[Numpy-discussion] NumPy Community Survey 2021 - Call for participation

Stephanie Mendoza stephaniemendoza2014 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 11:33:51 EDT 2021

Hello NumPy Community,

Last year’s inaugural community survey yielded participation from over
1,200 NumPy users from 75 different countries. The responses provided
invaluable feedback from the NumPy community. You can view the results from
the 2020 survey here: https://numpy.org/user-survey-2020/

It’s time for another survey, and we are counting on you once again. The
2021 survey is now LIVE, and you can participate using the following link:
https://berkeley.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aaOONjgcBXDSl4q. Please feel
free to share this link with others so that we can reach as much of the
NumPy community as possible.

Please direct any questions / concerns to stephaniemendoza2014 at gmail.com.

Stephanie Mendoza
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