[Numpy-svn] r2954 - in trunk/numpy: . fft fft/tests lib linalg oldnumeric random

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Aug 4 19:32:24 EDT 2006

Author: oliphant
Date: 2006-08-04 18:32:12 -0500 (Fri, 04 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 2954

Many name-changes in oldnumeric.  This may break some numpy code that was using the oldnumeric interface.

Modified: trunk/numpy/__init__.py
--- trunk/numpy/__init__.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/__init__.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
     import lib
     from lib import *
     import linalg
-    import dft
+    import fft
     import random
     __all__ = ['__version__', 'pkgload', 'PackageLoader',
                'ScipyTest', 'NumpyTest', 'show_config']
     __all__ += core.__all__
     __all__ += lib.__all__
-    __all__ += ['linalg', 'dft', 'random']
+    __all__ += ['linalg', 'fft', 'random']
     if __doc__ is not None:
         __doc__ += """
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
               to have in the main name-space.
 random    --- Core Random Tools
 linalg    --- Core Linear Algebra Tools
-dft       --- Core FFT routines
+fft       --- Core FFT routines
 testing   --- Scipy testing tools
   These packages require explicit import

Modified: trunk/numpy/dual.py
--- trunk/numpy/dual.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/dual.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
            'eigh','eigvalsh','lstsq', 'pinv','cholesky','i0']
 import numpy.linalg as linpkg
-import numpy.dft as fftpkg
+import numpy.fft as fftpkg
 from numpy.lib import i0
 import sys

Copied: trunk/numpy/fft (from rev 2952, trunk/numpy/dft)

Modified: trunk/numpy/fft/setup.py
--- trunk/numpy/dft/setup.py	2006-08-04 18:47:25 UTC (rev 2952)
+++ trunk/numpy/fft/setup.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
     from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('dft',parent_package,top_path)
+    config = Configuration('fft',parent_package,top_path)

Modified: trunk/numpy/fft/tests/test_helper.py
--- trunk/numpy/dft/tests/test_helper.py	2006-08-04 18:47:25 UTC (rev 2952)
+++ trunk/numpy/fft/tests/test_helper.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import sys
 from numpy.testing import *
-from numpy.dft import fftshift,ifftshift,fftfreq
+from numpy.fft import fftshift,ifftshift,fftfreq
 del sys.path[0]
 from numpy import pi

Deleted: trunk/numpy/lib/UserArray.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/UserArray.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/UserArray.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Standard container-class for easy backward compatibility with Numeric.
-Try to inherit from the ndarray instead of using this class as this is not
-from numpy.core import array, asarray, absolute, add, subtract, multiply, \
-     divide, remainder, power, left_shift, right_shift, bitwise_and, \
-     bitwise_or, bitwise_xor, invert, less, less_equal, not_equal, equal, \
-     greater, greater_equal, shape, reshape, arange, sin, sqrt, transpose
-class UserArray(object):
-    def __init__(self, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
-        self.array = array(data, dtype, copy=copy)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if len(self.shape) > 0:
-            return self.__class__.__name__+repr(self.array)[len("array"):]
-        else:
-            return self.__class__.__name__+"("+repr(self.array)+")"
-    def __array__(self,t=None):
-        if t: return self.array.astype(t)
-        return self.array
-    # Array as sequence
-    def __len__(self): return len(self.array)
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self._rc(self.array[index])
-    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
-        return self._rc(self.array[i:j])
-    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
-        self.array[index] = asarray(value,self.dtype)
-    def __setslice__(self, i, j, value):
-        self.array[i:j] = asarray(value,self.dtype)
-    def __abs__(self):
-        return self._rc(absolute(self.array))
-    def __neg__(self):
-        return self._rc(-self.array)
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(self.array+asarray(other))
-    __radd__ = __add__
-    def __iadd__(self, other):
-        add(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __sub__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(self.array-asarray(other))
-    def __rsub__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(asarray(other)-self.array)
-    def __isub__(self, other):
-        subtract(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __mul__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(multiply(self.array,asarray(other)))
-    __rmul__ = __mul__
-    def __imul__(self, other):
-        multiply(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __div__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(divide(self.array,asarray(other)))
-    def __rdiv__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(divide(asarray(other),self.array))
-    def __idiv__(self, other):
-        divide(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __mod__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(remainder(self.array, other))
-    def __rmod__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(remainder(other, self.array))
-    def __imod__(self, other):
-        remainder(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __divmod__(self, other):
-        return (self._rc(divide(self.array,other)),
-                self._rc(remainder(self.array, other)))
-    def __rdivmod__(self, other):
-        return (self._rc(divide(other, self.array)),
-                self._rc(remainder(other, self.array)))
-    def __pow__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(power(self.array,asarray(other)))
-    def __rpow__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(power(asarray(other),self.array))
-    def __ipow__(self,other):
-        power(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __lshift__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(left_shift(self.array, other))
-    def __rshift__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(right_shift(self.array, other))
-    def __rlshift__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(left_shift(other, self.array))
-    def __rrshift__(self,other):
-        return self._rc(right_shift(other, self.array))
-    def __ilshift__(self,other):
-        left_shift(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __irshift__(self,other):
-        right_shift(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __and__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_and(self.array, other))
-    def __rand__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_and(other, self.array))
-    def __iand__(self, other):
-        bitwise_and(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __xor__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_xor(self.array, other))
-    def __rxor__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_xor(other, self.array))
-    def __ixor__(self, other):
-        bitwise_xor(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __or__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_or(self.array, other))
-    def __ror__(self, other):
-        return self._rc(bitwise_or(other, self.array))
-    def __ior__(self, other):
-        bitwise_or(self.array, other, self.array)
-        return self
-    def __neg__(self):
-        return self._rc(-self.array)
-    def __pos__(self):
-        return self._rc(self.array)
-    def __abs__(self):
-        return self._rc(abs(self.array))
-    def __invert__(self):
-        return self._rc(invert(self.array))
-    def _scalarfunc(self, func):
-        if len(self.shape) == 0:
-            return func(self[0])
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "only rank-0 arrays can be converted to Python scalars."
-    def __complex__(self): return self._scalarfunc(complex)
-    def __float__(self): return self._scalarfunc(float)
-    def __int__(self): return self._scalarfunc(int)
-    def __long__(self): return self._scalarfunc(long)
-    def __hex__(self): return self._scalarfunc(hex)
-    def __oct__(self): return self._scalarfunc(oct)
-    def __lt__(self,other): return self._rc(less(self.array,other))
-    def __le__(self,other): return self._rc(less_equal(self.array,other))
-    def __eq__(self,other): return self._rc(equal(self.array,other))
-    def __ne__(self,other): return self._rc(not_equal(self.array,other))
-    def __gt__(self,other): return self._rc(greater(self.array,other))
-    def __ge__(self,other): return self._rc(greater_equal(self.array,other))
-    def copy(self): return self._rc(self.array.copy())
-    def tostring(self): return self.array.tostring()
-    def byteswap(self): return self._rc(self.array.byteswap())
-    def astype(self, typecode): return self._rc(self.array.astype(typecode))
-    def _rc(self, a):
-        if len(shape(a)) == 0: return a
-        else: return self.__class__(a)
-    def __array_wrap__(self, *args):
-        return self.__class__(args[0])
-    def __setattr__(self,attr,value):
-        if attr == 'array':
-            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
-            return
-        try:
-            self.array.__setattr__(attr, value)
-        except AttributeError:
-            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
-    # Only called after other approaches fail.
-    def __getattr__(self,attr):
-        if (attr == 'array'):
-            return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
-        return self.array.__getattribute__(attr)
-# Test of class UserArray
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    temp=reshape(arange(10000),(100,100))
-    ua=UserArray(temp)
-    # new object created begin test
-    print dir(ua)
-    print shape(ua),ua.shape # I have changed Numeric.py
-    ua_small=ua[:3,:5]
-    print ua_small
-    ua_small[0,0]=10  # this did not change ua[0,0], which is not normal behavior
-    print ua_small[0,0],ua[0,0]
-    print sin(ua_small)/3.*6.+sqrt(ua_small**2)
-    print less(ua_small,103),type(less(ua_small,103))
-    print type(ua_small*reshape(arange(15),shape(ua_small)))
-    print reshape(ua_small,(5,3))
-    print transpose(ua_small)

