write C-extension modules using Python-like syntax.
+It is an interesting way to generate extension modules that is growing
+in popularity, particularly among people who have rusty or non-
+existent C-skills. It does require the user to write the "interface"
+code and so is more time-consuming than SWIG or f2py if you are trying
+to interface to a large library of code. However, if you are writing
+an extension module that will include quite a bit of your own
+algorithmic code, as well, then Pyrex is a good match. A big weakness
+perhaps is the inability to easily and quickly access the elements of
+a multidimensional array. 
+.. index::
+   single: pyrex
+Notice that Pyrex is an extension-module generator only. Unlike weave
+or f2py, it includes no automatic facility for compiling and linking
+the extension module (which must be done in the usual fashion). It
+does provide a modified distutils class called build_ext which lets
+you build an extension module from a .pyx source. Thus, you could
+write in a setup.py file:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
+    from distutils.extension import Extension
+    from distutils.core import setup
+    import numpy
+    py_ext = Extension('mine', ['mine.pyx'],
+             include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])
+    setup(name='mine', description='Nothing', 
+          ext_modules=[pyx_ext],
+          cmdclass = {'build_ext':build_ext})
+Adding the NumPy include directory is, of course, only necessary if
+you are using NumPy arrays in the extension module (which is what I
+assume you are using Pyrex for). The distutils extensions in NumPy
+also include support for automatically producing the extension-module
+and linking it from a ``.pyx`` file. It works so that if the user does
+not have Pyrex installed, then it looks for a file with the same
+file-name but a ``.c`` extension which it then uses instead of trying
+to produce the ``.c`` file again. 
+Pyrex does not natively understand NumPy arrays. However, it is not
+difficult to include information that lets Pyrex deal with them
+usefully. In fact, the numpy.random.mtrand module was written using
+Pyrex so an example of Pyrex usage is already included in the NumPy
+source distribution. That experience led to the creation of a standard
+c_numpy.pxd file that you can use to simplify interacting with NumPy
+array objects in a Pyrex-written extension. The file may not be
+complete (it wasn't at the time of this writing). If you have
+additions you'd like to contribute, please send them. The file is
+located in the .../site-packages/numpy/doc/pyrex directory where you
+have Python installed. There is also an example in that directory of
+using Pyrex to construct a simple extension module. It shows that
+Pyrex looks a lot like Python but also contains some new syntax that
+is necessary in order to get C-like speed. 
+If you just use Pyrex to compile a standard Python module, then you
+will get a C-extension module that runs either as fast or, possibly,
+more slowly than the equivalent Python module. Speed increases are
+possible only when you use cdef to statically define C variables and
+use a special construct to create for loops:
+.. code-block:: none
+    cdef int i
+    for i from start <= i < stop
+Let's look at two examples we've seen before to see how they might be
+implemented using Pyrex. These examples were compiled into extension
+modules using Pyrex- 
+Here is part of a Pyrex-file I named add.pyx which implements the add
+functions we previously implemented using f2py:
+.. code-block:: none
+    cimport c_numpy
+    from c_numpy cimport import_array, ndarray, npy_intp, npy_cdouble, \
+         npy_cfloat, NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_CDOUBLE, NPY_FLOAT, \
+         NPY_CFLOAT
+    #We need to initialize NumPy
+    import_array()
+    def zadd(object ao, object bo):
+        cdef ndarray c, a, b
+        cdef npy_intp i
+        a = c_numpy.PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(ao, 
+                      NPY_CDOUBLE, 1, 1)
+        b = c_numpy.PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(bo, 
+                      NPY_CDOUBLE, 1, 1)
+        c = c_numpy.PyArray_SimpleNew(a.nd, a.dimensions,
+                     a.descr.type_num)
+        for i from 0 <= i < a.dimensions[0]:
+            (<npy_cdouble *>c.data)[i].real = \
+                 (<npy_cdouble *>a.data)[i].real + \
+                 (<npy_cdouble *>b.data)[i].real
+            (<npy_cdouble *>c.data)[i].imag = \
+                 (<npy_cdouble *>a.data)[i].imag + \
+                 (<npy_cdouble *>b.data)[i].imag
+        return c
+This module shows use of the ``cimport`` statement to load the
+definitions from the c_numpy.pxd file. As shown, both versions of the
+import statement are supported. It also shows use of the NumPy C-API
+to construct NumPy arrays from arbitrary input objects. The array c is
+created using PyArray_SimpleNew. Then the c-array is filled by
+addition. Casting to a particiular data-type is accomplished using
+<cast \*>. Pointers are de-referenced with bracket notation and
+members of structures are accessed using '.' notation even if the
+object is techinically a pointer to a structure. The use of the
+special for loop construct ensures that the underlying code will have
+a similar C-loop so the addition calculation will proceed quickly.
