[Numpy-svn] r4347 - in branches/numpy.scons: . numpy numpy/core numpy/distutils numpy/f2py numpy/fft numpy/lib numpy/linalg numpy/numarray numpy/oldnumeric numpy/random numpy/scons_fake numpy/testing

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Oct 30 02:15:40 EDT 2007

Author: cdavid
Date: 2007-10-30 01:14:45 -0500 (Tue, 30 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 4347

Correctly reverting back to rev 4342 using negative merge

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-import imp
-import os
-import sys
-from os.path import join
-from numpy.distutils import log
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-    ('expl', 'HAVE_LONGDOUBLE_FUNCS'),
-    ('expf', 'HAVE_FLOAT_FUNCS'),
-    ('log1p', 'HAVE_LOG1P'),
-    ('expm1', 'HAVE_EXPM1'),
-    ('asinh', 'HAVE_INVERSE_HYPERBOLIC'),
-    ('isnan', 'HAVE_ISNAN'),
-    ('isinf', 'HAVE_ISINF'),
-    ('rint', 'HAVE_RINT'),
-    ]
-def is_npy_no_signal():
-    """Return True if the NPY_NO_SIGNAL symbol must be defined in configuration
-    header."""
-    return sys.platform == 'win32'
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration,dot_join
-    from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info, default_lib_dirs
-    config = Configuration('core',parent_package,top_path)
-    local_dir = config.local_path
-    codegen_dir = join(local_dir,'code_generators')
-    generate_umath_py = join(codegen_dir,'generate_umath.py')
-    n = dot_join(config.name,'generate_umath')
-    generate_umath = imp.load_module('_'.join(n.split('.')),
-                                     open(generate_umath_py,'U'),generate_umath_py,
-                                     ('.py','U',1))
-    header_dir = 'include/numpy' # this is relative to config.path_in_package
-    def generate_config_h(ext, build_dir):
-        target = join(build_dir,'config.h')
-        if newer(__file__,target):
-            config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()
-            log.info('Generating %s',target)
-            tc = generate_testcode(target)
-            from distutils import sysconfig
-            python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc()
-            python_h = join(python_include, 'Python.h')
-            if not os.path.isfile(python_h):
-                raise SystemError,\
-                      "Non-existing %s. Perhaps you need to install"\
-                      " python-dev|python-devel." % (python_h)
-            result = config_cmd.try_run(tc,include_dirs=[python_include],
-                                        library_dirs = default_lib_dirs)
-            if not result:
-                raise SystemError,"Failed to test configuration. "\
-                      "See previous error messages for more information."
-                # Python 2.3 causes a segfault when
-                #  trying to re-acquire the thread-state
-                #  which is done in error-handling
-                #  ufunc code.  NPY_ALLOW_C_API and friends
-                #  cause the segfault. So, we disable threading
-                #  for now.
-            if sys.version[:5] < '2.4.2':
-                nosmp = 1
-            else:
-                # Perhaps a fancier check is in order here.
-                #  so that threads are only enabled if there
-                #  are actually multiple CPUS? -- but
-                #  threaded code can be nice even on a single
-                #  CPU so that long-calculating code doesn't
-                #  block.