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericA.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericA.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericA.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -73,21 +73,21 @@
 def fromstr(filestr):
     #filestr = replacetypechars(filestr)
     filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'Numeric', 'numpy.oldnumeric')
-    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'multiarray',
-                                      'numpy.core.multiarray')
-    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'umath',
-                                          'numpy.core.umath')
-    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'Precision', 'numpy.oldnumeric')
-    filestr, fromall2 = changeimports(filestr, 'numerix', 'numpy')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'scipy_base', 'numpy')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'MLab', 'numpy.lib.mlab')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'LinearAlgebra',
-                                      'numpy.linalg.old')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG', 'numpy.random.oldrng')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG.Statistics', 'numpy.random.oldrngstats')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RandomArray', 'numpy.random.oldrandomarray')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'FFT', 'numpy.dft.old')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'MA', 'numpy.core.ma')
+    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'multiarray','numpy.oldnumeric')
+    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'umath', 'numpy.oldnumeric')
+    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'Precision', 'numpy.oldnumeric.precision')
+    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'UserArray', 'numpy.oldnumeric.user_array')
+    filestr, fromall1 = changeimports(filestr, 'ArrayPrinter', 'numpy.oldnumeric.array_printer')
+    filestr, fromall2 = changeimports(filestr, 'numerix', 'numpy.oldnumeric')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'scipy_base', 'numpy.oldnumeric')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'Matrix', 'numpy.oldnumeric.matrix')    
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'MLab', 'numpy.oldnumeric.mlab')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'LinearAlgebra', 'numpy.oldnumeric.linear_algebra')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG', 'numpy.oldnumeric.rng')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG.Statistics', 'numpy.oldnumeric.rng_stats')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RandomArray', 'numpy.oldnumeric.random_array')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'FFT', 'numpy.oldnumeric.fft')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'MA', 'numpy.oldnumeric.ma')
     fromall = fromall1 or fromall2 or fromall3
     filestr = replaceattr(filestr)
     filestr = replaceother(filestr)

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericB.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericB.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/convertnumericB.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     return fstr, fromall
 def replaceattr(astr):
-     astr = astr.replace("matrixmultiply","dot")
+    astr = astr.replace("matrixmultiply","dot")
     return astr
 def replaceother(astr):
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG', 'numpy.random.oldrng')
     filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RNG.Statistics', 'numpy.random.oldrngstats')
     filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'RandomArray', 'numpy.random.oldrandomarray')
-    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'FFT', 'numpy.dft.old')
+    filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'FFT', 'numpy.fft.old')
     filestr, fromall3 = changeimports(filestr, 'MA', 'numpy.core.ma')
     fromall = fromall1 or fromall2 or fromall3
     filestr = replaceattr(filestr)

Deleted: trunk/numpy/lib/mlab.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/mlab.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/mlab.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# This module is for compatibility only.  All functions are defined elsewhere.
-from numpy.core.numeric import *
-from twodim_base import diag, fliplr, flipud, rot90, tril, triu
-# use old defaults
-from numpy.oldnumeric import eye, tri
-from numpy.core.fromnumeric import amax as max, amin as min
-from function_base import msort, median, trapz, diff, cov, corrcoef, \
-     kaiser, blackman, bartlett, hanning, hamming, sinc, angle
-from numpy.core.fromnumeric import cumsum, ptp, mean, std, prod, cumprod, \
-     squeeze
-from polynomial import roots
-from numpy.random import rand, randn
-from numpy.dual import eig, svd

Added: trunk/numpy/lib/user_array.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/user_array.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/user_array.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+Standard container-class for easy multiple-inheritance.
+Try to inherit from the ndarray instead of using this class as this is not
+from numpy.core import array, asarray, absolute, add, subtract, multiply, \
+     divide, remainder, power, left_shift, right_shift, bitwise_and, \
+     bitwise_or, bitwise_xor, invert, less, less_equal, not_equal, equal, \
+     greater, greater_equal, shape, reshape, arange, sin, sqrt, transpose
+class container(object):
+    def __init__(self, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
+        self.array = array(data, dtype, copy=copy)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if len(self.shape) > 0:
+            return self.__class__.__name__+repr(self.array)[len("array"):]
+        else:
+            return self.__class__.__name__+"("+repr(self.array)+")"
+    def __array__(self,t=None):
+        if t: return self.array.astype(t)
+        return self.array
+    # Array as sequence
+    def __len__(self): return len(self.array)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        return self._rc(self.array[index])
+    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
+        return self._rc(self.array[i:j])
+    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+        self.array[index] = asarray(value,self.dtype)
+    def __setslice__(self, i, j, value):
+        self.array[i:j] = asarray(value,self.dtype)
+    def __abs__(self):
+        return self._rc(absolute(self.array))
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return self._rc(-self.array)
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(self.array+asarray(other))
+    __radd__ = __add__
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        add(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __sub__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(self.array-asarray(other))
+    def __rsub__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(asarray(other)-self.array)
+    def __isub__(self, other):
+        subtract(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __mul__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(multiply(self.array,asarray(other)))
+    __rmul__ = __mul__
+    def __imul__(self, other):
+        multiply(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __div__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(divide(self.array,asarray(other)))
+    def __rdiv__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(divide(asarray(other),self.array))
+    def __idiv__(self, other):
+        divide(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __mod__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(remainder(self.array, other))
+    def __rmod__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(remainder(other, self.array))
+    def __imod__(self, other):
+        remainder(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __divmod__(self, other):
+        return (self._rc(divide(self.array,other)),
+                self._rc(remainder(self.array, other)))
+    def __rdivmod__(self, other):
+        return (self._rc(divide(other, self.array)),
+                self._rc(remainder(other, self.array)))
+    def __pow__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(power(self.array,asarray(other)))
+    def __rpow__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(power(asarray(other),self.array))
+    def __ipow__(self,other):
+        power(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __lshift__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(left_shift(self.array, other))
+    def __rshift__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(right_shift(self.array, other))
+    def __rlshift__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(left_shift(other, self.array))
+    def __rrshift__(self,other):
+        return self._rc(right_shift(other, self.array))
+    def __ilshift__(self,other):
+        left_shift(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __irshift__(self,other):
+        right_shift(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_and(self.array, other))
+    def __rand__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_and(other, self.array))
+    def __iand__(self, other):
+        bitwise_and(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __xor__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_xor(self.array, other))
+    def __rxor__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_xor(other, self.array))
+    def __ixor__(self, other):
+        bitwise_xor(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_or(self.array, other))
+    def __ror__(self, other):
+        return self._rc(bitwise_or(other, self.array))
+    def __ior__(self, other):
+        bitwise_or(self.array, other, self.array)
+        return self
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return self._rc(-self.array)
+    def __pos__(self):
+        return self._rc(self.array)
+    def __abs__(self):
+        return self._rc(abs(self.array))
+    def __invert__(self):
+        return self._rc(invert(self.array))
+    def _scalarfunc(self, func):
+        if len(self.shape) == 0:
+            return func(self[0])
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "only rank-0 arrays can be converted to Python scalars."
+    def __complex__(self): return self._scalarfunc(complex)
+    def __float__(self): return self._scalarfunc(float)
+    def __int__(self): return self._scalarfunc(int)
+    def __long__(self): return self._scalarfunc(long)
+    def __hex__(self): return self._scalarfunc(hex)
+    def __oct__(self): return self._scalarfunc(oct)
+    def __lt__(self,other): return self._rc(less(self.array,other))
+    def __le__(self,other): return self._rc(less_equal(self.array,other))
+    def __eq__(self,other): return self._rc(equal(self.array,other))
+    def __ne__(self,other): return self._rc(not_equal(self.array,other))
+    def __gt__(self,other): return self._rc(greater(self.array,other))
+    def __ge__(self,other): return self._rc(greater_equal(self.array,other))
+    def copy(self): return self._rc(self.array.copy())
+    def tostring(self): return self.array.tostring()
+    def byteswap(self): return self._rc(self.array.byteswap())
+    def astype(self, typecode): return self._rc(self.array.astype(typecode))
+    def _rc(self, a):
+        if len(shape(a)) == 0: return a
+        else: return self.__class__(a)
+    def __array_wrap__(self, *args):
+        return self.__class__(args[0])
+    def __setattr__(self,attr,value):
+        if attr == 'array':
+            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
+            return
+        try:
+            self.array.__setattr__(attr, value)
+        except AttributeError:
+            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
+    # Only called after other approaches fail.
+    def __getattr__(self,attr):
+        if (attr == 'array'):
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
+        return self.array.__getattribute__(attr)
+# Test of class container 
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    temp=reshape(arange(10000),(100,100))
+    ua=container(temp)
+    # new object created begin test
+    print dir(ua)
+    print shape(ua),ua.shape # I have changed Numeric.py
+    ua_small=ua[:3,:5]
+    print ua_small
+    ua_small[0,0]=10  # this did not change ua[0,0], which is not normal behavior
+    print ua_small[0,0],ua[0,0]
+    print sin(ua_small)/3.*6.+sqrt(ua_small**2)
+    print less(ua_small,103),type(less(ua_small,103))
+    print type(ua_small*reshape(arange(15),shape(ua_small)))
+    print reshape(ua_small,(5,3))
+    print transpose(ua_small)

