[Numpy-discussion] help using np.correlate to produce correlograms.

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 11 05:19:18 EST 2014

I think it is a good time to discuss/implement further correlate
I kind of favor the mode=(tuple of integers) api for your proposed change.
Concerning the C-API we probably need to add a new wrapper function but
thats ok, the C-API does not need to be as nice as the python API as it
has far less and typically more experienced users.

I also think its time we can remove the old_behavior flag which has been
there since 1.4.
Are there objections to that?

Also on a side note, in 1.10 np.convolve/correlate has been
significantly speed up if one of the sequences is less than 12 elements

On 12/11/2014 09:54 AM, Pierre Haessig wrote:
> As a side note, I've still in mind the proposal I made back in 2013 to 
> make np.correlate faster
> http://numpy-discussion.10968.n7.nabble.com/another-discussion-on-numpy-correlate-and-convolution-td32925.html
> The basic idea is to enable the user to select the exact range of lags 
> he wants. Unfortunately I didn't take the time to go further than the 
> specification above...
> best,
> Pierre
> Le 10/12/2014 21:40, Jose Guzman a écrit :
>> Dear Pierre,
>> thank you very much for your time to correct my notebook and to point me
>> in the direction of my wrong lag estimation. It has been very useful!
>> Best
>> Jose
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