+Notice that we have not checked for NULL after calling to the C-API
+--- a cardinal sin when writing C-code. For routines that return
+Python objects, Pyrex inserts the checks for NULL into the C-code for
+you and returns with failure if need be. There is also a way to get
+Pyrex to automatically check for exceptions when you call functions
+that don't return Python objects. See the documentation of Pyrex for
+The two-dimensional example we created using weave is a bit uglierto
+implement in Pyrex because two-dimensional indexing using Pyrex is not
+as simple. But, it is straightforward (and possibly faster because of
+pre-computed indices). Here is the Pyrex-file I named image.pyx. 
+.. code-block:: none
+    cimport c_numpy
+    from c_numpy cimport import_array, ndarray, npy_intp,\ 
+    #We need to initialize NumPy
+    import_array()
+    def filter(object ao):
+        cdef ndarray a, b
+        cdef npy_intp i, j, M, N, oS
+        cdef npy_intp r,rm1,rp1,c,cm1,cp1
+        cdef double value
+        # Require an ALIGNED array 
+        # (but not necessarily contiguous)
+        #  We will use strides to access the elements.
+        a = c_numpy.PyArray_FROMANY(ao, NPY_DOUBLE, \
+                    2, 2, NPY_ALIGNED)
+        b = c_numpy.PyArray_SimpleNew(a.nd,a.dimensions, \
+                                      a.descr.type_num)
+        M = a.dimensions[0]
+        N = a.dimensions[1]
+        S0 = a.strides[0]
+        S1 = a.strides[1]
+        for i from 1 <= i < M-1:
+            r = i*S0
+            rm1 = r-S0
+            rp1 = r+S0
+            oS = i*N
+            for j from 1 <= j < N-1:
+                c = j*S1
+                cm1 = c-S1
+                cp1 = c+S1
+                (<double *>b.data)[oS+j] = \
+                   (<double *>(a.data+r+c))[0] + \
+                   ((<double *>(a.data+rm1+c))[0] + \
+                    (<double *>(a.data+rp1+c))[0] + \
+                    (<double *>(a.data+r+cm1))[0] + \
+                    (<double *>(a.data+r+cp1))[0])*0.5 + \
+                   ((<double *>(a.data+rm1+cm1))[0] + \ 
+                    (<double *>(a.data+rp1+cm1))[0] + \
+                    (<double *>(a.data+rp1+cp1))[0] + \
+                    (<double *>(a.data+rm1+cp1))[0])*0.25
+        return b
+This 2-d averaging filter runs quickly because the loop is in C and
+the pointer computations are done only as needed. However, it is not
+particularly easy to understand what is happening. A 2-d image, ``in``
+, can be filtered using this code very quickly using:
+.. code-block:: python
+    import image
+    out = image.filter(in)
+There are several disadvantages of using Pyrex: 
+1. The syntax for Pyrex can get a bit bulky, and it can be confusing at
+   first to understand what kind of objects you are getting and how to
+   interface them with C-like constructs.
+2. Inappropriate Pyrex syntax or incorrect calls to C-code or type-
+   mismatches can result in failures such as
+    1. Pyrex failing to generate the extension module source code,
+    2. Compiler failure while generating the extension module binary due to
+       incorrect C syntax,
+    3. Python failure when trying to use the module.
+3. It is easy to lose a clean separation between Python and C which makes
+   re-using your C-code for other non-Python-related projects more
+   difficult.
+4. Multi-dimensional arrays are "bulky" to index (appropriate macros
+   may be able to fix this).
+5. The C-code generated by Prex is hard to read and modify (and typically
+   compiles with annoying but harmless warnings).
+Writing a good Pyrex extension module still takes a bit of effort
+because not only does it require (a little) familiarity with C, but
+also with Pyrex's brand of Python-mixed-with C. One big advantage of
+Pyrex-generated extension modules is that they are easy to distribute
+using distutils. In summary, Pyrex is a very capable tool for either
+gluing C-code or generating an extension module quickly and should not
+be over-looked. It is especially useful for people that can't or won't
+write C-code or Fortran code. But, if you are already able to write
+simple subroutines in C or Fortran, then I would use one of the other
+approaches such as f2py (for Fortran), ctypes (for C shared-
+libraries), or weave (for inline C-code). 
+.. index::
+   single: pyrex
+Ctypes is a python extension module (downloaded separately for Python
+<2.5 and included with Python 2.5) that allows you to call an
+arbitrary function in a shared library directly from Python. This
+approach allows you to interface with C-code directly from Python.
