[Numpy-discussion] numpy gsoc ideas (was: numpy gsoc topic idea: configurable algorithm precision and vector math library integration)

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 00:17:32 EST 2014

Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:

> 3. Using Cython in the numpy core
> The numpy core contains tons of complicated C code implementing
> elaborate operations like indexing, casting, ufunc dispatch, etc. It
> would be really nice if we could use Cython to write some of these
> things.

So the idea of having a NumPy as a pure C library in the core is abandoned?

>  However, there is a practical problem: Cython assumes that
> each .pyx file generates a single compiled module with its own
> Cython-defined API. Numpy, however, contains a large number of .c
> files which are all compiled together into a single module, with its
> own home-brewed system for defining the public API. And we can't
> rewrite the whole thing. So for this to be viable, we would need some
> way to compile a bunch of .c *and .pyx* files together into a single
> module, and allow the .c and .pyx files to call each other. 

Cython takes care of that already.




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