[Numpy-discussion] Inclusion of licenses

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 00:41:42 EST 2020

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 5:17 PM Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Currently we append appropriate platform  licenses to the LICENSE.txt file
> when building wheels for release. This means that there are
> uncommitted changes which shows up in the versioneer version as 'dirty',
> see the nightly files. This is unfortunate, but accurate :) There are at
> least two possible solutions to this problem.
>    1. Patch versioneer to omit the dirty string, very easy to do.
>    2. Put the platform specific file in the repo or combine them in the
>    LICENSE file.
> I don't recall why we did things the way we do, but there was a
> discussion. Patching is easy, but the second option seems preferable. In
> particular, folks who now build their own NumPy wheels aren't going to have
> the license files.
> Chuck

Note that LICENSES_bundled.txt, excluded from the sdist in MANIFEST.in, is
included in the wheel in the dist-info file.

charris at fc [numpy.git (master)]$ ls
entry_points.txt  LICENSES_bundled.txt  LICENSE.txt  METADATA  RECORD
 top_level.txt  WHEEL

Looks like any LICENSE* files in the root directory will be included in the

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