[Numpy-discussion] Updated 1.15.0 release notes

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 20:42:10 EDT 2018

On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 6:28 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>

> Hi Chuck,
> Are you planning on doing an rc release this time? I think the NumPy 1.14
> release was unusually bumpy and part of that was the lack of an rc. One
> example: importing h5py caused a warning under numpy 1.14 and an h5py
> release didn’t come out with a workaround or fix for a couple months. There
> was also an issue with array printing that caused problems in yt (although
> both yt and NumPy quickly did bugfix releases that fixed that).
> I guess 1.14 was particularly noisy, but still I’d really appreciate
> having a prerelease version to test against and some time to report issues
> with the prerelease so numpy and other projects can implement workarounds
> as needed without doing a release that might potentially break real users
> who happen to install right after numpy 1.x.0 comes out.

There was a 1.14.0rc1
<https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.14.0rc1>. I was too quick
for the full release, just waited three weeks, so maybe four this time. Too
few people actually test the candidates and give feedback, so I tend to
regard the *.*.0 releases as the true rc :)

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