[Numpy-discussion] Adoption of a Code of Conduct

Hameer Abbasi einstein.edison at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 01:37:24 EDT 2018

> On 28. Jul 2018, at 00:02, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A while ago, SciPy (the library) adopted its Code of Conduct:
> https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/dev/conduct/code_of_conduct.html
> We worked hard to make that document friendly, while at the same time
> stating clearly the kinds of behavior that would and would not be
> tolerated.
> I propose that we adopt the SciPy code of conduct for NumPy as well.  It
> is a good way to signal to newcomers that this is a community that cares
> about how people are treated.  And I think we should do anything in our
> power to make NumPy as attractive as possible!
> If we adopt this document as policy, we will need to select a Code of
> Conduct committee, to whom potential transgressions can be reported.
> The individuals doing this for SciPy may very well be happy to do the
> same for NumPy, but the community should decide whom will best serve
> those roles.
> Let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks!
> Stéfan
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Hi all!

I’ve been following this thread mainly from the sidelines and thought I’d give a few of my thoughts.
I like the idea that one of the rules or “protected classes” such as people of a certain race, gender, political affiliation etc. can’t use their “class status” to break any of the other rules. I believe we can make that clear in not so many words.
Nathaniel’s WeAllJS CoC seems a bit too conservative, and might promote an overly uptight and formal atmosphere, cruising through some of the examples. People should be allowed to joke and express themselves, so long as it isn’t derogatory towards others. Use of the word “crazy” should be allowed if it isn’t directed towards a person/group/work, or if it expresses extremes rather than a mental condition.
However, I do agree that a some people do like to insult people/groups/work out of habit and then just call it “jokes” or “shitposting”. No version of this should be allowed, even in humour.

Best Regards,
Hameer Abbasi
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