[Numpy-discussion] Best way to expose std::vector to be used with numpy

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Tue Oct 14 08:11:25 EDT 2014

On 14/10/14 13:39, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> If the goal is to have something that works kind of like the new buffer
> protocol but with a wider variety of python versions, then you might
> find the old array interface useful:
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.interface.html
> I always get confused by the history here but I believe that that's the
> numpy-only interface that later got cleaned up and generalized to become
> the new buffer interface. Numpy itself still supports it.

Hello Nathaniel,

thanks for the pointer, that's what I need.

However, reading the documentation you linked, it looks like the new
buffer protocol is also available in Python 2.6, and I don't have the
need to support older versions, and this is confirmed by the python


So the issue is just on how to tell SWIG to implement this interface in
the wrappers it generates. Does anyone have a pointer to some relevant
documentation or examples?



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