[Numpy-svn] r4829 - trunk/numpy/doc

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Wed Feb 27 18:53:40 EST 2008

Author: rkern
Date: 2008-02-27 17:53:39 -0600 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 4829

Add PEP-style document describing the NPY format.

Added: trunk/numpy/doc/npy-format.txt
--- trunk/numpy/doc/npy-format.txt	2008-02-27 23:00:48 UTC (rev 4828)
+++ trunk/numpy/doc/npy-format.txt	2008-02-27 23:53:39 UTC (rev 4829)
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+Title: A Simple File Format for NumPy Arrays
+Discussions-To: numpy-discussion at mail.scipy.org
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
+Author: Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com>
+Status: Draft
+Type: Standards Track
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Created: 20-Dec-2007
+    We propose a standard binary file format (NPY) for persisting
+    a single arbitrary NumPy array on disk.  The format stores all of
+    the shape and dtype information necessary to reconstruct the array
+    correctly even on another machine with a different architecture.
+    The format is designed to be as simple as possible while achieving
+    its limited goals.  The implementation is intended to be pure
+    Python and distributed as part of the main numpy package.
+    A lightweight, omnipresent system for saving NumPy arrays to disk
+    is a frequent need.  Python in general has pickle [1] for saving
+    most Python objects to disk.  This often works well enough with
+    NumPy arrays for many purposes, but it has a few drawbacks:
+    - Dumping or loading a pickle file require the duplication of the
+      data in memory.  For large arrays, this can be a showstopper.
+    - The array data is not directly accessible through
+      memory-mapping.  Now that numpy has that capability, it has
+      proved very useful for loading large amounts of data (or more to
+      the point: avoiding loading large amounts of data when you only
+      need a small part).
+    Both of these problems can be addressed by dumping the raw bytes
+    to disk using ndarray.tofile() and numpy.fromfile().  However,
+    these have their own problems:
+    - The data which is written has no information about the shape or
+      dtype of the array.
+    - It is incapable of handling object arrays.
+    The NPY file format is an evolutionary advance over these two
+    approaches.  Its design is mostly limited to solving the problems
+    with pickles and tofile()/fromfile().  It does not intend to solve
+    more complicated problems for which more complicated formats like
+    HDF5 [2] are a better solution.
+Use Cases
+    - Neville Newbie has just started to pick up Python and NumPy.  He
+      has not installed many packages, yet, nor learned the standard
+      library, but he has been playing with NumPy at the interactive
+      prompt to do small tasks.  He gets a result that he wants to
+      save.
+    - Annie Analyst has been using large nested record arrays to
+      represent her statistical data.  She wants to convince her
+      R-using colleague, David Doubter, that Python and NumPy are
+      awesome by sending him her analysis code and data.  She needs
+      the data to load at interactive speeds.  Since David does not
+      use Python usually, needing to install large packages would turn
+      him off.
+    - Simon Seismologist is developing new seismic processing tools.
+      One of his algorithms requires large amounts of intermediate
+      data to be written to disk.  The data does not really fit into
+      the industry-standard SEG-Y schema, but he already has a nice
+      record-array dtype for using it internally.
+    - Polly Parallel wants to split up a computation on her multicore
+      machine as simply as possible.  Parts of the computation can be
+      split up among different processes without any communication
+      between processes; they just need to fill in the appropriate
+      portion of a large array with their results.  Having several
+      child processes memory-mapping a common array is a good way to
+      achieve this.
+    The format MUST be able to:
+    - Represent all NumPy arrays including nested record
+      arrays and object arrays.
+    - Represent the data in its native binary form.
+    - Be contained in a single file.
+    - Support Fortran-contiguous arrays directly.
+    - Store all of the necessary information to reconstruct the array
+      including shape and dtype on a machine of a different
+      architecture.  Both little-endian and big-endian arrays must be
+      supported and a file with little-endian numbers will yield
+      a little-endian array on any machine reading the file.  The
+      types must be described in terms of their actual sizes.  For
+      example, if a machine with a 64-bit C "long int" writes out an
+      array with "long ints", a reading machine with 32-bit C "long
+      ints" will yield an array with 64-bit integers.
+    - Be reverse engineered.  Datasets often live longer than the
+      programs that created them.  A competent developer should be
+      able create a solution in his preferred programming language to
+      read most NPY files that he has been given without much
+      documentation.
+    - Allow memory-mapping of the data.
+    - Be read from a filelike stream object instead of an actual file.
+      This allows the implementation to be tested easily and makes the
+      system more flexible.  NPY files can be stored in ZIP files and
+      easily read from a ZipFile object.
+    - Store object arrays.  Since general Python objects are
+      complicated and can only be reliably serialized by pickle (if at
+      all), many of the other requirements are waived for files
+      containing object arrays.  Files with object arrays do not have
+      to be mmapable since that would be technically impossible.  We
+      cannot expect the pickle format to be reverse engineered without
+      knowledge of pickle.  However, one should at least be able to
+      read and write object arrays with the same generic interface as
+      other arrays.
+    - Be read and written using APIs provided in the numpy package
+      itself without any other libraries.  The implementation inside
+      numpy may be in C if necessary.
+    The format explicitly *does not* need to:
+    - Support multiple arrays in a file.  Since we require filelike