+This opens up an enormous number of libraries for use from Python. The
+drawback, however, is that coding mistakes can lead to ugly program
+crashes very easily (just as can happen in C) because there is little
+type or bounds checking done on the parameters. This is especially
+true when array data is passed in as a pointer to a raw memory
+location. The responsibility is then on you that the subroutine will
+not access memory outside the actual array area. But, if you don't
+mind living a little dangerously ctypes can be an effective tool for
+quickly taking advantage of a large shared library (or writing
+extended functionality in your own shared library). 
+.. index::
+   single: ctypes
+Because the ctypes approach exposes a raw interface to the compiled
+code it is not always tolerant of user mistakes. Robust use of the
+ctypes module typically involves an additional layer of Python code in
+order to check the data types and array bounds of objects passed to
+the underlying subroutine. This additional layer of checking (not to
+mention the conversion from ctypes objects to C-data-types that ctypes
+itself performs), will make the interface slower than a hand-written
+extension-module interface. However, this overhead should be neglible
+if the C-routine being called is doing any significant amount of work.
+If you are a great Python programmer with weak C-skills, ctypes is an
+easy way to write a useful interface to a (shared) library of compiled
+To use c-types you must 
+1. Have a shared library.
+2. Load the shared library.
+3. Convert the python objects to ctypes-understood arguments.
+4. Call the function from the library with the ctypes arguments.
+Having a shared library
+There are several requirements for a shared library that can be used
+with c-types that are platform specific. This guide assumes you have
+some familiarity with making a shared library on your system (or
+simply have a shared library available to you). Items to remember are: 
+- A shared library must be compiled in a special way ( *e.g.* using
+  the -shared flag with gcc).
+- On some platforms (*e.g.* Windows) , a shared library requires a
+  .def file that specifies the functions to be exported. For example a
+  mylib.def file might contain.
+  ::
+      LIBRARY mylib.dll
+      EXPORTS
+      cool_function1
+      cool_function2
+  Alternatively, you may be able to use the storage-class specifier
+  __declspec(dllexport) in the C-definition of the function to avoid the
+  need for this .def file. 
+There is no standard way in Python distutils to create a standard
+shared library (an extension module is a "special" shared library
+Python understands) in a cross-platform manner. Thus, a big
+disadvantage of ctypes at the time of writing this book is that it is
+difficult to distribute in a cross-platform manner a Python extension
+that uses c-types and includes your own code which should be compiled
+as a shared library on the users system. 
+Loading the shared library
+A simple, but robust way to load the shared library is to get the
+absolute path name and load it using the cdll object of ctypes.:
+.. code-block:: python
+    lib = ctypes.cdll[<full_path_name>]
+However, on Windows accessing an attribute of the cdll method will
+load the first DLL by that name found in the current directory or on
+the PATH. Loading the absolute path name requires a little finesse for
+cross-platform work since the extension of shared libraries varies.
+There is a ``ctypes.util.find_library`` utility available that can
+simplify the process of finding the library to load but it is not
+foolproof. Complicating matters, different platforms have different
+default extensions used by shared libraries (e.g. .dll -- Windows, .so
+-- Linux, .dylib -- Mac OS X). This must also be taken into account if
+you are using c-types to wrap code that needs to work on several
+NumPy provides a convenience function called
+:func:`ctypeslib.load_library` (name, path). This function takes the name
+of the shared library (including any prefix like 'lib' but excluding
+the extension) and a path where the shared library can be located. It
+returns a ctypes library object or raises an OSError if the library
+cannot be found or raises an ImportError if the ctypes module is not
+available. (Windows users: the ctypes library object loaded using
+:func:`load_library` is always loaded assuming cdecl calling convention.
+See the ctypes documentation under ctypes.windll and/or ctypes.oledll
+for ways to load libraries under other calling conventions). 
+The functions in the shared library are available as attributes of the
+ctypes library object (returned from :func:`ctypeslib.load_library`) or
+as items using ``lib['func_name']`` syntax. The latter method for
+retrieving a function name is particularly useful if the function name
+contains characters that are not allowable in Python variable names. 
+Converting arguments
+Python ints/longs, strings, and unicode objects are automatically
+converted as needed to equivalent c-types arguments The None object is
+also converted automatically to a NULL pointer. All other Python
+objects must be converted to ctypes-specific types. There are two ways
+around this restriction that allow c-types to integrate with other
+1. Don't set the argtypes attribute of the function object and define an
+   :obj:`_as_parameter_` method for the object you want to pass in. The
+   :obj:`_as_parameter_` method must return a Python int which will be passed
+   directly to the function.
+2. Set the argtypes attribute to a list whose entries contain objects
+   with a classmethod named from_param that knows how to convert your
+   object to an object that ctypes can understand (an int/long, string,
+   unicode, or object with the :obj:`_as_parameter_` attribute).
