[Numpy-discussion] Extent to which to work around matrix and other duck/subclass limitations

Hameer Abbasi einstein.edison at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 15:50:07 EDT 2019

On Mon, 2019-06-10 at 13:47 -0400, Marten van Kerkwijk wrote:
> Hi All,
> In https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/12801, Tyler has been trying
> to use the new `where` argument for reductions to implement `nansum`,
> etc., using simplifications that boil down to `np.sum(...,
> where=~isnan(...))`.
> A problem that occurs is that `np.sum` will use a `.sum` method if
> that is present, and for matrix, the `.sum` method does not take a
> `where` argument. Since the `where` argument has been introduced only
> recently, similar problems may happen for array mimics that implement
> their own `.sum` method.

Hi Marten! I ran into a similar issue with the initial kwarg when I
implemented it, except at that time I just used the np._NoValue.
> The question now is what to do, with options being:
> 1. Let's stick with the existing implementation; the speed-up is not
> that great anyway.
> 2. Use try/except around the new implementation and use the old one
> if it fails.
> 3. As (2), but emit a deprecation warning. This will help array
> mimics, but not matrix (unless someone makes a PR; would we even
> accept it?);
> 4. Use the new implementation. `matrix` should be gone anyway and
> array mimics can either update their `.sum()` method or override
> `np.nansum` with `__array_function__`.
> Personally, I'd prefer (4), but realize that (3) is probably the more
> safer approach, even if it is really annoying to still be taking into
> account matrix deficiencies.

If nansum does any other kind of dispatch that should be kept around in
any case. Otherwise it failed then and it would fail now. We can catch
and raise the right type of exception for backwards compatibility if
> All the best,
> Marten
> p.s. One could also avoid the `.sum()` override altogether by doing
> `np.add.reduce(..., where=...)`, but this would probably break just
> as much.
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