[Numpy-discussion] Syntax Improvement for Array Transpose

Marten van Kerkwijk m.h.vankerkwijk at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 16:24:14 EDT 2019

> The main motivation for the @ PEP was actually to be able to get rid of
> objects like np.matrix and scipy.sparse matrices that redefine the meaning
> of the * operator. Quote: "This PEP proposes the minimum effective change
> to Python syntax that will allow us to drain this swamp [meaning np.matrix
> & co]."
> Notably, the @ PEP was written by Nathaniel, who was opposed to a copying
> .H.

I should note that my comment invoking the history of @ was about the
regular transpose, .mT.  The executive summary of the PEP includes the
following relevant sentence:
Currently, most numerical Python code uses * for elementwise
multiplication, and function/method syntax for matrix multiplication;
however, this leads to ugly and unreadable code in common circumstances.

Exactly the same holds for matrix transpose, and indeed for many matrix
expressions the gain in readability is lost without a clean option to do
the transpose.

-- Marten
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