[Numpy-discussion] 64-bit windows numpy / scipy wheels for testing

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Mon Jul 28 10:46:26 EDT 2014

2014-07-28 15:25 GMT+02:00 Carl Kleffner <cmkleffner at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> on https://bitbucket.org/carlkl/mingw-w64-for-python/downloads I uploaded
> 7z-archives for mingw-w64 and for OpenBLAS-0.2.10 for 32 bit and for 64 bit.
> To use mingw-w64 for Python >= 3.3 you have to manually tweak the so called
> specs file - see readme.txt in the archive.

Have the patches to build numpy and scipy with mingw-w64 been merged
in the master branches of those projects?

http://twitter.com/ogrisel - http://github.com/ogrisel

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