-                try:
-                    nosmp = os.environ['NPY_NOSMP']
-                    nosmp = 1
-                except KeyError:
-                    nosmp = 0
-            moredefs = []
-            #
-            mathlibs = []
-            tc = testcode_mathlib()
-            mathlibs_choices = [[],['m'],['cpml']]
-            mathlib = os.environ.get('MATHLIB')
-            if mathlib:
-                mathlibs_choices.insert(0,mathlib.split(','))
-            for libs in mathlibs_choices:
-                if config_cmd.try_run(tc,libraries=libs):
-                    mathlibs = libs
-                    break
-            else:
-                raise EnvironmentError("math library missing; rerun "
-                                       "setup.py after setting the "
-                                       "MATHLIB env variable")
-            ext.libraries.extend(mathlibs)
-            moredefs.append(('MATHLIB',','.join(mathlibs)))
-            def check_func(func_name):
-                return config_cmd.check_func(func_name,
-                                             libraries=mathlibs, decl=False,
-                                             headers=['math.h'])
-            for func_name, defsymbol in FUNCTIONS_TO_CHECK:
-                if check_func(func_name):
-                    moredefs.append(defsymbol)
-            if is_npy_no_signal():
-                moredefs.append('NPY_NO_SIGNAL')
-            if sys.platform=='win32' or os.name=='nt':
-                from distutils.msvccompiler import get_build_architecture
-                a = get_build_architecture()
-                print 'BUILD_ARCHITECTURE: %r, os.name=%r, sys.platform=%r' % (a, os.name, sys.platform)
-                if a == 'AMD64':
-                    moredefs.append('DISTUTILS_USE_SDK')
-            if sys.version[:3] < '2.4':
-                if config_cmd.check_func('strtod', decl=False,
-                                         headers=['stdlib.h']):
-                    moredefs.append(('PyOS_ascii_strtod', 'strtod'))
-            target_f = open(target,'a')
-            for d in moredefs:
-                if isinstance(d,str):
-                    target_f.write('#define %s\n' % (d))
-                else:
-                    target_f.write('#define %s %s\n' % (d[0],d[1]))
-            # Define NPY_NOSMP to 1 if explicitely requested, or if we cannot
-            # support thread support reliably
-            if nosmp:
-                target_f.write('#define NPY_NOSMP 1\n')
-            else:
-                target_f.write('#define NPY_NOSMP 0\n')
-            target_f.close()
-            print 'File:',target
-            target_f = open(target)
-            print target_f.read()
-            target_f.close()
-            print 'EOF'
-        else:
-            mathlibs = []
-            target_f = open(target)
-            for line in target_f.readlines():
-                s = '#define MATHLIB'
-                if line.startswith(s):
-                    value = line[len(s):].strip()
-                    if value:
-                        mathlibs.extend(value.split(','))
-            target_f.close()
-        ext.libraries.extend(mathlibs)
-        incl_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
-        if incl_dir not in config.numpy_include_dirs:
-            config.numpy_include_dirs.append(incl_dir)
-        config.add_data_files((header_dir,target))
-        return target
-    def generate_numpyconfig_h(ext, build_dir):
-        """Depends on config.h: generate_config_h has to be called before !"""
-        target = join(build_dir,'numpyconfig.h')
-        if newer(__file__,target):
-            config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()
-            log.info('Generating %s',target)
-            testcode = generate_numpyconfig_code(target)
-            from distutils import sysconfig
-            python_include = sysconfig.get_python_inc()
-            python_h = join(python_include, 'Python.h')
-            if not os.path.isfile(python_h):
-                raise SystemError,\
-                      "Non-existing %s. Perhaps you need to install"\
-                      " python-dev|python-devel." % (python_h)
-            config.numpy_include_dirs
-            result = config_cmd.try_run(testcode, 
-                                include_dirs = [python_include] + \
-                                                       config.numpy_include_dirs,
-                                        library_dirs = default_lib_dirs)
-            if not result:
-                raise SystemError,"Failed to generate numpy configuration. "\
-                      "See previous error messages for more information."