+NumPy uses both methods with a preference for the second method
+because it can be safer. The ctypes attribute of the ndarray returns
+an object that has an _as_parameter\_ attribute which returns an
+integer representing the address of the ndarray to which it is
+associated. As a result, one can pass this ctypes attribute object
+directly to a function expecting a pointer to the data in your
+ndarray. The caller must be sure that the ndarray object is of the
+correct type, shape, and has the correct flags set or risk nasty
+crashes if the data-pointer to inappropriate arrays are passsed in. 
+To implement the second method, NumPy provides the class-factory
+function :func:`ndpointer` in the :mod:`ctypeslib` module. This
+class-factory function produces an appropriate class that can be
+placed in an argtypes attribute entry of a ctypes function. The class
+will contain a from_param method which ctypes will use to convert any
+ndarray passed in to the function to a ctypes-recognized object. In
+the process, the conversion will perform checking on any properties of
+the ndarray that were specified by the user in the call to :func:`ndpointer`.
+Aspects of the ndarray that can be checked include the data-type, the
+number-of-dimensions, the shape, and/or the state of the flags on any
+array passed. The return value of the from_param method is the ctypes
+attribute of the array which (because it contains the _as_parameter\_
+attribute pointing to the array data area) can be used by ctypes
+The ctypes attribute of an ndarray is also endowed with additional
+attributes that may be convenient when passing additional information
+about the array into a ctypes function. The attributes **data**,
+**shape**, and **strides** can provide c-types compatible types
+corresponding to the data-area, the shape, and the strides of the
+array. The data attribute reutrns a ``c_void_p`` representing a
+pointer to the data area. The shape and strides attributes each return
+an array of ctypes integers (or None representing a NULL pointer, if a
+0-d array). The base ctype of the array is a ctype integer of the same
+size as a pointer on the platform. There are also methods
+data_as({ctype}), shape_as(<base ctype>), and strides_as(<base
+ctype>). These return the data as a ctype object of your choice and
+the shape/strides arrays using an underlying base type of your choice.
+For convenience, the **ctypeslib** module also contains **c_intp** as
+a ctypes integer data-type whose size is the same as the size of
+``c_void_p`` on the platform (it's value is None if ctypes is not
+Calling the function
+The function is accessed as an attribute of or an item from the loaded
+shared-library. Thus, if "./mylib.so" has a function named
+"cool_function1" , I could access this function either as:
+.. code-block:: python
+    lib = numpy.ctypeslib.load_library('mylib','.')
+    func1 = lib.cool_function1 # or equivalently
+    func1 = lib['cool_function1']
+In ctypes, the return-value of a function is set to be 'int' by
+default. This behavior can be changed by setting the restype attribute
+of the function. Use None for the restype if the function has no
+return value ('void'):
+.. code-block:: python
+    func1.restype = None
+As previously discussed, you can also set the argtypes attribute of
+the function in order to have ctypes check the types of the input
+arguments when the function is called. Use the :func:`ndpointer` factory
+function to generate a ready-made class for data-type, shape, and
+flags checking on your new function. The :func:`ndpointer` function has the
+.. function:: ndpointer(dtype=None, ndim=None, shape=None, flags=None)
+    Keyword arguments with the value ``None`` are not checked.
+    Specifying a keyword enforces checking of that aspect of the
+    ndarray on conversion to a ctypes-compatible object. The dtype
+    keyword can be any object understood as a data-type object. The
+    ndim keyword should be an integer, and the shape keyword should be
+    an integer or a sequence of integers. The flags keyword specifies
+    the minimal flags that are required on any array passed in. This
+    can be specified as a string of comma separated requirements, an
+    integer indicating the requirement bits OR'd together, or a flags
+    object returned from the flags attribute of an array with the
+    necessary requirements.
+Using an ndpointer class in the argtypes method can make it
+significantly safer to call a C-function using ctypes and the data-
+area of an ndarray. You may still want to wrap the function in an
+additional Python wrapper to make it user-friendly (hiding some
+obvious arguments and making some arguments output arguments). In this
+process, the **requires** function in NumPy may be useful to return the right kind of array from
+a given input. 