Deleted: trunk/numpy/linalg/old.py
--- trunk/numpy/linalg/old.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/linalg/old.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-"""Backward compatible with LinearAlgebra from Numeric
-# This module is a lite version of the linalg.py module in SciPy which contains
-# high-level Python interface to the LAPACK library.  The lite version
-# only accesses the following LAPACK functions: dgesv, zgesv, dgeev,
-# zgeev, dgesdd, zgesdd, dgelsd, zgelsd, dsyevd, zheevd, dgetrf, dpotrf.
-__all__ = ['LinAlgError', 'solve_linear_equations', 
-           'inverse', 'cholesky_decomposition', 'eigenvalues',
-           'Heigenvalues', 'generalized_inverse', 
-           'determinant', 'singular_value_decomposition', 
-           'eigenvectors',  'Heigenvectors',
-           'linear_least_squares'
-           ]
-from numpy.core import transpose
-import linalg
-# Linear equations
-LinAlgError = linalg.LinAlgError
-def solve_linear_equations(a, b):
-    return linalg.solve(a,b)
-# Matrix inversion
-def inverse(a):
-    return linalg.inv(a)
-# Cholesky decomposition
-def cholesky_decomposition(a):
-    return linalg.cholesky(a)
-# Eigenvalues
-def eigenvalues(a):
-    return linalg.eigvals(a)
-def Heigenvalues(a, UPLO='L'):
-    return linalg.eigvalsh(a,UPLO)
-# Eigenvectors
-def eigenvectors(A):
-    w, v = linalg.eig(A)
-    return w, transpose(v)
-def Heigenvectors(A):
-    w, v = linalg.eigh(A)
-    return w, transpose(v)
-# Generalized inverse
-def generalized_inverse(a, rcond = 1.e-10):
-    return linalg.pinv(a, rcond)
-# Determinant
-def determinant(a):
-    return linalg.det(a)
-# Linear Least Squares
-def linear_least_squares(a, b, rcond=1.e-10):
-    """returns x,resids,rank,s
-where x minimizes 2-norm(|b - Ax|)
-      resids is the sum square residuals
-      rank is the rank of A
-      s is the rank of the singular values of A in descending order
-If b is a matrix then x is also a matrix with corresponding columns.
-If the rank of A is less than the number of columns of A or greater than
-the number of rows, then residuals will be returned as an empty array
-otherwise resids = sum((b-dot(A,x)**2).
-Singular values less than s[0]*rcond are treated as zero.
-    return linalg.lstsq(a,b,rcond)
-def singular_value_decomposition(A, full_matrices=0):
-    return linalg.svd(A, full_matrices)

Modified: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/__init__.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/__init__.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/__init__.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,33 +1,25 @@
+# Don't add these to the __all__ variable
 from numpy import *
+# Add these
 from compat import *
 from olddefaults import *
-from typeconv import *
 from functions import *
-import numpy
 import compat
 import olddefaults
-import typeconv
 import functions
+import numpy
 __version__ = numpy.__version__
+del numpy
 __all__ = ['__version__']
-__all__ += numpy.__all__
 __all__ += compat.__all__
-__all__ += typeconv.__all__
-for name in olddefaults.__all__:
-    if name not in __all__:
-        __all__.append(name)
-for name in functions.__all__:
-    if name not in __all__:
-        __all__.apend(name)
+__all__ += olddefaults.__all__
+__all__ += functions.__all__
-del name
-del numpy
 del compat
 del olddefaults
 del functions
-del typeconv

Modified: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/compat.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/compat.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/compat.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 # backward compatible names from old Precision.py
-Character = 'S1'
+Character = 'c'
 UnsignedInt8 = _dt_(nt.uint8)
 UInt8 = UnsignedInt8
 UnsignedInt16 = _dt_(nt.uint16)

Added: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/linear_algebra.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/linear_algebra.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/linear_algebra.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"""Backward compatible with LinearAlgebra from Numeric
+# This module is a lite version of the linalg.py module in SciPy which contains
+# high-level Python interface to the LAPACK library.  The lite version
+# only accesses the following LAPACK functions: dgesv, zgesv, dgeev,
+# zgeev, dgesdd, zgesdd, dgelsd, zgelsd, dsyevd, zheevd, dgetrf, dpotrf.
+__all__ = ['LinAlgError', 'solve_linear_equations', 
+           'inverse', 'cholesky_decomposition', 'eigenvalues',
+           'Heigenvalues', 'generalized_inverse', 
+           'determinant', 'singular_value_decomposition', 
+           'eigenvectors',  'Heigenvectors',
+           'linear_least_squares'
+           ]
+from numpy.core import transpose
+import numpy.linalg as linalg
+# Linear equations
+LinAlgError = linalg.LinAlgError
+def solve_linear_equations(a, b):
+    return linalg.solve(a,b)
+# Matrix inversion
+def inverse(a):
+    return linalg.inv(a)
+# Cholesky decomposition
+def cholesky_decomposition(a):
+    return linalg.cholesky(a)
+# Eigenvalues
+def eigenvalues(a):
+    return linalg.eigvals(a)
+def Heigenvalues(a, UPLO='L'):
+    return linalg.eigvalsh(a,UPLO)
+# Eigenvectors
+def eigenvectors(A):
+    w, v = linalg.eig(A)
+    return w, transpose(v)
+def Heigenvectors(A):
+    w, v = linalg.eigh(A)
+    return w, transpose(v)
+# Generalized inverse
+def generalized_inverse(a, rcond = 1.e-10):
+    return linalg.pinv(a, rcond)
+# Determinant
+def determinant(a):
+    return linalg.det(a)
+# Linear Least Squares
+def linear_least_squares(a, b, rcond=1.e-10):
+    """returns x,resids,rank,s
+where x minimizes 2-norm(|b - Ax|)
+      resids is the sum square residuals
+      rank is the rank of A
+      s is the rank of the singular values of A in descending order
+If b is a matrix then x is also a matrix with corresponding columns.
+If the rank of A is less than the number of columns of A or greater than
+the number of rows, then residuals will be returned as an empty array
+otherwise resids = sum((b-dot(A,x)**2).
+Singular values less than s[0]*rcond are treated as zero.
+    return linalg.lstsq(a,b,rcond)
+def singular_value_decomposition(A, full_matrices=0):
+    return linalg.svd(A, full_matrices)