-            print 'File: %s' % target
-            target_f = open(target)
-            print target_f.read()
-            target_f.close()
-            print 'EOF'
-        return target
-    def generate_api_func(module_name):
-        def generate_api(ext, build_dir):
-            script = join(codegen_dir, module_name + '.py')
-            sys.path.insert(0, codegen_dir)
-            try:
-                m = __import__(module_name)
-                log.info('executing %s', script)
-                h_file, c_file, doc_file = m.generate_api(build_dir)
-            finally:
-                del sys.path[0]
-            config.add_data_files((header_dir, h_file),
-                                  (header_dir, doc_file))
-            return (h_file,)
-        return generate_api
-    generate_array_api = generate_api_func('generate_array_api')
-    generate_ufunc_api = generate_api_func('generate_ufunc_api')
-    def generate_umath_c(ext,build_dir):
-        target = join(build_dir,'__umath_generated.c')
-        script = generate_umath_py
-        if newer(script,target):
-            f = open(target,'w')
-            f.write(generate_umath.make_code(generate_umath.defdict,
-                                             generate_umath.__file__))
-            f.close()
-        return []
-    config.add_data_files('include/numpy/*.h')
-    config.add_include_dirs('src')
-    config.numpy_include_dirs.extend(config.paths('include'))
-    deps = [join('src','arrayobject.c'),
-            join('src','arraymethods.c'),
-            join('src','scalartypes.inc.src'),
-            join('src','arraytypes.inc.src'),
-            join('src','_signbit.c'),
-            join('src','_isnan.c'),
-            join('src','ucsnarrow.c'),
-            join('include','numpy','*object.h'),
-            'include/numpy/fenv/fenv.c',
-            'include/numpy/fenv/fenv.h',
-            join(codegen_dir,'genapi.py'),
-            join(codegen_dir,'*.txt')
-            ]
-    # Don't install fenv unless we need them.
-    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
-        config.add_data_dir('include/numpy/fenv')
-    config.add_extension('multiarray',
-                         sources = [join('src','multiarraymodule.c'),
-                                    generate_config_h,
-                                    generate_numpyconfig_h,
-                                    generate_array_api,
-                                    join('src','scalartypes.inc.src'),
-                                    join('src','arraytypes.inc.src'),
-                                    join(codegen_dir,'generate_array_api.py'),
-                                    join('*.py')
-                                    ],
-                         depends = deps,
-                         )
-    config.add_extension('umath',
-                         sources = [generate_config_h,
-                                    generate_numpyconfig_h,
-                                    join('src','umathmodule.c.src'),
-                                    generate_umath_c,
-                                    generate_ufunc_api,
-                                    join('src','scalartypes.inc.src'),
-                                    join('src','arraytypes.inc.src'),
-                                    ],
-                         depends = [join('src','ufuncobject.c'),
-                                    generate_umath_py,
-                                    join(codegen_dir,'generate_ufunc_api.py'),
-                                    ]+deps,
-                         )
-    config.add_extension('_sort',
-                         sources=[join('src','_sortmodule.c.src'),
-                                  generate_config_h,
-                                  generate_numpyconfig_h,
-                                  generate_array_api,
-                                  ],
-                         )
-    config.add_extension('scalarmath',
-                         sources=[join('src','scalarmathmodule.c.src'),
-                                  generate_config_h,
-                                  generate_numpyconfig_h,
-                                  generate_array_api,
-                                  generate_ufunc_api],
-                         )
-    # Configure blasdot
-    blas_info = get_info('blas_opt',0)
-    #blas_info = {}
-    def get_dotblas_sources(ext, build_dir):
-        if blas_info:
-            if ('NO_ATLAS_INFO',1) in blas_info.get('define_macros',[]):
-                return None # dotblas needs ATLAS, Fortran compiled blas will not be sufficient.