+Complete example
+In this example, I will show how the addition function and the filter
+function implemented previously using the other approaches can be
+implemented using ctypes. First, the C-code which implements the
+algorithms contains the functions zadd, dadd, sadd, cadd, and
+dfilter2d. The zadd function is:
+.. code-block:: c
+    /* Add arrays of contiguous data */
+    typedef struct {double real; double imag;} cdouble;
+    typedef struct {float real; float imag;} cfloat;
+    void zadd(cdouble *a, cdouble *b, cdouble *c, long n)
+    {
+        while (n--) {
+            c->real = a->real + b->real;
+            c->imag = a->imag + b->imag;
+            a++; b++; c++; 
+        }       
+    }
+with similar code for cadd, dadd, and sadd that handles complex float,
+double, and float data-types, respectively:
+.. code-block:: c
+    void cadd(cfloat *a, cfloat *b, cfloat *c, long n)
+    {
+            while (n--) {
+                    c->real = a->real + b->real;
+                    c->imag = a->imag + b->imag;
+                    a++; b++; c++; 
+            }       
+    }
+    void dadd(double *a, double *b, double *c, long n) 
+    {
+            while (n--) {
+                    *c++ = *a++ + *b++;
+            }       
+    }
+    void sadd(float *a, float *b, float *c, long n) 
+    {
+            while (n--) {
+                    *c++ = *a++ + *b++;
+            }
+    }
+The code.c file also contains the function dfilter2d:
+.. code-block:: c
+    /* Assumes b is contiguous and 
+       a has strides that are multiples of sizeof(double)
+    */
+    void 
+    dfilter2d(double *a, double *b, int *astrides, int *dims)
+    {
+        int i, j, M, N, S0, S1;
+        int r, c, rm1, rp1, cp1, cm1;
+        M = dims[0]; N = dims[1];
+        S0 = astrides[0]/sizeof(double); 
+        S1=astrides[1]/sizeof(double);
+        for (i=1; i<M-1; i++) {
+            r = i*S0; rp1 = r+S0; rm1 = r-S0;
+            for (j=1; j<N-1; j++) {
+                c = j*S1; cp1 = j+S1; cm1 = j-S1;
+                b[i*N+j] = a[r+c] +                 \
+                    (a[rp1+c] + a[rm1+c] +          \
+                     a[r+cp1] + a[r+cm1])*0.5 +     \
+                    (a[rp1+cp1] + a[rp1+cm1] +      \
+                     a[rm1+cp1] + a[rm1+cp1])*0.25;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+A possible advantage this code has over the Fortran-equivalent code is
+that it takes arbitrarily strided (i.e. non-contiguous arrays) and may
+also run faster depending on the optimization capability of your
+compiler. But, it is a obviously more complicated than the simple code
+in filter.f. This code must be compiled into a shared library. On my
+Linux system this is accomplished using::
+    gcc -o code.so -shared code.c
+Which creates a shared_library named code.so in the current directory.
+On Windows don't forget to either add __declspec(dllexport) in front
+of void on the line preceeding each function definition, or write a
+code.def file that lists the names of the functions to be exported. 
+A suitable Python interface to this shared library should be
+constructed. To do this create a file named interface.py with the
+following lines at the top:
+.. code-block:: python
+    __all__ = ['add', 'filter2d']
+    import numpy as N
+    import os
+    _path = os.path.dirname('__file__')
+    lib = N.ctypeslib.load_library('code', _path)
+    _typedict = {'zadd' : complex, 'sadd' : N.single,
+                 'cadd' : N.csingle, 'dadd' : float}
+    for name in _typedict.keys():
+        val = getattr(lib, name)
+        val.restype = None
+        _type = _typedict[name]
+        val.argtypes = [N.ctypeslib.ndpointer(_type, 
+                          flags='aligned, contiguous'),
+                        N.ctypeslib.ndpointer(_type, 
+                          flags='aligned, contiguous'),
+                        N.ctypeslib.ndpointer(_type, 
+                          flags='aligned, contiguous,'\
+                                'writeable'),
+                        N.ctypeslib.c_intp]
+This code loads the shared library named code.{ext} located in the
+same path as this file. It then adds a return type of void to the
+functions contained in the library. It also adds argument checking to
+the functions in the library so that ndarrays can be passed as the
+first three arguments along with an integer (large enough to hold a
+pointer on the platform) as the fourth argument. 
