[Numpy-svn] r5635 - in trunk: . numpy/lib numpy/lib/tests

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Aug 12 20:04:09 EDT 2008

Author: stefan
Date: 2008-08-12 19:04:08 -0500 (Tue, 12 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 5635

Add Roberto de Almeida's Arrayterator.

Modified: trunk/THANKS.txt
--- trunk/THANKS.txt	2008-08-12 22:02:39 UTC (rev 5634)
+++ trunk/THANKS.txt	2008-08-13 00:04:08 UTC (rev 5635)
@@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
 Travis Oliphant for the majority of code adaptation
-Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Konrad Hinsen, David Ascher, and many others for 
+Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Konrad Hinsen, David Ascher, and many others for
     Numeric on which the code is based.
 Perry Greenfield, J Todd Miller, Rick White, Paul Barrett for Numarray
     which gave much inspiration and showed the way forward.
 Paul Dubois for original Masked Arrays
 Pearu Peterson for f2py and numpy.distutils and help with code organization
-Robert Kern for mtrand, bug fixes, help with distutils, code organization, 
-    and much more. 
+Robert Kern for mtrand, bug fixes, help with distutils, code organization,
+    and much more.
 Eric Jones for sundry subroutines
 Fernando Perez for code snippets, ideas, bugfixes, and testing.
 Ed Schofield for matrix.py patches, bugfixes, testing, and docstrings.
 Robert Cimrman for array set operations and numpy.distutils help
 John Hunter for code snippets (from matplotlib)
 Chris Hanley for help with records.py, testing, and bug fixes.
-Travis Vaught, Joe Cooper, Jeff Strunk for administration of 
-    numpy.org web site and SVN 
+Travis Vaught, Joe Cooper, Jeff Strunk for administration of
+    numpy.org web site and SVN
 Eric Firing for bugfixes.
 Arnd Baecker for 64-bit testing
 David Cooke for many code improvements including the auto-generated C-API,
     and optimizations.
-Alexander Belopolsky (Sasha) for Masked array bug-fixes and tests, 
+Alexander Belopolsky (Sasha) for Masked array bug-fixes and tests,
     rank-0 array improvements, scalar math help and other code additions
-Francesc Altet for unicode and nested record tests 
-    and much help with rooting out nested record array bugs. 
-Tim Hochberg for getting the build working on MSVC, optimization 
+Francesc Altet for unicode and nested record tests
+    and much help with rooting out nested record array bugs.
+Tim Hochberg for getting the build working on MSVC, optimization
     improvements, and code review
-Charles Harris for the sorting code originally written for Numarray and 
+Charles Harris for the sorting code originally written for Numarray and
     for improvements to polyfit, many bug fixes, and documentation strings.
-A.M. Archibald for no-copy-reshape code. 
-David Huard for histogram improvements including 2-d and d-d code and 
-    other bug-fixes. 
-Albert Strasheim for documentation, bug-fixes, regression tests and 
+A.M. Archibald for no-copy-reshape code.
+David Huard for histogram improvements including 2-d and d-d code and
+    other bug-fixes.
+Albert Strasheim for documentation, bug-fixes, regression tests and
     Valgrind expertise.
 Stefan van der Walt for documentation, bug-fixes and regression-tests.
-Andrew Straw for help with http://www.scipy.org, documentation, and testing. 
+Andrew Straw for help with http://www.scipy.org, documentation, and testing.
 David Cournapeau for scons build support, doc-and-bug fixes, and code contributions including fast_clipping.
 Pierre Gerard-Marchant for his rewrite of the masked array functionality.
+Roberto de Almeida for the buffered array iterator.

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/__init__.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/__init__.py	2008-08-12 22:02:39 UTC (rev 5634)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/__init__.py	2008-08-13 00:04:08 UTC (rev 5635)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from io import *
 from financial import *
 import math
+from arrayterator import *
 __all__ = ['emath','math']
 __all__ += type_check.__all__