Copied: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/mlab.py (from rev 2952, trunk/numpy/lib/mlab.py)
--- trunk/numpy/lib/mlab.py	2006-08-04 18:47:25 UTC (rev 2952)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/mlab.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# This module is for compatibility only.  All functions are defined elsewhere.
+from numpy.oldnumeric import *
+__all__ = numpy.oldnumeric.__all__
+__all__ += ['rand', 'tril', 'trapz', 'hanning', 'rot90', 'triu', 'diff', 'angle', 'roots', 'ptp', 'kaiser', 'randn', 'cumprod', 'diag', 'msort', 'LinearAlgebra', 'RandomArray', 'prod', 'std', 'hamming', 'flipud', 'max', 'blackman', 'corrcoef', 'bartlett', 'eye', 'squeeze', 'sinc', 'tri', 'cov', 'svd', 'min', 'median', 'fliplr', 'eig', 'mean']
+import linear_algebra as LinearAlgebra
+import random_array as RandomArray
+from numpy import tril, trapz as _Ntrapz, hanning, rot90, triu, diff, \
+     angle, roots, ptp as _Nptp, kaiser, cumprod as _Ncumprod, \
+     diag, msort, prod as _Nprod, std as _Nstd, hamming, flipud, \
+     amax as _Nmax, amin as _Nmin, blackman, bartlett, corrcoef as _Ncorrcoef,\
+     cov as _Ncov, squeeze, sinc, median, fliplr, mean as _Nmean
+from numpy.linalg import eig, svd
+from numpy.random import rand, randn
+from typeconv import oldtype2dtype as o2d
+def eye(N, M=None, k=0, typecode=None):
+    """ eye returns a N-by-M 2-d array where the  k-th diagonal is all ones,
+        and everything else is zeros.
+    """
+    dtype = o2d[typecode]
+    if M is None: M = N
+    m = nn.equal(nn.subtract.outer(nn.arange(N), nn.arange(M)),-k)
+    if m.dtype != dtype:
+        return m.astype(dtype)
+def tri(N, M=None, k=0, typecode=None):
+    """ returns a N-by-M array where all the diagonals starting from
+        lower left corner up to the k-th are all ones.
+    """
+    dtype = o2d[typecode]
+    if M is None: M = N
+    m = nn.greater_equal(nn.subtract.outer(nn.arange(N), nn.arange(M)),-k)
+    if m.dtype != dtype:
+        return m.astype(dtype)
+def trapz(y, x=None, axis=-1):
+    return _Ntrapz(y, x, axis=axis)
+def ptp(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nptp(x, axis)
+def cumprod(x, axis=0):
+    return _Ncumprod(x, axis)
+def max(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nmax(x, axis)
+def min(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nmin(x, axis)
+def prod(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nprod(x, axis)
+def std(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nstd(x, axis)
+def mean(x, axis=0):
+    return _Nmean(x, axis)
+def cov(m, y=None, rowvar=0, bias=0):
+    return _Ncov(m, y, rowvar, bias)
+def corrcoef(x, y=None):
+    return _Ncorrcoef(x,y,0,0)

Modified: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/olddefaults.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/olddefaults.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/olddefaults.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,45 +1,32 @@
-__all__ = ['ones', 'empty', 'identity', 'zeros', 'eye', 'tri']
+__all__ = ['ones', 'empty', 'identity', 'zeros']
 import numpy.core.multiarray as mu
 import numpy.core.numeric as nn
-def ones(shape, dtype=int, order='C'):
+from typeconv import convtypecode
+def ones(shape, typecode='l', savespace=0, dtype=None):
     """ones(shape, dtype=int) returns an array of the given
     dimensions which is initialized to all ones.
-    a = mu.empty(shape, dtype, order)
+    dtype = convtypecode(typecode,dtype)
+    a = mu.empty(shape, dtype)
     return a
-def zeros(shape, dtype=int, order='C'):
+def zeros(shape, typecode='l', savespace=0, dtype=None):
     """zeros(shape, dtype=int) returns an array of the given
     dimensions which is initialized to all zeros
-    return mu.zeros(shape, dtype, order)
+    dtype = convtypecode(typecode,dtype)            
+    return mu.zeros(shape, dtype)
-def identity(n,dtype=int):
+def identity(n,typecode='l', dtype=None):
     """identity(n) returns the identity 2-d array of shape n x n.
+    dtype = convtypecode(typecode, dtype)
     return nn.identity(n, dtype)
-def eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=int):
-    """ eye returns a N-by-M 2-d array where the  k-th diagonal is all ones,
-        and everything else is zeros.
-    """
-    if M is None: M = N
-    m = nn.equal(nn.subtract.outer(nn.arange(N), nn.arange(M)),-k)
-    if m.dtype != dtype:
-        return m.astype(dtype)
-def tri(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=int):
-    """ returns a N-by-M array where all the diagonals starting from
-        lower left corner up to the k-th are all ones.
-    """
-    if M is None: M = N
-    m = nn.greater_equal(nn.subtract.outer(nn.arange(N), nn.arange(M)),-k)
-    if m.dtype != dtype:
-        return m.astype(dtype)
-def empty(shape, dtype=int, order='C'):
+def empty(shape, typecode='l', dtype=None):
+    dtype = convtypecode(typecode, dtype)    
     return mu.empty(shape, dtype, order)