+Setting up the filtering function is similar and allows the filtering
+function to be called with ndarray arguments as the first two
+arguments and with pointers to integers (large enough to handle the
+strides and shape of an ndarray) as the last two arguments.:
+.. code-block:: python
+    lib.dfilter2d.restype=None
+    lib.dfilter2d.argtypes = [N.ctypeslib.ndpointer(float, ndim=2,
+                                           flags='aligned'),
+                              N.ctypeslib.ndpointer(float, ndim=2,
+                                     flags='aligned, contiguous,'\
+                                           'writeable'), 
+                              ctypes.POINTER(N.ctypeslib.c_intp), 
+                              ctypes.POINTER(N.ctypeslib.c_intp)] 
+Next, define a simple selection function that chooses which addition
+function to call in the shared library based on the data-type:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def select(dtype):
+        if dtype.char in ['?bBhHf']:
+            return lib.sadd, single
+        elif dtype.char in ['F']:
+            return lib.cadd, csingle
+        elif dtype.char in ['DG']:
+            return lib.zadd, complex
+        else:
+            return lib.dadd, float
+        return func, ntype
+Finally, the two functions to be exported by the interface can be
+written simply as:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def add(a, b):
+        requires = ['CONTIGUOUS', 'ALIGNED']
+        a = N.asanyarray(a)
+        func, dtype = select(a.dtype)
+        a = N.require(a, dtype, requires)
+        b = N.require(b, dtype, requires)
+        c = N.empty_like(a)
+        func(a,b,c,a.size)
+        return c
+.. code-block:: python
+    def filter2d(a):
+        a = N.require(a, float, ['ALIGNED'])
+        b = N.zeros_like(a)
+        lib.dfilter2d(a, b, a.ctypes.strides, a.ctypes.shape)
+        return b
+.. index::
+   single: ctypes
+Using ctypes is a powerful way to connect Python with arbitrary
+C-code. It's advantages for extending Python include 
+- clean separation of C-code from Python code
+    - no need to learn a new syntax except Python and C
+    - allows re-use of C-code
+    - functionality in shared libraries written for other purposes can be
+      obtained with a simple Python wrapper and search for the library.
+- easy integration with NumPy through the ctypes attribute
+- full argument checking with the ndpointer class factory
+It's disadvantages include 
+- It is difficult to distribute an extension module made using ctypes
+  because of a lack of support for building shared libraries in
+  distutils (but I suspect this will change in time).
+- You must have shared-libraries of your code (no static libraries).
+- Very little support for C++ code and it's different library-calling
+  conventions. You will probably need a C-wrapper around C++ code to use
+  with ctypes (or just use Boost.Python instead).
+Because of the difficulty in distributing an extension module made
+using ctypes, f2py is still the easiest way to extend Python for
+package creation. However, ctypes is a close second and will probably
+be growing in popularity now that it is part of the Python
+distribution. This should bring more features to ctypes that should
+eliminate the difficulty in extending Python and distributing the
+extension using ctypes. 
+Additional tools you may find useful
+These tools have been found useful by others using Python and so are
+included here. They are discussed separately because I see them as
+either older ways to do things more modernly handled by f2py, weave,
+Pyrex, or ctypes (SWIG, PyFort, PyInline) or because I don't know much
+about them (SIP, Boost, Instant). I have not added links to these
+methods because my experience is that you can find the most relevant
+link faster using Google or some other search engine, and any links
+provided here would be quickly dated. Do not assume that just because
+it is included in this list, I don't think the package deserves your
+attention. I'm including information about these packages because many
+people have found them useful and I'd like to give you as many options
+as possible for tackling the problem of easily integrating your code. 
+.. index::
+   single: swig
+Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) is an old and fairly
+stable method for wrapping C/C++-libraries to a large variety of other
+languages. It does not specifically understand NumPy arrays but can be
+made useable with NumPy through the use of typemaps. There are some
+sample typemaps in the numpy/doc/swig directory under numpy.i along
+with an example module that makes use of them. SWIG excels at wrapping
+large C/C++ libraries because it can (almost) parse their headers and
+auto-produce an interface. Technically, you need to generate a ``.i``
+file that defines the interface. Often, however, this ``.i`` file can
+be parts of the header itself. The interface usually needs a bit of
+tweaking to be very useful. This ability to parse C/C++ headers and
+auto-generate the interface still makes SWIG a useful approach to
+adding functionalilty from C/C++ into Python, despite the other
+methods that have emerged that are more targeted to Python. SWIG can
+actually target extensions for several languages, but the typemaps
+usually have to be language-specific. Nonetheless, with modifications
+to the Python-specific typemaps, SWIG can be used to interface a
+library with other languages such as Perl, Tcl, and Ruby. 
+My experience with SWIG has been generally positive in that it is
+relatively easy to use and quite powerful. I used to use it quite
+often before becoming more proficient at writing C-extensions.
+However, I struggled writing custom interfaces with SWIG because it
+must be done using the concept of typemaps which are not Python
+specific and are written in a C-like syntax. Therefore, I tend to
+prefer other gluing strategies and would only attempt to use SWIG to
+wrap a very-large C/C++ library. Nonetheless, there are others who use
+SWIG quite happily. 
+.. index::
+   single: SIP
+SIP is another tool for wrapping C/C++ libraries that is Python
+specific and appears to have very good support for C++. Riverbank
+Computing developed SIP in order to create Python bindings to the QT
+library. An interface file must be written to generate the binding,
+but the interface file looks a lot like a C/C++ header file. While SIP
+is not a full C++ parser, it understands quite a bit of C++ syntax as
+well as its own special directives that allow modification of how the
+Python binding is accomplished. It also allows the user to define
+mappings between Python types and C/C++ structrues and classes. 
