[Numpy-discussion] Governance model request

Bryan Van de Ven bryanv at continuum.io
Tue Sep 22 04:21:56 EDT 2015

> I have no expectation that continuum will follow any of these paths,
> and in most cases am not even sure what that would mean, BUT just
> because I think it is useful to have a wide variety of concrete
> examples to draw on -- data is good! -- there actually are *lots* of
> examples of "community revolts" wresting projects from their original
> founders, in a variety of corporate and non-corporate contexts. Some
> examples include the nodejs->iojs fork and merge (which was about
> wresting control of the project from the founding company), the
> gcc->egcs fork and merge (which removed RMS's control over day-to-day
> running of the project), the openoffice->libreoffice fork, the
> xfree86->x.org fork (where the original core team decided to change
> the license and all the developers left), the mambo->joomla fork, the
> xchat->hexchat fork (triggered partially by people's annoyance at the
> original developer for trying to monetize the project), ... Along
> somewhat similar lines, there's also the fraught history of Qt and
> Trolltech and the conflicts between the community and commercial
> interests there.

All of there are exactly the opposite of what I asked about, and what was suggested as the threat: an original founder and corporate interest wresting control from the community. 


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