[Numpy-discussion] Extent to which to work around matrix and other duck/subclass limitations

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 11 18:01:38 EDT 2019

On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 15:10:16 -0400, Marten van Kerkwijk wrote:
> In a way, I brought it up mostly as a concrete example of an internal
> implementation which we cannot change to an objectively cleaner one because
> other packages rely on an out-of-date numpy API.

This, and the comments Nathaniel made on the array function thread, are
important to take note of.  Would it be worth updating NEP 18 with a
list of pitfalls?  Or should this be a new informational NEP that
discusses—on a higher level—the benefits, risks, and design
considerations of providing protocols?


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