+Boost Python
+.. index::
+   single: Boost.Python
+Boost is a repository of C++ libraries and Boost.Python is one of
+those libraries which provides a concise interface for binding C++
+classes and functions to Python. The amazing part of the Boost.Python
+approach is that it works entirely in pure C++ without introducing a
+new syntax. Many users of C++ report that Boost.Python makes it
+possible to combine the best of both worlds in a seamless fashion. I
+have not used Boost.Python because I am not a big user of C++ and
+using Boost to wrap simple C-subroutines is usually over-kill. It's
+primary purpose is to make C++ classes available in Python. So, if you
+have a set of C++ classes that need to be integrated cleanly into
+Python, consider learning about and using Boost.Python. 
+.. index::
+   single: Instant
+This is a relatively new package (called pyinstant at sourceforge)
+that builds on top of SWIG to make it easy to inline C and C++ code in
+Python very much like weave. However, Instant builds extension modules
+on the fly with specific module names and specific method names. In
+this repsect it is more more like f2py in its behavior. The extension
+modules are built on-the fly (as long as the SWIG is installed). They
+can then be imported. Here is an example of using Instant with NumPy
+arrays (adapted from the test2 included in the Instant distribution):
+.. code-block:: python
+    code="""
+    PyObject* add(PyObject* a_, PyObject* b_){
+      /*
+      various checks
+      */ 
+      PyArrayObject* a=(PyArrayObject*) a_;
+      PyArrayObject* b=(PyArrayObject*) b_;
+      int n = a->dimensions[0];
+      int dims[1];
+      dims[0] = n; 
+      PyArrayObject* ret;
+      ret = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_FromDims(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE); 
+      int i;
+      char *aj=a->data;
+      char *bj=b->data;
+      double *retj = (double *)ret->data; 
+      for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
+        *retj++ = *((double *)aj) + *((double *)bj);
+        aj += a->strides[0];
+        bj += b->strides[0];
+      }
+    return (PyObject *)ret;
+    }
+    """
+    import Instant, numpy
+    ext = Instant.Instant()
+    ext.create_extension(code=s, headers=["numpy/arrayobject.h"],
+                         include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()],
+                         init_code='import_array();', module="test2b_ext")
+    import test2b_ext
+    a = numpy.arange(1000)
+    b = numpy.arange(1000)
+    d = test2b_ext.add(a,b)
+Except perhaps for the dependence on SWIG, Instant is a
+straightforward utility for writing extension modules. 
+This is a much older module that allows automatic building of
+extension modules so that C-code can be included with Python code.
+It's latest release (version 0.03) was in 2001, and it appears that it
+is not being updated. 
+PyFort is a nice tool for wrapping Fortran and Fortran-like C-code
+into Python with support for Numeric arrays. It was written by Paul
+Dubois, a distinguished computer scientist and the very first
+maintainer of Numeric (now retired). It is worth mentioning in the
+hopes that somebody will update PyFort to work with NumPy arrays as
+well which now support either Fortran or C-style contiguous arrays. 

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/c-info.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Using Numpy C-API
+.. toctree::
+   c-info.how-to-extend
+   c-info.python-as-glue
+   c-info.beyond-basics

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/howtofind.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/howtofind.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/howtofind.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+How to find documentation
+.. seealso:: :ref:`Numpy-specific help functions <routines.help>`
+.. note:: XXX: this part is not yet written.
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.howtofind

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/index.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/index.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/index.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.. _user:
+Numpy User Guide
+This guide explains how to make use of different features
+of Numpy. For a detailed documentation about different functions
+and classes, see :ref:`reference`.
+.. warning::
+   This "User Guide" is still very much work in progress; the material
+   is not organized, and many aspects of Numpy are not covered.
+   More documentation for Numpy can be found on the
+   `scipy.org <http://www.scipy.org/Documentation>`__ website.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   howtofind
+   basics
+   performance
+   misc
+   c-info

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/misc.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/misc.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/misc.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+.. note:: XXX: This section is not yet written.
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.misc
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.methods_vs_functions

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/performance.rst
--- numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/performance.rst	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/source/user/performance.rst	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. note:: XXX: This section is not yet written.
+.. automodule:: numpy.doc.performance

Added: numpy-docs/trunk/summarize.py
--- numpy-docs/trunk/summarize.py	2008-10-26 17:50:36 UTC (rev 5958)
+++ numpy-docs/trunk/summarize.py	2008-10-26 17:57:55 UTC (rev 5959)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Show a summary about which Numpy functions are documented and which are not.