Added: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/random_array.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/random_array.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/random_array.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# Backward compatible module for RandomArray
+__all__ = ['ArgumentError','F','beta','binomial','chi_square', 'exponential', 'gamma', 'get_seed',
+           'mean_var_test', 'multinomial', 'multivariate_normal', 'negative_binomial',
+           'noncentral_F', 'noncentral_chi_square', 'normal', 'permutation', 'poisson', 'randint',
+           'random', 'random_integers', 'seed', 'standard_normal', 'uniform']
+ArgumentError = ValueError
+import numpy.random.mtrand as mt
+import numpy as Numeric
+from types import IntType
+def seed(x=0, y=0):
+    if (x == 0 or y == 0):
+        mt.seed()
+    else:
+        mt.seed((x,y))        
+def get_seed():
+    raise NotImplementedError, \
+          "If you want to save the state of the random number generator.\n"\
+          "Then you should use obj = numpy.random.get_state() followed by.\n"\
+          "numpy.random.set_state(obj)."
+def random(shape=[]):
+    "random(n) or random([n, m, ...]) returns array of random numbers"
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.random_sample(shape)
+def uniform(minimum, maximum, shape=[]):
+    """uniform(minimum, maximum, shape=[]) returns array of given shape of random reals
+    in given range"""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.uniform(minimum, maximum, shape)
+def randint(minimum, maximum=None, shape=[]):
+    """randint(min, max, shape=[]) = random integers >=min, < max
+    If max not given, random integers >= 0, <min"""
+    if not isinstance(minimum, IntType):
+        raise ArgumentError, "randint requires first argument integer"
+    if maximum is None:
+        maximum = minimum
+        minimum = 0
+    if not isinstance(maximum, IntType):
+        raise ArgumentError, "randint requires second argument integer"
+    a = ((maximum-minimum)* random(shape))
+    if isinstance(a, Numeric.ArrayType):
+        return minimum + a.astype(Numeric.Int)
+    else:
+        return minimum + int(a)
+def random_integers(maximum, minimum=1, shape=[]):
+    """random_integers(max, min=1, shape=[]) = random integers in range min-max inclusive"""
+    return randint(minimum, maximum+1, shape)
+def permutation(n):
+    "permutation(n) = a permutation of indices range(n)"
+    return mt.permutation(n)
+def standard_normal(shape=[]):
+    """standard_normal(n) or standard_normal([n, m, ...]) returns array of
+           random numbers normally distributed with mean 0 and standard
+           deviation 1"""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.standard_normal(shape)
+def normal(mean, std, shape=[]):
+        """normal(mean, std, n) or normal(mean, std, [n, m, ...]) returns
+           array of random numbers randomly distributed with specified mean and
+           standard deviation"""
+        if shape == []:
+            shape = None
+        return mt.normal(mean, std, shape)
+def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
+       """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])
+          returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed random numbers
+          with specified mean and covariance.
+          mean must be a 1 dimensional array. cov must be a square two dimensional
+          array with the same number of rows and columns as mean has elements.
+          The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a multivariate
+          normal.
+          The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., cov.shape[0]).
+          In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multivariate
+          normal."""
+       if shape == []:
+           shape = None
+       return mt.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape)
+def exponential(mean, shape=[]):
+    """exponential(mean, n) or exponential(mean, [n, m, ...]) returns array
+      of random numbers exponentially distributed with specified mean"""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.exponential(mean, shape)
+def beta(a, b, shape=[]):
+    """beta(a, b) or beta(a, b, [n, m, ...]) returns array of beta distributed random numbers."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.beta(a, b, shape)
+def gamma(a, r, shape=[]):
+    """gamma(a, r) or gamma(a, r, [n, m, ...]) returns array of gamma distributed random numbers."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.gamma(a, r, shape)
+def F(dfn, dfd, shape=[]):
+    """F(dfn, dfd) or F(dfn, dfd, [n, m, ...]) returns array of F distributed random numbers with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator and dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape == None
+    return mt.f(dfn, dfd, shape)
+def noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape=[]):
+    """noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nonc) or noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nonc, [n, m, ...]) returns array of noncentral F distributed random numbers with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator and dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter nconc."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.noncentral_f(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape)
+def chi_square(df, shape=[]):
+    """chi_square(df) or chi_square(df, [n, m, ...]) returns array of chi squared distributed random numbers with df degrees of freedom."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.chisquare(df, shape)
+def noncentral_chi_square(df, nconc, shape=[]):
+    """noncentral_chi_square(df, nconc) or chi_square(df, nconc, [n, m, ...]) returns array of noncentral chi squared distributed random numbers with df degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.noncentral_chisquare(df, nconc, shape)
+def binomial(trials, p, shape=[]):
+    """binomial(trials, p) or binomial(trials, p, [n, m, ...]) returns array of binomially distributed random integers.
+           trials is the number of trials in the binomial distribution.
+           p is the probability of an event in each trial of the binomial distribution."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.binomial(trials, p, shape)
+def negative_binomial(trials, p, shape=[]):
+    """negative_binomial(trials, p) or negative_binomial(trials, p, [n, m, ...]) returns
+           array of negative binomially distributed random integers.
+           trials is the number of trials in the negative binomial distribution.
+           p is the probability of an event in each trial of the negative binomial distribution."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.negative_binomial(trials, p, shape)
+def multinomial(trials, probs, shape=[]):
+    """multinomial(trials, probs) or multinomial(trials, probs, [n, m, ...]) returns
+           array of multinomial distributed integer vectors.
+           trials is the number of trials in each multinomial distribution.
+           probs is a one dimensional array. There are len(prob)+1 events.
+           prob[i] is the probability of the i-th event, 0<=i<len(prob).
+           The probability of event len(prob) is 1.-Numeric.sum(prob).
+       The first form returns a single 1-D array containing one multinomially
+           distributed vector.
+           The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., len(probs)).
+           In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multinomially
+           distributed integer 1-D array."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.multinomial(trials, probs, shape)
+def poisson(mean, shape=[]):
+    """poisson(mean) or poisson(mean, [n, m, ...]) returns array of poisson
+           distributed random integers with specified mean."""
+    if shape == []:
+        shape = None
+    return mt.poisson(mean, shape)
+def mean_var_test(x, type, mean, var, skew=[]):
+    n = len(x) * 1.0
+    x_mean = Numeric.sum(x)/n
+    x_minus_mean = x - x_mean
+    x_var = Numeric.sum(x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean)/(n-1.0)
+    print "\nAverage of ", len(x), type
+    print "(should be about ", mean, "):", x_mean
+    print "Variance of those random numbers (should be about ", var, "):", x_var
+    if skew != []:
+       x_skew = (Numeric.sum(x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean)/9998.)/x_var**(3./2.)
+       print "Skewness of those random numbers (should be about ", skew, "):", x_skew
+def test():
+    obj = mt.get_state()
+    mt.set_state(obj)
+    obj2 = mt.get_state()
+    if (obj2[1] - obj[1]).any():
+        raise SystemExit, "Failed seed test."
+    print "First random number is", random()
+    print "Average of 10000 random numbers is", Numeric.sum(random(10000))/10000.
+    x = random([10,1000])
+    if len(x.shape) != 2 or x.shape[0] != 10 or x.shape[1] != 1000:
+        raise SystemExit, "random returned wrong shape"
+    x.shape = (10000,)
+    print "Average of 100 by 100 random numbers is", Numeric.sum(x)/10000.
+    y = uniform(0.5,0.6, (1000,10))
+    if len(y.shape) !=2 or y.shape[0] != 1000 or y.shape[1] != 10:
+        raise SystemExit, "uniform returned wrong shape"
+    y.shape = (10000,)
+    if Numeric.minimum.reduce(y) <= 0.5 or Numeric.maximum.reduce(y) >= 0.6:
+        raise SystemExit, "uniform returned out of desired range"
+    print "randint(1, 10, shape=[50])"
+    print randint(1, 10, shape=[50])
+    print "permutation(10)", permutation(10)
+    print "randint(3,9)", randint(3,9)
+    print "random_integers(10, shape=[20])"
+    print random_integers(10, shape=[20])
+    s = 3.0
+    x = normal(2.0, s, [10, 1000])
+    if len(x.shape) != 2 or x.shape[0] != 10 or x.shape[1] != 1000:
+        raise SystemExit, "standard_normal returned wrong shape"
+    x.shape = (10000,)
+    mean_var_test(x, "normally distributed numbers with mean 2 and variance %f"%(s**2,), 2, s**2, 0)
+    x = exponential(3, 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "random numbers exponentially distributed with mean %f"%(s,), s, s**2, 2)
+    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([10,20]), Numeric.array(([1,2],[2,4])))
+    print "\nA multivariate normal", x
+    if x.shape != (2,): raise SystemExit, "multivariate_normal returned wrong shape"
+    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([10,20]), Numeric.array([[1,2],[2,4]]), [4,3])
+    print "A 4x3x2 array containing multivariate normals"
+    print x
+    if x.shape != (4,3,2): raise SystemExit, "multivariate_normal returned wrong shape"
+    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([-100,0,100]), Numeric.array([[3,2,1],[2,2,1],[1,1,1]]), 10000)
+    x_mean = Numeric.sum(x)/10000.
+    print "Average of 10000 multivariate normals with mean [-100,0,100]"
+    print x_mean
+    x_minus_mean = x - x_mean
+    print "Estimated covariance of 10000 multivariate normals with covariance [[3,2,1],[2,2,1],[1,1,1]]"
+    print Numeric.dot(Numeric.transpose(x_minus_mean),x_minus_mean)/9999.
+    x = beta(5.0, 10.0, 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "beta(5.,10.) random numbers", 0.333, 0.014)
+    x = gamma(.01, 2., 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "gamma(.01,2.) random numbers", 2*100, 2*100*100)
+    x = chi_square(11., 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "chi squared random numbers with 11 degrees of freedom", 11, 22, 2*Numeric.sqrt(2./11.))
+    x = F(5., 10., 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "F random numbers with 5 and 10 degrees of freedom", 1.25, 1.35)
+    x = poisson(50., 10000)
+    mean_var_test(x, "poisson random numbers with mean 50", 50, 50, 0.14)
+    print "\nEach element is the result of 16 binomial trials with probability 0.5:"
+    print binomial(16, 0.5, 16)
+    print "\nEach element is the result of 16 negative binomial trials with probability 0.5:"
+    print negative_binomial(16, 0.5, [16,])
+    print "\nEach row is the result of 16 multinomial trials with probabilities [0.1, 0.5, 0.1 0.3]:"
+    x = multinomial(16, [0.1, 0.5, 0.1], 8)
+    print x
+    print "Mean = ", Numeric.sum(x)/8.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()

