[Numpy-discussion] Proposal: split numpy.distutils into it's own package

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 05:23:00 EDT 2020

On 10/25/20 10:46 AM, Dustin Spicuzza wrote:
> I took a first stab at it, and... surprise, surprise, there were a few
> more warts than I had originally expected in my initial survey. The
> biggest unexpected result is that numpy.f2py would need to also be a
> toplevel package. I did get the refactor cross-compiled and started on
> scipy, but there's a few more issues that will have to be resolved on
> the scipy side.
> I posted a detailed set of notes on the issue (#17620) and made a draft
> PR with my initial results (#17632) if you want to get a sense for how
> invasive this is (or isn't depending on your point of view).
> Dustin
Is there a way to do this without modifying SciPy? That would reassure 
me that this change will not break other peoples' workflow. It is hard 
to believe that only SciPy uses numpy.distutils. If the changes break 
backward compatibility, they need to be done like any other deprecation: 
warn for 4 releases (two years) before actually breaking workflows.


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