+import os, glob, re, sys, inspect, optparse
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ext'))
+from ext.phantom_import import import_phantom_module
+from ext.autosummary_generate import get_documented
+CUR_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'source', 'reference')
+SKIP_LIST = """
+# --- aliases:
+alltrue sometrue bitwise_not cumproduct
+row_stack column_stack product rank
+# -- skipped:
+core lib f2py dual doc emath ma rec char distutils oldnumeric numarray
+testing version matlib
+add_docstring add_newdoc add_newdocs fastCopyAndTranspose pkgload
+conjugate disp
+int0 object0 unicode0 uint0 string_ string0 void0
+setup setupscons PackageLoader
+lib.scimath.arccos lib.scimath.arcsin lib.scimath.arccosh lib.scimath.arcsinh
+lib.scimath.arctanh lib.scimath.log lib.scimath.log2 lib.scimath.log10
+lib.scimath.logn lib.scimath.power lib.scimath.sqrt
+# --- numpy.random:
+random random.info random.mtrand random.ranf random.sample random.random
+# --- numpy.fft:
+fft fft.Tester fft.bench fft.fftpack fft.fftpack_lite fft.helper
+fft.refft fft.refft2 fft.refftn fft.irefft fft.irefft2 fft.irefftn
+fft.info fft.test
+# --- numpy.linalg:
+linalg linalg.Tester
+linalg.bench linalg.info linalg.lapack_lite linalg.linalg linalg.test
+# --- numpy.ctypeslib:
+ctypeslib ctypeslib.test
+def main():
+    p = optparse.OptionParser(__doc__)
+    options, args = p.parse_args()
+    if len(args) != 0:
+        p.error('Wrong number of arguments')
+    # prepare
+    fn = os.path.join(CUR_DIR, 'dump.xml')
+    if os.path.isfile(fn):
+        import_phantom_module(fn)
+    # check
+    documented, undocumented = check_numpy()
+    # report
+    in_sections = {}
+    for name, locations in documented.iteritems():
+        for (filename, section, keyword, toctree) in locations:
+            in_sections.setdefault((filename, section, keyword), []).append(name)
+    print "Documented"
+    print "==========\n"
+    last_filename = None
+    for (filename, section, keyword), names in sorted(in_sections.items()):
+        if filename != last_filename:
+            print "--- %s\n" % filename
+        last_filename = filename
+        print " ** ", section
+        print format_in_columns(sorted(names))
+        print "\n"
+    print ""
+    print "Undocumented"
+    print "============\n"
+    print format_in_columns(sorted(undocumented.keys()))
+def check_numpy():
+    documented = get_documented(glob.glob(SOURCE_DIR + '/*.rst'))
+    undocumented = {}
+    import numpy, numpy.fft, numpy.linalg, numpy.random
+    for mod in [numpy, numpy.fft, numpy.linalg, numpy.random,
+                numpy.ctypeslib, numpy.emath, numpy.ma]:
+        undocumented.update(get_undocumented(documented, mod, skip=SKIP_LIST))
+    for d in (documented, undocumented):
+        for k in d.keys():
+            if k.startswith('numpy.'):
+                d[k[6:]] = d[k]
+                del d[k]
+    return documented, undocumented
+def get_undocumented(documented, module, module_name=None, skip=[]):
+    """
+    Find out which items in Numpy are not documented.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    undocumented : dict of bool
+        Dictionary containing True for each documented item name
+        and False for each undocumented one.
+    """
+    undocumented = {}
+    if module_name is None:
+        module_name = module.__name__
+    for name in dir(module):
+        obj = getattr(module, name)
+        if name.startswith('_'): continue
+        full_name = '.'.join([module_name, name])
+        if full_name in skip: continue
+        if full_name.startswith('numpy.') and full_name[6:] in skip: continue
+        if not (inspect.ismodule(obj) or callable(obj) or inspect.isclass(obj)):
+            continue
+        if full_name not in documented:
+            undocumented[full_name] = True
+    return undocumented
+def format_in_columns(lst):
+    """
+    Format a list containing strings to a string containing the items
+    in columns.
+    """
+    lst = map(str, lst)
+    col_len = max(map(len, lst)) + 2
+    ncols = 80//col_len
+    if ncols == 0:
+        ncols = 1
+    if len(lst) % ncols == 0:
+        nrows = len(lst)//ncols
+    else:
+        nrows = 1 + len(lst)//ncols
+    fmt = ' %%-%ds ' % (col_len-2)
+    lines = []
+    for n in range(nrows):
+        lines.append("".join([fmt % x for x in lst[n::nrows]]))
+    return "\n".join(lines)
+if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Property changes on: numpy-docs/trunk/summarize.py
Name: svn:executable

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