Added: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# This module re-creates the RNG interface from Numeric
+# Replace import RNG with import numpy.oldnumeric.rng as RNG
+# It is for backwards compatibility only. 
+__all__ = ['CreateGenerator','ExponentialDistribution','LogNormalDistribution','NormalDistribution',
+           'UniformDistribution', 'error', 'default_distribution', 'random_sample', 'ranf',
+           'standard_generator']
+import numpy.random.mtrand as mt
+import math
+class error(Exception):
+    pass
+class Distribution(object):
+    def __init__(self, meth, *args):
+        self._meth = meth
+        self._args = args
+    def density(self,x):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __call__(self, x):
+        return self.density(x)
+    def _onesample(self, rng):
+        return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args)
+    def _sample(self, rng, n):
+        kwds = {'size' : n}
+        return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args, **kwds)
+class ExponentialDistribution(Distribution):
+    def __init__(self, lambda_):
+        if (lambda_ <= 0):
+            raise error, "parameter must be positive"  
+        Distribution.__init__(self, 'exponential', lambda_)
+    def density(x):
+        if x < 0:
+            return 0.0
+        else:
+            lambda_ = self._args[0]
+            return lambda_*exp(-lambda_*x)
+class LogNormalDistribution(Distribution):
+    def __init__(self, m, s):
+        m = float(m)
+        s = float(s)
+        if (s <= 0):
+            raise error, "standard deviation must be positive"
+        Distribution.__init__(self, 'lognormal', m, s)
+        sn = math.log(1.0+s*s/(m*m));
+        self._mn = math.log(m)-0.5*sn
+        self._sn = math.sqrt(sn)
+        self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/self._sn
+    def density(x):
+        m,s = self._args
+        y = (math.log(x)-self._mn)/self._sn
+        return self._fac*exp(-0.5*y*y)/x
+class NormalDistribution(Distribution):
+    def __init__(self, m, s):
+        m = float(m)
+        s = float(s)
+        if (s <= 0):
+            raise error, "standard deviation must be positive"
+        Distribution.__init__(self, 'normal', m, s)
+        self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/s
+    def density(x):
+        m,s = self._args
+        y = (x-m)/s
+        return self._fac*exp(-0.5*y*y)
+class UniformDistribution(Distribution):
+    def __init__(self, a, b):
+        a = float(a)
+        b = float(b)
+        width = b-a
+        if (width <=0):
+            raise error, "width of uniform distribution must be > 0"
+        Distribution.__init__(self, 'uniform', a, b)
+        self._fac = 1.0/width
+    def density(x):
+        a, b = self._args
+        if (x < a) or (x >= b):
+            return 0.0
+        else:
+            return self._fac
+default_distribution = UniformDistribution(0.0,1.0)
+class CreateGenerator(object):
+    def __init__(self, seed, dist=None):
+        if seed <= 0:
+            self._rng = mt.RandomState()
+        elif seed > 0:
+            self._rng = mt.RandomState(seed)
+        if dist is None:
+            dist = default_distribution
+        if not isinstance(dist, Distribution):
+            raise error, "Not a distribution object"
+        self._dist = dist
+    def ranf(self):
+        return self._dist._onesample(self._rng)
+    def sample(self, n):
+        return self._dist._sample(self._rng, n)
+standard_generator = CreateGenerator(-1)
+def ranf():
+    "ranf() = a random number from the standard generator."
+    return standard_generator.ranf()
+def random_sample(*n):
+    """random_sample(n) = array of n random numbers;
+    random_sample(n1, n2, ...)= random array of shape (n1, n2, ..)"""
+    if not n:
+        return standard_generator.ranf()
+    m = 1
+    for i in n:
+        m = m * i
+    return standard_generator.sample(m).reshape(*n)

Added: trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng_stats.py
--- trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng_stats.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/oldnumeric/rng_stats.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+__all__ = ['average', 'histogram', 'standardDeviation', 'variance']
+import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric
+def average(data):
+    data = Numeric.array(data)
+    return Numeric.add.reduce(data)/len(data)
+def variance(data):
+    data = Numeric.array(data)
+    return Numeric.add.reduce((data-average(data))**2)/(len(data)-1)
+def standardDeviation(data):
+    data = Numeric.array(data)
+    return Numeric.sqrt(variance(data))
+def histogram(data, nbins, range = None):
+    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)
+    if range is None:
+        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
+        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
+    else:
+        min, max = range
+        data = Numeric.repeat(data,
+                              Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
+                                                  Numeric.greater_equal(data,
+                                                                        min)))
+    bin_width = (max-min)/nbins
+    data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
+    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(
+        Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
+    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
+    bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5)
+    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))

