[Numpy-discussion] f2py and debug mode

ferdinand.bayard ferdinand.bayard at strains.fr
Mon Oct 6 11:03:48 EDT 2014

Hello !
And thx for answering ! Meanwhile, I founded a solution for my problem : I
hacked some lines setting the compiler options in the f2py Python files,
which enables the generation of pdb files for debugging.

In msvc9compiler.py, line 432
self.ldflags_shared = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', *'/DEBUG',

In IntelCompiler, line 155
def get_flags(self):
    opt =  ['/nologo', '/MD', '/nbs', '/Qlowercase',

I got another problem, I could not succeed in linking with external
routines. By example, for : 

call system('....')
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _system.

(I get the same result with other libraries, even if I set the flags in
setup.py : 
ext1 = Extension(name = moduleName,
				sources = ...,
				libraries = ...,
				library_dirs = ...,
				f2py_options = f2py_options)

Thx for your help.

Pearu Peterson-2 wrote
> Hi,
> When you run f2py without -c option, the wrapper source files are
> generated
> without compiling them.
> With these source files and fortranobject.c, you can build the extension
> module with your specific compiler options using the compiler framework of
> your choice.
> I am not familiar with Visual Studio specifics to suggest a more detailed
> solution but after generating wrapper source files there is no f2py
> specific way to build the extension module, in fact, `f2py -c` relies on
> distutils compilation/linkage methods.
> HTH,
> Pearu
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Bayard <

> ferdinand.bayard@

> > wrote:
>> Hello to all.
>> I'm aiming to wrap a Fortran program into Python. I started to work with
>> f2py, and am trying to setup a debug mode where I could reach
>> breakpoints in Fortran module launched by Python. I've been looking in
>> the existing post, but not seeing things like that.
>> I'm used to work with visual studio 2012 and Intel Fortran compiler, I
>> have tried to get that point doing :
>> 1) Run f2py -m to get *.c wrapper
>> 2) Embed it in a C Project in Visual Studio, containing also with
>> fortranobject.c and fortranobject.h,
>> 3) Create a solution which also contains my fortran files compiled as a
>> lib
>> 4) Generate in debug mode a "dll" with extension pyd (to get to that
>> point name of the "main" function in Fortran by "_main").
>> I compiled without any error, and reach break point in C Wrapper, but
>> not in Fortran, and the fortran code seems not to be executed (whereas
>> it is when compiling with f2py -c). Trying to understand f2py code, I
>> noticed that f2py is not only writing c-wrapper, but compiling it in a
>> specific way. Is there a way to get a debug mode in Visual Studio with
>> f2py (some members of the team are used to it) ? Any alternative tool we
>> should use for debugging ?
>> Thanks for answering
>> Ferdinand
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