[Numpy-discussion] NumPy-Discussion OpenBLAS and dotblas

cjw cjw at ncf.ca
Tue Aug 12 18:19:15 EDT 2014


Nothing I've seen so far envisages disturbing the existing, in my 
opinion flawed, Matrix Class.

I trust that I have not missed anything.

Compilation is a complex press for a person unfamiliar with the C. 
Anything you could do to simplify that would be welcome.

Colin W.

On 12/08/2014 1:50 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com 
> <mailto:njs at pobox.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Matt,
>     On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Matti Picus
>     <matti.picus at gmail.com <mailto:matti.picus at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     > Hi Nathaniel.
>     > Thanks for your prompt reply. I think numpy is a wonderful
>     project, and you
>     > all do a great job moving it forward.
>     > If you ask what would my vision for maturing numpy, I would like
>     to see a
>     > grouping of linalg matrix-operation functionality into a python
>     level
>     > package, exactly the opposite of more tightly tying linalg into
>     the core of
>     > numpy.
>     As I understood it (though I admit Chuck was pretty terse, maybe he'll
>     correct me :-)), what he was proposing was basically just a build
>     system reorganization -- it's much easier to call between C functions
>     that are in the same Python module than C functions that are in
>     different modules, so we end up with lots of boilerplate gunk for the
>     latter. I don't think it would involve any tighter coupling than we
>     already have in practice.
> I'm trying to think of the correct sequence of moves. Here are my 
> current thoughts.
>   * Move _dotblas down into multiarray
>      1. When there is cblas, add cblas implementations of decr->f->dot.
>      2. Reimplement API matrixproduct2
>      3. Make ndarray.dot a first class method and use it for numpy.dot.
>   * Implement matmul
>      1. Add matrixmultiply (matmul?) to the numpy API
>      2. Implement __matmul__ method.
>      3. Add functions to linalg for stacked vectors.
>      4. Make sure __matmul__ works with __numpy_ufunc__
>  *
>     Consider using blas_lite instead of cblas, but that is now independent
>     of the previous steps.
> <snip>
> Chuck
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