Deleted: trunk/numpy/random/old.py
--- trunk/numpy/random/old.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/random/old.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ['ArgumentError','F','beta','binomial','chi_square', 'exponential', 'gamma', 'get_seed',
-           'mean_var_test', 'multinomial', 'multivariate_normal', 'negative_binomial',
-           'noncentral_F', 'noncentral_chi_square', 'normal', 'permutation', 'poisson', 'randint',
-           'random', 'random_integers', 'seed', 'standard_normal', 'uniform']
-ArgumentError = ValueError
-import numpy.random.mtrand as mt
-import numpy as Numeric
-from types import IntType
-def seed(x=0, y=0):
-    if (x == 0 or y == 0):
-        mt.seed()
-    else:
-        mt.seed((x,y))        
-def get_seed():
-    raise NotImplementedError, \
-          "If you want to save the state of the random number generator.\n"\
-          "Then you should use obj = numpy.random.get_state() followed by.\n"\
-          "numpy.random.set_state(obj)."
-def random(shape=[]):
-    "random(n) or random([n, m, ...]) returns array of random numbers"
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.random_sample(shape)
-def uniform(minimum, maximum, shape=[]):
-    """uniform(minimum, maximum, shape=[]) returns array of given shape of random reals
-    in given range"""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.uniform(minimum, maximum, shape)
-def randint(minimum, maximum=None, shape=[]):
-    """randint(min, max, shape=[]) = random integers >=min, < max
-    If max not given, random integers >= 0, <min"""
-    if not isinstance(minimum, IntType):
-        raise ArgumentError, "randint requires first argument integer"
-    if maximum is None:
-        maximum = minimum
-        minimum = 0
-    if not isinstance(maximum, IntType):
-        raise ArgumentError, "randint requires second argument integer"
-    a = ((maximum-minimum)* random(shape))
-    if isinstance(a, Numeric.ArrayType):
-        return minimum + a.astype(Numeric.Int)
-    else:
-        return minimum + int(a)
-def random_integers(maximum, minimum=1, shape=[]):
-    """random_integers(max, min=1, shape=[]) = random integers in range min-max inclusive"""
-    return randint(minimum, maximum+1, shape)
-def permutation(n):
-    "permutation(n) = a permutation of indices range(n)"
-    return mt.permutation(n)
-def standard_normal(shape=[]):
-    """standard_normal(n) or standard_normal([n, m, ...]) returns array of
-           random numbers normally distributed with mean 0 and standard
-           deviation 1"""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.standard_normal(shape)
-def normal(mean, std, shape=[]):
-        """normal(mean, std, n) or normal(mean, std, [n, m, ...]) returns
-           array of random numbers randomly distributed with specified mean and
-           standard deviation"""
-        if shape == []:
-            shape = None
-        return mt.normal(mean, std, shape)
-def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
-       """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])
-          returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed random numbers
-          with specified mean and covariance.
-          mean must be a 1 dimensional array. cov must be a square two dimensional
-          array with the same number of rows and columns as mean has elements.
-          The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a multivariate
-          normal.
-          The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., cov.shape[0]).
-          In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multivariate
-          normal."""
-       if shape == []:
-           shape = None
-       return mt.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape)
-def exponential(mean, shape=[]):
-    """exponential(mean, n) or exponential(mean, [n, m, ...]) returns array
-      of random numbers exponentially distributed with specified mean"""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.exponential(mean, shape)
-def beta(a, b, shape=[]):
-    """beta(a, b) or beta(a, b, [n, m, ...]) returns array of beta distributed random numbers."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.beta(a, b, shape)
-def gamma(a, r, shape=[]):
-    """gamma(a, r) or gamma(a, r, [n, m, ...]) returns array of gamma distributed random numbers."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.gamma(a, r, shape)
-def F(dfn, dfd, shape=[]):
-    """F(dfn, dfd) or F(dfn, dfd, [n, m, ...]) returns array of F distributed random numbers with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator and dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape == None
-    return mt.f(dfn, dfd, shape)
-def noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape=[]):
-    """noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nonc) or noncentral_F(dfn, dfd, nonc, [n, m, ...]) returns array of noncentral F distributed random numbers with dfn degrees of freedom in the numerator and dfd degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter nconc."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.noncentral_f(dfn, dfd, nconc, shape)
-def chi_square(df, shape=[]):
-    """chi_square(df) or chi_square(df, [n, m, ...]) returns array of chi squared distributed random numbers with df degrees of freedom."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.chisquare(df, shape)
-def noncentral_chi_square(df, nconc, shape=[]):
-    """noncentral_chi_square(df, nconc) or chi_square(df, nconc, [n, m, ...]) returns array of noncentral chi squared distributed random numbers with df degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.noncentral_chisquare(df, nconc, shape)
-def binomial(trials, p, shape=[]):
-    """binomial(trials, p) or binomial(trials, p, [n, m, ...]) returns array of binomially distributed random integers.
-           trials is the number of trials in the binomial distribution.
-           p is the probability of an event in each trial of the binomial distribution."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.binomial(trials, p, shape)
-def negative_binomial(trials, p, shape=[]):
-    """negative_binomial(trials, p) or negative_binomial(trials, p, [n, m, ...]) returns
-           array of negative binomially distributed random integers.
-           trials is the number of trials in the negative binomial distribution.
-           p is the probability of an event in each trial of the negative binomial distribution."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.negative_binomial(trials, p, shape)
-def multinomial(trials, probs, shape=[]):
-    """multinomial(trials, probs) or multinomial(trials, probs, [n, m, ...]) returns
-           array of multinomial distributed integer vectors.
-           trials is the number of trials in each multinomial distribution.
-           probs is a one dimensional array. There are len(prob)+1 events.
-           prob[i] is the probability of the i-th event, 0<=i<len(prob).
-           The probability of event len(prob) is 1.-Numeric.sum(prob).
-       The first form returns a single 1-D array containing one multinomially
-           distributed vector.
-           The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., len(probs)).
-           In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multinomially
-           distributed integer 1-D array."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.multinomial(trials, probs, shape)
-def poisson(mean, shape=[]):
-    """poisson(mean) or poisson(mean, [n, m, ...]) returns array of poisson
-           distributed random integers with specified mean."""
-    if shape == []:
-        shape = None
-    return mt.poisson(mean, shape)
-def mean_var_test(x, type, mean, var, skew=[]):
-    n = len(x) * 1.0
-    x_mean = Numeric.sum(x)/n
-    x_minus_mean = x - x_mean
-    x_var = Numeric.sum(x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean)/(n-1.0)
-    print "\nAverage of ", len(x), type
-    print "(should be about ", mean, "):", x_mean
-    print "Variance of those random numbers (should be about ", var, "):", x_var
-    if skew != []:
-       x_skew = (Numeric.sum(x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean*x_minus_mean)/9998.)/x_var**(3./2.)
-       print "Skewness of those random numbers (should be about ", skew, "):", x_skew
-def test():
-    obj = mt.get_state()
-    mt.set_state(obj)
-    obj2 = mt.get_state()
-    if (obj2[1] - obj[1]).any():
-        raise SystemExit, "Failed seed test."
-    print "First random number is", random()
-    print "Average of 10000 random numbers is", Numeric.sum(random(10000))/10000.
-    x = random([10,1000])
-    if len(x.shape) != 2 or x.shape[0] != 10 or x.shape[1] != 1000:
-        raise SystemExit, "random returned wrong shape"
-    x.shape = (10000,)
-    print "Average of 100 by 100 random numbers is", Numeric.sum(x)/10000.
-    y = uniform(0.5,0.6, (1000,10))
-    if len(y.shape) !=2 or y.shape[0] != 1000 or y.shape[1] != 10:
-        raise SystemExit, "uniform returned wrong shape"
-    y.shape = (10000,)
-    if Numeric.minimum.reduce(y) <= 0.5 or Numeric.maximum.reduce(y) >= 0.6:
-        raise SystemExit, "uniform returned out of desired range"
-    print "randint(1, 10, shape=[50])"
-    print randint(1, 10, shape=[50])
-    print "permutation(10)", permutation(10)
-    print "randint(3,9)", randint(3,9)
-    print "random_integers(10, shape=[20])"
-    print random_integers(10, shape=[20])
-    s = 3.0
-    x = normal(2.0, s, [10, 1000])
-    if len(x.shape) != 2 or x.shape[0] != 10 or x.shape[1] != 1000:
-        raise SystemExit, "standard_normal returned wrong shape"
-    x.shape = (10000,)
-    mean_var_test(x, "normally distributed numbers with mean 2 and variance %f"%(s**2,), 2, s**2, 0)
-    x = exponential(3, 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "random numbers exponentially distributed with mean %f"%(s,), s, s**2, 2)
-    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([10,20]), Numeric.array(([1,2],[2,4])))
-    print "\nA multivariate normal", x
-    if x.shape != (2,): raise SystemExit, "multivariate_normal returned wrong shape"
-    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([10,20]), Numeric.array([[1,2],[2,4]]), [4,3])
-    print "A 4x3x2 array containing multivariate normals"
-    print x
-    if x.shape != (4,3,2): raise SystemExit, "multivariate_normal returned wrong shape"
-    x = multivariate_normal(Numeric.array([-100,0,100]), Numeric.array([[3,2,1],[2,2,1],[1,1,1]]), 10000)
-    x_mean = Numeric.sum(x)/10000.
-    print "Average of 10000 multivariate normals with mean [-100,0,100]"
-    print x_mean
-    x_minus_mean = x - x_mean
-    print "Estimated covariance of 10000 multivariate normals with covariance [[3,2,1],[2,2,1],[1,1,1]]"
-    print Numeric.dot(Numeric.transpose(x_minus_mean),x_minus_mean)/9999.
-    x = beta(5.0, 10.0, 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "beta(5.,10.) random numbers", 0.333, 0.014)
-    x = gamma(.01, 2., 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "gamma(.01,2.) random numbers", 2*100, 2*100*100)
-    x = chi_square(11., 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "chi squared random numbers with 11 degrees of freedom", 11, 22, 2*Numeric.sqrt(2./11.))
-    x = F(5., 10., 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "F random numbers with 5 and 10 degrees of freedom", 1.25, 1.35)
-    x = poisson(50., 10000)
-    mean_var_test(x, "poisson random numbers with mean 50", 50, 50, 0.14)
-    print "\nEach element is the result of 16 binomial trials with probability 0.5:"
-    print binomial(16, 0.5, 16)
-    print "\nEach element is the result of 16 negative binomial trials with probability 0.5:"
-    print negative_binomial(16, 0.5, [16,])
-    print "\nEach row is the result of 16 multinomial trials with probabilities [0.1, 0.5, 0.1 0.3]:"
-    x = multinomial(16, [0.1, 0.5, 0.1], 8)
-    print x
-    print "Mean = ", Numeric.sum(x)/8.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test()

