[Numpy-discussion] SciPy 2014 BoF NumPy Participation

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 19:33:21 EDT 2014

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Kyle Mandli <kyle.mandli at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> As one of the co-chairs in charge of organizing the birds-of-a-feather
> sesssions at the SciPy conference this year, I wanted to solicit through
> the NumPy list to see if we could get enough interest to hold a NumPy
> centered BoF this year.  The BoF format would be up to those who would lead
> the discussion, a couple of ideas used in the past include picking out a
> few of the lead devs to be on a panel and have a Q&A type of session or an
> open Q&A with perhaps audience guided list of topics.  I can help
> facilitate organization of something but we would really like to get
> something organized this year (last year NumPy was the only major project
> that was not really represented in the BoF sessions).
I'll be at the conference, but I don't know who else will be there. I feel
that NumPy has matured to the point where most of the current work is
cleaning stuff up, making it run faster, and fixing bugs. A topic that I'd
like to see discussed is where do we go from here. One option to look at is
Blaze, which looks to have matured a lot in the last year. The problem with
making it a NumPy replacement is that NumPy has become quite widespread,
with downloads from PyPi running at about 3 million per year. With that
much penetration it may be difficult for a new core like Blaze to gain
traction.  So I'd like to also discuss ways to bring the two branches of
development together at some point and explore what NumPy can do to pave
the way. Mind, there are definitely things that would be nice to add to
NumPy, a better type system, missing values, etc., but doing that is
difficult given the current design.

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