[Numpy-discussion] PyData Barcelona this May

Francesc Alted faltet at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 14:15:41 EST 2017

Hola Jaime!

2017-03-09 15:45 GMT+01:00 Jaime Fernández del Río <jaime.frio at gmail.com>:

> There will be a PyData conference in Barcelona this May:
> http://pydata.org/barcelona2017/
> I am planning on attending, and was thinking of maybe proposing to
> organize a numpy-themed workshop or tutorial.
> My personal inclination would be to look at some advanced topic that I
> know well, like writing gufuncs in Cython, but wouldn't mind doing a more
> run of the mill thing. Anyone has any thoughts or experiences on what has
> worked well in similar situations? Any specific topic you always wanted to
> attend a workshop on, but were afraid to ask?

​Writing gufuncs in Cython seems a quite advanced​ topic for a workshop,
but an interesting one indeed.  Numba also supports creating gufuncs (
http://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/dev/reference/numpysupported.html), so
this perhaps may work as a first approach before going deeper into Cython.

> Alternatively, or on top of the workshop, I could propose to do a talk:
> talking last year at PyData Madrid about the new indexing was a lot of fun!
> Thing is, I have been quite disconnected from the project this past year,
> and can't really think of any worthwhile topic. Is there any message that
> we as a project would like to get out to the larger community?

​Not a message in particular, but perhaps it would be nice talking about
the temporaries removal ​in expressions that Julian implemented recently (
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/7997) and that is to be released in
1.13.  It is a really cool (and somewhat scary) patch ;)

> And if you are planning on attending, please give me a shout.

​It would be nice to attend and see you again, but unfortunately I am quite
swamped.  Will see.​

​Have fun in Barcelona!​

Francesc Alted
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