[Numpy-discussion] Python needs goto

Alexander Eberspächer alex.eberspaecher at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 01:53:41 EDT 2015

On 24.09.2015 21:12, Charles R Harris wrote:

> I find Cleve Moler's old Fortran version of Brent's zero finding
> algorithm using gotos clearer than the structured versions you can find
> in Numerical Recipes. The operation of the algorithm is easiest to
> describe as a finite state machine.

I need to look into that piece of Fortran code. I've never (knowingly)
implemented a state-machine myself. However I can say that specifically
Fortran has named loops, which probably helps to avoid many uses of goto.

> However, the post was for laughs, I didn't expect serious discussion.

Well, then let me fill in the missing piece - the obligatory XKCD strip:



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