[Numpy-svn] r4306 - branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Oct 26 04:14:12 EDT 2007

Author: cdavid
Date: 2007-10-26 03:14:02 -0500 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 4306

Add scons checkers for fortran related capabilities.

Modified: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/__init__.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/__init__.py	2007-10-26 08:06:46 UTC (rev 4305)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/__init__.py	2007-10-26 08:14:02 UTC (rev 4306)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
         CheckAccelerate, CheckMKL, CheckSunperf
 from extension import get_python_inc, get_pythonlib_dir
 from utils import isstring
-import fortran
+from fortran_scons import CheckF77Verbose, CheckF77Clib, CheckF77Mangling
 def test(level=1, verbosity=1):
     from numpy.testing import NumpyTest

Added: branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/fortran_scons.py
--- branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/fortran_scons.py	2007-10-26 08:06:46 UTC (rev 4305)
+++ branches/numpy.scons/numpy/distutils/scons/fortran_scons.py	2007-10-26 08:14:02 UTC (rev 4306)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# Last Change: Tue Oct 09 04:00 PM 2007 J
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+from os.path import basename, join as pjoin, dirname
+from copy import deepcopy
+from utils import popen_wrapper
+from fortran import parse_f77link, check_link_verbose
+# Public functions
+# Getting verbose flag
+def _CheckFVerbose(context, fcomp):
+    flags = ['-v', '--verbose', '-verbose', '-V']
+    for flag in flags:
+        if _check_f_vflag(context, flag, fcomp):
+            return 1, flag
+    return 0, ''
+def CheckF77Verbose(context):
+    context.Message('Checking F77 %s verbose flag ... ' % context.env['F77'] )
+    res, flag = _CheckFVerbose(context, 'F77')
+    if res:
+        context.Result(flag)
+        context.env['F77LINK_VFLAG'] = flag
+    else:
+        context.Result('Failed !')
+    return res
+def CheckF90Verbose(context):
+    context.Message('Checking F90 %s verbose flag ... ' % context.env['F90'] )
+    res, flag = _CheckFVerbose(context, 'F90')
+    if res:
+        context.Result(flag)
+        context.env['F90LINK_VFLAG'] = flag
+    else:
+        context.Result('Failed !')
+    return res
+# Checking whether the fortran compiler can compile and link a dummy program
+def _CheckFDryRun(context, fc = 'F77'):
+    """Check whether the compiler fc can compile a program."""
+    env = context.env
+    try:
+        fcomp = env[fc]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise RuntimeError("Compiler type %s not known !" % fc)
+    context.Message('Checking if %s compiler %s can create executables - ' % (fc, fcomp))
+    # We use our own builder as long as I don't resolve the issue of TryLink
+    # returning 1 when it fails.
+    result = _build_empty_program(context, fc)[0]
+    context.Result((result and 'yes' or 'no'))
+    return result
+def CheckF77DryRun(context):
+    """Check whether the F77 compiler can compile a program."""
+    return _CheckFDryRun(context, 'F77')
+def CheckF90DryRun(context):
+    """Check whether the F90 compiler can compile a program."""
+    return _CheckFDryRun(context, 'F90')
+# Getting fortran support runtime
+def CheckF77Clib(context):
+    """This tries to get Fortran runtime facilities necessary at link stage,
+    and put the relevant flags in env['F77_LDFLAGS']."""
+    if sys.platform[:5] == 'win32':
+        raise Exception("FIXME: This is not tested on windows.... No chance "\
+                        "of working if using visual Intel")
+    fcompiler = 'F77'
+    # TODO: check that F77 exists, and can be run
+    if not context.env.has_key(fcompiler):
+        raise Exception("F77 should be set before calling CheckF77Clib !")
+    fflags = 'LINKFLAGS'
+    env = context.env
