[Numpy-discussion] Call for Reviewers

Dr. Mark Alexander Mikofski PhD mikofski at berkeley.edu
Thu May 21 17:23:55 EDT 2020

Hi all,

I've never reviewed a Numpy PR before, but I have reviewed a (very) few
SciPy PR's. I can help tag stale PR's. Just let me know where should I
start, or what would be most helpful.


On Wed, May 20, 2020, 1:29 PM Anirudh Subramanian <anirudh2290 at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> This topic was brought up in the triage meeting today. Numpy is seeing a
> huge surge in the number of PRs (current open PRs: 253) which could means
> two things: 1. Increase in volume of incoming PRs 2. Not enough reviewers
> to review the PRs.
> One thing that was discussed in the meeting was to add a stale label : "61
> - Stale" which has already been added by Sebastian.
> The community needs some help here and I think you can help irrespective
> of your level of experience with the numpy codebase:
> 1. Experienced numpy developers - To help review PRs for the areas they
> are already familiar with.
> 2. New contributors - Can help tag a stale PR or summarizing a long
> running discussing and next or reviewing PRs/triaging issues (for example
> DOC PRs should be a good starting point).
> Numpy community has been generous with Triage access and if you are
> interested in Triaging PRs or Issues, please reply on this thread and a
> committer should probably be able to help.
> I welcome more inputs on what we should do to reduce the number of open
> PRs, and what would help increase contributors or for contributors to do
> more reviews.
> Anirudh
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