[Numpy-discussion] Release vs development testing.

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Sun May 12 09:33:08 EDT 2019

On 12.05.19 14:58, Charles R Harris wrote:
> Hi All,
> NumPy currently distinguishes between release and development versions
> when running tests. Is there a good reason to continue this practice? I
> ask, because with the last pytest release it would be convenient to
> always include `pytest.ini ` so that we can register markers. The
> presence of `pytest.ini` is how we distinguish betweendevelopment from
> release for testing purposes.

One difference between development and release builds was that in
development releases numpy.testing throws errors on floating point
exceptions while the release version it did not.
If that is still the case removing the distinction could require a lot
of changes in upstream test suites that are not regularly run against
development builds.

The motivation is not quite clear to me, can you please elaborate on
what you want to do.

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