[Numpy-discussion] Adding to the non-dispatched implementation of NumPy methods

Hameer Abbasi einstein.edison at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 12:06:51 EDT 2019

Hi Stephan,

> Hameer, it's great that you are exploring these problems with a fresh approach! I'm excited to see how dispatching problems could be solved without the constraint of compatibility with NumPy's legacy approaches.
> When you have a prototype and/or design documents ready for review, please do share them with the numpy-discussion list. I would be very glad to review them and share my perspective.

That’s a great idea! I’ll get those ready, perhaps a NEP.
> That said, please save it a separate discussion thread, given that the design of uarray is (wisely) orthogonal to NEP-18.
I disagree, I don’t consider it orthogonal: I’m presenting a way to avoid the very protocols being discussed, and I’d like to avoid duplicate work, or making NumPy itself un-maintainable. Please note the text of NEP-18:

> The __array_function__protocol, and its use on particular functions, is experimental. We plan to retain an interface that makes it possible to override NumPy functions, but the way to do so for particular functions can and will change with little warning. If such reduced backwards compatibility guarantees are not accepted to you, do not rely upon overrides of NumPy functions for non-NumPy arrays. See “Non-goals” below for more details.

What I’m presenting is within scope, as it’s an alternative method.

Best Regards,
Hameer Abbasi

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