-            return ext.depends[:1]
-        return None # no extension module will be built
-    config.add_extension('_dotblas',
-                         sources = [get_dotblas_sources],
-                         depends=[join('blasdot','_dotblas.c'),
-                                  join('blasdot','cblas.h'),
-                                  ],
-                         include_dirs = ['blasdot'],
-                         extra_info = blas_info
-                         )
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    config.make_svn_version_py()
-    return config
-def testcode_mathlib():
-    return """\
-/* check whether libm is broken */
-#include <math.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  return exp(-720.) > 1.0;  /* typically an IEEE denormal */
-import sys
-def generate_testcode(target):
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        target = target.replace('\\','\\\\')
-    testcode = [r'''
-#include <Python.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-        FILE *fp;
-        fp = fopen("'''+target+'''","w");
-        ''']
-    c_size_test = r'''
-#ifndef %(sz)s
-          fprintf(fp,"#define %(sz)s %%d\n", sizeof(%(type)s));
-          fprintf(fp,"/* #define %(sz)s %%d */\n", %(sz)s);
-    for sz, t in [('SIZEOF_SHORT', 'short'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_INT', 'int'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_LONG', 'long'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_FLOAT', 'float'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_DOUBLE', 'double'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE', 'long double'),
-                  ('SIZEOF_PY_INTPTR_T', 'Py_intptr_t'),
-                  ]:
-        testcode.append(c_size_test % {'sz' : sz, 'type' : t})
-    testcode.append('#ifdef PY_LONG_LONG')
-    testcode.append(c_size_test % {'sz' : 'SIZEOF_LONG_LONG',
-                                   'type' : 'PY_LONG_LONG'})
-    testcode.append(c_size_test % {'sz' : 'SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG',
-                                   'type' : 'PY_LONG_LONG'})
-    testcode.append(r'''
-        fprintf(fp, "/* PY_LONG_LONG not defined */\n");
-#ifndef CHAR_BIT
-          {
-             unsigned char var = 2;
-             int i=0;
-             while (var >= 2) {
-                     var = var << 1;
-                     i++;
-             }
-             fprintf(fp,"#define CHAR_BIT %d\n", i+1);
-          }
-          fprintf(fp, "/* #define CHAR_BIT %d */\n", CHAR_BIT);
-          fclose(fp);
-          return 0;
-    testcode = '\n'.join(testcode)
-    return testcode
-def generate_numpyconfig_code(target):
-    """Return the source code as a string of the code to generate the
-    numpyconfig header file."""
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        target = target.replace('\\','\\\\')
-    # Config symbols to prepend
-    prepends = [('NPY_SIZEOF_SHORT', 'SIZEOF_SHORT'),
-            ('NPY_SIZEOF_INT', 'SIZEOF_INT'),
-            ('NPY_SIZEOF_LONG', 'SIZEOF_LONG'),
-            ('NPY_SIZEOF_FLOAT', 'SIZEOF_FLOAT'),
-            ('NPY_NOSMP', 'NPY_NOSMP'),]
-    testcode = ["""
-#include <Python.h>
-#include "config.h"
-int main()
-    FILE* f;
-    f = fopen("%s", "w");
-    if (f == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-""" % target]
-    testcode.append(r"""
-    fprintf(f, "/*\n * This file is generated by %s. DO NOT EDIT \n */\n");
-""" % __file__)
-    # Prepend NPY_ to any SIZEOF defines
-    testcode.extend([r'    fprintf(f, "#define ' + i + r' %%d \n", %s);' % j for i, j in prepends])
-    # Conditionally define NPY_NO_SIGNAL
-    if is_npy_no_signal():
-        testcode.append(r'    fprintf(f, "\n#define NPY_NO_SIGNAL\n");')
-    tmpcode = r"""
-    #ifdef PY_LONG_LONG
-        fprintf(f, "\n#define %s %%d \n", %s);
-        fprintf(f, "#define %s %%d \n", %s);
-    #else
-        fprintf(f, "/* PY_LONG_LONG not defined  */ \n");
-    #endif"""
-    testcode.append(tmpcode % ('NPY_SIZEOF_LONGLONG', 'SIZEOF_LONG_LONG',
-                               'NPY_SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG', 'SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG'))
-    testcode.append(r"""
-#ifndef CHAR_BIT
-          {
-             unsigned char var = 2;
-             int i = 0;
-             while (var >= 2) {
-                     var = var << 1;
-                     i++;
-             }
-             fprintf(f,"#define CHAR_BIT %d\n", i+1);
-          }
-          fprintf(f, "/* #define CHAR_BIT %d */\n", CHAR_BIT);
-    testcode.append("""
-    fclose(f);
-    return 0;
-    return "\n".join(testcode)
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import imp
-import os
-import sys
-from os.path import join
-from numpy.distutils import log
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration,dot_join
-    from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info, default_lib_dirs
-    config = Configuration('core',parent_package,top_path)
-    local_dir = config.local_path
-    header_dir = 'include/numpy' # this is relative to config.path_in_package
-    # Add generated files to distutils...
-    def add_config_header():
-        scons_build_dir = config.get_scons_build_dir()
-        # XXX: I really have to think about how to communicate path info
-        # between scons and distutils, and set the options at one single
-        # location.
