[Numpy-discussion] numpy threads crash when allocating arrays

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 14 15:28:42 EDT 2016

On 14.06.2016 19:34, Burlen Loring wrote:

> here's my question: given Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS is used by numpy how
> can numpy be thread safe? and how can someone using the C-API know where
> it's necessary to acquire the GIL? Maybe someone can explain this?

numpy only releases the GIL when it is not accessing any python objects 
or other non-threadsafe structures anymore.
That is usually during computation loops and IO.

Your problem is indeed a missing PyGILState_Ensure

I am assuming that the threads you are using are not created by python, 
so you don't have a threadstate setup and no GIL.
You do set it up with that function, see 

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