[Numpy-discussion] Numpy BoF at SciPy 2014 - quick report

Alan G Isaac alan.isaac at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 12:11:06 EDT 2014

On 7/18/2014 4:03 AM, Sebastian Berg wrote:
> Changing `.T` to promote to
> 2-d (also maybe to actually only transpose the last two axes for higher
> D arrays), could be nice, but getting there might take quite a long
> FutureWarning or even Error -> new feature cycle.

Considering the extent of implied breakage, I hope this will not be considered.
Also, there are already nice ways to add an axis (even optionally, with `atleast_2d`).

I think having `.T` as a no-op on a 1d array is correct behavior.
I would not change it.  However I can understand preferring an error.
(Mathematica considers it an error.)

Alan Isaac

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