[Numpy-discussion] composition of the steering council (was Re: Governance model request)

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 19:08:34 EDT 2015

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Travis Oliphant <travis at continuum.io>

>> Regarding the seed council, I just tried to pick an objective
>> criterion and an arbitrary date that seemed generally in keeping with
>> idea of "should be active in the last 1-to-2-years-ish". Fiddling with
>> the exact date in particular makes very little difference -- between
>> pushing it back to 2 years ago today or forward to 1 year ago today,
>> the only thing that changes is whether Pauli makes the list or not.
>> (And Pauli is obviously a great council candidate, though I don't know
>> whether he even wants to be on it.)
>> > Personally, I have no idea how big the council should be. Too big, and
>> > there is no point, consensus is harder to reach the larger the group,
>> > and the main (only?) role of the council is to resolve issues where
>> > consensus has not been reached in the larger community. But what is
>> > too big?
>> > As for make-up of the council, I think we need to expand beyond people
>> > who have recently contributed core code.
>> >
>> > Yes, the council does need to have expertise to make technical
>> > decisions, but if you think about the likely contentious issues like
>> > ABI breakage, a core-code focused view is incomplete. So there should
>> > be representation by:
>> >
>> > Someone(s) with a long history of working with the code -- that
>> > institutional memory of why decisions were made the way they were
>> > could be key.
>> Sure -- though I can't really imagine any way of framing a rule like
>> this that *wouldn't* be satisfied by Chuck + Ralf + Pauli, so my guess
>> is that such a rule would not actually have any effect on the council
>> membership in practice.
> As the original author of NumPy, I would like to be on the seed council as
> long as it is larger than 7 people.    That is my proposal.    I don't need
> to be a permanent member, but I do believe I have enough history that I can
> understand issues even if I haven't been working on code directly.
> I think I do bring history and information that provides all of the
> history that could be helpful on occasion.     In addition, if a matter is
> important enough to even be brought to the attention of this council, I
> would like to be involved in the discussion about it.
> It's a simple change to the text --- basically an explanation that Travis
> requested to be on the seed council.

I too would like you to be a member. We could either write it into the text
in recognition of your status as the Numpy creator, or it could be the
first order of business. I would only ask that you give yourself some time
to become familiar with how things work and the people involved in the
current community. It has been some years since you have been active in
code development.


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