[Numpy-discussion] Extent to which to work around matrix and other duck/subclass limitations

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 18:34:38 EDT 2019

On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 9:43 PM Marten van Kerkwijk <
m.h.vankerkwijk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ralf,
>>> I guess the one immediate question is whether `np.sum` and the like
>>> should be overridden by `__array_function__` at all, given that what should
>>> be the future recommended override already works.
>> I'm not sure I understand the rationale for this. Design consistency
>> matters. Right now the rule is simple: all ufuncs have __array_ufunc__, and
>> other functions __array_function__. Why keep on tweaking things for little
>> benefit?
> I'm mostly trying to understand how we would actually change things.

I think we do have ways to deprecate things and reason about how to make
the trade-offs to do so. Function overrides are not a whole lot different I
think, we can apply the same method (plus there's a special bit in NEP 18
that we reserve the right to change functions into ufuncs and use

I guess your quite logical argument for consistency is that it requires
> `np.sum is np.add.reduce`. But to do that, one would have to get rid of the
> `.sum()` method override, and then deprecate using `__array_function__` on
> `np.sum`.
> A perhaps clearer example is `np.isposinf`, where the implementation truly
> consists of ufunc calls only (indeed, it is in `lib/ufunc_like`). I guess
> following your consistency logic, one would not remove the
> `__array_function__` override until it actually became a ufunc itself.


More importantly, I think we should not even consider *discussing*
removing` __array_function__` from np.isposinf (or any similar one off
situation) before there's a new bigger picture design. This is not about
"deprecation is hard", this is about doing things with purpose rather than
ad-hoc, as well as recognizing that lots of small changes are a major drain
on our limited maintainer resources. About the latter issue I wrote a blog
post recently, perhaps that clarifies the previous sentence a bit and gives
some more insight in my perspective:


> Anyway, I think this discussion has been useful, if only in making it yet
> more clear how difficult it is to deprecate anything!
> All the best,
> Marten
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