+      objects to be supported, one could use the API to build an ad
+      hoc format that supported multiple arrays.  However, solving the
+      general problem and use cases is beyond the scope of the format
+      and the API for numpy.
+    - Fully handle arbitrary subclasses of numpy.ndarray.  Subclasses
+      will be accepted for writing, but only the array data will be
+      written out.  A regular numpy.ndarray object will be created
+      upon reading the file.  The API can be used to build a format
+      for a particular subclass, but that is out of scope for the
+      general NPY format.
+Format Specification: Version 1.0
+    The first 6 bytes are a magic string: exactly "\x93NUMPY".
+    The next 1 byte is an unsigned byte: the major version number of
+    the file format, e.g. \x01.
+    The next 1 byte is an unsigned byte: the minor version number of
+    the file format, e.g. \x00.  Note: the version of the file format
+    is not tied to the version of the numpy package.
+    The next 2 bytes form a little-endian unsigned short int: the
+    length of the header data HEADER_LEN.
+    The next HEADER_LEN bytes form the header data describing the
+    array's format.  It is an ASCII string which contains a Python
+    literal expression of a dictionary.  It is terminated by a newline
+    ('\n') and padded with spaces ('\x20') to make the total length of
+    the magic string + 4 + HEADER_LEN be evenly divisible by 16 for
+    alignment purposes.
+    The dictionary contains three keys:
+        "descr" : dtype.descr
+            An object that can be passed as an argument to the
+            numpy.dtype() constructor to create the array's dtype.
+        "fortran_order" : bool
+            Whether the array data is Fortran-contiguous or not.
+            Since Fortran-contiguous arrays are a common form of
+            non-C-contiguity, we allow them to be written directly to
+            disk for efficiency.
+        "shape" : tuple of int
+            The shape of the array.
+    For repeatability and readability, this dictionary is formatted
+    using pprint.pformat() so the keys are in alphabetic order.
+    Following the header comes the array data.  If the dtype contains
+    Python objects (i.e. dtype.hasobject is True), then the data is
+    a Python pickle of the array.  Otherwise the data is the
+    contiguous (either C- or Fortran-, depending on fortran_order)
+    bytes of the array.  Consumers can figure out the number of bytes
+    by multiplying the number of elements given by the shape (noting
+    that shape=() means there is 1 element) by dtype.itemsize.
+    We recommend using the ".npy" extension for files following this
+    format.  This is by no means a requirement; applications may wish
+    to use this file format but use an extension specific to the
+    application.  In the absence of an obvious alternative, however,
+    we suggest using ".npy".
+    For a simple way to combine multiple arrays into a single file,
+    one can use ZipFile to contain multiple ".npy" files.  We
+    recommend using the file extension ".npz" for these archives.
+    The author believes that this system (or one along these lines) is
+    about the simplest system that satisfies all of the requirements.
+    However, one must always be wary of introducing a new binary
+    format to the world.
+    HDF5 [2] is a very flexible format that should be able to
+    represent all of NumPy's arrays in some fashion.  It is probably
+    the only widely-used format that can faithfully represent all of
+    NumPy's array features.  It has seen substantial adoption by the
+    scientific community in general and the NumPy community in
+    particular.  It is an excellent solution for a wide variety of
+    array storage problems with or without NumPy.
+    HDF5 is a complicated format that more or less implements
+    a hierarchical filesystem-in-a-file.  This fact makes satisfying
+    some of the Requirements difficult.  To the author's knowledge, as
+    of this writing, there is no application or library that reads or
+    writes even a subset of HDF5 files that does not use the canonical
+    libhdf5 implementation.  This implementation is a large library
+    that is not always easy to build.  It would be infeasible to
+    include it in numpy.
+    It might be feasible to target an extremely limited subset of
+    HDF5.  Namely, there would be only one object in it: the array.
+    Using contiguous storage for the data, one should be able to
+    implement just enough of the format to provide the same metadata
+    that the proposed format does.  One could still meet all of the
+    technical requirements like mmapability.
+    We would accrue a substantial benefit by being able to generate
+    files that could be read by other HDF5 software.  Furthermore, by
+    providing the first non-libhdf5 implementation of HDF5, we would
+    be able to encourage more adoption of simple HDF5 in applications
+    where it was previously infeasible because of the size of the
+    library.  The basic work may encourage similar dead-simple
+    implementations in other languages and further expand the
+    community.
+    The remaining concern is about reverse engineerability of the
+    format.  Even the simple subset of HDF5 would be very difficult to
+    reverse engineer given just a file by itself.  However, given the
+    prominence of HDF5, this might not be a substantial concern.
+    In conclusion, we are going forward with the design laid out in
+    this document.  If someone writes code to handle the simple subset
+    of HDF5 that would be useful to us, we may consider a revision of
+    the file format.
+    The current implementation is in the trunk of the numpy SVN
+    repository and will be part of the 1.0.5 release.
+        http://svn.scipy.org/svn/numpy/trunk
+    Specifically, the file format.py in this directory implements the
+    format as described here.
+    [1] http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pickle.html
+    [2] http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/products/hdf5/index.html
+    This document has been placed in the public domain.

+Local Variables:
+mode: indented-text
+indent-tabs-mode: nil
+sentence-end-double-space: t
+fill-column: 70
+coding: utf-8

Property changes on: trunk/numpy/doc/npy-format.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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