-        target = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, 'config.h')
-        incl_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
-        if incl_dir not in config.numpy_include_dirs:
-            config.numpy_include_dirs.append(incl_dir)
-        #config.add_data_files((header_dir, target)) 
-    def add_numpyconfig_header():
-        scons_build_dir = config.get_scons_build_dir()
-        # XXX: I really have to think about how to communicate path info
-        # between scons and distutils, and set the options at one single
-        # location.
-        target = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, 'numpyconfig.h')
-        incl_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
-        if incl_dir not in config.numpy_include_dirs:
-            config.numpy_include_dirs.append(incl_dir)
-        config.add_data_files((header_dir, target)) 
-    def add_array_api():
-        scons_build_dir = config.get_scons_build_dir()
-        # XXX: I really have to think about how to communicate path info
-        # between scons and distutils, and set the options at one single
-        # location.
-        h_file = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, '__multiarray_api.h')
-        t_file = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, 'multiarray_api.txt')
-        config.add_data_files((header_dir, h_file),
-                              (header_dir, t_file))
-    def add_ufunc_api():
-        scons_build_dir = config.get_scons_build_dir()
-        # XXX: I really have to think about how to communicate path info
-        # between scons and distutils, and set the options at one single
-        # location.
-        h_file = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, '__ufunc_api.h')
-        t_file = join(scons_build_dir, local_dir, 'ufunc_api.txt')
-        config.add_data_files((header_dir, h_file),
-                              (header_dir, t_file))
-    def add_generated_files():
-        add_config_header()
-        add_numpyconfig_header()
-        add_array_api()
-        add_ufunc_api()
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct', post_hook = add_generated_files)
-    config.add_data_files('include/numpy/*.h')
-    config.add_include_dirs('src')
-    config.numpy_include_dirs.extend(config.paths('include'))
-    # Don't install fenv unless we need them.
-    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
-        config.add_data_dir('include/numpy/fenv')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    config.make_svn_version_py()
-    return config
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/core/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('distutils',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('command')
-    config.add_subpackage('scons')
-    config.add_subpackage('fcompiler')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    config.add_data_files('site.cfg')
-    config.make_config_py()
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core      import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('distutils',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('command')
-    config.add_subpackage('scons')
-    config.add_subpackage('fcompiler')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    config.add_data_files('site.cfg')
-    config.make_config_py()
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core      import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-setup.py for installing F2PY
-   python setup.py install
-Copyright 2001-2005 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved,
-Pearu Peterson <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>
-Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
-terms of the NumPy License.
-$Revision: 1.32 $
-$Date: 2005/01/30 17:22:14 $
-Pearu Peterson
-__version__ = "$Id: setup.py,v 1.32 2005/01/30 17:22:14 pearu Exp $"
-import os
-import sys
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-from numpy.distutils import log
-from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-from __version__ import version
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    config = Configuration('f2py', parent_package, top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('lib')
-    config.add_data_dir('docs')
-    config.add_data_files('src/fortranobject.c',
-                          'src/fortranobject.h',
-                          'f2py.1'
-                          )
-    config.make_svn_version_py()
-    def generate_f2py_py(build_dir):
-        f2py_exe = 'f2py'+os.path.basename(sys.executable)[6:]
-        if f2py_exe[-4:]=='.exe':
-            f2py_exe = f2py_exe[:-4] + '.py'
-        if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv and f2py_exe[-3:] != '.py':
-            f2py_exe = f2py_exe + '.py'
-        target = os.path.join(build_dir,f2py_exe)
-        if newer(__file__,target):
-            log.info('Creating %s', target)
-            f = open(target,'w')
-            f.write('''\
-#!/usr/bin/env %s
-# See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
-import os, sys
-for mode in ["g3-numpy", "2e-numeric", "2e-numarray", "2e-numpy"]:
-    try:
-        i=sys.argv.index("--"+mode)
-        del sys.argv[i]
-        break
-    except ValueError: pass
-if mode=="g3-numpy":
-    try:
-        from main import main
-    except ImportError:
-        from numpy.f2py.lib.api import main
-elif mode=="2e-numeric":
-    from f2py2e import main
-elif mode=="2e-numarray":
-    sys.argv.append("-DNUMARRAY")
-    from f2py2e import main
-elif mode=="2e-numpy":