Deleted: trunk/numpy/random/oldrng.py
--- trunk/numpy/random/oldrng.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/random/oldrng.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# This module re-creates the RNG interface from Numeric
-# Replace import RNG with import numpy.random.oldrng as RNG
-# It is for backwards compatibility only. 
-__all__ = ['CreateGenerator','ExponentialDistribution','LogNormalDistribution','NormalDistribution',
-           'UniformDistribution', 'error', 'default_distribution', 'random_sample', 'ranf',
-           'standard_generator']
-import numpy.random.mtrand as mt
-import math
-class error(Exception):
-    pass
-class Distribution(object):
-    def __init__(self, meth, *args):
-        self._meth = meth
-        self._args = args
-    def density(self,x):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def __call__(self, x):
-        return self.density(x)
-    def _onesample(self, rng):
-        return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args)
-    def _sample(self, rng, n):
-        kwds = {'size' : n}
-        return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args, **kwds)
-class ExponentialDistribution(Distribution):
-    def __init__(self, lambda_):
-        if (lambda_ <= 0):
-            raise error, "parameter must be positive"  
-        Distribution.__init__(self, 'exponential', lambda_)
-    def density(x):
-        if x < 0:
-            return 0.0
-        else:
-            lambda_ = self._args[0]
-            return lambda_*exp(-lambda_*x)
-class LogNormalDistribution(Distribution):
-    def __init__(self, m, s):
-        m = float(m)
-        s = float(s)
-        if (s <= 0):
-            raise error, "standard deviation must be positive"
-        Distribution.__init__(self, 'lognormal', m, s)
-        sn = math.log(1.0+s*s/(m*m));
-        self._mn = math.log(m)-0.5*sn
-        self._sn = math.sqrt(sn)
-        self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/self._sn
-    def density(x):
-        m,s = self._args
-        y = (math.log(x)-self._mn)/self._sn
-        return self._fac*exp(-0.5*y*y)/x
-class NormalDistribution(Distribution):
-    def __init__(self, m, s):
-        m = float(m)
-        s = float(s)
-        if (s <= 0):
-            raise error, "standard deviation must be positive"
-        Distribution.__init__(self, 'normal', m, s)
-        self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/s
-    def density(x):
-        m,s = self._args
-        y = (x-m)/s
-        return self._fac*exp(-0.5*y*y)
-class UniformDistribution(Distribution):
-    def __init__(self, a, b):
-        a = float(a)
-        b = float(b)
-        width = b-a
-        if (width <=0):
-            raise error, "width of uniform distribution must be > 0"
-        Distribution.__init__(self, 'uniform', a, b)
-        self._fac = 1.0/width
-    def density(x):
-        a, b = self._args
-        if (x < a) or (x >= b):
-            return 0.0
-        else:
-            return self._fac
-default_distribution = UniformDistribution(0.0,1.0)
-class CreateGenerator(object):
-    def __init__(self, seed, dist=None):
-        if seed <= 0:
-            self._rng = mt.RandomState()
-        elif seed > 0:
-            self._rng = mt.RandomState(seed)
-        if dist is None:
-            dist = default_distribution
-        if not isinstance(dist, Distribution):
-            raise error, "Not a distribution object"
-        self._dist = dist
-    def ranf(self):
-        return self._dist._onesample(self._rng)
-    def sample(self, n):
-        return self._dist._sample(self._rng, n)
-standard_generator = CreateGenerator(-1)
-def ranf():
-    "ranf() = a random number from the standard generator."
-    return standard_generator.ranf()
-def random_sample(*n):
-    """random_sample(n) = array of n random numbers;
-    random_sample(n1, n2, ...)= random array of shape (n1, n2, ..)"""
-    if not n:
-        return standard_generator.ranf()
-    m = 1
-    for i in n:
-        m = m * i
-    return standard_generator.sample(m).reshape(*n)

Deleted: trunk/numpy/random/oldrngstats.py
--- trunk/numpy/random/oldrngstats.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/random/oldrngstats.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ['average', 'histogram', 'standardDeviation', 'variance']
-import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric
-def average(data):
-    data = Numeric.array(data)
-    return Numeric.add.reduce(data)/len(data)
-def variance(data):
-    data = Numeric.array(data)
-    return Numeric.add.reduce((data-average(data))**2)/(len(data)-1)
-def standardDeviation(data):
-    data = Numeric.array(data)
-    return Numeric.sqrt(variance(data))
-def histogram(data, nbins, range = None):
-    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)
-    if range is None:
-        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
-        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
-    else:
-        min, max = range
-        data = Numeric.repeat(data,
-                              Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
-                                                  Numeric.greater_equal(data,
-                                                                        min)))
-    bin_width = (max-min)/nbins
-    data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
-    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(
-        Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
-    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
-    bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5)
-    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))

Modified: trunk/numpy/setup.py
--- trunk/numpy/setup.py	2006-08-04 20:54:57 UTC (rev 2953)
+++ trunk/numpy/setup.py	2006-08-04 23:32:12 UTC (rev 2954)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+    config.add_subpackage('fft')

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