[Numpy-discussion] BIDS/NumPy dev meetings, Wednesdays 12pm Pacific

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 16 17:26:57 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

This is a friendly reminder of the BIDS/NumPy dev meetings, kicking off
tomorrow at 12pm Pacific time.

Please add any topics you wish to discuss to the agenda linked below.

Best regards,

On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 22:43:58 -0700, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
> The team at BIDS meets once a week to discuss progress, priorities, and
> roadblocks.  While our priorities are broadly determined by the project
> roadmap [0], we would like to provide an opportunity for the community
> to give more regular and detailed feedback on our work.
> We therefore invite you to join us for our weekly calls,
> each **Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00 Pacific Time**.
> Detail of the next meeting (2018-10-17) is given in the agenda [1],
> which is a growing document—feel free to add topics you wish to discuss.
> We hope to see you there!  I will send another reminder next week.
> [0] https://www.numpy.org/neps/index.html
> [1] https://hackmd.io/YZfpGn5BSu6acAFLBaRjtw#

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