+    config = context.sconf
+    context.Message('Checking %s C compatibility runtime ...' % env[fcompiler])
+    # XXX: check how to get verbose output
+    verbose = '-v'
+    # Convention old* variables MUST be restored in ANY CONDITION.
+    oldLINKFLAGS = env.has_key(fflags) and deepcopy(env[fflags]) or []
+    try:
+        context.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = verbose)
+        res, cnt = _build_empty_program(context, fcompiler)
+    finally:
+        env.Replace(LINKFLAGS = oldLINKFLAGS)
+    if res == 1:
+        final_flags = parse_f77link(cnt)
+        env.Append(F77_LDFLAGS = ' '.join(final_flags))
+        context.Result(env['F77_LDFLAGS'])
+    else:
+        context.Result('Failed !')
+    return res
+# If need a dummy main
+def _CheckFDummyMain(context, fcomp):
+    fcn_tmpl = """
+int %s() { return 0; }
+    env = context.env
+    savedLINK = env.has_key('LINK') and deepcopy(env['LINK']) or []
+    try:
+        env['LINK'] = env[fcomp]
+        mains = ["MAIN__", "__MAIN", "_MAIN", "MAIN_"]
+        mains.extend([string.lower(m) for m in mains])
+        mains.insert(0, "")
+        mains.append("MAIN")
+        mains.append("main")
+        for m in mains:
+            prog = fcn_tmpl % "dummy"
+            if m:
+                prog = fcn_tmpl % m + prog
+            result = context.TryLink(prog, '.c')
+            if result:
+                if not m:
+                    m = None
+                break
+    finally:
+        env.Replace(LINK = savedLINK)
+    return result, m
+# XXX: refactor those by using function templates
+def CheckF77DummyMain(context):
+    context.Message('Checking if %s needs dummy main - ' % context.env['F77'])
+    res, m = _CheckFDummyMain(context, 'F77')
+    if res:
+        context.Result("%s." % str(m))
+        context.env['F77_DUMMY_MAIN'] = m
+    else:
+        context.Result("Failed !")
+    return res
+def CheckF90DummyMain(context):
+    context.Message('Checking if %s needs dummy main - ' % context.env['F90'])
+    res, m = _CheckFDummyMain(context, 'F90')
+    if res:
+        context.Result("%s." % str(m))
+        context.env['F90_DUMMY_MAIN'] = m
+    else:
+        context.Result("Failed !" % str(m))
+    return res
+# Fortran name mangling
+def _CheckFMangling(context, fc, dummym, ext):
+    subr = """
+      subroutine foobar()
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine foo_bar()
+      return
+      end
+    main_tmpl = """
+int %s() { return 1; }
+    prog_tmpl = """
+void %s(void);
+void %s(void);
+int my_main() {
+    %s();
+    %s();
+    return 0;
+    env = context.env
+    savedLINK = env.has_key('LINK') and deepcopy(env['LINK']) or []
+    savedLIBS = env.has_key('LIBS') and deepcopy(env['LIBS']) or []
+    # TODO: if does not exist, call the function to get the F77_DUMMY_MAIN
+    m = dummym
+    try:
+        env['LINK'] = env[fc]
+        # variants:
+        #   lower-case, no underscore, no double underscore: foobar, foo_bar
+        #   ...
+        #   upper-case, underscore, double underscore: FOOBAR_, FOO_BAR__
+        context.TryCompile(subr, ext)
+        obj = context.lastTarget
+        env.Append(LIBS = env.StaticLibrary(obj))
+        under = ['', '_']
+        doubleunder = ['', '_']
+        casefcn = ["lower", "upper"]
+        gen = _RecursiveGenerator(under, doubleunder, casefcn)
+        while True:
+            try:
+                u, du, c = gen.next()
+                def make_mangler(u, du, c):
+                    return lambda n: getattr(string, c)(n) +\
+                                     u + (n.find('_') != -1 and du or '')
+                mangler = make_mangler(u, du, c)
+                foobar = mangler("foobar")
+                foo_bar = mangler("foo_bar")
+                prog = prog_tmpl % (foobar, foo_bar, foobar, foo_bar)
+                if m:
+                    prog = main_tmpl % m + prog