Added: trunk/numpy/lib/arrayterator.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/arrayterator.py	2008-08-12 22:02:39 UTC (rev 5634)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/arrayterator.py	2008-08-13 00:04:08 UTC (rev 5635)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+A buffered iterator for big arrays.
+This module solves the problem of iterating over a big file-based array
+without having to read it into memory. The ``Arrayterator`` class wraps
+an array object, and when iterated it will return subarrays with at most
+``buf_size`` elements.
+The algorithm works by first finding a "running dimension", along which
+the blocks will be extracted. Given an array of dimensions (d1, d2, ...,
+dn), eg, if ``buf_size`` is smaller than ``d1`` the first dimension will
+be used. If, on the other hand,
+    d1 < buf_size < d1*d2
+the second dimension will be used, and so on. Blocks are extracted along
+this dimension, and when the last block is returned the process continues
+from the next dimension, until all elements have been read.
+from __future__ import division
+from operator import mul
+__all__ = ['Arrayterator']
+class Arrayterator(object):
+    """
+    Buffered iterator for big arrays.
+    This class creates a buffered iterator for reading big arrays in small
+    contiguous blocks. The class is useful for objects stored in the
+    filesystem. It allows iteration over the object *without* reading
+    everything in memory; instead, small blocks are read and iterated over.
+    The class can be used with any object that supports multidimensional
+    slices, like variables from Scientific.IO.NetCDF, pynetcdf and ndarrays.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, var, buf_size=None):
+        self.var = var
+        self.buf_size = buf_size
+        self.start = [0 for dim in var.shape]
+        self.stop = [dim for dim in var.shape]
+        self.step = [1 for dim in var.shape]
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        return getattr(self.var, attr)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        """
+        Return a new arrayterator.
+        """
+        # Fix index, handling ellipsis and incomplete slices.
+        if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (index,)
+        fixed = []
+        length, dims = len(index), len(self.shape)
+        for slice_ in index:
+            if slice_ is Ellipsis:
+                fixed.extend([slice(None)] * (dims-length+1))
+                length = len(fixed)
+            elif isinstance(slice_, (int, long)):
+                fixed.append(slice(slice_, slice_+1, 1))
+            else:
+                fixed.append(slice_)
+        index = tuple(fixed)
+        if len(index) < dims:
+            index += (slice(None),) * (dims-len(index))
+        # Return a new arrayterator object.
+        out = self.__class__(self.var, self.buf_size)
+        for i, (start, stop, step, slice_) in enumerate(
+                zip(self.start, self.stop, self.step, index)):
+            out.start[i] = start + (slice_.start or 0)
+            out.step[i] = step * (slice_.step or 1)
+            out.stop[i] = start + (slice_.stop or stop-start)
+            out.stop[i] = min(stop, out.stop[i])
+        return out
+    def __array__(self):
+        """
+        Return corresponding data.
+        """
+        slice_ = tuple(slice(*t) for t in zip(
+                self.start, self.stop, self.step))
+        return self.var[slice_]
+    @property
+    def flat(self):
+        for block in self:
+            for value in block.flat:
+                yield value
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        return tuple(((stop-start-1)//step+1) for start, stop, step in
+                zip(self.start, self.stop, self.step))
+    def __iter__(self):
+        # Skip arrays with degenerate dimensions
+        if [dim for dim in self.shape if dim <= 0]: raise StopIteration
+        start = self.start[:]
+        stop = self.stop[:]
+        step = self.step[:]
+        ndims = len(self.var.shape)
+        while 1:
+            count = self.buf_size or reduce(mul, self.shape)
+            # iterate over each dimension, looking for the
+            # running dimension (ie, the dimension along which
+            # the blocks will be built from)
+            rundim = 0
+            for i in range(ndims-1, -1, -1):
+                # if count is zero we ran out of elements to read
+                # along higher dimensions, so we read only a single position
+                if count == 0:
+                    stop[i] = start[i]+1
+                elif count <= self.shape[i]:  # limit along this dimension
+                    stop[i] = start[i] + count*step[i]
+                    rundim = i
+                else:
+                    stop[i] = self.stop[i]  # read everything along this
+                                            # dimension
+                stop[i] = min(self.stop[i], stop[i])
+                count = count//self.shape[i]
+            # yield a block
+            slice_ = tuple(slice(*t) for t in zip(start, stop, step))
+            yield self.var[slice_]
+            # Update start position, taking care of overflow to
+            # other dimensions
+            start[rundim] = stop[rundim]  # start where we stopped
+            for i in range(ndims-1, 0, -1):
+                if start[i] >= self.stop[i]:
+                    start[i] = self.start[i]
+                    start[i-1] += self.step[i-1]
+            if start[0] >= self.stop[0]:
+                raise StopIteration

Added: trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_arrayterator.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_arrayterator.py	2008-08-12 22:02:39 UTC (rev 5634)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_arrayterator.py	2008-08-13 00:04:08 UTC (rev 5635)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from operator import mul
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.random import randint
+from numpy.lib import Arrayterator
+def test():
+    np.random.seed(np.arange(10))
+    # Create a random array
+    ndims = randint(5)+1
+    shape = tuple(randint(10)+1 for dim in range(ndims))
+    els = reduce(mul, shape)
+    a = np.arange(els)
+    a.shape = shape
+    buf_size = randint(2*els)
+    b = Arrayterator(a, buf_size)
+    # Check that each block has at most ``buf_size`` elements
+    for block in b:
+        assert len(block.flat) <= (buf_size or els)
+    # Check that all elements are iterated correctly
+    assert list(b.flat) == list(a.flat)
+    # Slice arrayterator
+    start = [randint(dim) for dim in shape]
+    stop = [randint(dim)+1 for dim in shape]
+    step = [randint(dim)+1 for dim in shape]
+    slice_ = tuple(slice(*t) for t in zip(start, stop, step))
+    c = b[slice_]
+    d = a[slice_]
+    # Check that each block has at most ``buf_size`` elements
+    for block in c:
+        assert len(block.flat) <= (buf_size or els)
+    # Check that the arrayterator is sliced correctly
+    assert np.all(c.__array__() == d)
+    # Check that all elements are iterated correctly
+    assert list(c.flat) == list(d.flat)

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