-    from numpy.f2py import main
-    print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown mode:",`mode`
-    sys.exit(1)
-            f.close()
-        return target
-    config.add_scripts(generate_f2py_py)
-    log.info('F2PY Version %s', config.get_version())
-    return config
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    config = configuration(top_path='')
-    version = config.get_version()
-    print 'F2PY Version',version
-    config = config.todict()
-    if sys.version[:3]>='2.3':
-        config['download_url'] = "http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/2.x"\
-                                 "/F2PY-2-latest.tar.gz"
-        config['classifiers'] = [
-            'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
-            'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-            'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
-            'License :: OSI Approved :: NumPy License',
-            'Natural Language :: English',
-            'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-            'Programming Language :: C',
-            'Programming Language :: Fortran',
-            'Programming Language :: Python',
-            'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering',
-            'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators',
-            ]
-    setup(version=version,
-          description       = "F2PY - Fortran to Python Interface Generaton",
-          author            = "Pearu Peterson",
-          author_email      = "pearu at cens.ioc.ee",
-          maintainer        = "Pearu Peterson",
-          maintainer_email  = "pearu at cens.ioc.ee",
-          license           = "BSD",
-          platforms         = "Unix, Windows (mingw|cygwin), Mac OSX",
-          long_description  = """\
-The Fortran to Python Interface Generator, or F2PY for short, is a
-command line tool (f2py) for generating Python C/API modules for
-wrapping Fortran 77/90/95 subroutines, accessing common blocks from
-Python, and calling Python functions from Fortran (call-backs).
-Interfacing subroutines/data from Fortran 90/95 modules is supported.""",
-          url               = "http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/",
-          keywords          = ['Fortran','f2py'],
-          **config)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-setup.py for installing F2PY
-   python setup.py install
-Copyright 2001-2005 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved,
-Pearu Peterson <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>
-Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
-terms of the NumPy License.
-$Revision: 1.32 $
-$Date: 2005/01/30 17:22:14 $
-Pearu Peterson
-__version__ = "$Id: setup.py,v 1.32 2005/01/30 17:22:14 pearu Exp $"
-import os
-import sys
-from distutils.dep_util import newer
-from numpy.distutils import log
-from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-from __version__ import version
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    config = Configuration('f2py', parent_package, top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('lib')
-    config.add_data_dir('docs')
-    config.add_data_files('src/fortranobject.c',
-                          'src/fortranobject.h',
-                          'f2py.1'
-                          )
-    config.make_svn_version_py()
-    def generate_f2py_py(build_dir):
-        f2py_exe = 'f2py'+os.path.basename(sys.executable)[6:]
-        if f2py_exe[-4:]=='.exe':
-            f2py_exe = f2py_exe[:-4] + '.py'
-        if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv and f2py_exe[-3:] != '.py':
-            f2py_exe = f2py_exe + '.py'
-        target = os.path.join(build_dir,f2py_exe)
-        if newer(__file__,target):
-            log.info('Creating %s', target)
-            f = open(target,'w')
-            f.write('''\
-#!/usr/bin/env %s
-# See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
-import os, sys
-for mode in ["g3-numpy", "2e-numeric", "2e-numarray", "2e-numpy"]:
-    try:
-        i=sys.argv.index("--"+mode)
-        del sys.argv[i]
-        break
-    except ValueError: pass
-if mode=="g3-numpy":
-    try:
-        from main import main
-    except ImportError:
-        from numpy.f2py.lib.api import main
-elif mode=="2e-numeric":
-    from f2py2e import main
-elif mode=="2e-numarray":
-    sys.argv.append("-DNUMARRAY")
-    from f2py2e import main
-elif mode=="2e-numpy":
-    from numpy.f2py import main
-    print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown mode:",`mode`
-    sys.exit(1)
-            f.close()
-        return target
-    config.add_scripts(generate_f2py_py)
-    log.info('F2PY Version %s', config.get_version())
-    return config
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    config = configuration(top_path='')
-    version = config.get_version()
-    print 'F2PY Version',version
-    config = config.todict()
-    if sys.version[:3]>='2.3':
-        config['download_url'] = "http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/2.x"\
-                                 "/F2PY-2-latest.tar.gz"
-        config['classifiers'] = [
-            'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
-            'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-            'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
-            'License :: OSI Approved :: NumPy License',
-            'Natural Language :: English',
-            'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-            'Programming Language :: C',
