[Numpy-discussion] Proposals for NumPy 1.22.0

bas van beek bas.vanbeek at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 10 04:56:47 EDT 2021

                NEP 29 says December 2021, so that'd be kind of borderline. It would allow us to use positional-only parameters, which would be quite useful.

There is currently also a substantial amount of version checks in `numpy.typing` that we could get rid of with python >= 3.8.


From: NumPy-Discussion <numpy-discussion-bounces+bas.vanbeek=hotmail.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Ralf Gommers
Sent: Wednesday, 9 June 2021 22:15
To: Discussion of Numerical Python <numpy-discussion at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Proposals for NumPy 1.22.0

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 8:19 PM Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com<mailto:charlesr.harris at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

Here are some proposals for the NumPy 1.22.0 release currently in development.

  1.  Drop support for Python 3.7 (3.10 will be available).
NEP 29 says December 2021, so that'd be kind of borderline. It would allow us to use positional-only parameters, which would be quite useful.

  1.  Drop manylinux1 wheels.
  2.  Drop manylinux2010 wheels?
yes, and yes

  1.  Use ILP64 BLAS for 64 bit wheels.
Seems fine I guess. Is there a lot of demand?

Also something I'm not sure about is if we can mix two versions (one ILP64, one regular) of OpenBLAS in a numpy and a scipy wheel, and load them both. It seems to work, but perhaps that's accidental today?



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