+                result = context.TryLink(prog, '.c')
+                if result:
+                    break
+            except StopIteration:
+                result = mangler = u = du = c = None
+                break
+    finally:
+        env.Replace(LINK = savedLINK)
+        env.Replace(LIBS = savedLIBS)
+    return result, mangler, u, du, c
+def CheckF77Mangling(context):
+    env = context.env
+    context.Message('Checking %s name mangling - ' % env['F77'])
+    res, mangler, u, du, c = _CheckFMangling(context, 'F77', env['F77_DUMMY_MAIN'], '.f')
+    if res:
+        context.Result("'%s', '%s', %s-case." % (u, du, c))
+        env['F77_NAME_MANGLER'] = mangler
+    else:
+        context.Result("all variants failed.")
+    return res
+def CheckF90Mangling(context):
+    env = context.env
+    context.Message('Checking %s name mangling - ' % env['F90'])
+    res, mangler, u, du, c = _CheckFMangling(context, 'F90', env['F90_DUMMY_MAIN'], '.f90')
+    if res:
+        context.Result("'%s', '%s', %s-case." % (u, du, c))
+        env['F90_NAME_MANGLER'] = mangler
+    else:
+        context.Result("all variants failed.")
+    return res
+# Support functions
+def _check_f_vflag(context, flag, fcomp):
+    """Return True if flag is an acceptable verbose flag for fortran compiler
+    fcomp."""
+    oldLINKFLAGS = context.env['LINKFLAGS']
+    res = 0
+    try:
+        context.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = flag)
+        res, out = _build_empty_program(context, fcomp)
+    finally:
+        context.env['LINKFLAGS'] = oldLINKFLAGS
+    return res and check_link_verbose(out)
+def _build_empty_program(context, fcomp):
+    """Build an empty fortran stand alone program, and capture the output of
+    the link step.
+    Return:
+        st : 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+        list : list of lines of the output."""
+    cnt = []
+    src = """
+      END"""
+    # XXX: the logic to choose fortran compiler is bogus...
+    if fcomp == 'F77':
+        res = context.TryCompile(src, '.f')
+    elif fcomp == 'F90':
+        res = context.TryCompile(src, '.f90')
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("fcomp %s not implemented..." % fcomp)
+        return 0
+    if res:
+        oldLINK = context.env['LINK']
+        # XXX: get the fortran compiler
+        context.env['LINK'] = '$' + fcomp
+        res = 0
+        try:
+            # We always want to do this build, and we do not want scons cache
+            # to interfer. So we build a command executed directly through our
+            # popen_wrapper, which output is captured.
+            # XXX: does this scheme to get the program name always work ? Can
+            # we use Scons to get the target name from the object name ?
+            slast = str(context.lastTarget)
+            dir = dirname(slast)
+            test_prog = pjoin(dir, basename(slast).split('.')[0])
+            cmd = context.env.subst('$LINKCOM', 
+                                    target = context.env.File(test_prog),
+                                    source = context.lastTarget)
+            st, out = popen_wrapper(cmd, merge = True)
+            if st:
+                res = 0
+            else:
+                res = 1
+            cnt = out.split('\n')
+        finally:
+            context.env['LINK'] = oldLINK
+    return res, cnt
+# Helper to generate combinations of lists
+def _RecursiveGenerator(*sets):
+   """Returns a generator that yields one tuple per element combination.
+      A set may be any iterable to which the not operator is applicable.
+   """
+   if not sets: return
+   def calc(sets):
+      head, tail = sets[0], sets[1:]
+      if not tail:
+         for e in head:
+            yield (e,)
+      else:
+         for e in head:
+            for t in calc(tail):
+               yield (e,) + t
+   return calc(sets)

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