-            'Programming Language :: Fortran',
-            'Programming Language :: Python',
-            'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering',
-            'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators',
-            ]
-    setup(version=version,
-          description       = "F2PY - Fortran to Python Interface Generaton",
-          author            = "Pearu Peterson",
-          author_email      = "pearu at cens.ioc.ee",
-          maintainer        = "Pearu Peterson",
-          maintainer_email  = "pearu at cens.ioc.ee",
-          license           = "BSD",
-          platforms         = "Unix, Windows (mingw|cygwin), Mac OSX",
-          long_description  = """\
-The Fortran to Python Interface Generator, or F2PY for short, is a
-command line tool (f2py) for generating Python C/API modules for
-wrapping Fortran 77/90/95 subroutines, accessing common blocks from
-Python, and calling Python functions from Fortran (call-backs).
-Interfacing subroutines/data from Fortran 90/95 modules is supported.""",
-          url               = "http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/",
-          keywords          = ['Fortran','f2py'],
-          **config)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/f2py/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('fft',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    # Configure fftpack_lite
-    config.add_extension('fftpack_lite',
-                         sources=['fftpack_litemodule.c', 'fftpack.c']
-                         )
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package = '', top_path = None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration, get_numpy_include_dirs
-    config = Configuration('fft', parent_package, top_path)
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    # Configure fftpack_lite
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct')
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/fft/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('lib',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_include_dirs(join('..','core','include'))
-    config.add_extension('_compiled_base',
-                         sources=[join('src','_compiled_base.c')]
-                         )
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    return config
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('lib',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    return config
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/lib/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info
-    config = Configuration('linalg',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    # Configure lapack_lite
-    lapack_info = get_info('lapack_opt',0)
-    def get_lapack_lite_sources(ext, build_dir):
-        if not lapack_info:
-            print "### Warning:  Using unoptimized lapack ###"
-            return ext.depends[:-1]
-        else:
-            return ext.depends[:1]
-    config.add_extension('lapack_lite',
-                         sources = [get_lapack_lite_sources],
-                         depends=  ['lapack_litemodule.c',
-                                   'zlapack_lite.c', 'dlapack_lite.c',
-                                   'blas_lite.c', 'dlamch.c',
-                                   'f2c_lite.c','f2c.h'],
-                         extra_info = lapack_info
-                         )
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info
-    config = Configuration('linalg',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    print "### Warning:  Using unoptimized lapack ###"
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct')
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/linalg/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('numarray',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_data_files('numpy/')
-    config.add_extension('_capi',
-                         sources=['_capi.c'],
-                         )
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('numarray',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_data_files('numpy/')
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct')
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/numarray/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    return Configuration('oldnumeric',parent_package,top_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    return Configuration('oldnumeric',parent_package,top_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/oldnumeric/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join, split
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration, get_mathlibs
-    config = Configuration('random',parent_package,top_path)
-    def generate_libraries(ext, build_dir):
-        config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()
-        if top_path is None:
-            libs = get_mathlibs()
-        else:
-            path = join(split(build_dir)[0],'core')
-            libs = get_mathlibs(path)
-        tc = testcode_wincrypt()
-        if config_cmd.try_run(tc):
-            libs.append('Advapi32')
-        ext.libraries.extend(libs)
-        return None
-    libs = []
-    # Configure mtrand
-    config.add_extension('mtrand',
-                         sources=[join('mtrand', x) for x in
-                                  ['mtrand.c', 'randomkit.c', 'initarray.c',
-                                   'distributions.c']]+[generate_libraries],
-                         libraries=libs,
-                         depends = [join('mtrand','*.h'),
