[Numpy-discussion] Generalize hstack/vstack --> stack; Block matrices like in matlab

Stephan Hoyer shoyer at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 13:18:45 EDT 2014

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Benjamin Root <ben.root at ou.edu> wrote:

> Btw, on a somewhat related note, whoever can implement ndarray to be able
> to use views from other ndarrays stitched together would get a fruit basket
> from me come the holidays and possibly naming rights for the next kid...

Ben, you should check out Biggus, which does (at least some) of what you're

Two things I would like to see before this makes it into numpy:
(1) It should handle arbitrary dimensional arrays, not just 2D.
(2) It needs to be more efficient. Composing vstack and hstack directly
makes a whole level of unnecessary intermediate copies.
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