-                                    join('mtrand','*.pyx'),
-                                    join('mtrand','*.pxi'),
-                                    ]
-                        )
-    config.add_data_files(('.', join('mtrand', 'randomkit.h')))
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    return config
-def testcode_wincrypt():
-    return """\
-/* check to see if _WIN32 is defined */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    return 0;
-    return 1;
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import join, split
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration, get_mathlibs
-    config = Configuration('random',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_sconscript('SConstruct')
-    config.add_data_files(('.', join('mtrand', 'randomkit.h')))
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    return config
-def testcode_wincrypt():
-    return """\
-/* check to see if _WIN32 is defined */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    return 0;
-    return 1;
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/random/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import os.path
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('scons_fake',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('pyext')
-    config.add_subpackage('ctypesext')
-    config.add_subpackage('checklib')
-    config.add_subpackage('checkers')
-    config.add_subpackage('hook')
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import os.path
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('scons_fake',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('pyext')
-    config.add_subpackage('ctypesext')
-    config.add_subpackage('checklib')
-    config.add_subpackage('checkers')
-    config.add_subpackage('hook')
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(configuration=configuration)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/scons_fake/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('numpy',parent_package,top_path)
-    config.add_subpackage('distutils')
-    config.add_subpackage('scons_fake')
-    config.add_subpackage('testing')
-    config.add_subpackage('f2py')
-    config.add_subpackage('core')
-    config.add_subpackage('lib')
-    config.add_subpackage('oldnumeric')
-    config.add_subpackage('numarray')
-    config.add_subpackage('fft')
-    config.add_subpackage('linalg')
-    config.add_subpackage('random')
-    config.add_data_dir('doc')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    config.make_config_py() # installs __config__.py
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    print 'This is the wrong setup.py file to run'

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('numpy',parent_package,top_path, setup_name = 'setupscons.py')
-    config.add_subpackage('distutils')
-    config.add_subpackage('scons_fake')
-    config.add_subpackage('testing')
-    config.add_subpackage('f2py')
-    config.add_subpackage('core')
-    config.add_subpackage('lib')
-    config.add_subpackage('oldnumeric')
-    config.add_subpackage('numarray')
-    config.add_subpackage('fft')
-    config.add_subpackage('linalg')
-    config.add_subpackage('random')
-    config.add_data_dir('doc')
-    config.add_data_dir('tests')
-    # The following empty extension is done on purpose to fool distutils, and
-    # process as usual, even if we do not build any extension (because we use
-    # scons instead).
-    # !! DO NOT REMOVE THIS !!
-    config.add_extension('', sources = [])
-    config.make_config_py() # installs __config__.py
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    print 'This is the wrong setup.py file to run'

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/setupscons.py)

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.old.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.old.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('testing',parent_package,top_path)
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(maintainer = "NumPy Developers",
-          maintainer_email = "numpy-dev at numpy.org",
-          description = "NumPy test module",
-          url = "http://www.numpy.org",
-          license = "NumPy License (BSD Style)",
-          configuration = configuration,
-          )

Deleted: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.py	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.py	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('testing',parent_package,top_path)
-    return config
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from numpy.distutils.core import setup
-    setup(maintainer = "NumPy Developers",
-          maintainer_email = "numpy-dev at numpy.org",
-          description = "NumPy test module",
-          url = "http://www.numpy.org",
-          license = "NumPy License (BSD Style)",
-          configuration = configuration,
-          )

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setup.py)

Copied: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setupscons.py (from rev 4343, branches/numpy.scons/numpy/testing/setupscons.py)

Modified: branches/numpy.scons/testsdist.sh
--- branches/numpy.scons/testsdist.sh	2007-10-30 05:49:16 UTC (rev 4346)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/testsdist.sh	2007-10-30 06:14:45 UTC (rev 4347)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-#SVNVER=`svn info | grep "Revision: [0-9]*" | tr -d \  | cut -f2 -d:`
 rm -rf $PREFIX/build
 rm -rf $PREFIX/dist
 python setup.py sdist

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